
Deutsche Atomlobby {f} Synonyme

Englische nuclear power lobby Synonyme

nuclear  amidships  average  central  chromatinic  chromosomal  core  diploid  equatorial  equidistant  extranuclear  halfway  haploid  heteronuclear  homonuclear  interior  intermediary  intermediate  isonuclear  mean  medial  median  mediocre  mediterranean  medium  mesial  mezzo  mid  middle  middlemost  middling  midland  midmost  midships  midway  nucleal  nucleary  nucleate  nucleolar  nucleolate  nucleolated  polyploid  thermonuclear  
nuclear fission  alpha decay  atom-chipping  atom-smashing  atomic disintegration  atomic reaction  atomization  beta decay  bombardment  breeding  bullet  chain reaction  cleavage  disintegration series  dissociation  exchange reaction  fission  fission reaction  gamma decay  ionization  neutron reaction  nonreversible reaction  nucleization  photodisintegration  proton gun  proton reaction  reversible reaction  splitting the atom  stimulation  target  thermonuclear reaction  
nuclear physics  Newtonian physics  acoustics  aerophysics  applied physics  astrophysics  atomic science  atomics  atomistics  atomology  basic conductor physics  biophysics  chemical physics  cryogenics  crystallography  cytophysics  electron physics  electronics  electrophysics  geophysics  macrophysics  mass spectrography  mass spectrometry  mathematical physics  mechanics  medicophysics  microphysics  molecular physics  natural philosophy  natural science  nuclear chemistry  optics  philosophy  physic  physical chemistry  physical science  physicochemistry  physicomathematics  physics  psychophysics  quantum mechanics  radiation physics  radiology  radionics  solar physics  solid-state physics  statics  stereophysics  theoretical physics  thermionics  thermodynamics  wave mechanics  zoophysics  
nuclear power  AEC  Atomic Energy Commission  activation energy  atomic energy  atomic power  atomic project  atomic research  binding energy  electric power  electropower  energy level  horsepower  hydraulic power  hydroelectric power  impulse  jet power  manpower  mass energy  nuclear energy  piston power  propulsion  rocket power  solar power  steam power  thermonuclear power  thrust  water power  

Atomlobby {f} Definition

Horse power
() The power which a horse exerts.
Horse power
() A unit of power, used in stating the power required to drive machinery, and in estimating the capabilities of animals or steam engines and other prime movers for doing work. It is the power required for the performance of work at the rate of 33,000 English units of work per minute
Horse power
() A machine worked by a horse, for driving other machinery
(n.) A passage or hall of communication, especially when large enough to serve also as a waiting room. It differs from an antechamber in that a lobby communicates between several rooms, an antechamber to one only
(n.) That part of a hall of legislation not appropriated to the official use of the assembly
(n.) An apartment or passageway in the fore part of an old-fashioned cabin under the quarter-deck.
(n.) A confined place for cattle, formed by hedges. trees, or other fencing, near the farmyard.
(v. i.) To address or solicit members of a legislative body in the lobby or elsewhere, with the purpose to influence their votes.
(v. t.) To urge the adoption or passage of by soliciting members of a legislative body
(a.) Of or pertaining to a nucleus
(n.) Same as Poor, the fish.
(n.) Ability to act, regarded as latent or inherent
(n.) Ability, regarded as put forth or exerted
(n.) Capacity of undergoing or suffering
(n.) The exercise of a faculty
(n.) The agent exercising an ability to act
(n.) A military or naval force
(n.) A large quantity
(n.) The rate at which mechanical energy is exerted or mechanical work performed, as by an engine or other machine, or an animal, working continuously
(n.) A mechanical agent
(n.) Applied force
(n.) A machine acted upon by an animal, and serving as a motor to drive other machinery
(n.) The product arising from the multiplication of a number into itself
(n.) Mental or moral ability to act
(n.) The degree to which a lens, mirror, or any optical instrument, magnifies
(n.) An authority enabling a person to dispose of an interest vested either in himself or in another person
(n.) Hence, vested authority to act in a given case
Water power
() The power of water employed to move machinery, etc.
Water power
() A fall of water which may be used to drive machinery

nuclear power lobby Bedeutung

accession rise to power the act of attaining or gaining access to a new office or right or position (especially the throne), Elizabeth's accession in
power dive a dive of an airplane that is accelerated both by gravity and by the power of the engine
power play (ice hockey) a play in which one team has a numerical advantage over the other as a result of penalties, the team was unable to capitalize on the power play
power play a play in which there is a concentration of players in one location on the field of play, they used a power play to return the kickoff
power walking a form of cardiopulmonary exercise consisting of rapid walking accompanied by vigorous swinging of the arms
somatic cell nuclear transplantation
somatic cell nuclear transfer
nuclear transplantation
moving a cell nucleus and its genetic material from one cell to another
nuclear terrorism the use of a nuclear device by a terrorist organization to cause massive devastation or the use (or threat of use) of fissionable radioactive materials, assaults on nuclear power plants is one form of nuclear terrorism
power play
squeeze play squeeze
an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power, she laughed at this sexual power play and walked away
power trip (slang) a self-aggrandizing action undertaken simply for the pleasure of exercising control over other people
nuclear deterrence the military doctrine that an enemy will be deterred from using nuclear weapons as long as he can be destroyed as a consequence, when two nations both resort to nuclear deterrence the consequence could be mutual destruction
entrance hall
hall foyer
a large entrance or reception room or area
atomic warhead
nuclear warhead
thermonuclear warhead
the warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb
electric meter
power meter
a meter for measuring the amount of electric power used
gear geartrain
power train
wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed, the fool got his tie caught in the geartrain
hammer power hammer a power tool for drilling rocks
nuclear submarine
nuclear-powered submarine
a submarine that is propelled by nuclear power
nuclear-powered ship ship whose motive power comes from the energy of a nuclear reactor
nuclear reactor
(physics) any of several kinds of apparatus that maintain and control a nuclear reaction for the production of energy or artificial elements
nuclear rocket a rocket engine in which a nuclear reactor is used to heat a propellant
nuclear weapon
atomic weapon
a weapon of mass destruction whose explosive power derives from a nuclear reaction
point power point a wall socket
power brake a brake on an automobile that magnifies a small force applied to the brake pedal into a proportionately larger force applied to slow or stop the vehicle
power cord a cord to conduct power to an electrical appliance
power drill a power tool for drilling holes into hard materials
power line
power cable
cable used to distribute electricity
power loom a loom operated mechanically
power module module that provides power to operate other modules
power mower
motor mower
a lawn mower powered by a gasoline motor
power pack a device for converting a power supply to a voltage required by particular equipment
power saw
saw sawing machine
a power tool for cutting wood
power shovel
a machine for excavating
power station
power plant
an electrical generating station
power steering
power-assisted steering
automotive steering where engineer power amplifies the torque applied to the steering wheel
power system
power grid
a system of high tension cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a region
power takeoff
a device that transfers power from an engine (as in a tractor or other motor vehicle) to another piece of equipment (as to a pump or jackhammer)
power tool a tool driven by a motor
power pylon
a large vertical steel tower supporting high-tension power lines, power pylons are a favorite target for terrorists
drawing power the capacity for attracting people (customers or supporters)
motive power
the power or ability to move
power hunger
status seeking
a drive to acquire power
will power
the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior
physical strength
staying power
enduring strength and energy
power of appointment authority given (in a will or deed) by a donor to a donee to appoint the beneficiaries of the donor's property
sea power naval strength
acoustic power
sound pressure level
the physical intensity of sound
possession of controlling influence, the deterrent power of nuclear weapons, the power of his love saved her, his powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade
legal power
(law) the right and power to interpret and apply the law, courts having jurisdiction in this district
magical ability
magical power
an ability to perform magic
lung-power the ability to speak loudly
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