
Deutsche Aufnehmer Synonyme

Aufnehmer  Feudel  (norddt.)  Scheuerlappen  Scheuertuch  
Aufnehmer  Feudel (norddt.)  Scheuerlappen  Scheuertuch  
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Englische displacement transducer; displacement pickup Synonyme

displacement  Doppler effect  agency  alienation  amotion  autism  autistic thinking  avatar  avoidance mechanism  banishment  blame-shifting  cashiering  catabolism  catalysis  change  commutation  compensation  consubstantiation  decompensation  deconsecration  defense mechanism  defrocking  delegation  delocalization  deportation  deposal  deposition  deprivation  deputation  deputyship  deracination  dereism  dereistic thinking  dethronement  disarrangement  disarticulation  disbarment  disbarring  discontinuity  discrownment  disenthronement  disjointing  dislocation  dismissal  dissociation  draft  emotional insulation  escape  escape into fantasy  escape mechanism  escapism  exchange  excommunication  expulsion  fantasizing  fantasy  firing  flight  forced resignation  forcible shift  heterotopia  impeachment  incoherence  isolation  kicking upstairs  liquidation  luxation  metabolism  metagenesis  metamorphism  metamorphosis  metastasis  metathesis  metempsychosis  movement  moving  mutant  mutated form  mutation  negativism  ostracism  ousting  overcompensation  overthrow  overthrowal  pensioning off  permutation  power of attorney  projection  psychotaxis  purge  quid pro quo  rationalization  red shift  reincarnation  relegation  relocation  remotion  removal  removement  replacement  representation  resistance  retirement  ripping out  shift  sinkage  sociological adjustive reactions  sport  sublimation  submergence  submersion  subrogation  substitution  superannuation  supersedence  superseding  supersedure  supersession  supplantation  supplanting  supplantment  suspension  switch  tit for tat  transanimation  transfiguration  transfigurement  transformation  transformism  translation  translocation  transmigration  transmogrification  transmutation  transposition  transubstantiation  unchurching  unfrocking  unhinging  unjointing  unseating  uprooting  vicariousness  wish-fulfillment fantasy  wishful thinking  withdrawal  

Aufnehmer Definition

(n.) The act of displacing, or the state of being displaced
(n.) The quantity of anything, as water, displaced by a floating body, as by a ship, the weight of the displaced liquid being equal to that of the displacing body.
(n.) The process of extracting soluble substances from organic material and the like, whereby a quantity of saturated solvent is displaced, or removed, for another quantity of the solvent.

displacement transducer; displacement pickup Bedeutung

act of taking the place of another especially using underhanded tactics
displacement act of removing from office or employment
displacement deracination to move something from its natural environment
pickup the act of taking aboard passengers or freight
translation displacement the act of uniform movement
garbage collection
garbage pickup
trash collection
trash pickup
the collection and removal of garbage
pickup the act or process of picking up or collecting from various places, garbage pickup is on Mondays and Thursdays
cartridge pickup an electro-acoustic transducer that is the part of the arm of a record player that holds the needle and that is removable
crystal pickup a cartridge in which an output voltage is produced by the vibration of a piezoelectric crystal
electro-acoustic transducer a transducer that converts electrical to acoustic energy or vice versa
pickup truck
a light truck with an open body and low sides and a tailboard
pickup pick-me-up anything with restorative powers, she needed the pickup that coffee always gave her
televisionamera tube
television pickup tube
a tube that rapidly scans an optical image and converts it into electronic signals
tone arm
pickup pickup arm
mechanical device consisting of a light balanced arm that carries the cartridge
transducer an electrical device that converts one form of energy into another
the attribute of being capable of rapid acceleration, his car has a lot of pickup
principle of liquid displacement (hydrostatics) the volume of a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the volume of the displaced fluid
pickup a warrant to take someone into custody, put out a pickup on that man
an event in which something is displaced without rotation
pickup a casual acquaintance, often made in hope of sexual relationships
displacement (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that transfers affect or reaction from the original object to some more acceptable one
displacement displacement reaction (chemistry) a reaction in which an elementary substance displaces and sets free a constituent element from a compound
volume unit
capacity unit
capacity measure
cubage unit
cubic measure
cubic content unit
displacement unit
cubature unit
a unit of measurement of volume or capacity
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