
Deutsche Aussparung Synonyme

Aussparung  ÂNut  ÂRille  
Ausschnitt  ÂAussparung  ÂEinschnitt  ÂKerbe  ÂNut  ÂNute  ÂZahn  
Aussparung  Nut  Rille  
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Englische recess Synonyme

recess  Jim Crow  abeyance  adjourn  adytum  alcove  apartheid  apartness  ashram  asylum  bay  bolt-hole  bosom  break  breath  breathe  breather  breathing place  breathing space  breathing spell  breathing time  cache  caesura  call a break  call a recess  call time  carrel  cease-fire  cell  center  cigarette break  cloister  cocktail hour  coffee break  concealment  continue  core  corner  cove  cover  covert  coverture  cranny  cubby  cubbyhole  cubicle  dark corner  day off  declare a recess  deepest recesses  defer  delay  den  dent  depress  depths  detachment  dimple  dint  dissolve  downtime  drag out  drop  dugout  enforced respite  engrave  extend  foxhole  funk hole  half time  half-time intermission  halt  hang fire  hang up  happy hour  heart  heart of hearts  hermitage  hesitate  hesitation  hideaway  hideout  hidey hole  hiding  hiding place  hold off  hold over  hold up  hole  holiday  hollow  holy of holies  impress  imprint  indent  inglenook  inner  inner landscape  inner life  inner man  inner nature  inner recess  inner self  inside  interim  interior  interior man  interlude  intermezzo  intermission  intermit  intermittence  intern  internal  interregnum  interruption  interval  intervene  intrados  inward  isolation  isolationism  ivory tower  knock off  lair  lapse  lay aside  lay by  lay off  lay over  layoff  let up  letup  lull  mew  niche  nook  notch  off-time  oriel  pause  penetralia  pigeonhole  pit  pitchhole  plateau  pock  pockmark  point of repose  postpone  press in  privacy  privatism  privatization  prolong  prorogate  prorogue  protract  punch  punch in  push aside  put aside  put off  put on ice  quarantine  quiet spell  recesses  recession  reclusion  refuge  relief  remission  reserve  respite  rest  resting point  retirement  retreat  rise  roomlet  rustication  sanctuary  sanctum  sanctum sanctorum  seclusion  secrecy  secret place  secret places  segregation  separation  sequestration  set aside  set back  set by  se  
recession  abandonment  alcove  backset  backsliding  backward motion  backward step  bad times  bay  boom  bottoming out  business cycle  business fluctuations  bust  capitulation  cession  cooling off  corner  cove  crisis  decline  depression  dip  downturn  economic cycle  economic expansion  economic growth  economic stagnation  evil day  expanding economy  expansion  giving in  giving over  giving up  growth  hard times  heavy weather  high growth rate  inglenook  lapse  low  market expansion  niche  nook  peak  peaking  pitchhole  prosperity  rainy day  reaction  recedence  recess  recidivation  recidivism  recovery  reentry  refluence  reflux  regress  regression  relapse  relinquishment  renunciation  retreat  retroaction  retrocession  retroflexion  retrogradation  retrogression  retrusion  return  rollback  sad times  setback  slowdown  slump  stagnation  sternway  stormy weather  surrender  throwback  upturn  
recessive  atavistic  reactionary  recedent  recessional  recessionary  recidivist  recidivous  regressive  retroactive  retrocedent  retrocessive  retrograde  retrogressive  retrorse  retroverse  returnable  reversible  reversional  reversionary  revertible  revulsionary  
recessive character  Altmann theory  DNA  De Vries theory  Galtonian theory  Mendelianism  Mendelism  RNA  Verworn theory  Weismann theory  Weismannism  Wiesner theory  allele  allelomorph  birth  character  chromatid  chromatin  chromosome  determinant  determiner  diathesis  endowment  eugenics  factor  gene  genesiology  genetic code  genetics  hereditability  heredity  heritability  heritage  inborn capacity  inheritability  inheritance  matrocliny  patrocliny  pharmacogenetics  replication  


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