
Deutsche Autobus Haltebucht Synonyme

Autobus  ÂBus  ÂOmnibus  
Autobus  Bus  Omnibus  
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Englische bus bay Synonyme

bus  auto  autobus  autocar  automobile  barge  bicycle  bike  boat  buggy  cab  car  cart  catch a train  chartered bus  chauffeur  coach  crate  cycle  diligence  double-decker  dray  drive  entrain  ferry  float  go by rail  hack  haul  heap  hired car  jalopy  jitney  joyride  lighter  machine  mail coach  make a train  motor  motor coach  motor vehicle  motorbus  motorcar  motorcycle  motorized vehicle  omnibus  pedal  post coach  raft  ride  ship  sled  sledge  stage  stagecoach  take a joyride  taxi  taxicab  truck  tub  van  voiture  wagon  wheel  wheelbarrow  wheels  wreck  
busboy  Aquarius  Ganymede  Hebe  barkeep  barkeeper  barmaid  barman  bartender  bearer  bheesty  caddie  cargo handler  carhop  carrier  carrier pigeon  carter  common carrier  conveyer  coolie  counterman  cupbearer  drayman  express  expressman  freighter  gun bearer  hauler  headwaiter  homing pigeon  hostess  letter carrier  litter-bearer  porter  redcap  shield-bearer  skycap  sommelier  stevedore  stretcher-bearer  the Water Bearer  transporter  truck driver  trucker  wagoner  waiter  waitress  water boy  water carrier  wine steward  
bush  Arabia Deserta  Death Valley  Sahara  afforestation  arboretum  back country  backcountry  backwash  backwater  backwoods  barren  barren land  barrens  boondock  boondocks  borderland  bramble  brier  brier bush  brush  brushwood  bush country  bushing  bushveld  chase  climax forest  cloud forest  dendrology  desert  desolation  doubling  doublure  dust bowl  facing  filler  filling  forest  forest land  forest preserve  forestry  forests  fringing forest  frontier  gallery forest  greenwood  hanger  heath  hinterland  howling wilderness  index forest  inlay  inlayer  insole  interlineation  jungle  jungles  karroo  liner  lining  lunar landscape  lunar waste  national forest  outback  outpost  packing  padding  palmetto barrens  park  park forest  pine barrens  primeval forest  protection forest  rain forest  reforestation  salt flat  scrub  scrubland  scrubwood  selection forest  shrub  shrubbery  shrubland  shrubwood  silviculture  sprout forest  stand of timber  state forest  stuffing  the bush  timber  timberland  timbers  tree veld  uninhabited region  up-country  virgin forest  virgin land  virgin territory  wadding  wainscot  waste  wasteland  weary waste  wild  wild West  wilderness  wilds  wildwood  wood  woodland  woodlands  woods  
bushed  all in  beat  beat up  beaten  bone-weary  dead  dead-and-alive  dead-tired  deadbeat  dog-tired  dog-weary  done  done in  done up  drained  exhausted  fagged out  gone  knocked out  played out  pooped  pooped out  prostrate  ready to drop  spent  tired out  tired to death  tuckered out  used up  washed-up  weary unto death  whacked  wiped out  worn-out  
bushfighting  A-war  H-war  aerial warfare  amphibious warfare  atom war  atomic war  bacteriological warfare  biological warfare  chemical warfare  conventional war  defensive warfare  gas warfare  germ warfare  guerrilla warfare  irregular warfare  jungle warfare  land warfare  mechanized warfare  missile warfare  mobile warfare  motorized warfare  naval warfare  offensive warfare  position warfare  psychological warfare  push-button warfare  siege warfare  submarine warfare  technological warfare  trench warfare  underground warfare  virus warfare  war of attrition  war of movement  war of position  
bushing  backing  ball bearing  bearing  bevel bearing  bush  chassis  doubling  doublure  facing  filler  filling  frame  headstock  infrastructure  inlay  inlayer  insole  interlineation  jewel  liner  lining  mount  mounting  needle bearing  packing  padding  roller bearing  setting  skeleton  stuffing  thrust bearing  underframe  wadding  wainscot  
bushman  Bronze Age man  Hominidae  Iron Age man  Stone Age man  aboriginal  aborigine  ancient  antediluvian  anthropoid  ape-man  autochthon  backwoodsman  briar-hopper  brush ape  cave dweller  caveman  clam digger  cracker  desert rat  forester  fossil man  frontiersman  hillbilly  hinterlander  hominid  humanoid  man of old  missing link  mountain man  mountaineer  piny  preadamite  prehistoric man  prehuman  primate  primitive  protohuman  redneck  ridge runner  troglodyte  woodlander  woodman  woodsman  
bushwa  balderdash  baloney  bilge  blah  blah-blah  bop  bosh  bull  bullshit  bunk  bunkum  crap  eyewash  flapdoodle  gas  guff  gup  hogwash  hokum  hooey  hot air  malarkey  moonshine  piffle  poppycock  rot  scat  shit  tommyrot  tripe  wind  
bushwhack  ambush  assail  assault  astonish  attack  blitz  catch off-guard  catch unawares  come at  come down on  come from behind  come upon unexpectedly  crack down on  descend on  descend upon  do the unexpected  drop in on  fall on  fall upon  gang up on  go at  go for  harry  have at  hit  hit like lightning  jump  land on  lay at  lay hands on  lay into  light into  mug  pitch into  pounce upon  pound  pull up short  sail into  set on  set upon  spring a surprise  spring upon  strike  surprise  swoop down on  take by surprise  take short  take the offensive  take unawares  wade into  
bushwhacker  Charley  VC  Vietcong  ancestor  announcer  antecedent  avant-garde  bellwether  buccinator  bushfighter  casual  explorer  forebear  foregoer  forerunner  front runner  frontiersman  fugleman  groundbreaker  guerrilla  guide  harbinger  herald  innovator  irregular  lead runner  leader  maquis  maquisard  messenger  partisan  pathfinder  pioneer  point  precedent  precursor  predecessor  resistance  resistance fighter  scout  stormy petrel  trailblazer  trailbreaker  underground  underground fighter  vanguard  vaunt-courier  voortrekker  
bushy  afforestational  arborary  arboreal  arboreous  arborescent  arboresque  arborical  arboriform  bosky  braky  bristly  bushlike  cirrose  citrous  coniferous  copsy  deciduous  dendriform  dendritic  dendroid  dendrologic  evergreen  fleecy  flocculent  forest  forestal  forested  furry  fuzzy  hairy  hardwood  hirsute  hispid  lanate  matted  nondeciduous  pilose  piny  pubescent  reforestational  scrubbly  scrubby  scrublike  shagged  shaggy  shrubby  shrublike  silvicultural  softwood  sylvan  timbered  treelike  unshorn  wooded  woodland  woodsy  woody  woolly  
business  Aktiengesellschaft  acting  action  activeness  activism  activity  affair  aktiebolag  allegiance  area  art  assigned task  attempt  balance of trade  big business  body corporate  bounden duty  buffoonery  burden  business dealings  business establishment  call of duty  calling  career  career building  careerism  cartel  chamber of commerce  characterization  charge  combine  commerce  commercial  commercial affairs  commercial enterprise  commercial relations  commitment  compagnie  company  concern  concernment  conglomerate  conglomerate corporation  consolidating company  consortium  contract  copartnership  corporate body  corporation  craft  custom  deal  dealing  dealings  dedication  deference  devoir  devotion  dingus  diversified corporation  dofunny  doing  doings  duties and responsibilities  duty  effort  employment  engagement  enterprise  establishment  ethics  fair trade  fealty  firm  free trade  function  gadget  gag  game  gizmo  goings-on  ham  hammy acting  handicraft  hoke  hokum  holding company  homage  hootenanny  house  imperative  impersonation  industrial  industry  intercourse  interest  issue  jigger  job  joint-stock association  joint-stock company  lifework  line  line of business  line of duty  line of work  lookout  loyalty  market  marketing  matter  mercantile  mercantile business  merchant  merchantry  metier  militancy  mimesis  mimicking  mimicry  miming  mission  motion  movement  multilateral trade  mummery  must  mystery  number  obligation  occasions  occupation  office  onus  operating company  operation  organization  ought  outfit  overacting  palaver  pantomiming  partnership  patter  performance  performing  personation  place  plan  playacting  playing  plunderbund  point  political activism  pool  portrayal  practice  problem  proceeding  proceedings  profession  program  project  projection  proposition  proprietorship  province  public utility  pursuit  question  racket  reciprocal trade  representat  
business cycle  boom  bottoming out  business fluctuations  bust  cooling off  crisis  depression  downturn  economic cycle  economic expansion  economic growth  expanding economy  expansion  growth  high growth rate  low  market expansion  peak  peaking  prosperity  recession  recovery  slowdown  slump  upturn  
businesslike  arranged  banausic  breadwinning  commercial  formal  habitual  harmonious  in hand  materialistic  methodical  moneymaking  normal  ordered  orderly  practical  prosaic  realistic  regular  routine  steady  symmetrical  systematic  uniform  usual  utilitarian  well-ordered  well-regulated  workaday  workday  working  
bust  abase  abasement  ado  apprehend  apprehension  arch  arrest  arrestation  arrestment  bacchanal  bacchanalia  bacchanalian  backfire  bad times  bag  bang  bankrupt  bankruptcy  barrow  bat  be ruined  become insolvent  bender  binge  blast  blow out  blow up  bomb  boobs  boom  boot  booze  bosom  bottoming out  bounce  bouncing check  boundary stone  bout  box  brannigan  brass  breach  break  break in  break to harness  breast  breasts  brisket  bum  bump  burst  business cycle  business fluctuations  bustle  cairn  can  capture  carousal  carouse  carving  cashier  casting down  celebration  cenotaph  check  chest  chip  chop  clamor  clap  clash  clout  collapse  collar  column  compotation  cooling off  crack  crash  crisis  cromlech  crop  cross  crump  cup  cyclolith  debase  debasement  debauch  deconsecrate  defrock  degradation  degrade  degrading  dement  demerit  demote  demotion  deplume  depluming  depose  depression  deprive  detain  dethrone  detonate  disbar  discharge  discrown  disemploy  disenthrone  disgrade  disgrading  dismiss  displace  displume  displuming  doll  dolly  dolmen  domesticate  downgrade  downgrading  downturn  drinking bout  drum out  drunk  drunken carousal  dud  dug  dull thud  dummy  economic cycle  economic expansion  economic growth  economic stagnation  escapade  evil day  excommunicate  exfoliate  expanding economy  expansion  expel  explode  fail  failure  fantoccini  figure  figurehead  figurine  fire  fissure  fizzle  flap  flat failure  fling  flop  floperoo  flunk  flunk out  flurry  fold  fold up  footstone  fracture  frost  fulminate  furlough  furore  fuss  gentle  gingerbread man  give the ax  give the gate  go bankrupt  go into receivership  go off  go to pot  go to ruin  go under  go up  grave  gravestone  growth  guzzle  hard times  hassle  haymaker  headstone  heavy weather  high growth rate  hoarstone  housebreak  hubbub  humble  humbling  hurly-burly  impoverish  inscription  insolvency  insufficie  
bust in  admit  barge in  be admitted  breach  break in  break into  break open  break through  breeze in  burst in  cave in  come barging in  come breezing in  come busting in  come in  creep in  cross the threshold  crowd in  drop in  edge in  enter  force open  gain admittance  get in  go in  go into  have an entree  have an in  hop in  insert  intrude  irrupt  jam in  jump in  look in  pack in  pop in  press in  prize open  push in  put in  rupture  set foot in  slip in  split open  squeeze in  step in  stove in  take in  tear open  thrust in  visit  wedge in  work in  
busted  aggravated  bankrupt  beat  broke  broken  burned  burst  checked  chipped  cracked  crazed  cut  damaged  destitute  deteriorated  embittered  exacerbated  failed  flat  flat broke  harmed  hurt  impaired  imperfect  in bits  in pieces  in receivership  in shards  injured  insolvent  irritated  lacerated  mangled  mutilated  on the rocks  oofless  rent  ruined  ruptured  scalded  scorched  shattered  slashed  slit  smashed  split  sprung  stone-broke  stony  strapped  the worse for  torn  weakened  worse  worse off  worsened  
bustle  accelerate  ado  agitation  bake  beat  bilk  bite  bluff  bluster  bluster and bluff  blustering  boastfulness  bobbery  boil  boiling  bother  botheration  bravado  brouhaha  bullying  bundle  burst  buzz about  chase  cheat  chisel  chouse  churn  clamor  commotion  conturbation  cozen  crowd  dash  dash off  dash on  discomposure  disorder  dispatch  disquiet  disquietude  disturbance  double-time  drive  drive on  dust  ebullience  ebullition  eddy  effervescence  embroilment  excitement  expedite  fanfaronade  feery-fary  ferment  fermentation  festinate  fever  feverishness  fidgetiness  fidgets  fit  flap  flit  flurry  fluster  flutter  flutteration  flutteriness  fly  foment  forward  fume  furore  fuss  fussiness  get going  get moving  gyp  hassle  haste  hasten  hasten on  hectoring  helter-skelter  hie on  hubbub  hullabaloo  hurly-burly  hurry  hurry about  hurry along  hurry on  hurry through  hurry up  hurry-scurry  hustle  hustle up  inquietude  intimidation  jitters  jumpiness  kiln  leap  lose no time  maelstrom  make a fuss  make haste  malaise  moil  move quickly  nerviness  nervosity  nervousness  overreach  pell-mell  perturbation  plunge  post  pother  precipitate  press  press on  push  push on  push through  quicken  race  railroad through  rant  ream  restlessness  rodomontade  roil  rout  row  ruffle  run  rush  rush about  rush along  rush around  rush through  scamper  scramble  scurry  scuttle  seethe  seething  side  spasm  speed  speed along  speed up  splutter  spur  spurt  sputter  stampede  stew  sting  stir  swagger  swashbucklery  sweat  swirl  swirling  take  tear  tear around  to-do  trepidation  trepidity  tumult  tumultuation  turbidity  turbulence  turmoil  twitter  unease  unquiet  unrest  uproar  upset  urge  vortex  whip  whip along  whirl  whirlpool  whirlwind  whisk  whiz about  yeastiness  
bustling  active  agitated  brisk  busy  energetic  eventful  fidgety  fluttering  fluttery  fretful  full of incident  fussing  fussy  hopping  humming  hustling  jumpy  lively  momentous  on the go  phenomenal  popping  restless  stirring  turbulent  unquiet  unsettled  
busy  absorb  active  arabesque  assiduous  at it  at work  attend to business  baroque  burden  bustling  busybody  chichi  complex  complicated  detailed  devote  diligent  divert  drive  elaborate  elegant  employ  employed  energetic  engage  engaged  engross  fag  fancy  fine  flamboyant  florid  flowery  forward  frilly  full of business  fussy  hard at it  hard at work  hectic  high-wrought  hustling  immerse  impertinent  in harness  industrious  inquisitive  intricate  involve  involved  keep busy  labored  lively  luxuriant  luxurious  meddlesome  meddling  mind the store  moresque  nosy  occupied  occupy  officious  on duty  on the go  on the hop  on the job  on the jump  on the move  on the run  oppress  ornate  ostentatious  overdrive  overelaborate  overelegant  overlabored  overtask  overtax  overwork  overworked  overwrought  pass the time  picturesque  presumptuous  pretty-pretty  prying  pushing  pushy  rich  rococo  self-appointed  snoopy  soak  spend  spend the time  sweat  task  tax  tied up  work  working  

Autobus Haltebucht Definition

(n.) Alt. of Bayze

bus bay / bus bays Bedeutung

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118 Bewertungen 3


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