
Deutsche Beinknopf Synonyme

Englische bone button Synonyme

bone  adamant  aitchbone  anklebone  anvil  backbone  bill  biscuit  bony  breastbone  brick  buck  calcaneus  cannon bone  carpal  cartilage  cement  chine  clavicle  coccyx  collarbone  con  concrete  contemplate  cracker  cranium  cubes  cuboid  diamond  dice  dig  drill  dust  elucubrate  examine  fibula  fish  flint  frogskin  funny bone  go over  granite  grind  hammer  heart of oak  hyoid bone  incus  iron  ivory  jawbone  kneecap  ligament  lucubrate  malleus  mandible  marble  maxilla  maxillary  metacarpal  metatarsal  mummy  nails  nasal bone  oak  occipital bone  osseous  ossicle  ossicular  ossiferous  ossified  osteal  parchment  patella  pelvis  peruse  phalanges  phalanx  plunge into  pore over  practice  pubis  rachidial  rachis  radius  read  regard studiously  restudy  review  rib  rock  sacrum  scaphoid  scapula  sesamoid bones  shinbone  shoulder blade  skin  skull  smacker  sphenoid  spinal column  spine  stapes  steel  sternum  stick  stirrup  stone  study  swot  talus  tarsus  temporal bone  tendon  thighbone  ulna  vertebra  vertebral column  vet  wade through  wishbone  wristbone  zygomatic bone  
bone of contention  apple of discord  bone to pick  casus belli  catechism  cross-interrogatory  cross-question  crow to pick  crow to pluck  debating point  demand  feeler  grounds for war  inquiry  interrogation  interrogative  interrogatory  issue  leader  leading question  moot point  point at issue  point in question  problem  query  question  question at issue  question mark  quodlibet  rub  sore point  tender spot  ticklish issue  topic  trial balloon  vexed question  
bonehead  addlebrain  addlehead  addlepate  beefhead  blockhead  blubberhead  blunderhead  bufflehead  cabbagehead  chowderhead  chucklehead  clodhead  clodpate  clodpoll  dolthead  dullhead  dumbhead  dunderhead  dunderpate  fathead  jolterhead  jughead  knucklehead  lunkhead  meathead  muddlehead  mushhead  muttonhead  noodlehead  numskull  peabrain  pinbrain  pinhead  puddinghead  pumpkin head  puzzlehead  stupidhead  thickhead  thickskull  tottyhead  
boner  bad job  bevue  bloomer  blooper  blunder  bobble  boggle  bonehead play  boo-boo  boob stunt  boot  botch  break  bull  bungle  clumsy performance  dumb trick  error  etourderie  faux  flub  fluff  fool mistake  foozle  foul-up  fumble  gaffe  gaucherie  goof  hash  howler  impropriety  indecorum  lapse  louse-up  mess  miscue  mistake  muck-up  muff  off day  pratfall  sad work  screamer  screw-up  slip  solecism  stumble  trip  
bones  anatomy  appendicular skeleton  ashes  axial skeleton  battery  being  bells  bird cage  body  bosom  breast  cadaver  carcass  carrion  castanets  celesta  chaff  chime  chimes  clappers  clay  clod  corpse  corpus  corpus delicti  crap game  crap shooting  craps  crash cymbal  crooked dice  crowbait  cubes  culm  cymbals  dead body  dead man  dead person  deadwood  decedent  dice  die  dishwater  draff  dregs  dry bones  dust  earth  embalmed corpse  esprit  exoskeleton  figure  filings  finger cymbals  flesh  food for worms  form  frame  gamelan  garbage  gash  glockenspiel  gong  guts  handbells  heart  heart of hearts  heartstrings  hogwash  hulk  husks  idiophone  inmost heart  inmost soul  innermost being  ivories  late lamented  leavings  lees  loaded dice  lyra  maraca  marimba  material body  metallophone  mortal remains  mummification  mummy  offal  offscourings  orchestral bells  organic remains  orts  parings  percussion  percussion instrument  percussions  percussive  person  physical body  physique  poker dice  potsherds  rags  raspings  rattle  rattlebones  refuse  relics  reliquiae  remains  scourings  scrap iron  scraps  scum  secret places  shards  shavings  sizzler  skeleton  slack  slag  slop  slops  snappers  soma  soul  spirit  stiff  stubble  sweepings  swill  tam-tam  tares  teeth  tenement of clay  the dead  the deceased  the defunct  the departed  the loved one  tintinnabula  tonitruone  torso  triangle  trunk  tubular bells  vibes  vibraphone  viscera  wastage  waste  waste matter  wastepaper  weeds  xylophone  

Beinknopf Definition

Bachelor's button
() A plant with flowers shaped like buttons
(n.) The hard, calcified tissue of the skeleton of vertebrate animals, consisting very largely of calcic carbonate, calcic phosphate, and gelatine
(n.) One of the pieces or parts of an animal skeleton
(n.) Anything made of bone, as a bobbin for weaving bone lace.
(n.) Two or four pieces of bone held between the fingers and struck together to make a kind of music.
(n.) Dice.
(n.) Whalebone
(n.) Fig.: The framework of anything.
(v. t.) To withdraw bones from the flesh of, as in cookery.
(v. t.) To put whalebone into
(v. t.) To fertilize with bone.
(v. t.) To steal
(v. t.) To sight along an object or set of objects, to see if it or they be level or in line, as in carpentry, masonry, and surveying.
(n.) A knob
(n.) A catch, of various forms and materials, used to fasten together the different parts of dress, by being attached to one part, and passing through a slit, called a buttonhole, in the other
(n.) A bud
(n.) A piece of wood or metal, usually flat and elongated, turning on a nail or screw, to fasten something, as a door.
(n.) A globule of metal remaining on an assay cupel or in a crucible, after fusion.
(n.) To fasten with a button or buttons
(n.) To dress or clothe.
(v. i.) To be fastened by a button or buttons
(n.) A boy servant, or page, -- in allusion to the buttons on his livery.
Cannon bone
() See Canon Bone.
Canon bone
() The shank bone, or great bone above the fetlock, in the fore and hind legs of the horse and allied animals, corresponding to the middle metacarpal or metatarsal bone of most mammals. See Horse.
Collar bone
() The clavicle.
Cuttle bone
() The shell or bone of cuttlefishes, used for various purposes, as for making polishing powder, etc.
Rewel bone
() An obsolete phrase of disputed meaning, -- perhaps, smooth or polished bone.
Rowel bone
() See rewel bone.
Ruell bone
() See rewel bone.

bone button / bone buttons Bedeutung

bone-headed dinosaur bipedal herbivorous dinosaurs with bony crowns
wishing bone
the furcula of a domestic fowl
button quail
bustard quail
small quail-like terrestrial bird of southern Eurasia and northern Africa that lacks a hind toe, classified with wading birds but inhabits grassy plains
striped button quail
Turnix sylvatica
a variety of button quail having stripes
splint bone a rudimentary metacarpal or metatarsal bone on either side of the cannon bone in the leg of a horse or related animal
fetter bone
the part between the fetlock and the hoof
cannon bone greatly developed metatarsal or metacarpal bone in the shank or cannon part of the leg in hoofed mammals
bone-ash cup
refractory pot
a small porous bowl made of bone ash used in assaying to separate precious metals from e.g. lead
bone china fine porcelain that contains bone ash
button a round fastener sewn to shirts and coats etc to fit through buttonholes
button any artifact that resembles a button
button hole
a hole through which buttons are pushed
coat button a button on a coat
horn button a button that you press to activate the horn of an automobile
mouse button a push button on the mouse
panic button a button to push in order to summon help in case of an emergency, the circuit is operated by a panic button, when he saw that I was angry he hit the panic button
push button
an electrical switch operated by pressing, the elevator was operated by push buttons, the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk
push-button radio a radio receiver that can be tuned by pressing buttons
release button a device that when pressed will release part of a mechanism
reset button a push button that you press to activate the reset mechanism
shirt button a button on a shirt
bone age a person's age measured by matching their bone development (as shown by X rays) with bone development of an average person of known chronological age
a shade of white the color of bleached bones
rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates
bare bone bone stripped of flesh
cuboid bone the cube shaped bone on the outer side of the tarsus
carpal bone
wrist bone
any of the eight small bones of the wrist of primates
scaphoid bone
os scaphoideum
the largest wrist bone on the thumb side
lunate bone
semilunar bone
os lunatum
one of the eight small wrist bones
triquetral bone
os triquetrum
cuneiform bone
pyramidal bone
a wrist bone that articulates with the pisiform and hamate and lunate bones
pisiform bone
os pisiforme
a small wrist bone that articulates only with the triquetral
trapezium bone
os trapezium
the wrist bone on the thumb side of the hand that articulates with the st and nd metacarpals
trapezoid bone
os trapezoideum
the wrist bone between the trapezium and the capitate bones
capitate bone
os capitatum
the wrist bone with a rounded head shape that articulates with the rd metacarpus
hamate bone
unciform bone
os hamatum
the wrist bone in line with the th and th fingers
cartilage bone any bone that develops within cartilage rather than a fibrous tissue
zygomatic bone
malar bone
jugal bone
os zygomaticum
the arch of bone beneath the eye that forms the prominence of the cheek
tail bone
the end of the vertebral column in humans and tailless apes
ethmoid bone
one of the eight bones of the cranium, a small bone filled with air spaces that forms part of the eye sockets and the nasal cavity
innominate bone
large flaring bone forming one half of the pelvis, made up of the ilium and ischium and pubis
hyoid bone
os hyoideum
a U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue muscles
ischial bone
os ischii
one of the three sections of the hipbone, situated below the ilium
long bone
os longum
in limbs of vertebrate animals: a long cylindrical bone that contains marrow
lower jaw
mandibular bone
lower jawbone
the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth
membrane bone any bone that develops within membranous tissue without previous cartilage formation, e.g. the clavicle and bones of the skull
metacarpal bone
any bone of the hand between the wrist and fingers
nasal bone
os nasale
an elongated rectangular bone that forms the bridge of the nose
palatine bone
os palatinum
either of two irregularly shaped bones that form the back of the hard palate and helps to form the nasal cavity and the floor of the orbits
pubic bone
os pubis
one of the three sections of the hipbone, together these two bones form the front of the pelvis
round bone bones that are round in shape
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