
Deutsche Bestrahlungsapparat {m} [med] Synonyme

Englische radiation apparatus; radiation lamp Synonyme

radiation  X ray  actinic ray  actinism  arc lighting  asteroids  atomic beam  atomic ray  attenuation  aurora particles  beam  beam of light  black and white  blackout  broadcast  broadcasting  chiaroscuro  circumfusion  contrast  cosmic particles  cosmic ray bombardment  decorative lighting  diffraction  diffusion  dilution  direct lighting  dispensation  dispersal  dispersion  dissemination  dissipation  distribution  divergence  electric lighting  emanation  emission  enlightenment  evaporation  expansion  festoon lighting  floodlighting  fluorescent lighting  fragmentation  gamma ray  gaslighting  gleam  glow lighting  highlight  highlights  illumination  incandescent lighting  indirect lighting  infrared ray  intergalactic matter  invisible radiation  irradiance  irradiancy  irradiation  leam  light  light and shade  light source  lighting  luminous energy  meteor dust impacts  meteors  overhead lighting  patch  pencil  peppering  photon  photosensitivity  propagation  publication  radiance  radiancy  radiant energy  radiorays  radius  ray  ray of light  ribbon  ribbon of light  scattering  scatterment  shedding  shotgun pattern  sidelight  solar rays  sowing  space bullets  spattering  splay  spoke  spot lighting  spread  spreading  sprinkling  stage lighting  streak  stream  stream of light  streamer  strewing  strip lighting  the bends  tonality  ultraviolet ray  violet ray  visible radiation  volatilization  weightlessness  
radiation physics  Newtonian physics  X-ray photometry  X-ray spectrometry  acoustics  aerophysics  applied physics  astrophysics  atom-tagging  basic conductor physics  biophysics  chemical physics  cryogenics  crystallography  curiescopy  cytophysics  electron physics  electronics  electrophysics  fluoroscopy  geophysics  macrophysics  mathematical physics  mechanics  medicophysics  microphysics  natural philosophy  natural science  nuclear physics  optics  orthodiagraphy  philosophy  photofluorography  physic  physical chemistry  physical science  physicochemistry  physicomathematics  physics  psychophysics  radiobiology  radiochemistry  radiography  radiological physics  radiology  radiometallography  radiometry  radionics  radiopathology  radioscopy  radiotechnology  radiotherapy  roentgenography  roentgenology  roentgenoscopy  solar physics  solid-state physics  spectroradiometry  statics  stereophysics  theoretical physics  thermodynamics  tracer investigation  zoophysics  
radiation sickness  Minamata disease  altitude sickness  anoxemia  anoxia  anoxic anoxia  anthrax  black lung  caisson disease  chilblain  decompression sickness  frostbite  immersion foot  itai  jet lag  lead poisoning  mercury poisoning  motion sickness  pneumoconiosis  radionecrosis  red-out  sunstroke  the bends  trench foot  

Bestrahlungsapparat {m} [med] Definition

(pl. ) of Apparatus
(pl. ) of Apparatus
(n.) Things provided as means to some end.
(n.) Hence: A full collection or set of implements, or utensils, for a given duty, experimental or operative
(n.) A collection of organs all of which unite in a common function
Argand lamp
() A lamp with a circular hollow wick and glass chimney which allow a current of air both inside and outside of the flame.
Buffing apparatus
() See Buffer, 1.
Carcel lamp
() A French mechanical lamp, for lighthouses, in which a superabundance of oil is pumped to the wick tube by clockwork.
Davy lamp
() See Safety lamp, under Lamp.
Fresnel lamp
() Alt. of Fres'nel' lan'tern
(n.) A thin plate or lamina.
(n.) A light-producing vessel, instrument or apparatus
(n.) Figuratively, anything which enlightens intellectually or morally
(n.) A device or mechanism for producing light by electricity. See Incandescent lamp, under Incandescent.
(n.) A post (generally a pillar of iron) supporting a lamp or lantern for lighting a street, park, etc.
(n.) The act of radiating, or the state of being radiated
(n.) The shooting forth of anything from a point or surface, like the diverging rays of light

radiation apparatus; radiation lamp / radiation apparatuses; radiation lamps Bedeutung

radiation therapy
radiation actinotherapy
(medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance
radiation the act of spreading outward from a central source
lamp shell
marine animal with bivalve shell having a pair of arms bearing tentacles for capturing food, found worldwide
Aladdin's lamp (Arabian Nights) a magical lamp from which Aladdin summoned a genie
anchor light
riding light
riding lamp
a light in the rigging of a ship that is riding at anchor
equipment designed to serve a specific function
arc lamp
arc light
a lamp that produces light when electric current flows across the gap between two electrodes
breathing device
breathing apparatus
breathing machine
a device that facilitates breathing in cases of respiratory failure
carbon arc lamp
carbon arc
has carbon electrodes
discharge lamp a lamp that generates light by a discharge between two electrodes in a gas
electric-discharge lamp
gas-discharge lamp
an electric lamp in which the light comes from an electric discharge between two electrodes in a glass tube
electric lamp a lamp powered by electricity
flash lamp
flash bulb
a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph
flood lamp
light that is a source of artificial illumination having a broad beam, used in photography
floor lamp a lamp that stands on the floor
fluorescent lamp lamp consisting of a tube coated on the inside with a fluorescent material, mercury vapor in the tube emits ultraviolet radiation that is converted to visible radiation by the fluorescent material
gas lamp a lamp that burns illuminating gas
glow lamp a gas-discharge tube with a hot cathode, used in stroboscopes
gymnastic apparatus
sports equipment used in gymnastic exercises
heat lamp
infrared lamp
electric heater consisting of a high-power incandescent lamp that emits infrared radiation, the bathroom could be warmed by an infrared lamp
hurricane lamp
hurricane lantern
tornado lantern
storm lantern
storm lamp
an oil lamp with a glass chimney and perforated metal lid to protect the flame from high winds, candlestick with a glass chimney
Kipp's apparatus a laboratory apparatus for producing a gas (usually hydrogen sulfide) by the action of a liquid on a solid without heating
lamp an artificial source of visible illumination
lamp a piece of furniture holding one or more electric light bulbs
lamp chimney
a glass flue surrounding the wick of an oil lamp
lamp house
lamp housing
housing that holds a lamp (as in a movie projector)
lamp shade
a protective ornamental shade used to screen a light bulb from direct view
light bulb
incandescent lamp
electric light
electric-light bulb
electric lamp consisting of a transparent or translucent glass housing containing a wire filament (usually tungsten) that emits light when heated by electricity
mercury-vapor lamp ultraviolet lamp that emits a strong bluish light (rich in ultraviolet radiation) as electric current passes through mercury vapor
neon lamp
neon induction lamp
neon tube
a lamp consisting of a small gas-discharge tube containing neon at low pressure, luminescence is produced by the action of currents at high frequencies that are wrapped a few turns around the tube
oil lamp
kerosene lamp
kerosine lamp
a lamp that burns oil (as kerosine) for light
pilot light
pilot lamp
indicator lamp
indicator consisting of a light to indicate whether power is on or a motor is in operation
quartz lamp a mercury-vapor lamp that is enclosed in a quartz container instead of a glass container
radiation pyrometer a pyrometer for estimating the temperature of distant sources of heat, radiation is focussed on a thermojunction connected in circuit with a galvanometer
reading lamp a lamp that provides light for reading
safety lamp
Davy lamp
an oil lamp that will not ignite flammable gases (methane)
slit lamp (ophthalmology) a lamp that emits a narrow but intense beam of light that enables an ophthalmologist, using a microscope, to view the retina and optic nerve
sodium-vapor lamp
sodium-vapour lamp
lamp in which an electric current passed through a tube of sodium vapor makes a yellow light, used is street lighting
spirit lamp a lamp that burns a volatile liquid fuel such as alcohol
street lamp
a lamp supported on a lamppost, for illuminating a street
student lamp a reading lamp with a flexible neck, used on a desk
sun lamp
sunray lamp
sunay lamp
a mercury-vapor lamp used in medical or cosmetic treatments
table lamp a lamp that sits on a table
tail lamp
rear light
rear lamp
lamp (usually red) mounted at the rear of a motor vehicle
ultraviolet lamp
ultraviolet source
any source of illumination that emits ultraviolet radiation
acoustic radiation pressure (acoustics) the pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a sound wave
apparatus (anatomy) a group of body parts that work together to perform a given function, the breathing apparatus
optic radiation
radiatio optica
a nerve pathway from the lateral geniculate body to the visual cortex
auditory apparatus all of the components of the organ of hearing including the outer and middle and inner ears
vestibular apparatus
vestibular system
organs mediating the labyrinthine sense, concerned with equilibrium
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