
Betriebseinnahmen {pl} (Steuerrecht) Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Betriebseinnahmen pl (Steuerrecht)
gross business income (fiscal law)
Betriebseinnahmen pl; Betriebseinkommen n econ.
operating income; operating receipts
Nacherklärung f; Selbstanzeige f (Steuerrecht) adm. jur.
eine Nacherklärung einreichen; Selbstanzeige erstatten
voluntary disclosure of any undeclared tax liabilities
to submit make a voluntary disclosure
Abrechnungszeitraum m; Abrechnungsperiode f; Rechnungsperiode f econ.
Abrechnungszeiträume pl; Abrechnungsperioden pl; Rechnungsperioden pl
Gewinnermittlungszeitraum m (Steuerrecht)
accounting period; billing period
accounting periods; billing periods
chargeable accounting period (fiscal law)
Anlaufverluste pl einer Firma (Steuerrecht)
start-up losses of a company (fiscal law)
Anrechnungsmethode f für Einkünfte aus ausländischen Quellen (Steuerrecht)
credit method for income received from abroad (fiscal law)
Aufteilung f der Einkünfte auf mehrere Jahre (Steuerrecht) fin.
averaging of income; income averaging (spreading income over several years) (fiscal law)
Aufwendungen pl für die Lebensführung; Lebenshaltungskosten pl (Steuerrecht)
non-business expenses; family expenses; personal expenses; cost-of-living expenditure (fiscal law)
Basisgesellschaft f (Steuerrecht)
base company (fiscal law)
echte Befreiung f von der Mehrwertsteuer; echte Steuerbefreiung f; Steuerbefreiung f mit Vorsteuerabzugsberechtigung (Steuerrecht) fin.
zero VAT rating Br.; zero rating Br. (fiscal law)
außergewöhnliche Belastung f (Steuerrecht) fin.
extraordinary burden; extraordinary expenditure (fiscal law)
Besteuerungszeitraum m; Steuerveranlagungszeitraum m; Steuerperiode f (Steuerrecht) fin.
Besteuerungszeiträume pl; Steuerveranlagungszeiträume pl; Steuerperioden pl
taxable period; tax period; taxation period; tax assessment period Am. (fiscal law)
taxable periods; tax periods; taxation periods; tax assessment periods
Beteiligungsertragsbefreiung f; Schachtelbegünstigung f Ös.; Schachtelprivileg n Ös. (Steuerrecht)
participation exemption; affiliation privilege (fiscal law)
Betriebseinnahmen pl (Steuerrecht)
gross business income (fiscal law)
Betriebsverluste mit den Gewinnen späterer Jahre verechnen v (Steuerrecht) fin. adm.
to carry forward your losses (fiscal law)
Betriebsverluste mit den Gewinnen früherer Jahre verechnen v (Steuerrecht) fin. adm.
to carry back your losses (fiscal law)
Betriebsvermögensvergleich m (Steuerrecht)
net worth comparison method (fiscal law)
jds. Bezüge pl (Steuerrecht) fin.
laufende Bezüge
sonstige Bezüge
sb.'s wages or salary (fiscal law)
regular wages or salary
supplemental wages; supplemental salary
Ehegattenbesteuerung f; Haushaltsbesteuerung f; Zusammenveranlagung f Ös. (Steuerrecht) fin.
family taxation; joint taxation; joint tax assessment (fiscal law)
Eigenverbrauch m (Steuerrecht) fin.
self-supplies (fiscal law)
Einheitswert m; Steuerwert m (von Grundbesitz) (Steuerrecht) fin.
assessed value; standard value; rateable value Br. (of real property) (fiscal law)
Einkünfteerzielung f (Steuerrecht) fin.
production of income (fiscal law)
Einkunftsart f (Steuerrecht) fin.
Einkunftsarten pl
category of income; class of income; type of income (fiscal law)
categories of income; classes of income; types of income
direkte Einnahmenermittlung f bei internationalen Unternehmen durch Buchführung, die nach Betriebsstätten getrennt ist (Steuerrecht) fin.
separate accounting with international enterprises (fiscal law)
indirekte Einnahmenermittlung f bei internationalen Unternehmen (Steuerrecht) fin.
fractional apportionment; formula apportionment with international enterprises (fiscal law)
feste Einrichtung f (für eine berufliche Tätigkeit) (Steuerrecht) adm.
eine feste Einrichtung unterhalten
fixed base (for a professional activity) (fiscal law)
to maintain a fixed base
Feststellungsbescheid m (Steuerrecht) adm.
Feststellungsbescheide pl
declaratory decision (fiscal law)
declaratory decisions
Fremdverhaltensgrundsatz m; Fremdvergleichsgrundsatz m; Fremdvergleich m; Drittvergleich m (Steuerrecht) econ.
fremdvergleichskonform adj
arm's length principle ALP (fiscal law)
in accordance with the arm's length principle
Gewinnermittlungsart f (Steuerrecht) fin.
method of determinating the net income profits (fiscal law)
Gewinnverschiebung f; Gewinnverlagerung f ins Ausland (Steuerrecht)
profit shifting; shifting of profits abroad (fiscal law)
steuerliche Leistungsfähigkeit f (Steuerrecht) fin.
Grundsatz der steuerlichen Leistungsfähigkeit
taxable capacity; earning capacity; ability to pay taxes (fiscal law)
ability to pay principle
Liebhaberei f (Steuerrecht)
aus Liebhaberei
non-profit-seeking activity; hobby activity; personal hobby; hobby (fiscal law)
for sentimental purposes
Lohnnebenleistung f; Nebenleistung f; Lohnzusatzleistung f; Sachleistung f; Sachbezug m (Steuerrecht); freiwillige (betriebliche) Sozialleistung f; Sonderbegünstigung f (Arbeitsrecht)
employee benefit; fringe benefit; benefit in kind; perquisite; perk coll. (labour law)
Nacherklärung f; Selbstanzeige f (Steuerrecht) adm. jur.
Möglichkeit zu strafbefreiten Meldung von unversteuertem Auslandsvermögen
eine Nacherklärung einreichen; Selbstanzeige erstatten
tax disclosure; voluntary disclosure of any undeclared tax liabilities
offshore tax disclosure facility
to submit make a voluntary disclosure
betriebsgewöhnliche Nutzungsdauer f (Steuerrecht) fin.
betriebsgewöhnliche und tatsächliche Nutzungsdauer
useful life (fiscal law)
useful life and actual life
Rücktrag und Vortrag von Steueranrechnungsbeträgen (Steuerrecht) fin. adm.
carry back and carry forward of excess credits (fiscal law) Am.
Säumniszuschlag m; Verspätungszuschlag m (Steuerrecht) fin.
surcharge for late filing; late filing penality; late payment penality; failure-to-file penality (fiscal law)
Schachtelbeteiligung f (Steuerrecht) econ. fin.
intercompany participation Br.; intercorporate participation Am.; intercompany shareholding Br.; intercorporate stockholding Am. (fiscal law)
Schachteldividende f (Steuerrecht) econ. fin.
intercompany dividend Br.; intercorporate dividend Am.; exemption dividend (fiscal law)
Selbstveranlagung f; Selbstbemessung f; Selbstberechnung f der Steuer durch den Steuerpflichtigen (Steuerrecht)
self-assessment of the tax by the taxpayer (fiscal law)
Sonderausgaben pl (Steuerrecht) fin.
special expenses; exceptional expenses (deductible in assessing income tax) (fiscal law)
Sonderausgabenpauschale f (Steuerrecht) fin.
blanket allowance for special expenses; standard deduction for special expenses Am. (fiscal law)
Spekulationsfrist f (Steuerrecht) fin.
tax liability period in respect to capital gains (fiscal law)
Spekulationsgewinne pl; Spekulationseinkünfte pl (Steuerrecht) fin.
speculative gains (fiscal law)
Steuerbefreiungsmethode f; Freistellungsmethode f (Steuerrecht)
exemption method (fiscal law)
Steuerquelle f (Steuerrecht) fin.
Steuerquellen pl
tax source; source of revenue (fiscal law)
tax sources; sources of revenue
Steuerrecht n jur.
tax law; fiscal law
Steuerschätzung f; Steuervorausschätzung f Dt.; schätzungsweise festgesetzte Steuer f (Steuerrecht) fin.
estimated assessment of taxes; estimated tax assessment; tax estimate; arbitrary assessment (fiscal law)
Steuerwert m; steuerlicher Wert m (eines Vermögensgegenstands) (Steuerrecht) fin.
taxable value; tax value; assessed value; rateable value Br.; value for tax purposes rare (of an asset) (fiscal law)
Steuerzweck m (Steuerrecht) fin.
zu Steuerzwecken; zu steuerlichen Zwecken
tax purpose (fiscal law)
for tax purposes
Teilwert m (Steuerrecht) fin.
value of an asset as part of a business (continuing as a going concern) (fiscal law)
betriebliche Veranlassung f von Ausgaben (Steuerrecht)
business purpose of expenses (fiscal law)
steuerlicher Verlustrücktrag m; steuerliche Verlustrückbeziehung f; Verrechnung f von Verlusten mit den Gewinnen früherer Jahre (Steuerrecht) fin. adm.
carry-back of losses for tax purposes; loss carry-back for tax purposes (fiscal law)
steuerlicher Verlustvortrag m; steuerlicher Verlustabzug m; Verrechnung f von Betriebsverlusten mit den Gewinnen späterer Jahre (Steuerrecht) fin. adm.
carry-forward of losses for tax purposes; loss carry-forward for tax purposes (fiscal law)
Verrechnung f von Betriebsverlusten mit Gewinnen früherer oder späterer Jahre (Steuerrecht)
carry-back carry-forward system (fiscal law)
Verrechnungspreismissbrauch m (Steuerrecht)
transfer pricing tax evasion (fiscal law)
Werbungskosten pl (Kosten im Zusammenhang mit der Erwerbstätigkeit) (Steuerrecht) fin.
einen Pauschalbetrag als Werbungskosten abziehen
income-related expenses (fiscal law)
to deduct a lump sum as income-related expenses
gemeiner Wert m (von Anlagevermögen) (Steuerrecht) fin.
fair market value (of fixed assets) (fiscal law)
Wirtschaftsgut f (als Teil des Betriebsvermögens) (Steuerrecht) fin.
Wirtschaftsgüter pl
materielle immaterielle Wirtschaftsgüter
bilanzierungsfähige Wirtschaftsgüter
business asset (as part of the business property) (fiscal law)
business assets
tangible intangible business assets
business assets that can be included in the balance sheet
Zuweisung f; Zuteilung f; Zuordnung f; Zurechnung f; Vergabe f; Allokation f geh. (von etw. an jdn. für etw.) (Vorgang)
Zuweisung von Budgetmitteln für Verteidigungszwecke pol.
Zurechnung von Einkünften (Steuerrecht)
Zuordnung von Haushaltsmitteln; Allokation von Budgetmitteln
Zuweisung Allokation von Ressourcen in einer Marktwirtschaft
allocation (of sth. to sb. for sth.) (process)
military allocations
allocation of income (fiscal law)
allocation of budget funds; budgetary appropriations
allocation of resources in a market economy
aktivierungspflichtige Aufwendungen pl (Steuerrecht) econ. fin.
capital additions; capital expenditure (fiscal law)
fiktive Einkünfte (Steuerrecht) pl fin.
deemed income; imputed income (fiscal law)
innergemeinschaftlich adj
innergemeinschaftliches Dreiecksgeschäft (EU Steuerrecht) fin.
intra-community triangular transaction; triangulation; ABC contract (EU fiscal law)
zusammenfassende Meldung f (über innergemeinschaftliche Warenlieferungen) (EU-Steuerrecht) fin.
recapitulative statement (of intra-community supplies of goods) (EU fiscal law)

Deutsche Betriebseinnahmen {pl} (Steuerrecht) Synonyme


Englische gross business income Synonyme

gross  Adamic  Boeotian  C  Circean  Doric  Rabelaisian  abhorrent  abject  abominable  absolute  adipose  afford  aggregate  all  all-embracing  all-inclusive  animal  animalistic  arrant  asinine  atrocious  avails  awful  barbaric  barbarous  barnyard  base  bawdy  be-all and end-all  beastlike  beastly  beef-brained  beef-witted  beefy  beggarly  below contempt  beneath contempt  bestial  bicentenary  bicentennial  big  big-bellied  blameworthy  blatant  bloated  blockish  blowzy  bodily  bosomy  bovine  box office  brawny  bring in  broad  broad-bodied  brutal  brute  brutish  bulky  bullnecked  burly  buxom  cacophonous  capital  capital gains  capitalize on  carnal  carnal-minded  cash in on  cental  centare  centenarian  centenary  centennial  centennium  centigram  centimeter  centipede  centistere  centred  centref  centrev  centumvir  centumvirate  centurion  century  cheesy  chubby  chumpish  chunky  classical  clean up  cleanup  clear  clear profit  cloddish  clumsy  coarse  coarse-grained  coin money  commercialize  commissions  complete  comprehensive  consummate  contemptible  corporeal  corpulent  cowish  crass  credit  credits  cross-grained  crude  crummy  cumbersome  cwt  damned  debased  decided  definitive  degraded  dense  deplorable  depraved  despicable  detestable  dire  dirty  disgusting  disposable income  distended  dividend  dividends  doggerel  doltish  downright  dreadful  dullard  dumb  dumpy  duncical  duncish  dysphemistic  earn  earned income  earnings  earthy  egregious  enormous  entire  entirety  evident  excessive  execrable  exhaustive  exorbitant  extreme  exuberant  fallen  fat  fattish  fetid  filthy  filthy lucre  flagrant  fleshly  fleshy  flourishing  forbidding  foul  frank  full  full-bodied  fulsome  gain  gain by  gains  gate  gate receipts  gaudy  get  gettings  glaring  gleanings  graceless  grained  grainy  granular  granulated  grave  great  grievous  gritty  gross income  gross profit  gross receipts  gutter  h  
gross income  avails  base pay  box office  commissions  compensation  credit  credits  dismissal wage  disposable income  dividend  dividends  earned income  earnings  escalator clause  escalator plan  financial remuneration  gains  gate  gate receipts  get  gross  gross receipts  guaranteed annual wage  hire  income  intake  living wage  make  minimum wage  net  net income  net receipts  output  pay  pay and allowances  payment  payroll  portal-to-portal pay  proceeds  produce  profits  purchasing power  real wages  receipt  receipts  receivables  remuneration  returns  revenue  royalties  salary  severance pay  sliding scale  take  take-home  take-home pay  take-in  takings  taxable income  total compensation  unearned income  wage  wage control  wage freeze  wage reduction  wage rollback  wage scale  wages  wages after deductions  wages after taxes  yield  
gross national product  GNP  barter economy  capitalistic economy  collectivized economy  consumer economy  diversified economy  economic system  economy  farm economy  free-enterprise economy  handicraft economy  hot economy  industrial economy  laissez-faire  local economy  mercantile economy  national economy  overheated economy  planned economy  private-enterprise economy  rural economy  socialistic economy  sound economy  town economy  urban economy  village economy  war economy  world economy  
grossly  abjectly  abominably  arrantly  atrociously  awfully  basely  bestially  brutally  coarsely  contemptibly  crassly  crudely  despicably  detestably  disgustingly  dreadful  dreadfully  egregiously  excessively  execrably  exorbitantly  extortionately  extravagantly  flagrantly  foully  fulsomely  gougingly  heinously  horribly  horridly  immoderately  improperly  indecently  indecorously  indelicately  inelegantly  infamously  inordinately  loathsomely  meanly  miserably  monstrously  nastily  nauseatingly  nefariously  notoriously  obnoxiously  odiously  offensively  outrageously  pettily  poorly  preposterously  ribaldly  roughly  rudely  savagely  scandalously  scurvily  shabbily  shamefully  shockingly  shoddily  something fierce  sordidly  terribly  unconscionably  uncouthly  unduly  unreasonably  unseemly  untastefully  usuriously  viciously  vilely  vulgarly  wretchedly  

Betriebseinnahmen {pl} (Steuerrecht) Definition

(n.) That which busies one, or that which engages the time, attention, or labor of any one, as his principal concern or interest, whether for a longer or shorter time
(n.) Any particular occupation or employment engaged in for livelihood or gain, as agriculture, trade, art, or a profession.
(n.) Financial dealings
(n.) That which one has to do or should do
(n.) Affair
(n.) The position, distribution, and order of persons and properties on the stage of a theater, as determined by the stage manager in rehearsal.
(n.) Care
(a.) Pertaining to the public treasury or revenue.
(n.) The income of a prince or a state
(n.) A treasurer.
(n.) A public officer in Scotland who prosecutes in petty criminal cases
(n.) The solicitor in Spain and Portugal
(superl.) Great
(superl.) Coarse
(superl.) Not easily aroused or excited
(superl.) Expressing, Or originating in, animal or sensual appetites
(superl.) Thick
(superl.) Great
(superl.) Whole
(a.) The main body
(sing. & pl.) The number of twelve dozen
(a.) Thick-skulled
(n.) A coming in
(n.) That which is caused to enter
(n.) That gain which proceeds from labor, business, property, or capital of any kind, as the produce of a farm, the rent of houses, the proceeds of professional business, the profits of commerce or of occupation, or the interest of money or stock in funds, etc.
(n.) That which is taken into the body as food

gross business income (fiscal law) Bedeutung

business stage business
incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect, his business with the cane was hilarious
loose end
unfinished business
work that is left incomplete
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
business life
professional life
a career in industrial or commercial or professional activities
monkey business mischievous or deceitful behavior
commercial enterprise
business enterprise
the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects, computers are now widely used in business
business activity
commercial activity
activity undertaken as part of a commercial enterprise
business the volume of commercial activity, business is good today, show me where the business was today
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
field of operation
line of business
a particular kind of commercial enterprise, they are outstanding in their field
employee-owned enterprise
employee-owned business
a commercial enterprise owned by the people who work for it
discount business the business of selling merchandise at a discount
real-estate business the business of selling real estate
meat packing
meat-packing business
wholesale packaging of meat for future sale (including slaughtering and processing and distribution to retailers)
deal trade business deal a particular instance of buying or selling, it was a package deal, I had no further trade with him, he's a master of the business deal
going-out-of-business sale a sale of all the tangible assets of a business that is about to close, during the Great Depression going-out-of-business sales were very common
airline business
a commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengers
business suit a suit of clothes traditionally worn by businessmen
line product line
line of products
line of merchandise
business line
line of business
a particular kind of product or merchandise, a nice line of shoes
business office
place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed, he rented an office in the new building
place of business
business establishment
an establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are rendered
personal business
personal matters
matters of personal concern, get his affairs in order
business a rightful concern or responsibility, it's none of your business, mind your own business
business an immediate objective, gossip was the main business of the evening
gross anatomy
macroscopic anatomy
the study of the structure of the body and its parts without the use of a microscope
assumed name fictitious name
Doing Business As
(law) a name under which a corporation conducts business that is not the legal name of the corporation as shown in its articles of incorporation
business card a card on which are printed the person's name and business affiliation
order of business
a list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting)
sale in gross
contract of hazard
a sale of a tract of land as a whole without a warranty as to the acreage
tax return
income tax return
document giving the tax collector information about the taxpayer's tax liability, his gross income was enough that he had to file a tax return
business letter a letter dealing with business
business index a statistical compilation that provides a context for economic or financial conditions, this business index is computed relative to the base year of
fiscal policy a government policy for dealing with the budget (especially with taxation and borrowing)
business news news about businesses and investments
Master in Business
Master in Business Administration
a master's degree in business
business cycle
trade cycle
recurring fluctuations in economic activity consisting of recession and recovery and growth and decline
business lunch lunch (usually at a restaurant) where business is discussed and the cost is charged as a business expense
business people
people who transact business (especially business executives)
business business sector business concerns collectively, Government and business could not agree
big business commercial enterprises organized and financed on a scale large enough to influence social and political policies, big business is growing so powerful it is difficult to regulate it effectively
income bracket
tax bracket
income tax bracket
a category of taxpayers based on the amount of their income
house business firm
the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments, he worked for a brokerage house
manufacturing business
a business engaged in manufacturing some product
business concern
business organization
business organisation
a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it, he bought his brother's business, a small mom-and-pop business, a racially integrated business concern
aluminum business
aluminum industry
manufacturers of aluminum considered as a group
apparel industry
garment industry
fashion industry
fashion business
rag trade
makers and sellers of fashionable clothing
computer business a business that manufactures and sells computers
entertainment industry
show business
show biz
those involved in providing entertainment: radio and television and films and theater
oil industry
refining industry
oil business
an industry that produces and delivers oil and oil products
printing concern
printing business
printing company
a company that does commercial printing
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