
Bildschirminhalt drucken Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Bildschirminhalt drucken
print screen
drucken, Druck
Neudruck, Nachdruck, neu drucken
über etwas drucken, Überdruck, Aufdruck
Bildschirminhalt m comp.
Bildschirminhalt nach oben verschieben
Bildschirminhalt nach unten schieben
Bildschirminhalt verschieben, blättern
screen content
to scroll upward
to scroll downward
to scroll (the screen)
Drucken n
automatisches Drucken
print, printing
auto print
Hochdruck m (Drucken)
relief printing
Kursivschrift m
in Kursivschrift drucken, durch Kursivschrift hervorheben
to italicize
drucken, abdrucken v
druckend, abdruckend
gedruckt, abgedruckt
es druckt
es druckte
es hat
hatte gedruckt
to print
it prints
it printed
it has
had printed
sperren, gesperrt drucken (Drucktechnik)
sperrend, gesperrt druckend
gesperrt, gesperrt gedruckt
to space out
spacing out
spaced out
Papiervorschub nach dem Drucken comp.
advance after
Papiervorschub nach dem Drucken comp.
skip after
Papiervorschub vor dem Drucken comp.
advance before
Papiervorschub vor dem Drucken comp.
skip before
Papiervorschub nach dem Drucken
advance after
Papiervorschub vor dem Drucken
advance before
automatisches Drucken
auto print
Bildschirminhalt drucken
print screen
Bildschirminhalt nach unten schieben
scoll downward
Bildschirminhalt verschieben
Bildschirminhalt verschieben, blaettern
Bildschirminhalt nach oben verschieben
scroll upward
Papiervorschub nach dem Drucken
skip after
Papiervorschub vor dem Drucken
skip before
gesperrt drucken
to print
Maschine zum Drucken
printing press
(den Bildschirminhalt) verschieben; rollen; scrollen comp.
verschiebend; rollend; scrollend
verschoben; gerollt; gescrollt
(auf dem Bildschirm) hochscrollen; nach oben fahren rollen v comp.
(auf dem Bildschirm) hinunterscrollen; nach unten fahren rollen v comp.
to scroll (the screen)
to scroll up (on the display)
to scroll down (on the display)
Bildschirminhalt m comp.
Bildschirminhalt nach oben verschieben
Bildschirminhalt nach unten schieben
Bildschirminhalt verschieben; blättern
screen content
to scroll upward
to scroll downward
to scroll (the screen)
Drucken n
automatisches Drucken
print; printing
auto print
Kursivschrift m
in Kursivschrift drucken; durch Kursivschrift hervorheben
to italicize eAm.; to italicise Br.
drucken; abdrucken v
druckend; abdruckend
gedruckt; abgedruckt
er sie es druckt
ich er sie es druckte
er sie es hat hatte gedruckt
to print
he she it prints
I he she it printed
he she it has had printed
Papiervorschub nach dem Drucken (Fehlermeldung) comp.
advance after; skip after (error message)
Papiervorschub vor dem Drucken (Fehlermeldung) comp.
advance before; skip before (error message)
(den Bildschirminhalt) verschieben; rollen; scrollen v comp.
verschiebend; rollend; scrollend
verschoben; gerollt; gescrollt
(auf dem Bildschirm) hochscrollen; nach oben fahren rollen v comp.
(auf dem Bildschirm) hinunterscrollen; nach unten fahren rollen v comp.
to scroll (the screen)
to scroll up (on the display)
to scroll down (on the display)
Drucken n; Druck m (Methode und Vorgang) print
Kartendruck m
Kattundruck m
Positivdruck m
Transferdruck m; Umdruck m textil.
anastatischer Druck
map printing
calico printing
positive printing
transfer printing
anastatic printing
Kursivschrift f
in Kursivschrift drucken; durch Kursivschrift hervorheben
to italicize eAm.; to italicise Br.
etw. abklatschen; stereotypieren; in Stereotyp drucken v print
abklatschend; stereotypierend; in Stereotyp druckend
abgeklatscht; stereotypiert; in Stereotyp gedruckt
to stereotype sth.

Deutsche Bildschirminhalt drucken Synonyme

Bildschirminhalt  verschieben  blättern  rollen  scrollen  
Bildschirminhalt verschieben  blättern  rollen  scrollen  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Bildschirminhalt Synonym nachschlagen

Englische print screen Synonyme

print  Ditto copy  Photostat  Xerox  Xerox copy  abstract  abstraction  altarpiece  alveolation  alveolus  aquatint  ascender  autolithograph  back  backlash  backwash  bastard type  be a printmaker  beard  bed  belly  bevel  black and white  black letter  blaze  blaze a trail  blemish  block  block print  blotch  blow up  blowup  blueprint  body  boss  brand  bring out  bump  cap  capital  carve  case  catch a likeness  chalk  chalk up  character  characterize  chart  check  check off  chisel  choice of words  chromolithograph  cicatrize  clout  collage  colophon  color print  concavity  confirm  contact print  contact printing  convexity  copperplate  copperplate print  copy  counter  crayon engraving  crease  cribble  crosshatch  cut  cyanotype  cyclorama  dactylogram  dactylograph  dapple  dash  daub  deep-dye  define  delimit  delineate  demarcate  dent  descender  develop  diagram  dimple  dint  diptych  discolor  dot  draw  em  embed  embossment  en  enchase  engraft  engrave  engravement  engraving  enlarge  enlargement  entrench  establish  etch  etching  excrescence  face  facsimile  fat-faced type  fix  fleck  font  footmark  footprint  footstep  force  fossil footprint  found  freckle  fresco  furrow  gash  get out  glossy  gouge  graphotype  grave  groove  ground  hatch  hectograph  hectograph copy  hit off  hologram  honeycomb  ichnite  ichnolite  icon  illumination  illustration  image  impact  implant  impress  impression  imprint  incise  indent  indentation  indention  indenture  infix  ingrain  inscribe  issue  italic  jam  language  lantern slide  letter  letterpress  ligature  likeness  limn  line  linoleum-block print  lithograph  lodge  logotype  lower case  lump  mackle  majuscule  make a mark  make prints  map  mark  mark off  mark out  matte  mezzotint  microcopy  microprint  mimeograph  mimeograph copy  miniature  minuscule  montage  mosaic  mottle  multigraph  mural  negative  nick  notate  notch  offcut  offprint  offset  overprint  pack  
printed  autograph  autographic  calligraphic  carved  chirographic  creased  cursive  cut  enchased  engraved  engrossed  flowing  furrowed  glyphic  graphic  graphoanalytic  graphologic  graphometric  graved  graven  grooved  holograph  holographic  impressed  imprinted  in longhand  in print  in shorthand  in writing  incised  inscribed  insculptured  italic  italicized  lined  longhand  manuscript  marked  on paper  penciled  penned  running  scriptorial  scriptural  sculptured  shorthand  stamped  stylographic  tooled  typeset  written  
printed circuit  amplifier circuit  astable circuit  back-to-back switching circuit  break  broken circuit  circuit  circuital field  circuitry  closed circuit  complete circuit  coupling circuit  dead circuit  equivalent circuit  flip-flop circuit  galvanic circuit  hot circuit  lateral circuit  leg  live circuit  loop  magnetic circuit  microcircuit  monostable circuit  multiple circuit  multiple series  nonsinusoidal circuit  path  rectifier circuit  semiconductor circuit  series multiple  short  short circuit  thermionic tube circuit  transistor circuit  vector field  
printed matter  advance sheets  advertising matter  article  autograph  brainchild  composition  computer printout  copy  document  draft  edited version  engrossment  essay  fair copy  fiction  final draft  finished version  first draft  flimsy  holograph  letter  letterpress  literae scriptae  literary artefact  literary production  literature  lucubration  manuscript  matter  nonfiction  opus  original  paper  parchment  penscript  piece  piece of writing  play  poem  printout  production  reading matter  recension  screed  scrip  script  scrive  scroll  second draft  text  the written word  transcript  transcription  typescript  version  work  writing  
printer  Linotyper  apprentice printer  bibliognost  bibliographer  biblioklept  bibliolater  bibliomane  bibliomaniac  bibliopegist  bibliophage  bibliophile  bibliopole  bibliopolist  bibliotaph  bibliothec  bibliothecaire  bibliothecary  book agent  book collector  book printer  book publisher  book salesman  book-stealer  bookbinder  bookdealer  booklover  bookmaker  bookman  bookseller  bookworm  cataloger  chief librarian  college editor  composing room  compositor  copy editor  curator  devil  dictionary editor  editor  editor-in-chief  electrotyper  executive editor  juvenile editor  keyboarder  librarian  library director  makeup man  managing editor  permissions editor  philobiblist  press  pressman  pressroom  printing office  printshop  production editor  proofer  proofroom  publisher  publishers  publishing house  reference editor  reference librarian  stereotyper  stoneman  textbook editor  trade editor  typesetter  typist  typographer  
printing  Italian hand  Spencerian writing  airing  alphabet  art  back number  bandying  block letter  blueprint  bold hand  book  book hand  broadcast  broadcasting  bruiting  bruiting about  chancery hand  charactering  characterization  chart  choreography  circulation  collection  conventional representation  copperplate hand  copy  cursive  cursive hand  dance notation  delineation  demonstration  depiction  depictment  diagram  diffusion  display  dissemination  drama  drawing  edition  evulgation  exemplification  figuration  graphic artist  graphic arts  graphics  hieroglyphic  iconography  ideogram  illustration  imagery  imaging  impression  issuance  issue  law hand  letter  lettering  library  library edition  limning  logogram  logograph  longhand  majuscule script  map  minuscule script  musical notation  notation  number  painting  periodical  photography  pictogram  picturization  plan  portraiture  portrayal  prefigurement  presentment  printmaking  projection  promulgation  propagation  publication  publishing  realization  reissue  relief-carving  rendering  rendition  representation  reprinting  round hand  schema  school edition  score  script  series  set  spread  spreading  spreading abroad  syllabary  symbol  tablature  telecasting  text hand  trade book  trade edition  uncial  ventilation  volume  writing  
printing equipment  bearer  bed  bevel  blanket  boss  box  burr  case  chase  composing stick  drawsheet  footstick  form  frame  furniture  galley  guide  gutter  matrix  overlay  platen  quoin  ratchet  turtle  tympan  underlay  
printmaking  albertype  book printing  chromotypography  chromotypy  chromoxylography  collotype  color printing  drawing  electronography  electrostatic printing  graphic artist  graphic arts  graphics  gravure  halftone engraving  history of printing  job printing  letterpress  letterpress photoengraving  line engraving  lithography  lithogravure  lithophotogravure  mimeograph  offset  offset lithography  onset  painting  palaeotypography  photo-offset  photochemical process  photoengraving  photogelatin process  photographic reproduction  photography  photolithography  phototypography  phototypy  photozincography  planographic printing  planography  printing  publication  publishing  relief printing  relief-carving  rotary photogravure  rotogravure  sheetwork  stencil  three-color printing  two-color printing  typography  typolithography  wood-block printing  xerography  xeroprinting  xylotypography  zincography  
printout  Flexowriter typewriter  Teleplotter  alphabetical printer  article  autograph  brainchild  composition  computer printout  copy  digital graph plotter  document  draft  edited version  engrossment  essay  fair copy  fiction  final draft  finished version  first draft  flimsy  hard copy  holograph  letter  literae scriptae  literary artefact  literary production  literature  lucubration  magnetic recorder  magnetic tape  manuscript  matter  microcards  microfiche  microfilm  nonfiction  opus  original  oscillograph recorder  oscilloscope  paper  parchment  penscript  piece  piece of writing  play  poem  printed matter  production  punch cards  punched tape  reader  reading matter  readout  recension  recorder  relay register  screed  scrip  script  scrive  scroll  second draft  tape reader  teletypewriter  the written word  transcript  transcription  typescript  version  work  writing  

Bildschirminhalt drucken Definition

(v. t.) To fix or impress, as a stamp, mark, character, idea, etc., into or upon something.
(v. t.) To stamp something in or upon
(v. t.) To strike off an impression or impressions of, from type, or from stereotype, electrotype, or engraved plates, or the like
(v. t.) To stamp or impress with colored figures or patterns
(v. t.) To take (a copy, a positive picture, etc.), from a negative, a transparent drawing, or the like, by the action of light upon a sensitized surface.
(v. i.) To use or practice the art of typography
(v. i.) To publish a book or an article.
(n.) A mark made by impression
(n.) A stamp or die for molding or impressing an ornamental design upon an object
(n.) That which receives an impression, as from a stamp or mold
(n.) Printed letters
(n.) That which is produced by printing.
(n.) An impression taken from anything, as from an engraved plate.
(n.) A printed publication, more especially a newspaper or other periodical.
(n.) A printed cloth
(n.) A photographic copy, or positive picture, on prepared paper, as from a negative, or from a drawing on transparent paper.
(n.) A core print. See under Core.
(n.) Anything that separates or cuts off inconvenience, injury, or danger
(n.) A dwarf wall or partition carried up to a certain height for separation and protection, as in a church, to separate the aisle from the choir, or the like.
(n.) A surface, as that afforded by a curtain, sheet, wall, etc., upon which an image, as a picture, is thrown by a magic lantern, solar microscope, etc.
(n.) A long, coarse riddle or sieve, sometimes a revolving perforated cylinder, used to separate the coarser from the finer parts, as of coal, sand, gravel, and the like.
(v. t.) To provide with a shelter or means of concealment
(v. t.) To pass, as coal, gravel, ashes, etc., through a screen in order to separate the coarse from the fine, or the worthless from the valuable

print screen Bedeutung

screen pass a short forward pass in which the receiver is protected by a screen of blockers
screen test a filmed audition of an actor or actress
smoke screen
an action intended to conceal or confuse or obscure, requesting new powers of surveillance is just a smokescreen to hide their failures
active matrix screen a type of LCD screen used for some portable computers, there is a separate circuit for each pixel
background desktop
screen background
(computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear
a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight, they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet
computer screen
computer display
a screen used to display the output of a computer to the user
contact print a print made by exposing a photosensitive surface to direct contact with a photographic negative
daisy print wheel
daisy wheel
a wheel around which is a set of print characters that make a typing impression on paper
fire screen
a metal screen before an open fire for protection (especially against flying sparks)
light filter
diffusing screen
a transparent filter that reduces the light (or some wavelengths of the light) passing through it
photographic print
a printed picture produced from a photographic negative
print a picture or design printed from an engraving
print a fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it (usually by engraved rollers)
print a copy of a movie on film (especially a particular version of it)
print buffer a buffer that stores data until the printer is ready
print shop
printing shop
a workplace where printing is done
rood screen a screen in a church, separates the nave from the choir or chancel
screen a protective covering consisting of netting, can be mounted in a frame, they put screens in the windows for protection against insects, a metal screen protected the observers
screen cover covert
a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something, a screen of trees afforded privacy, under cover of darkness, the brush provided a covert for game, the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background
screen partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that serves to divide a space
screen CRT screen the display that is electronically created on the surface of the large end of a cathodeay tube
screen silver screen
projection screen
a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing
screen door
a door that consists of a frame holding metallic or plastic netting, used to allow ventilation and to keep insects from entering a building through the open door, he heard the screen slam as she left
screen saver (computer science) a moving design that appears on a computer screen when there has been no input for a specified period of time, screen savers prevent the damage that occurs when the same areas of light and dark are displayed too long
a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or grading particles
silk screen print
a print made using a stencil process in which an image or design is superimposed on a very fine mesh screen and printing ink is squeegeed onto the printing surface through the area of the screen that is not covered by the stencil
smoke screen
(military) screen consisting of a cloud of smoke that obscures movements
touch screen
a computer display that enables the user to interact with the computer by touching areas on the screen
wide screen a projection screen that is much wider than it is high
window screen screen to keep insects from entering a building through the open window
screen memory an imagined memory of a childhood experience, hides another memory of distressing significance
silver screen the film industry
print media a medium that disseminates printed matter
print availability in printed form, we've got to get that story into print, his book is no longer in print
print the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication, I want to see it in print
small print
fine print
material printed in small type, he needed his glasses in order to read the fine print
fine print small print the part of a contract that contains reservations and qualifications that are often printed in small type, don't sign a contract without reading the fine print
mark print a visible indication made on a surface, some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks, paw prints were everywhere
roman roman type
roman letters
roman print
a typeface used in ancient Roman inscriptions
screen font
raster font
the font that is displayed on a computer screen, when the screen font resembles a printed font a document may look approximately the same on the screen as it will when printed
the personnel of the film industry, a star of stage and screen
print seller someone who sells etchings and engravings etc.
screen actor
movie actor
an actor who plays a role in a film
velvetleaf velvet-leaf velvetweed
Indian mallow butter-print
China jute
Abutilon theophrasti
tall annual herb or subshrub of tropical Asia having velvety leaves and yellow flowers and yielding a strong fiber, naturalized in southeastern Europe and United States
print run
press run
the period that presses run to produce an issue of a newspaper
screen off
separate off
partition by means of a divider, such as a screen, screen off this part of the room
screen examine methodically, screen the suitcases
protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm
riddle screen separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff
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