
Brennnessel Definition

(n.) A plant of the genus Urtica, covered with minute sharp hairs containing a poison that produces a stinging sensation. Urtica gracitis is common in the Northern, and U. chamaedryoides in the Southern, United States. the common European species, U. urens and U. dioica, are also found in the Eastern united States. U. pilulifera is the Roman nettle of England.
(v. t.) To fret or sting
(n. pl.) The halves of yarns in the unlaid end of a rope twisted for pointing or grafting.
(n. pl.) Small lines used to sling hammocks under the deck beams.
(n. pl.) Reef points.
Sea nettle
() A jellyfish, or medusa.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sting
(a.) Piercing, or capable of piercing, with a sting

stinging nettle / stinging nettles Bedeutung

nettle-leaved goosefoot
nettleleaf goosefoot
Chenopodium murale
European annual with coarsely dentate leaves, widespread in United States and southern Canada
nettle-leaved bellflower
Campanula trachelium
European bellflower with blue-purple to lilac flowers formerly used to treat sore throat
family Urticaceae
nettle family
a family of plants of order Urticales including many nettles with stinging hairs
nettle any of numerous plants having stinging hairs that cause skin irritation on contact (especially of the genus Urtica or family Urticaceae)
stinging nettle
Urtica dioica
perennial Eurasian nettle established in North America having broad coarsely toothed leaves with copious stinging hairs
Roman nettle
Urtica pipulifera
annual European nettle with stinging foliage and small clusters of green flowers
false nettle
bog hemp
any of several flowering weeds of the genus Boehmeria lacking stinging hairs
wood nettle
Laportea canadensis
American perennial herb found in rich woods and provided with stinging hairs, provides fibers used for textiles
Australian nettle
Australian nettle tree
any of several tall Australian trees of the genus Laportea
richweed clearweed
dead nettle Pilea pumilla
a plants of the genus Pilea having drooping green flower clusters and smooth translucent stems and leaves
nettle tree
any of various trees of the genus Celtis having inconspicuous flowers and small berrylike fruits
flame nettle
any of various Old World tropical plants of the genus Coleus having multicolored decorative leaves and spikes of blue flowers
painted nettle
Joseph's coat Coleus blumei
Solenostemon blumei
Solenostemon scutellarioides
perennial aromatic herb of southeastern Asia having large usually brightolored or blotched leaves and spikes of blue-violet flowers, sometimes placed in genus Solenostemon
hemp nettle
dead nettle Galeopsis tetrahit
coarse bristly Eurasian plant with white or reddish flowers and foliage resembling that of a nettle, common as a weed in United States
dead nettle any of various plants of the genus Lamium having clusters of small usually purplish flowers with two lips
white dead nettle
Lamium album
European dead nettle with white flowers
hedge nettle dead nettle Stachys sylvatica foul-smelling perennial Eurasiatic herb with a green creeping rhizome
hedge nettle Stachys palustris perennial herb with an odorless rhizome widespread in moist places in northern hemisphere
horse nettle
ball nettle
bull nettle
ball nightshade
Solanum carolinense
coarse prickly weed having pale yellow flowers and yellow berrylike fruit, common throughout southern and eastern United States
white horse nettle
prairie berry
purple nightshade
silverleaf nightshade
silver-leaved nightshade
silver-leaved nettle
Solanum elaeagnifolium
weedy nightshade with silvery foliage and violet or blue or white flowers, roundish berry widely used to curdle milk, central United States to South America
spurge nettle
devil nettle
Cnidoscolus urens
Jatropha urens
Jatropha stimulosus
a stinging herb of tropical America
stinging hair a multicellular hair in plants like the stinging nettle that expels an irritating fluid
nettle rash
an itchy skin eruption characterized by weals with pale interiors and well-defined red margins, usually the result of an allergic response to insect bites or food or drugs
a kind of pain, something as sudden and painful as being stung, the sting of death, he felt the stinging of nettles
d annoy
rag get to
get at
cause annoyance in, disturb, especially by minor irritations, Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me, It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves
sting with or as with nettles and cause a stinging pain or sensation
(of speech) harsh or hurtful in tone or character, cutting remarks, edged satire, a stinging comment
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