
Charakter {m} Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

ruhiger Charakter
settled character
Dazu gehört Charakter
that needs character
Dazu gehört Charakter.
That needs character.
der Charakter dieser Person
the character of this person
angeboren adj (Charakter)
sein Charakter wird geprägt von
its character is stamped by
italienisch anmutender Charakter
Italianate character
Charakter einer kleinen Landstadt
character of a small country town
Charakter m; Charakterstärke f
moral courage
Charakter m, Charakterstärke f
moral courage
Ländlichkeit f; ländlicher Charakter
repräsentativer Charakter, Vertretung
großzügig; weitherzig (Charakter) adj
liberal; broadminded
großzügig, weitherzig (Charakter) adj
liberal, broadminded
Verbreitung f; durchdringender Charakter
Verbreitung f, durchdringender Charakter
repräsentativer Charakter m; Vertretung f
Charakter m, Person f, Persönlichkeit f
makellos; tadellos adj
tadelloser Charakter
stainless character
Sportlichkeit f; sportlicher Charakter (von jdm. etw.)
sportiness (of sb. sth.)
Charakter m; Person f; Persönlichkeit f
Dazu gehört Charakter.
This That needs character.
Wesen n; besonderer Charakter m; besondere Merkmale pl (einer Sache)
particular nature (of a thing)
Wesen n; besonderer Charakter m; besondere Merkmale pl (einer Sache)
particular nature (of a matter)
museal adj (wie ein Museum Museumsstück anmutend)
musealen Charakter haben
to have a museum-like character
Selektivität f; selektiver Charakter m; Beschränktheit f (eines Angebots usw.)
selective nature (of an offer etc.)
bestechlich; käuflich; korrupt adj
ein korruptes Regime
ein verdorbener Charakter
a venal regime
a venal character
Quasimodo (fiktiver Charakter in Victor Hugos Roman "Der Glöckner von Notre-Dame" 1831) lit.
Quasimodo (fictional character Victor Hugo's novel "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame 1831)
Quasimodo (fiktiver Charakter in Victor Hugos Roman "Der Glöckner von Notre-Dame", 1831) lit.
Quasimodo (fictional character Victor Hugo's novel "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, 1831)
Symbolik f; symbolische Darstellung f; symbolische Bedeutung f; symbolischer Charakter m
Aussparen n jeglicher Erotik; Erotikfreiheit f; unerotischer Charakter m; fehlendes Sexleben n
makellos, untadelig; unbefleckt obs. adj
ein makelloser Ruf
ein Mann von untadeligem Charakter geh.
stainless; spotless; unblemished; untarnished; untainted; unsullied
an untarnished reputation
a man of stainless character
geochemisch adj geol. chem.
geochemische Analyse
geochemischer Charakter
geochemische Besonderheit
geochemical analysis
geochemical character
geochemical anomaly
Temperament n; Gemüt n; Gemütsart f; Charakter m; Veranlagung f; Wesen n; Naturell n
ein hitziges Temperament
a hot temper
Temperament n, Gemüt n, Gemütsart f, Charakter m, Veranlagung f, Wesen n, Naturell n
ein hitziges Temperament
a hot temper
schwarzer Fleck f (auf etw.) übtr.
der einzige schwarze Fleck auf seinem sonst untadeligen Charakter
ein Schandfleck (in) der europäischen Geschichte
blot (on sth.) fig.
the only blot on his otherwise reproachless character
a shameful blot on Europe's history
skizzenhafter Charakter f art
Der skizzenhafte Charakter von Monets 'Blick auf Rouen' lässt darauf schließen dass er das Bild zur Gänze im Freien gemalt hat.
The sketchiness of Monet's 'View of Rouen' suggests he painted it entirely in the open air.
skizzenhafter Charakter f art
Der skizzenhafte Charakter von Monets 'Blick auf Rouen' lässt darauf schließen, dass er das Bild zur Gänze im Freien gemalt hat.
The sketchiness of Monet's 'View of Rouen' suggests he painted it entirely in the open air.
Natur f; Charakter m; Eigenart f; Art f; Wesen n (von Dingen)
von Natur aus
die menschliche Natur
die internationale Ausrichtung der Schifffahrt
der Auslandsbezug von Ermittlungen
Es liegt in der Natur der Sache.; Es liegt in der Natur der Dinge.
Seine Rede hatte den Charakter einer Entschuldigung.
Es ist ganz natürlich dass Jugendliche oft gegen ihre Eltern rebellieren.
nature (of things)
by nature
human nature
the international nature of the shipping industry
the international nature of investigations
It is in the nature of things.
His speech was in the nature of an apology.
In the nature of things young people often rebel against their parents.
Natur f; Charakter m; Eigenart f; Art f; Wesen n (von Dingen)
die menschliche Natur
die internationale Ausrichtung der Schifffahrt
der Auslandsbezug von Ermittlungen
Es liegt in der Natur der Sache, dass …
Es liegt in der Natur der Sache.; Es liegt in der Natur der Dinge.
Seine Rede hatte den Charakter einer Entschuldigung.
Es ist ganz natürlich, dass Jugendliche oft gegen ihre Eltern rebellieren.
nature (of things)
human nature
the international nature of the shipping industry
the international nature of investigations
By the very nature of things, …
It is in the nature of things.
His speech was in the nature of an apology.
In the nature of things, young people often rebel against their parents.

Deutsche Charakter {m} Synonyme

repräsentativer  Charakter  ÂVertretung  
Anlage  ÂCharakter  ÂEigenart  ÂNaturell  ÂTemperament  ÂVeranlagung  ÂWesen  
Charakter  ÂIndividuum  ÂMensch  ÂPersönlichkeit  ÂPerson  ÂSubjekt  ÂTyp  (umgangssprachlich)  
Charakter  ÂEigenart  ÂGemüt  ÂGemütsart  ÂNaturell  ÂTemperament  ÂVeranlagung  ÂWesensart  
alphabetisches  Zeichen  ÂAlphazeichen  ÂBuchstabe  ÂCharakter  ÂLetter  ÂZeichen  
Beschaffenheit, Wesen, Charakter  Bewandtnis  
Charakter  Eigenart  Gemüt  Gemütsart  Naturell  Temperament  Veranlagung  Wesensart  
Charakter  Individuum  Mensch  Persönlichkeit  Person  Subjekt  Typ (umgangssprachlich)  
repräsentativer Charakter  Vertretung  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Charakter Synonym nachschlagen

Englische character Synonyme

character  Adamite  Altmann theory  DNA  De Vries theory  Galtonian theory  Mendelianism  Mendelism  RNA  Roscius  VIP  Verworn theory  Weismann theory  Weismannism  Wiesner theory  abnormal  accent  accent mark  acclaim  actor  actress  advocacy  advocating  advocation  affection  alien  allele  allelomorph  alphabet  alphabetic character  alphabetize  animus  antagonist  antihero  aptitude  arbitrary  aroma  arrowhead  assured probity  attribute  atypical  autolithograph  bad guy  badge  banner  bar  barnstormer  bastard  bat  be a printmaker  being  bent  bias  big shot  big-timer  bigwig  binary digit  bird  birth  birthmark  bit  bit part  blamelessness  blood  body  body-build  brand  breed  bring to life  bugger  cachet  cameo  cancel  capacity  capitalize  card  carve  case  cast  cat  catalog  cataloging  catch a likeness  celebrity  certificate of character  chap  character actor  character man  character reference  character sketch  character woman  characteristic  characteristics  characterization  characterize  chart  chief  child actor  chisel  chromatid  chromatin  chromosome  cipher  clan  cleanness  clothing  color  complexion  composition  condition  configuration  constituents  constitution  courage  cove  crackpot  crank  crasis  crease  creature  credential  cribble  crosshatch  cue  cuneiform  customer  custos  cut  decency  delineate  delineation  demotic character  denomination  depict  depiction  describe  description  designation  details  determinant  determinative  determiner  device  dharma  diagram  diathesis  differentia  differential  digit  dignitary  direct  diseur  diseuse  disposition  distinction  distinctive feature  dot  dramatizer  draw  duck  duty  earmark  earthling  eccentric  eccentricity  eclat  emblem  eminence  enchase  endowment  engrave  erectness  erratic  estimableness  ethos  eugenics  evocation  evoke  expected  express  expression mark  factor  fairness  fame  famousness  fanatic  fat part  feather  feature  feed  
character assassination  attack  backbiting  backstabbing  belittlement  blackening  calumny  defamation  defamation of character  defilement  denigration  depreciation  dirt  dirty politics  disparagement  gossip column  juicy morsel  last-minute lie  malicious defamation  malicious gossip  muckraking  mudslinging  mudslinging campaign  name-calling  political canard  revilement  roorback  scandal  scandalmongering  slander  smear  smear campaign  smear word  tidbit  vilification  whispering campaign  
characteristic  affection  affective  appropriate  aroma  attribute  automatism  bad habit  badge  banner  birthmark  body-build  brand  cachet  cast  categorical  character  characteristics  characterizing  classificational  classificatory  compare  complexion  composition  configuration  constituents  constitution  constitutional  contrastive  crasis  creature of habit  custom  cut  defining  denominative  device  dharma  diacritical  diagnostic  diathesis  differencing  differentia  differential  differentiative  discriminating  discriminative  disposition  dispositional  distinctive  distinctive feature  distinguished  distinguishing  divisional  divisionary  earmark  emblematic  emotional  especial  ethos  exemplary  feature  fiber  figure  flavor  force of habit  frame  genius  grain  gust  habit  habit pattern  habitude  hallmark  hue  humor  humors  idiocrasy  idiocratic  idiosyncrasy  idiosyncratic  ilk  image  impress  impression  in character  index  indicant  indicator  individual  individualism  individualizing  individuating  innate  insignia  intellectual  intrinsic  keynote  kind  lineaments  makeup  mannerism  mark  marked  marking  measure  mental  mold  natural  naturalistic  nature  normal  note  odor  ordinal  particular  particularity  pattern  peculiar  peculiarity  personalizing  physique  picture  point  practice  praxis  proper  property  quality  quintessential  quirk  realistic  regular  representation  representative  sample  savor  seal  second nature  separative  shape  sigil  sign  signal  signature  single  singular  singularity  smack  somatotype  sort  special  specialty  specific  spirit  spiritual  stamp  stereotype  stereotyped behavior  streak  stripe  subdivisional  suchness  sure sign  symbolic  symptom  symptomatic  system  taint  tang  taste  taxonomic  telltale sign  temper  temperament  temperamental  tendency  tenor  token  tone  trait  trick  true to form  true to type  typal  type  typic  typical  unique  usage  use  u  
characterization  acting  action  alphabet  anagnorisis  angle  aping  architectonics  architecture  argument  art  atmosphere  background  blueprint  buffoonery  business  cameo  catalog  cataloging  catastrophe  character  character sketch  charactering  chart  choreography  color  complication  continuity  contrivance  conventional representation  dance notation  definition  delineation  demonstration  denomination  denotation  denouement  depiction  depictment  description  design  designation  details  development  device  diagram  differentiation  disclosure  distinction  drama  drawing  dumb show  embodiment  enacting  enactment  episode  evocation  exemplification  expression  fable  falling action  figuration  fingering  gag  gimmick  graphic account  ham  hammy acting  hieroglyphic  hint  hoke  hokum  iconography  identification  ideogram  illustration  image  imagery  imaging  imitation  impersonation  impression  incarnation  incident  indication  indicativeness  itemization  letter  limning  line  local color  logogram  logograph  manifestation  map  masquerade  meaning  mimesis  mimicking  mimicry  miming  mood  motif  movement  mummery  musical notation  mythos  naming  notation  overacting  pantomime  pantomiming  particularization  patter  performance  performing  peripeteia  personation  personification  photograph  picking out  pictogram  picture  picturization  plan  playacting  playing  plot  pointing  pointing out  pointing to  portrait  portraiture  portrayal  posing  prefigurement  presentment  printing  profile  projection  realization  recognition  rendering  rendition  representation  rising action  schema  scheme  score  script  secondary plot  selection  show  showing  signification  sketch  slant  slapstick  specification  stage business  stage directions  stage presence  story  structure  stunt  subject  subplot  suggestion  switch  syllabary  symbol  symptomaticness  tablature  taking a role  thematic development  theme  tone  topic    
characterize  adumbrate  argue  be characteristic  be indicative of  be significant of  be symptomatic of  bespeak  betoken  block out  brand  bring to life  catch a likeness  chalk out  character  chart  connote  define  delineate  demarcate  denominate  denote  depict  describe  diagram  differentiate  disclose  display  distinguish  draft  draw  earmark  entail  evoke  express  give evidence  give token  give words to  highlight  hint  hit off  identify  indicate  individualize  individuate  involve  keynote  label  limn  manifest  map  mark  mark off  mark out  mean  notate  note  outline  paint  peculiarize  personalize  picture  picturize  portray  print  qualify  register  render  represent  reveal  rough out  rub  schematize  set apart  set forth  set the pace  set the tone  show  signalize  signify  skeleton  sketch  sound the keynote  stand for  suggest  symbolize  symptomatize  symptomize  take a rubbing  testify  trace  trace out  trace over  write  
characterless  amorphic  amorphous  anarchic  arid  baggy  bare  barren  blah  bland  blank  bleached  blobby  bloodless  blurred  blurry  chaotic  childish  clear  cold  colorless  confused  dead  devoid  dismal  disorderly  draggy  drearisome  dreary  dry  dryasdust  dull  dusty  effete  elephantine  empty  etiolated  fade  featureless  flat  formless  futile  fuzzy  hazy  heavy  ho-hum  hollow  impotent  inane  inchoate  indecisive  indefinite  indeterminate  inexcitable  infantile  inform  insipid  jejune  kaleidoscopic  leaden  lifeless  low-spirited  lumpen  misty  namby-pamby  nondescript  null  null and void  obscure  orderless  pale  pallid  pantywaist  pedestrian  plodding  pointless  poky  ponderous  powerless  shapeless  sissified  sissy  slow  solemn  spiritless  sterile  stiff  stodgy  stuffy  superficial  tasteless  tedious  unclear  undefined  unlively  unmanly  unordered  unorganized  unrelieved  vacant  vacuous  vague  vapid  void  weak  white  wishy-washy  with nothing inside  without content  wooden  

Charakter {m} Definition

(n.) A distinctive mark
(n.) Style of writing or printing
(n.) The peculiar quality, or the sum of qualities, by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others
(n.) Strength of mind
(n.) Moral quality
(n.) Quality, position, rank, or capacity
(n.) The estimate, individual or general, put upon a person or thing
(n.) A written statement as to behavior, competency, etc., given to a servant.
(n.) A unique or extraordinary individuality
(n.) One of the persons of a drama or novel.
(v. t.) To engrave
(v. t.) To distinguish by particular marks or traits

character Bedeutung

character printer
character-at-a-time printer
serial printer
a printer that prints a single character at a time
character (genetics) an attribute (structural or functional) that is determined by a gene or group of genes
unit character (genetics) a character inherited on an all-or-none basis and dependent on the presence of a single gene
character fiber
the inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions, education has for its object the formation of character- Herbert Spencer
sex characteristic
sexual characteristic
sex character
those characteristics (both anatomical and psychological) that are strongly associated with one sex relative to the other
primary sex characteristic
primary sexual characteristic
primary sex character
the genetically determined sex characteristics bound up with reproduction (genitals and organs of reproduction)
secondary sex characteristic
secondary sexual characteristic
secondary sex character
the genetically determined sex characteristics that are not functionally necessary for reproduction (pitch of the voice and body hair and musculature)
a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something, each town has a quality all its own, the radical character of our demands
character role
theatrical role
part persona
an actor's portrayal of someone in a play, she played the part of Desdemona
ASCII character set (computer science) characters that make up the ASCII coding scheme, the ASCII character set is the most universal character coding set
character set an ordered list of characters that are used together in writing or printing
character reference character reference a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person's qualifications and dependability, requests for character references are all too often answered evasively
character assassination
assassination blackwash
an attack intended to ruin someone's reputation
graphic symbol
a written symbol that is used to represent speech, the Greek alphabet has characters
check character a character that is added to the end of a block of transmitted data and used to check the accuracy of the transmission
ASCII character any member of the standard code for representing characters by binary numbers
control character
ASCII control character
ASCII characters to indicate carriage return or tab or backspace, typed by depressing a key and the control key at the same time
backspace character a control character that indicates moving a space to the left
letter letter of the alphabet
alphabetic character
the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech, his grandmother taught him his letters
fictional character
fictitious character
an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play or film or story), she is the main character in the novel
eccentric type
a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities), a real character, a strange character, a friendly eccentric, the capable type, a mental case
character actor an actor who specializes in playing supporting roles
character witness a witness who testifies under oath as to the good reputation of another person in the community where that person lives
character good repute, he is a man of character
character engrave or inscribe characters on
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