
Deutsche Cover Synonyme

cover charge  American plan  European plan  a la carte  admission  admission fee  anchorage  brokerage  carfare  cellarage  
cover girl  Miss America  bathing beauty  beau ideal  beaut  beauty  beauty contest winner  beauty queen  belle  bunny  
cover story  alibi  apology  blind  cloak  color  cover  cover-up  device  excuse  
cover up  act  act a part  affect  alibi  apology  apply to  assume  be the goat  becloud  
cover  American plan  European plan  Smyth sewing  a la carte  abri  account for  accouple  accumulate  act  
soft cover  best seller  book  bound book  classic  coloring book  definitive work  folio  great work  hardback  
take cover  bar the gate  be incognito  bolt the door  burrow  claim sanctuary  disappear  drop from sight  fly to  go into hiding  

Englische cap Synonyme

cap  Balmoral  Dutch cap  Panama  Panama hat  Salvation Army bonnet  Stetson  acme  apex  apogee  ascender  astrakhan  back  balaclava helmet  baseball cap  bastard type  beany  beard  bearskin  beaver  befog  belly  beret  best  better  bevel  bewilder  black letter  blanket  blasting cap  boater  body  bonnet  boot  bowler  bracket capital  brass hat  breech  brow  busby  button up  calash  campaign hat  cap  capital  capote  capsheaf  caput  carry to completion  case  castor  ceil  chapeau  chapeau bras  clean up  climax  cloak  cloche  close out  close up  cloud nine  coat  cob  cock-and-pinch  coif  complete  conclude  confound  confuse  consummate  cork  cornice  counter  cover  coverchief  coxcomb  crest  crown  culmen  culminate  culmination  derby  descender  detonating powder  detonator  dome  edge  electric detonator  em  en  end  exceed  excel  exploder  extreme limit  extremity  face  fantail  fat-faced type  feet  fez  finalize  finish  finish off  finish up  font  frock  frost  fulminating mercury  fuse  get done  get it over  get through  get through with  give in kind  go one better  gown  groove  handkerchief  hard hat  hat  head  headcloth  headdress  headgear  heading  headpiece  headtire  headwear  heaven  heavens  height  helmet  high noon  highest pitch  highest point  homburg  hood  ice  improve on  italic  jacket  jockey cap  kaffiyeh  kelly  kepi  kerchief  leghorn  letter  lex talionis  lid  ligature  limit  logotype  lower case  majuscule  mantle  match  maximum  mercury fulminate  meridian  millinery  minuscule  mobcap  mop up  mortarboard  mountaintop  ne plus ultra  nick  nightcap  no place higher  noon  opera hat  operculum  outshine  outstrip  outtop  outweigh  overarch  overbalance  overbear  overcast  overcome  overlay  overpass  overseas cap  overspread  overtop  pass  peak  peaked cap  percussion cap  perfect  perplex  pi  pica  picture hat  pillbox  pinhead  pinnacle  pitch  pith hat  pith helmet  plug  point  poke  pole  porkpi  
capability  ability  ableness  address  adeptness  adequacy  adroitness  airmanship  aptitude  artfulness  artisanship  artistry  bravura  brilliance  bump  caliber  capableness  capacity  cleverness  command  competence  competency  condition  control  coordination  craft  craftsmanship  cunning  deftness  dexterity  dexterousness  dextrousness  diplomacy  dower  dowry  efficacy  efficiency  endowment  equipment  expertise  facility  faculty  finesse  fitness  fittedness  flair  forte  genius  gift  grace  grip  handiness  horsemanship  ingeniousness  ingenuity  instinct  know-how  long suit  makings  marksmanship  mastership  mastery  maturity  means  metier  natural endowment  natural gift  parts  potential  power  powers  practical ability  preparedness  proficiency  prowess  qualification  quickness  readiness  resource  resourcefulness  ripeness  savoir-faire  savvy  seamanship  seasoning  skill  skillfulness  speciality  strong flair  strong point  style  sufficiency  suitability  suitableness  suitedness  susceptibility  tact  tactfulness  talent  talents  technical brilliance  technical mastery  technical skill  technique  tempering  the goods  the stuff  timing  trim  virtuosity  what it takes  wherewithal  wit  wizardry  workmanship  
capable  able  accomplished  adapted  adept  adequate  adjusted  apt  au fait  capable of  checked out  clever  competent  disposed to  effective  effectual  efficacious  efficient  equal to  expert  fit  fitted  fitted for  gifted  good  inclined to  journeyman  masterful  masterly  predisposed to  productive  proficient  proper  qualified  skilled  suited  talented  up to  up to snuff  well-fitted  well-qualified  well-suited  wicked  worthy  
capable of  answerable for  apt to  dependent on  exposed to  in danger of  incident to  liable to  likely to  naked to  obliged to  open to  prone to  ready for  responsible for  standing to  subject to  susceptive to  within range of  
capacious  abundant  ample  amplitudinous  broad  commodious  comprehensive  copious  deep  expandable  expansive  extended  extending  extensile  extensive  far-reaching  generous  infinite  plentiful  roomy  spacious  spreading  vast  voluminous  wide  widespread  
capacity  IQ  SRO  ability  ableness  accommodation  acumen  address  adeptness  adequacy  adroitness  airmanship  amplitude  apprehension  aptitude  artfulness  artisanship  artistry  bellyful  bent  brains  bravura  brilliance  brimful  brimming  bulging  bump  bumper  burden  bursting  caliber  capability  capableness  capaciousness  capacitance  capital  character  charge  chock-full  chuck-full  cleverness  collector junction capacitance  command  commodiousness  competence  competency  complement  comprehension  conception  condition  congested  consciousness  content  control  coordination  cordage  craft  craftsmanship  cram  cram-full  crammed  crush  cunning  deductive power  deftness  devices  dexterity  dexterousness  dextrousness  dimensions  diplomacy  disposable resources  dower  dowry  duty  efficacy  efficiency  emitter junction capacitance  endowment  equipment  esemplastic power  expansiveness  expertise  extensiveness  facility  faculties  faculty  farad  farci  fill  filled  finesse  fitness  flair  flush  footing  forte  full  full house  full measure  full to bursting  function  funds  genius  gift  grace  grip  handiness  horsemanship  ideation  ingeniousness  ingenuity  instinct  integrative power  intellect  intellectual gifts  intellectual grasp  intellectual power  intellectualism  intellectuality  intellectuals  intelligence  intelligence quotient  jam up  jam-packed  job  judgement  knack  know-how  knowledge  lading  limit  load  long suit  makings  marksmanship  mastership  mastery  means  measure  mental age  mental capacity  mental grasp  mental ratio  mentality  method  metier  might  mother wit  mouthful  native wit  natural endowment  natural gift  office  overfull  overstuffed  packed  packed like sardines  part  parts  perception  perceptiveness  perspicacity  place  plenary  position  post  potential  poundage  power  power of mind  powers  practical ability  proficiency  province  prowess  qualification  quality  quantity  qu  
caparison  accouterments  back band  backstrap  bearing rein  bellyband  bit  blinders  blinds  breeching  bridle  cavesson  checkrein  cheekpiece  chinband  cinch  collar  crownband  crupper  curb  furnishings  gag swivel  getup  girth  hackamore  halter  hames  hametugs  harness  headgear  headstall  hip straps  horse blanket  horsecloth  housing  jaquima  jerk line  lines  livery  martingale  noseband  outfit  pole strap  reins  ribbons  rig  saddle  saddle blanket  saddlecloth  shaft tug  side check  snaffle  surcingle  tack  tackle  things  trappings  trousseau  tug  turnout  wardrobe  winker braces  yoke  
cape  Inverness cape  academic gown  afghan  beak  bill  blouse  breakwater  burnoose  capote  cardinal  cashmere  cassock  chersonese  chlamys  cloak  coral reef  delta  domino  duster  foreland  frock  head  headland  hook  kimono  kirtle  manta  manteau  mantelet  mantelletta  mantellone  mantilla  mantle  mantua  mull  naze  neck  ness  opera cloak  pallium  pelisse  peninsula  peplum  plaid  point  poncho  promontory  reef  robe  sagum  sandspit  shawl  shoulderette  slop  smock  soutane  spit  spur  stole  tabard  tippet  toga  toga virilis  tongue  tunic  wrap-around  wrap-up  wrapper  
caper  antic  beam  bob  bounce  burglary  capriole  caracole  carol  carry on  cavort  chirp  chirrup  clap hands  crime  curvet  cut a dido  cut capers  cut up  dance  delight  devilment  dido  disport  escapade  exult  falcade  filch  flounce  fool around  frisk  frolic  gambade  gambado  gambol  glory  glow  grab  heist  high jinks  hop  horse around  impishness  job  joy  jubilate  jump  jump about  lark  laugh  leap  lift  lilt  mischief  monkeyshine  monkeyshines  pinch  play  practical joke  prance  prank  radiate cheer  ramp  rejoice  revel  rip-off  robbery  roguery  rollick  romp  shenanigan  shenanigans  shines  sing  skip  skip for joy  smile  sparkle  sport  spring  steal  stunt  theft  tomfoolery  trick  trip  waggish trick  waggishness  whistle  
capillary  aorta  arterial  arteriole  artery  blood vessel  bristlelike  carotid  cirrose  cirrous  fibered  fibroid  fibrous  flagelliform  flossy  funicular  gossamery  hairlike  hairy  jugular vein  ligamental  portal vein  pulmonary artery  pulmonary vein  ropy  silky  stringy  taeniate  taeniform  threadlike  thready  vascular  vein  veinlet  veinous  vena cava  venation  venose  venous  venule  vesicular  wiry  
capital  Grade A  abecedarian  ability  acmatic  advantageous  all-absorbing  allographic  alphabetic  apical  arch  art center  ascender  assets  auspicious  available means  back  balance  banner  basic  bastard type  beard  belly  beneficial  benevolent  bevel  black letter  body  bon  bonny  bracket capital  braw  bueno  cap  capacity  capital city  capital gains distribution  capital goods  capital structure  capitalization  cardinal  case  cash  central  champion  chief  choice  circulating capital  cock  cogent  commendable  consummate  controlling  cornice  corpus  counter  county seat  county site  county town  crown  crowning  dandy  descender  devices  disposable resources  dominant  elegant  em  en  equity capital  essential  estimable  excellent  expedient  extraordinary  face  fair  famous  fat-faced type  favorable  feet  finances  financial  fine  first  first-class  first-rate  first-string  fiscal  fixed capital  flagrant  floating capital  focal  font  foremost  fund  fundamental  funds  garment center  glaring  good  goodly  grand  graphemic  great  grist  groove  gross  head  headmost  healthy  hegemonic  helpful  highest  holdings  ideographic  important  initial  italic  kind  laudable  leading  letter  lettered  lexigraphic  ligature  liquid assets  literal  logogrammatic  logographic  logotype  lower case  lower-case  magisterial  main  major  majuscule  manufacturing center  master  matchless  maximal  maximum  mean  means  medical center  meridian  meridional  method  metropolis  minuscular  minuscule  monetary  money  moneyed capital  nice  nick  noble  number one  numismatic  nummary  outstanding  overmost  overriding  overruling  paramount  pecuniary  peerless  pi  pica  pictographic  pleasant  point  power  predominant  preeminent  premier  preponderant  prevailing  primal  primary  prime  principal  print  profitable  property  railroad center  rank  ranking  recourses  regal  resorts  resource  resources  ripping  roman  royal  rulin  
capital punishment  beheading  burning  crucifixion  decapitation  decollation  defenestration  electrocution  execution  fusillade  garrote  gassing  hanging  hemlock  judicial murder  lapidation  necktie party  poisoning  shooting  stoning  strangling  strangulation  the ax  the block  the chair  the gallows  the gas chamber  the guillotine  the hot seat  the rope  
capitalism  capitalistic system  finance capitalism  free competition  free economy  free enterprise  free trade  free-enterprise economy  free-enterprise system  individualism  isolationism  laissez-aller  laissez-faire  laissez-faireism  let-alone policy  let-alone principle  liberalism  noninterference  nonintervention  private enterprise  private ownership  private sector  rugged individualism  self-regulating market  state capitalism  
capitalist  Daddy Warbucks  Wall Streeter  billionaire  bloated plutocrat  bourgeois  economist  fat cat  finance capitalist  financial expert  financier  free-enterprise  individualist  individualistic  investor  man of means  man of substance  man of wealth  millionaire  moneybags  moneyed man  moneyman  multimillionaire  nabob  nonsocialistic  parvenu  plutocrat  private-enterprise  rich man  richling  rugged individualist  warm man  wealthy man  
capitalization  assets  available means  backing  balance  capital  capital gains distribution  capital goods  capital structure  circulating capital  corpus  deficit financing  equity capital  financial backing  financial support  financing  fixed capital  floating capital  fund  funding  grist  grubstake  holdings  liquid assets  means  moneyed capital  patronization  principal  property  provision of capital  resource  resources  sponsorship  stake  subsidy  supply  support  venture capital  working capital  
capitalize  aid  alphabet  alphabetize  angel  assist  back  balance  balance the books  bankroll  book  carry  carry over  cast up accounts  character  charge off  close out  close the books  credit  debit  docket  enter  finance  fund  grubstake  help  initial  inscribe  journalize  keep books  letter  log  make an entry  mark  minute  note  patronize  pay for  post  post up  promote  provide for  refinance  set up  sign  sponsor  stake  strike a balance  subsidize  support  transcribe  transliterate  
capitalize on  benefit from  carpe diem  cash in  cash in on  clean up  clear  coin money  commercialize  exploit  gain by  gross  improve  improve the occasion  make a killing  make capital of  make hay  make money  make money by  net  not be behindhand  profit  profit by  put to advantage  realize  realize on  seize the day  take advantage of  trade on  turn a penny  turn to account  turn to profit  turn to use  use to advantage  
capitulate  abandon  acknowledge defeat  acquiesce  beg a truce  bow  cave  cede  come to terms  concede  cry pax  cry quits  defer  give in  give over  give up  implore mercy  knuckle  knuckle under  pray for quarter  relent  relinquish  renounce  say uncle  submit  succumb  surrender  yield  yield the palm  
capitulation  NATO  SEATO  abandonment  account  accounts  alliance  body count  cartel  census  cession  concord  concordat  convention  count  entente  entente cordiale  giving in  giving over  giving up  head count  international agreement  inventory  league  mutual-defense treaty  nonaggression pact  nose count  paction  recapitulation  recedence  recession  reckoning  recount  recounting  rehearsal  relinquishment  renunciation  repertory  retreat  statement  submission  summary  summation  summing  summing up  surrender  treaty  
capping  a cut above  above  ahead  ascendant  better  chosen  closing  concluding  consummating  consummative  consummatory  crowning  culminating  culminative  distinguished  eclipsing  eminent  ending  exceeding  excellent  excelling  finer  finishing  greater  heading  higher  in ascendancy  in the ascendant  major  marked  of choice  one up on  outstanding  outtopping  over  overtopping  perfecting  perfective  rare  rivaling  super  superior  surpassing  terminating  topping  transcendent  transcendental  transcending  upper  

Cover Definition

cap Bedeutung

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105 Bewertungen 5


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