
Deutsche Dienstalter {n} Synonyme

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Englische age of service Synonyme

age  Bronze Age  Dark Ages  Depression Era  Golden Age  Ice Age  Iron Age  Jacksonian Age  Middle Ages  New Deal Era  Platonic year  Prohibition Era  Silver Age  Steel Age  Stone Age  abidingness  aboriginality  aeon  ages  ancien regime  ancientness  annus magnus  antiquate  antiquity  atavism  become extinct  become obsolete  blue moon  caducity  century  cheat the undertaker  cobwebs of antiquity  constancy  continuance  cycle  cycle of indiction  date  day  days  decline  defeat of time  defiance of time  develop  diuturnity  dodder  durability  durableness  duration  dust of ages  eld  elderliness  eldership  endurance  epoch  era  eternity  fade  fail  florid  fossilize  fust  generation  get along  get on  glacial epoch  great age  great year  grow  grow old  grow up  hoary age  hoary eld  indiction  inveteracy  lastingness  life  lifetime  long  long standing  long time  long while  long-lastingness  long-livedness  longevity  lose currency  maintenance  maturate  mellow  molder  month of Sundays  obsolesce  old age  old order  old style  oldness  outdate  perdurability  perennation  period of existence  perish  permanence  perpetuity  persistence  primitiveness  primogeniture  primordialism  primordiality  right smart spell  ripe  ripen  rust  senectitude  senescence  senility  seniority  shake  shrivel  sink  stability  standing  steadfastness  superannuate  survival  survivance  time  totter  turn gray  turn white  venerableness  wane  waste away  wither  wizen  wrinkle  years  years on end  
age old  aged  ageless  ancient  antediluvian  antique  auld  dateless  elderly  hoary  immemorial  of old  of yore  old  old as Methuselah  old as history  old as time  old-time  olden  timeless  timeworn  venerable  
aged  abiding  advanced  advanced in life  advanced in years  age-long  age-old  along in years  ancient  antediluvian  antique  chronic  constant  continuing  developed  diuturnal  doddering  durable  elderly  enduring  evergreen  full-blown  full-fledged  full-grown  fully developed  getting on  gray  gray with age  gray-haired  gray-headed  grey  grown old  hardy  hoar  hoary  immutable  in full bloom  intransient  inveterate  lasting  long-lasting  long-lived  long-standing  long-term  longeval  longevous  macrobiotic  mature  matured  mellow  mellowed  of long duration  of long standing  old  old as Methuselah  olden  patriarchal  pensioned off  perdurable  perduring  perennial  permanent  perpetual  persistent  persisting  remaining  retired  ripe  ripened  seasoned  sempervirent  senectuous  senescent  senile  senior  stable  staying  steadfast  superannuated  tempered  timeworn  tottery  tough  unfading  venerable  vital  white  white with age  white-bearded  white-crowned  white-haired  wrinkled  wrinkly  years old  
agee  agee-jawed  askance  askant  askew  askewgee  asquint  awry  catawampous  catawamptious  cockeyed  crooked  skew  skew-jawed  skewed  slaunchways  squinting  wamper-jawed  wry  yaw-ways  
ageless  age-old  ancient  antique  auld  ceaseless  coeternal  constant  continual  continuous  dateless  elderly  endless  eternal  eterne  ever-being  ever-durable  ever-during  everlasting  everliving  hoary  immemorial  incessant  indestructible  infinite  interminable  never-ceasing  never-ending  nonstop  nonterminating  nonterminous  of old  of yore  olamic  old  old as Methuselah  old as history  old as time  old-time  olden  perdurable  permanent  perpetual  sempiternal  steady  timeless  unceasing  unending  unintermitting  uninterrupted  unremitting  venerable  without end  
agency  action  activity  agent  agentship  antecedent  assignment  atelier  authority  authorization  barbershop  barter  bartering  beauty parlor  beauty shop  bench  brevet  brokerage  butcher shop  buying and selling  care  cause  change  channel  charge  commission  commissioning  commitment  commutation  company  concern  conduct  consignment  corporation  cure  dealing  delegated authority  delegation  deputation  deputyship  desk  determinant  device  devolution  devolvement  direction  displacement  doing business  driving  embassy  empowerment  energy  entrusting  entrustment  errand  establishment  exchange  execution  executorship  exequatur  exercise  expedient  facility  factorship  firm  force  full power  functioning  gear  give-and-take  going between  handling  horse trading  house  installation  institution  instrumentality  instrumentation  intercession  interchange  intermediation  intervention  jobbing  jurisdiction  legation  license  lieutenancy  loft  machinery  management  mandate  manipulation  means  mechanism  mediation  medium  merchandising  ministry  mission  occupation  office  operancy  operation  organ  organization  parlor  performance  performing  plenipotentiary power  power  power of attorney  power to act  practice  procuration  proxy  purview  quid pro quo  recourse  regency  regentship  replacement  representation  resort  responsibility  retailing  running  service  shop  steering  studio  subrogation  substitution  supersedence  superseding  supersedure  supersession  supplantation  supplanting  supplantment  swapping  sweatshop  switch  task  tit for tat  trade  trading  trafficking  trust  trusteeship  vehicle  vicarious authority  vicariousness  warrant  wheeling and dealing  wholesaling  work  work site  work space  workbench  workhouse  working  working space  workings  workplace  workroom  workshop  worktable  
agenda  batting order  beadroll  bill  bill of fare  blueprint  budget  cadastre  calendar  card  carte du jour  census  census report  checklist  checkroll  docket  dramatis personae  head count  honor roll  jury list  jury panel  lineup  list of agenda  menu  muster  muster roll  nose count  order of business  playbill  poll  program  program of operation  programma  property roll  prospectus  protocol  questionnaire  returns  roll  roll call  roster  rota  schedule  scroll  slate  tax roll  timetable  
agent  Charlie McCarthy  Federal  acid  acidity  acolyte  activator  actor  adjutant  administrator  advocate  agency  aid  aide  aide-de-camp  aider  alkali  alkalinity  alloisomer  amanuensis  amicus curiae  ancilla  anion  antacid  appliance  appointee  architect  assignee  assistant  atom  attendant  attorney  attorney-at-law  author  auxiliary  baggage agent  barrister  barrister-at-law  base  begetter  beginner  best man  biochemical  broker  business agent  buyer  candidate  catalyst  cation  cause  causer  channel  chemical  chemical element  chromoisomer  claim agent  clerk  coadjutant  coadjutor  coadjutress  coadjutrix  commercial agent  commission agent  commissionaire  commissioner  compound  conductor  connection  consignee  contrivance  copolymer  counsel  counselor  counselor-at-law  creator  creature  customer agent  delegate  deputy  device  dimer  directeur  director  distributor  doer  driver  dummy  dupe  effector  element  emissary  energizer  engenderer  engineer  envoy  executant  executive  executive officer  executor  executrix  fabricator  factor  father  fed  federal agent  force  freight agent  friend at court  front  front man  functionary  general agent  generator  go-between  governor  handler  handmaid  handmaiden  heavy chemicals  help  helper  helpmate  helpmeet  high polymer  homopolymer  hydracid  implement  impresario  ingredient  inorganic chemical  inspirer  instigator  instrument  instrumentality  instrumentation  insurance agent  intendant  interagent  interceder  intercessor  intermediary  intermediate  intermediate agent  intermediator  intermedium  internuncio  intervener  interventionist  interventor  ion  isomer  jobber  land agent  law agent  lawyer  legal adviser  legal counselor  legal expert  legal practitioner  legalist  legate  lever  liaison  licensee  lieutenant  link  literary agent  loan agent  macromolecule  maker  manager  manipulator  means  mechanism  mediary  mediator  medium  metamer  middleman  midwife  
agent provocateur  agitator  agitprop  capper  catalyst  come-on man  decoy  demagogue  exciter  firebrand  fomenter  incendiary  inciter  inflamer  instigator  mischief-maker  plant  provocateur  provoker  rabble-rouser  ringleader  rouser  seditionary  seditionist  shill  stool pigeon  stoolie  troublemaker  urger  

Dienstalter {n} Definition

Bond service
() The condition of a bond servant
Bord service
() Service due from a bordar
Knight service
() A tenure of lands held by knights on condition of performing military service. See Chivalry, n., 4.
() Alt. of Service
() A name given to several trees and shrubs of the genus Pyrus, as Pyrus domestica and P. torminalis of Europe, the various species of mountain ash or rowan tree, and the American shad bush (see Shad bush, under Shad). They have clusters of small, edible, applelike berries.
(n.) The act of serving
(n.) The deed of one who serves
(n.) Office of devotion
(n.) Hence, a musical composition for use in churches.
(n.) Duty performed in, or appropriate to, any office or charge
(n.) Useful office
(n.) Profession of respect
(n.) The act and manner of bringing food to the persons who eat it
(n.) The act of bringing to notice, either actually or constructively, in such manner as is prescribed by law
(n.) The materials used for serving a rope, etc., as spun yarn, small lines, etc.
(n.) The act of serving the ball.
(n.) Act of serving or covering. See Serve, v. t., 13.

age of service Bedeutung

service the performance of duties by a waiter or servant, that restaurant has excellent service
curb service service provided to customers who remain in their vehicles
self-service the practice of serving yourself (as in a grocery or cafeteria)
inspection and repair
periodic maintenance on a car or machine, it was time for an overhaul on the tractor
service serving
service of process
the act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone, he accepted service of the subpoena
service cutback the act of reducing service
(sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play, his powerful serves won the game
service work done by one person or group that benefits another, budget separately for goods and services
consulting service service provided by a professional advisor (e.g., a lawyer or doctor or CPA etc.)
advisory service a consulting service in which a CPA develops findings and conclusions and recommendations that are presented to the client for consideration and decision making
attestation service
attestation report
a consulting service in which a CPA expresses a conclusion about the reliability of a written statement that is the responsibility of someone else
national service compulsory service in the military during peacetime
service (law) the acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to him
military service land tenure by service in the lord's army
knight's service land tenure by service to the lord as a knight
welfare work
social service
an organized activity to improve the condition of disadvantaged people in society
service employment in or work for another, he retired afteryears of service
public service employment within a government system (especially in the civil service)
service abroad
shipboard duty
naval service aboard a ship at sea
the act of mating by male animals, the bull was worth good money in servicing fees
extension service
university extension
an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who are not enrolled as regular students
service religious service
divine service
the act of public worship following prescribed rules, the Sunday service
church service
a service conducted in a house of worship, don't be late for church
prayer meeting
prayer service
a service at which people sing hymns and pray together
chapel service
a service conducted in a place of worship that has its own altar, he was late for chapel
committal service service committing a body to the grave, the committal service will be held next Monday
draft selective service
compulsory military service
service an act of help or assistance, he did them a service
ill service
ill turn
an act intended to help that turns out badly, he did them a disservice
community service an unpaid service for the benefit of the public that is performed by lawbreakers as part (or all) of their sentence
community service public service a service that is performed for the benefit of the public or its institutions
inter-service support action by one military service to provide logistic (or administrative) support to another military service
service call a trip made by a repairman to visit the location of something in need of service
cable cable television
cable system
cable television service
a television system that transmits over cables
dinner service
dinner set
a table service for serving dinner
freight elevator
service elevator
an elevator designed for carrying freight
frontage road
service road
a local road that runs parallel to an expressway and allows local traffic to gain access to property
garage service department a repair shop where cars and trucks are serviced and repaired
peaked cap
service cap
yachting cap
a cap with a flat circular top and a visor
table service
tableware consisting of a complete set of articles (silver or dishware) for use at table
service club a recreational center for servicemen
service door
service entrance
servant's entrance
an entrance intended for the use of servants or for delivery of goods and removal of refuse
service station a station where gasoline and oil are sold and facilities are available for repairing or maintaining automobiles
tea service
tea set
a set of china or silverware for serving tea
length of service
duration of service, her longevity as a star, had unusual longevity in the company
combat ceiling
service ceiling
altitude above which a plane cannot climb faster than a given rate
help service
a means of serving, of no avail, there's no help for it
mail service
postal service
the system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office, the mail handles billions of items every day, he works for the United States mail service, in England they call mail `the post'
service book a book setting forth the forms of church service
service contract a contract for maintenance services
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