
Deutsche Doppelboden (fuer Kabelverlegung) Synonyme

Englische false flor Synonyme

false  Barmecidal  Barmecide  Machiavellian  Tartuffian  Tartuffish  aberrant  abroad  adrift  affected  airy  all abroad  all off  all wrong  ambidextrous  amiss  apostate  apparent  apparitional  artful  artificial  askew  astray  at fault  autistic  awry  backsliding  baseborn  bastard  beguiling  beside the mark  bogus  brummagem  calculating  canting  catchy  chimeric  chiseling  collusive  concocted  contrary to fact  corrupt  counterfeit  counterfeited  covinous  crafty  crooked  cunning  deceitful  deceiving  deceptive  defective  deluding  delusional  delusionary  delusive  delusory  dereistic  derelict  deviant  deviational  deviative  devious  disaffected  dishonest  disloyal  distorted  double  double-dealing  double-faced  double-minded  double-tongued  doublehearted  dreamlike  dreamy  dubious  dummy  duplicitous  errant  erring  erroneous  ersatz  fabricated  factitious  faithless  fake  faked  fallacious  false-principled  falsehearted  fantastic  faultful  faulty  feigned  fickle  fictitious  finagling  fishy  flawed  forged  fraudulent  furtive  goody  goody-goody  guileful  hallucinatory  heretical  heterodox  holier-than-thou  hollow  hypocritical  illegitimate  illogical  illusional  illusionary  illusive  illusory  imaginary  imitation  imprecise  in error  inaccurate  inconstant  incorrect  indirect  inexact  insidious  insincere  invalid  lying  made-up  manufactured  mealymouthed  mendacious  meretricious  misbegotten  miscreated  misleading  mistaken  mock  not right  not true  not true to  of bad faith  off  off the track  ostensible  out  peccant  perfidious  perverse  perverted  phantasmagoric  phantasmal  phantom  pharisaic  phony  pietistic  pinchbeck  pious  pseudo  questionable  recreant  renegade  sanctified  sanctimonious  scheming  seeming  self-contradictory  self-deceptive  self-deluding  self-righteous  sham  sharp  shifty  simulated  slippery  sneaky  snide  sniveling  specious  spectral  spurious  straying  substitute  suppos  
false front  acting  affectation  affectedness  airs  airs and graces  anteriority  appearance  artificiality  attitudinizing  blazon  bluff  bluffing  bold front  brave face  brave front  bravura  brilliancy  camouflage  cheating  cloak  color  coloring  cover  daring  dash  deception  delusion  demonstration  disguise  display  dissemblance  dissembling  dissimulation  domino  dramatics  eclat  etalage  exhibition  exhibitionism  facade  face  facet  facia  fakery  faking  false air  false colors  false face  false show  falsity  fanfaronade  feigned belief  feigning  feint  figure  flair  flaunt  flaunting  flourish  fore  forefront  foreground  forehand  foreland  forepart  forequarter  foreside  foreword  four-flushing  fraud  front  front elevation  front man  front matter  front page  front view  frontage  frontal  frontier  frontispiece  gilt  gloss  head  heading  histrionics  humbug  humbuggery  hypocrisy  image  imposture  incognito  insincerity  lap  manifestation  mannerism  mask  masque  masquerade  mere show  meretriciousness  mummery  obverse  ostentation  outward show  pageant  pageantry  parade  playacting  pose  posing  posture  preface  prefix  pretense  pretension  pretext  priority  proscenium  protective coloration  prunes and prisms  public image  put-on  putting on airs  representation  seeming  semblance  sham  show  showing-off  simulacrum  simulation  smoke screen  speciousness  spectacle  splash  splurge  staginess  stylishness  theatrics  unnaturalness  varnish  vaunt  veil  visor  vizard  vizard mask  window dressing  
false modesty  Quakerishness  censoriousness  demureness  demurity  hideboundness  mauvaise honte  narrowness  overmodesty  priggishness  primness  prudery  prudishness  puritanicalness  sanctimoniousness  sanctimony  smugness  stiff-neckedness  straitlacedness  stuffiness  
false move  balk  bevue  false step  inadvertence  inadvertency  lapse  lapsus calami  lapsus linguae  loose thread  miscue  misstep  omission  oversight  slip  slipup  stumble  trip  wrong step  
false show  Prospero  acting  affectation  affectedness  airiness  airs  airs and graces  appearance  artificiality  attitudinizing  bluff  bluffing  cheating  color  coloring  deception  delusion  delusiveness  disguise  dissemblance  dissembling  dissimulation  facade  face  fakery  faking  fallaciousness  false air  false appearance  false front  false light  falseness  falsity  feigned belief  feigning  feint  four-flushing  fraud  front  gilt  gloss  humbug  humbuggery  hypocrisy  idealization  illusionism  illusionist  illusiveness  image  immateriality  imposture  insincerity  magic  magic act  magic show  magician  mannerism  masquerade  mere show  meretriciousness  ostentation  outward show  playacting  pose  posing  posture  prestidigitation  pretense  pretension  pretext  prunes and prisms  public image  put-on  putting on airs  representation  seeming  semblance  sham  show  simulacrum  simulation  sleight of hand  sorcerer  sorcery  specious appearance  speciousness  stylishness  unactuality  unnaturalness  unreality  unsubstantiality  varnish  window dressing  
false step  balk  bevue  false move  inadvertence  inadvertency  lapse  lapsus calami  lapsus linguae  loose thread  miscue  misstep  omission  oversight  slip  slipup  stumble  trip  wrong step  
false witness  Ananias  Baron Munchausen  Father of Lies  Satan  Sir John Mandeville  consummate liar  dirty liar  equivocator  fabricator  fabulist  falsifier  fibber  fibster  frame  frame-up  habitual liar  liar  mythomaniac  palterer  pathological liar  perjurer  prevaricator  pseudologist  pseudologue  put-up job  spinner of yarns  storyteller  yarn spinner  yarner  
falsehearted  Machiavellian  ambidextrous  artful  calculating  chiseling  collusive  covinous  crafty  crooked  cunning  deceitful  dishonest  disingenuous  double  double-dealing  double-faced  double-minded  double-tongued  doublehearted  duplicitous  faithless  false  false-principled  finagling  forsworn  fraudulent  furtive  guileful  indirect  insidious  insincere  perfidious  perjured  scheming  sharp  shifty  slippery  sneaky  surreptitious  treacherous  trickish  tricky  two-faced  uncandid  underhand  underhanded  unfrank  unsincere  untruthful  wily  
falsehood  blague  canard  cock-and-bull story  credibility gap  deceit  dishonesty  dissimulation  distortion  erroneousness  error  exaggeration  fabrication  fairy tale  fakery  fallaciousness  fallacy  falseness  falsity  farfetched story  farrago  feigning  fib  fibbery  fibbing  fiction  fish story  flam  flimflam  fraud  ghost story  half-truth  inveracity  legal fiction  lie  little white lie  lying  mendaciousness  mendacity  misrepresentation  misstatement  mythomania  pious fiction  pretense  prevarication  pseudology  sham  slight stretching  story  tale  tall story  tall tale  taradiddle  trumped-up story  truthlessness  untrueness  untruth  untruthfulness  unveraciousness  white lie  yarn  
falsely  amiss  apparently  artificially  astray  beguilingly  deceptively  delusively  erroneously  factitiously  fallaciously  faultfully  faultily  in disguise  in name only  misleadingly  mistakenly  nominally  ostensibly  plausibly  seemingly  spuriously  synthetically  trickily  truthlessly  under cover of  under false colors  ungenuinely  unnaturally  untrue  untruly  unveraciously  wrong  wrongly  
falseness  Machiavellianism  Prospero  Punic faith  Tartuffery  Tartuffism  aberrancy  aberration  affectation  airiness  ambidexterity  apostasy  appearance  artfulness  artifice  bad faith  bamboozlement  barratry  befooling  bluffing  breach of faith  breach of promise  breach of trust  calculated deception  cant  circumvention  conning  craft  cunning  deceit  deceitfulness  deceiving  deception  deceptiveness  defectiveness  defrauding  delusion  delusiveness  dereliction  desertion  deviancy  disaffection  dishonesty  disloyalty  distortion  double-dealing  doubleness  doubleness of heart  dupery  duplicity  enmeshment  ensnarement  entanglement  entrapment  errancy  erroneousness  error  faithlessness  fallaciousness  fallacy  false appearance  false light  false piety  false show  falseheartedness  falsehood  falsity  fault  faultiness  fickleness  flaw  flawedness  flimflam  flimflammery  fond illusion  fooling  furtiveness  goody-goodiness  guile  hallucination  hamartia  heresy  heterodoxy  hoodwinking  hypocrisy  idealization  illusion  illusionism  illusionist  illusiveness  immateriality  improbity  inconstancy  indirection  infidelity  insidiousness  insincerity  kidding  low cunning  magic  magic act  magic show  magician  mala fides  mealymouthedness  mirage  misapplication  misconstruction  misdoing  misfeasance  misinterpretation  misjudgment  mummery  oiliness  outwitting  overreaching  peccancy  perfidiousness  perfidy  perversion  phantasm  pharisaicalness  pharisaism  pietism  pietisticalness  piety  piousness  prestidigitation  putting on  recreancy  religionism  religiosity  sanctimoniousness  sanctimony  seeming  self-contradiction  self-deception  self-righteousness  semblance  shiftiness  show  simulacrum  sin  sinfulness  sleight of hand  sneak attack  sneakiness  snivel  snow job  snuffle  song and dance  sorcerer  sorcery  specious appearance  spoofery  spoofing  subterfuge  surreptitiousness  swindling  tergiversation  treacherousness  
falsetto  alto  aphonia  artificial voice  baritone  bass  bourdon  bravura  broken speech  broken tones  broken voice  burden  chest voice  childish treble  choked voice  choral  choric  coloratura  countertenor  cracked voice  croak  crow  dramatic  drone  drone bass  dysarthria  dyslalia  dyslogia  dysphasia  dysphonia  dysphrasia  harshness  hawking voice  head register  head tone  head voice  heroic  high  high-pitched  high-sounding  high-toned  hiss  hoarseness  hymnal  idioglossia  idiolalia  impairment of speech  lisp  lisping  liturgical  loss of voice  lyric  male alto  mezzo-soprano  muzzy speech  nasal tone  nasalization  operatic  psalmic  psalmodial  psalmodic  quaver  sacred  shake  sibilation  singing  soprano  speech defect  speech impediment  tenor  treble  tremor  twang  vocal  voce  voce di petto  voce di testa  voice  

Doppelboden (fuer Kabelverlegung) Definition

(superl.) Uttering falsehood
(superl.) Not faithful or loyal, as to obligations, allegiance, vows, etc.
(superl.) Not according with truth or reality
(superl.) Not genuine or real
(superl.) Not well founded
(superl.) Not essential or permanent, as parts of a structure which are temporary or supplemental.
(superl.) Not in tune.
(adv.) Not truly
(a.) To report falsely
(a.) To betray
(a.) To mislead by want of truth
(a.) To feign
(a.) Hypocritical.
(a.) False-hearted.
(a.) Hollow or unsound at the core

false flor Bedeutung

Braxton-Hicks contraction
false labor
painless contractions of the muscles of the uterus that continue throughout pregnancy with increasing frequency
false pretense
false pretence
(law) an offense involving intent to defraud and false representation and obtaining property as a result of that misrepresentation
bearing false witness
lying under oath
criminal offense of making false statements under oath
false imprisonment (law) confinement without legal authority
false verdict a manifestly unjust verdict, not true to the evidence
false gavial
Tomistoma schlegeli
crocodile of southeast Asia similar to but smaller than the gavial
false scorpion
small nonvenomous arachnid resembling a tailless scorpion
false saber-toothed tiger North American cat of the Miocene and Pliocene, much earlier and less specialized than members of the genus Smiledon
false vampire
false vampire bat
any New or Old World carnivorous bat erroneously thought to suck blood but in fact feeding on insects
false bottom a horizontal structure that partitions a ship or box (especially one built close to the actual bottom)
false face a mask worn as part of a masquerade costume
false teeth a removable denture
false hair
a covering or bunch of human or artificial hair used for disguise or adornment
false vocal cord
false vocal fold
superior vocal cord
ventricular fold
vestibular fold
either of the upper two vocal cords that are not involved in vocalization
rima vestibuli
rima respiratoria
false glottis
glottis spuria
the opening between the false vocal folds
false belief
a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning
assumed name
false name
a name that has been assumed temporarily
false return an incorrect income tax return
false alarm a warning that is given about something that fails to occur
false witness
a person who deliberately gives false testimony
false sago
fern palm
Cycas circinalis
southeastern Indian cycad with palmlike foliage
false calyx
a group of bracts simulating a calyx as in a carnation or hibiscus
false rue anemone
false rue
Isopyrum biternatum
slender erect perennial of eastern North America having tuberous roots and pink-tinged white flowers, resembles meadow rue
false bugbane
Trautvetteria carolinensis
tall perennial of the eastern United States having large basal leaves and white summer flowers
wild sarsaparilla
false sarsaparilla
wild sarsparilla
Aralia nudicaulis
common perennial herb having aromatic roots used as a substitute for sarsaparilla, central and eastern North America
genus Camelina
false flax
annual and biennial herbs of Mediterranean to central Asia
false chamomile any of various autumn-flowering perennials having white or pink to purple flowers that resemble asters, wild in moist soils from New Jersey to Florida and Texas
false saffron
Carthamus tinctorius
thistlelike Eurasian plant widely grown for its red or orange flower heads and seeds that yield a valuable oil
burweed marsh elder
false ragweed
Iva xanthifolia
tall annual marsh elder common in moist rich soil in central North America that can cause contact dermatitis, produces much pollen that is a major cause of hay fever
sweet false chamomile
wild chamomile
German chamomile
Matricaria recutita
Matricaria chamomilla
annual Eurasian herb similar in fragrance and medicinal uses to chamomile though taste is more bitter and effect is considered inferior
scentless camomile
scentless false camomile
scentless mayweed
scentless hayweed
corn mayweed Tripleurospermum inodorum
Matricaria inodorum
ubiquitous European annual weed with white flowers and finely divided leaves naturalized and sometimes cultivated in eastern North America, sometimes included in genus Matricaria
bastard pimpernel
false pimpernel
weedy plant having short dry chafflike leaves
tall oat grass
tall meadow grass
evergreen grass
false oat
French rye
Arrhenatherum elatius
coarse perennial Eurasian grass resembling oat, found on roadside verges and rough grassland and in hay meadows, introduced in North America for forage
false mallow an American plant of the genus Malvastrum
globe mallow
false mallow
genus of coarse herbs and subshrubs of arid North and South America having pink or scarlet flowers and globose fruits
prairie mallow
red false mallow
Sphaeralcea coccinea
Malvastrum coccineum
false mallow of western United States having racemose red flowers, sometimes placed in genus Malvastrum
false azalea
fool's huckleberry
Menziesia ferruginea
straggling shrub of northwestern North America having foliage with a bluish tinge and umbels of small bell-shaped flowers
false wintergreen
Pyrola americana
Pyrola rotundifolia americana
evergreen of eastern North America with leathery leaves and numerous white flowers
false beachdrops
Monotropa hypopithys
fleshy tawny or reddish saprophytic herb resembling the Indian pipe and growing in woodland humus of eastern North America, in some classifications placed in a separate genus Hypopitys
false heather
golden heather
Hudsonia ericoides
North American decumbent evergreen heathlike plant with yellow flowers
false tamarisk
German tamarisk
Myricaria germanica
Eurasian shrub resembling the tamarisk
false nettle
bog hemp
any of several flowering weeds of the genus Boehmeria lacking stinging hairs
crow garlic
false garlic
field garlic stag's garlic
wild garlic Allium vineale
pungent Old World wild onion
false asphodel a plant of the genus Tofieldia having linear chiefly basal leaves and small spicate flowers
hellebore false hellebore perennial herbs of the lily family having thick toxic rhizomes
false lily of the valley Maianthemum canadense small two-leaved herb of the northern United States and parts of Canada having racemes of small fragrant white flowers
false lily of the valley Maianthemum bifolium small white-flowered plant of western Europe to Japan
false indigo bastard indigo Amorpha californica an erect to spreading hairy shrub of the Pacific coast of the United States having racemes of red to indigo flowers
false indigo bastard indigo Amorpha fruticosa dense shrub of moist riverbanks and flood plains of the eastern United States having attractive fragrant foliage and dense racemes of dark purple flowers
wild indigo
false indigo
any of several plants of the genus Baptisia
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