
Deutsche Einfuhrverbot Synonyme

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Englische import ban Synonyme

import  accent  acceptation  access  add up to  admission  affective meaning  allegorize  allegory  allude to  allusion  amount to something  arcane meaning  argue  assign  assume  assumption  be construed as  be featured  be prominent  be somebody  be something  bearing  bespeak  betoken  breathe  bring in  bring to mind  carry over  carry weight  coloration  coloring  communicate  communication  concern  concernment  conduction  connotation  connote  consequence  consequentiality  consideration  consign  construction  contagion  convection  convey  count  cut ice  cut some ice  deliver  delivery  denotation  denote  deport  deportation  design  diapedesis  diffuse  diffusion  disseminate  dissemination  drift  effect  emphasis  entail  entrance  entree  entry  essence  excellence  expel  export  exportation  express  expulsion  extension  extradite  extradition  force  get top billing  gist  grammatical meaning  hand forward  hand on  hand over  high order  high rank  hint  idea  impact  impart  implicate  implication  implied meaning  imply  importance  importation  importing  income  incoming  indicate  infer  inference  infiltration  ingoing  ingress  ingression  innuendo  input  insertion  insinuate  insinuation  intake  intend  intendment  intension  intent  intention  interchange  interest  interpenetration  interpretation  intimate  intimation  introduce  introduction  introgression  intrusion  involve  ironic suggestion  leakage  lexical meaning  literal meaning  magnitude  make over  mark  materiality  matter  mean  mean to say  meaning  merit  message  metaphorical sense  metastasis  metastasize  metathesis  metathesize  metempsychosis  migration  moment  momentousness  mutual transfer  note  nuance  object  objective  occult meaning  osmosis  overtone  paramountcy  pass  pass on  pass over  pass the buck  passage  passing over  penetration  percolation  perfuse  perfusion  pertinence  pith  point  point indirectly to  practical consequence  precedence    
importance  account  ascendancy  authority  charisma  charm  clout  concern  consequence  conspicuousness  control  credit  distinction  dominance  domination  effect  elevation  eminence  enchantment  esteem  exaltation  excellence  favor  force  good feeling  grandeur  gravity  greatness  high mightiness  hold  import  incidental power  influence  influentiality  influentialness  insinuation  leadership  leverage  loftiness  magnetism  magnitude  mark  mastery  matter  moment  momentousness  nobility  notability  note  noteworthiness  outstandingness  personality  persuasion  pith  position  potency  power  precedence  predominance  preponderance  pressure  prestige  priority  prominence  purchase  rank  reign  reputation  repute  rule  salience  say  seniority  seriousness  significance  signification  standing  stature  status  suasion  sublimity  substance  subtle influence  suggestion  supereminence  supremacy  sway  upper hand  value  weight  weightiness  whip hand  worth  worthiness  
important  absolute  arrogant  ascendant  authoritarian  authoritative  authorized  autocratic  big  big-league  big-name  big-time  bigwig  bigwigged  bloated  charismatic  charming  clothed with authority  commanding  competent  consequential  considerable  conspicuous  controlling  critical  distinctive  distinguished  dominant  double-barreled  duly constituted  earthshaking  effective  effectual  efficacious  eminent  empowered  enchanting  essential  estimable  ex officio  exceptional  famous  first-class  first-rate  foremost  formidable  front-page  governing  grand  grave  great  heavyweight  hegemonic  hegemonistic  high-powered  high-ranking  imperative  impressive  in the limelight  influential  leading  magisterial  magnetic  major  marked  material  meaningful  memorable  mighty  momentous  monocratic  name  notable  noted  noteworthy  noticeable  official  outstanding  personable  persuasive  pontifical  portentous  potent  powerful  preeminent  prestigious  prominent  puffy  puissant  ranking  remarkable  reputable  respected  ruling  salient  self-important  senior  signal  significant  strong  stuffy  suasive  substantial  superior  supreme  telling  to the front  top-level  top-notch  totalitarian  unusual  urgent  valuable  vital  weighty  winning  world-shaking  worthwhile  worthy  
important person  Establishment  VIP  baron  big gun  big man  big name  bigwig  brass  brass hat  celebrity  chief  constellation  cynosure  dean  dignitary  dignity  doyen  doyenne  elder  father  figure  folk hero  galaxy  great man  hero  heroine  high priest  idol  immortal  interests  kingfish  kingpin  leader  lion  lords of creation  luminaries  luminary  magnate  man of mark  master  master spirit  mogul  nabob  name  notability  notable  panjandrum  person of note  person of renown  personage  personality  pillar of society  pleiad  pop hero  popular hero  popular idol  power  power elite  principal  public figure  ruling circle  sachem  senior  social lion  somebody  something  star  superior  superstar  the great  the top  top brass  top dog  top people  tycoon  very important person  worthy  
importunate  aggravating  annoying  bothering  bothersome  cajoling  choiceless  clamant  clamorous  coaxing  compulsory  controlled  crying  demanding  disturbing  draining  dunning  exacting  exasperating  exigent  exorbitant  extortionate  firm-minded  forward  galling  grasping  harassing  imperative  importune  independent  insistent  instant  irking  irksome  irritating  loud  mandatory  nagging  necessary  necessitous  obligatory  persistent  pertinacious  pesky  pestering  pestiferous  pestilent  pestilential  plaguesome  plaguey  plaguing  pressing  provoking  pushy  self-asserting  self-assertive  self-controlled  self-expressive  self-possessed  self-restrained  strong-minded  strong-willed  taxing  teasing  tiresome  tormenting  troublesome  troubling  urgent  vexatious  vexing  wearisome  wheedling  without choice  worrisome  worrying  
importune  advocate  aggravating  annoying  appeal  apply pressure  approach  beg  beseech  beset  besiege  blandish  bothering  bothersome  bug  buttonhole  cajole  call on  call upon  coax  crave  disturbing  dun  entreat  exasperating  exert pressure  exhort  galling  harassing  high-pressure  implore  importunate  insist  insist upon  invoke  irking  irksome  irritating  jawbone  lobby  make a pass  make advances  make an overture  nag  nag at  overture  pesky  pester  pestering  pestiferous  pestilent  pestilential  plague  plaguesome  plaguey  plaguing  plead  plead with  ply  pray  press  pressure  proposition  provoking  push  recommend  soft-soap  solicit  supplicate  sweet-talk  tease  teasing  throw a pass  tiresome  tormenting  troublesome  troubling  urge  vexatious  vexing  wearisome  wheedle  work on  worrisome  worrying  
importunity  blandishment  buttonholing  cajolement  cajolery  coaxing  demandingness  dunning  exigency  importunacy  importunateness  insistence  nagging  persistence  pertinaciousness  pertinacity  pestering  plaguing  plying  pressing  pressingness  pressure  teasing  urgency  urging  wheedling  

Einfuhrverbot Definition

(v. t.) To bring in from abroad
(v. t.) To carry or include, as meaning or intention
(v. t.) To be of importance or consequence to
(v. i.) To signify
(n.) Merchandise imported, or brought into a country from without its boundaries
(n.) That which a word, phrase, or document contains as its signification or intention or interpretation of a word, action, event, and the like.
(n.) Importance

import ban Bedeutung

commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country
having important effects or influence, decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself, virtue is of more moment than security, that result is of no consequence
significance import
a meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred, the significance of his remark became clear only later, the expectation was spread both by word and by implication
the message that is intended or expressed or signified, what is the meaning of this sentence, the significance of a red traffic light, the signification of Chinese characters, the import of his announcement was ambiguous
trade barrier
import barrier
any regulation or policy that restricts international trade
an imported person brought from a foreign country, the lead role was played by an import from Sweden, they are descendants of indentured importees
import duty a duty imposed on imports
import credit credit opened by an importer at a bank in his own country upon which an exporter may draw
spell import indicate or signify, I'm afraid this spells trouble!
import transfer (electronic data) into a database or document
import bring in from abroad
of import
of great significance or value, important people, the important questions of the day
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