
Deutsche Einmachgummi Synonyme

Englische sealing ring Synonyme

Einmachgummi Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Preserve
(v. t.) To cause to sound, especially by striking, as a metallic body
(v. t.) To make (a sound), as by ringing a bell
(v. t.) To repeat often, loudly, or earnestly.
(v. i.) To sound, as a bell or other sonorous body, particularly a metallic one.
(v. i.) To practice making music with bells.
(v. i.) To sound loud
(v. i.) To continue to sound or vibrate
(v. i.) To be filled with report or talk
(n.) A sound
(n.) Any loud sound
(n.) A chime, or set of bells harmonically tuned.
(n.) A circle, or a circular line, or anything in the form of a circular line or hoop.
(n.) Specifically, a circular ornament of gold or other precious material worn on the finger, or attached to the ear, the nose, or some other part of the person
(n.) A circular area in which races are or run or other sports are performed
(n.) An inclosed space in which pugilists fight
(n.) A circular group of persons.
(n.) The plane figure included between the circumferences of two concentric circles.
(n.) The solid generated by the revolution of a circle, or other figure, about an exterior straight line (as an axis) lying in the same plane as the circle or other figure.
(n.) An instrument, formerly used for taking the sun's altitude, consisting of a brass ring suspended by a swivel, with a hole at one side through which a solar ray entering indicated the altitude on the graduated inner surface opposite.
(n.) An elastic band partly or wholly encircling the spore cases of ferns. See Illust. of Sporangium.
(n.) A clique
(v. t.) To surround with a ring, or as with a ring
(v. t.) To make a ring around by cutting away the bark
(v. t.) To fit with a ring or with rings, as the fingers, or a swine's snout.
(v. i.) To rise in the air spirally.
(a.) Having a well defined ring of color around the neck.
(a.) Having circular streaks or lines on the body
(a.) Having the tail crossed by conspicuous bands of color.
Sealing wax
() A compound of the resinous materials, pigments, etc., used as a material for seals, as for letters, documents, etc.

sealing ring (for preserving jars) / sealing rings Bedeutung

a children's game in which the players dance around in a circle and at a given signal all squat
round dance
ring dance
a folk dance, dancers form a circle
ring vaccination administering vaccine only to people in close contact with an isolated infected patient, prevents the spread of a highly infectious disease by surrounding the patient with a ring of immunization
the act of treating something to make it repel water
ring containment a strategy of defense in cases of bioterrorism, vaccination only of people exposed and others who are in contact with them, ring containment is a proven method of halting a smallpox epidemic
ring rot bacteria
Pseudomonas solanacearum
causes brown rot in tomatoes and potatoes and tobacco etc
ring ouzel
ring blackbird
ring thrush
Turdus torquatus
European thrush common in rocky areas, the male has blackish plumage with a white band around the neck
ringneck snake
ring-necked snake
ring snake
any of numerous small nonvenomous North American snakes with a yellow or orange ring around the neck
grass snake
ring snake ringed snake
Natrix natrix
harmless European snake with a bright yellow collar, common in England
ring-necked pheasant
Phasianus colchicus
common pheasant having bright plumage and a white neck ring
ring-necked parakeet
Psittacula krameri
African parakeet
Madagascar cat
ring-tailed lemur
Lemur catta
small lemur having its tail barred with black
a bassarisk
coon cat raccoon fox
ringtail ring-tailed cat
civet cat miner's cat
Bassariscus astutus
raccoon-like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings
band ring a strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it (as in studies of bird migration)
ring road
a highway that encircles an urban area so that traffic does not have to pass through the center
bevel gear
pinion and crown wheel
pinion and ring gear
gears that mesh at an angle
binder ring-binder holds loose papers or magazines
boxing ring
prize ring
a square ring where boxers fight
snap ring
an oblong metal ring with a spring clip, used in mountaineering to attach a rope to a piton or to connect two ropes
chain mail
ring mail
chain armor
chain armour
ring armor
ring armour
(Middle Ages) flexible armor made of interlinked metal rings
comforter pacifier
baby's dummy
teething ring
device used for an infant to suck or bite on
curtain ring a circular ring for holding up a curtain
engagement ring a ring given and worn as a sign of betrothal
gas ring gas burner consisting of a circular metal pipe with several small holes through which gas can escape to be burned
a rigid circular band of metal or wood or other material used for holding or fastening or hanging or pulling, there was still a rusty iron hoop for tying a horse
key ring a circular ring of metal for holding keys
life buoy
life belt
life ring
a life preserver in the form of a ring of buoyant material
lock ring
lock washer
washer that prevents a nut from loosening
mourning ring a ring worn as a memorial to a dead person
napkin ring a circular band used to hold a particular person's napkin
nose ring a ring worn on the nose as an ornament or on the nose of an animal to control it
O ring a gasket consisting of a flat ring of rubber or plastic, used to seal a joint against high pressure
piston ring seal consisting of a split metal ring that seals the gap between a piston and the cylinder wall
jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger, she had rings on every finger, he noted that she wore a wedding band
ring a platform usually marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestle
rings gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes, used for gymnastic exercises, the rings require a strong upper body
sealing wax
fastener consisting of a resinous composition that is plastic when warm, used for sealing documents and parcels and letters
signet ring
seal ring
a ring bearing a signet
slinger ring dispenser consisting of a tubular ring around the propeller hub of an airplane through which antifreeze solution is spread over the blades
slip ring connection consisting of a metal ring on a rotating part of a machine, provides a continuous electrical connection through brushes on stationary contacts
storage ring container consisting of a set of magnets set in a doughnut-shaped ring around which charged particles from an accelerator can be kept circulating until they are used
sumo ring the circular ring in which Sumo wrestlers compete
towel ring a circular hoop for holding a towel
wedding ring
wedding band
a ring (usually plain gold) given to the bride (and sometimes one is also given to the groom) at the wedding
wrestling ring a square ring in which wrestlers compete
ring a characteristic sound, it has the ring of sincerity
areola ring of color small circular area such as that around the human nipple or an inflamed area around a pimple or insect bite
ring finger
the third finger (especially of the left hand)
the sound of a bell ringing, the distinctive ring of the church bell, the ringing of the telephone, the tintinnabulation that so voluminously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells--E. A. Poe
coffee ring ring-shaped coffeecake with fruits or nuts and often iced
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