
Erle {f} [bot] Definition

(n.) A tree, usually growing in moist land, and belonging to the genus Alnus. The wood is used by turners, etc.
(a.) Alt. of Aller
(a.) Most beloved.

alder Bedeutung

woolly alder aphid
Prociphilus tessellatus
attacks alders
alder fly
Sialis lutaria
darkolored insect having predaceous aquatic larvae
family Clethraceae
white-alder family
coextensive with the genus Clethra
sweet pepperbush
pepper bush
summer sweet
white alder Clethra alnifolia
shrub of eastern and southern coastal United States having beautiful racemes of spice-scented white flowers
alder tree
north temperate shrubs or trees having toothed leaves and conelike fruit, bark is used in tanning and dyeing and the wood is rotesistant
alder wood of any of various alder trees, resistant to underwater rot, used for bridges etc
common alder
European black alder
Alnus glutinosa
Alnus vulgaris
medium-sized tree with brown-black bark and woody fruiting catkins, leaves are hairy beneath
grey alder
gray alder
Alnus incana
native to Europe but introduced in America
seaside alder
Alnus maritima
shrub or small tree of southeastern United States having soft light brown wood
white alder mountain alder Alnus rhombifolia tree of western United States
red alder
Oregon alder
Alnus rubra
large tree of Pacific coast of North America having hard red wood much used for furniture
speckled alder
Alnus rugosa
common shrub of Canada and northeastern United States having shoots scattered with rustolored down
smooth alder
hazel alder
Alnus serrulata
common shrub of the eastern United States with smooth bark
green alder Alnus veridis shrub of mountainous areas of Europe
green alder Alnus veridis crispa
Alnus crispa
North American shrub with light green leaves and winged nuts
witch alder
any of several deciduous low-growing shrubs of the genus Fothergilla having showy brushlike spikes of white flowers in spring and fiery red and orange autumn color, grows from Alabama to the Allegheny Mountains
alderleaf Juneberry
alder-leaved serviceberry
Amelanchier alnifolia
shrub or small tree of northwestern North America having fragrant creamy white flowers and small waxy purpleed fruits
mountain maple
mountain alder Acer spicatum
small shrubby maple of eastern North America, scarlet in autumn
alder buckthorn
alder dogwood
Rhamnus frangula
small tree common in Europe
alder blight a disease of alders caused by the woolly alder aphid (a plant louse)
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