
Fahrbahnbegrenzungslinie Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Fahrbahnbegrenzungslinie f auto
Fahrbahnbegrenzungslinien pl
roadside border line
roadside border lines
Fahrbahnbegrenzungslinie f auto
Fahrbahnbegrenzungslinien pl
roadside border line
roadside border lines
Fahrbahn f
Fahrbahn f
Fahrbahnen pl
Fahrbahn f, Laufbahn f (beim Kran)
Fahrbahnen pl, Laufbahnen pl
Reifen-Fahrbahn-Geräusch n
tyre noise
Reibbeiwert m der Fahrbahn
coefficient of friction
Ansteigen n; Geländeanstieg m; Steigung f; ansteigendes Gelände n; ansteigender Verlauf m geogr.
Anstieg des Festlandrands
ein leichtes Ansteigen der Fahrbahn
incline; upward slope; upgrade Am.
rise of the continental margin
a slight upgrade in the roadway
Fahrbahn f; Laufbahn f (beim Kran)
Fahrbahnen pl; Laufbahnen pl
runway (crane)
Fahrbahn f; Fahrdamm m auto
Fahrbahnen pl; Fahrdämme pl
falsche Fahrbahn
unebene Fahrbahn
verengte Fahrbahn
Fahrbahn mit drei Fahrstreifen
von der Fahrbahn abkommen
plötzlich auf die Fahrbahn laufen
roadway; road
roadways; roads
wrong side of the road
uneven bumpy road
narrow road
three-lane roadway
to come run off the road
to make a dash into the road
Fahrradstreifen m; Radfahrstreifen m; Velostreifen m Schw. (auf der Fahrbahn) auto
on-road cycle path Br.; cycle lane Br.; bike lane Am.
Kabelschacht m; Kabelbrunnen m electr. telco.
Kabelschächte pl; Kabelbrunnen pl
Fahrbahn-Kabelschacht m
cable pit; cable shaft; cable manhole
cable pits; cable shafts; cable manholes
carriageway manhole
Schnellstraße f; mehrspurige Fahrbahn f auto
Schnellstraßen pl; mehrspurige Fahrbahnen pl
dual carriageway Br.; divided highway Am.
dual carriageways; divided highways
Weg m; Pfad m; Stecke f geogr. übtr.
feste Fahrbahn
slab track
obenliegende Fahrbahn f (Brücke) constr.
upper deck (bridge)
Ansteigen n; Steigung f; ansteigender Verlauf m (von etw.) geogr. constr.
Anstieg des Festlandrands
ein leichtes Ansteigen der Fahrbahn
incline; upgrade Am. (of sth.)
rise of the continental margin
a slight upgrade in the roadway
Fahren n auf abgetrennter getrennter Fahrbahn; Verkehr m auf eigener Fahrbahn (Bahn)
running on right of way; transport on right of way (railway)
Fahrbahn f; Fahrdamm m auto
Fahrbahnen pl; Fahrdämme pl
falsche Fahrbahn
unebene Fahrbahn
verengte Fahrbahn
Fahrbahn mit einem zwei drei Fahrstreifen; einspurige zweispurige dreispurige Fahrbahn
von der Fahrbahn abkommen
plötzlich auf die Fahrbahn laufen
roadway; road
roadways; roads
wrong side of the road
uneven bumpy road
narrow road
single-lane two-lane three-lane roadway
to come run off the road
to make a dash into the road
Gehweg m Dt.; Bürgersteig m Dt.; Gehsteig m Bayr. Ös.; Trottoir n Süddt. Schw. (neben der Fahrbahn) auto
Gehwege pl; Bürgersteige pl; Gehsteige pl; Trottoirs pl
pavement Br.; footpath Br.; sidewalk Am. (alongside the roadway)
pavements; footpaths; sidewalks
Mittelstrich m; Mittellinie f (auf der Fahrbahn) auto
Mittelstriche pl; Mittellinien pl
centre line Br.; centerline Am. (centre-line) (centreline) (center-line) (center line)
centre lines; centerlines
Wanne f (im Höhenverlauf der Fahrbahn) auto
von der Fahrbahn abkommen v auto
von der Fahrbahn abkommend
von der Fahrbahn abgekommen
vom Kurs abkommen
Der Bus kam von der Straße ab.
to swerve; to veer off the road
swerving; veering off the road
swerved; veered off the road
to veer off course
The bus swerved veered off the road.
griffig adj (Boden, Fahrbahn, Reifen)
anti-skidding; anti-skid; non-skid; non-slip
(von der Fahrbahn abkommen und) über gegen in einen Ort schlittern; an einen Ort geraten v auto
über gegen in einen Ort schlitternd; an einen Ort geratend
über gegen in einen Ort geschlittert; an einen Ort geraten
Das Auto scherte brach nach links aus
Er verlor die Kontrolle über sein Auto und schlitterte gegen einen Baum.
Der Lenker musste sein Fahrzeug verreißen.
Der Bus geriet auf die andere Straßenseite.
to swerve; to veer across towards into onto a place
swerving; veering across towards into onto a place
swerved; veered across towards into onto a place
The car veered to the left.
He lost control of the car and swerved towards a tree.
The driver was forced to veer sharply.
The bus veered onto the wrong side of the road.
Vollsperrung f (einer Fahrbahn)
full closure
Fahrbahnabdeckung f (Brücke) constr.
road surface; road carpet (bridge)
Fahrbahnbegrenzungslinie f auto
Fahrbahnbegrenzungslinien pl
roadside border line
roadside border lines
Straßenbelag m; Straßendecke f; Fahrbahnbelag m constr.
rutschiger Straßenbelag
glatte Straßenoberfläche f
road surface; topping; pavement; crust
slippery road surface
smooth road
Fahrbahnbelag m; Straßenbelag m; Straßendecke f (Straßenbau) constr.
Betonbelag m; Betonfahrbahn f; Betondecke f
rutschiger Straßenbelag
glatte Straßenoberfläche f
road surface; road topping; road pavement (road building)
concrete road pavement; concrete pavement; rigid pavement
slippery road surface
smooth road
Rüttelstreifen m (im Fahrbahnbelag) auto
rumble strip; sleeper line; audible line (in the road surface)
Fahrbahnbelastung f (Straßenbau) constr.
load on roadway (road building)
Fahrbahnbeleuchtung f auto
roadway illumination
Fahrbahnbreite f auto constr.
roadway width
(Straße) befestigen, mit Fahrbahndecke versehen v
befestigend, mit Fahrbahndecke versehend
befestigt, mit Fahrbahndecke versehen
to seal
Fahrbahndecke f; Fahrbahntafel f; Fahrbahnplatte f (Brückenbau) constr.
bridge deck; bridge floor; bridge plate; floor plate; floor slab
eine Straße chaussieren; makadamisieren; mit einer festen Fahrbahndecke versehen v (Straßenbau) constr.
to macadamize; to tarmac Br. a road
Fahrbahnentwässerung f (Brücke) constr.
road draining (bridge)
Fahrbahngeräusch n
road noise
Fahrbahnrost m; Fahrbahngerippe f (Brücke) constr.
floor grid; floor framing; floor skeleton (bridge)
Fahrbahnkontakt m auto
road feel
Fahrbahnmarkierung f
Fahrbahnmarkierungen pl
road marking
road markings
Fahrbahnmarkierung f auto
Fahrbahnmarkierungen pl
road marking; marking of roadway; marking of pavement Am.
road markings; markings of roadway; markings of pavement
Fahrbahnmarkierungsfarbe f auto
road marking paint
Fahrbahnmarkierungsmaschine f auto
Fahrbahnmarkierungsmaschinen pl
stripe painter; pavement marking machine Am.
stripe painters; pavement marking machines
Fahrbahnoberfläche f auto constr.
Fahrbahnoberflächen pl
travel surface
travel surfaces
Fahrbahnrand m auto constr.
Fahrbahnränder pl
road verge
road verges
Fahrbahnrand m (auf mehrspurigen Straßen) auto
Fahrbahnränder pl
edge of the lane (on multilane roads)
edges of the lane
Straßenrand m; Fahrbahnrand m (auf Überlandstraßen)
am Straßenrand
edge of the road; road verge (on highways)
on the edge of the road; on the road verge
jdm. etw. zu nahe kommen; zu dicht an jdn. etw. heranrücken; jdm. auf die Pelle rücken Norddt. Mitteldt. ugs. v
schon fast auf der Mittellinie fahren auto
schon fast auf dem Randstreifen fahren; viel zu nah am Fahrbahnrand fahren auto
Gehen Sie bitte ein Stück zurück. Sie sind mir zu nahe.
Halten Sie Abstand – es ist genug Platz.
to crowd sb. Am. (stand move too close to sb.)
to crowd the center line
to crowd the shoulder
Please move back. You're crowding me.
Stop crowding me Don't crowd me – there's plenty of room.
Fahrbahnschwelle f; Bremsschwelle f; Holperschwelle f; Rüttelschwelle f; Krefelder Moabiter Kissen auto
Fahrbahnschwellen pl; Bremsschwellen pl; Holperschwellen pl; Rüttelschwellen pl; Krefelder Moabiter Kissen
speed bump; speed hump Br.; sleeping policeman Br.
speed bumps; speed humps; sleeping policemen
Fahrbahnschwelle f; Bremsschwelle f; Holperschwelle f; Rüttelschwelle f; Krefelder Moabiter Kissen n auto
Fahrbahnschwellen pl; Bremsschwellen pl; Holperschwellen pl; Rüttelschwellen pl; Krefelder Moabiter Kissen pl
speed bump; speed hump Br.; sleeping policeman Br.; judder bar NZ
speed bumps; speed humps; sleeping policemen; judder bars
Absinken n; Absenkung f; Einsenkung f; Senkung f constr. geol.
Absenkungen pl; Einsekungen pl; Senkungen pl
gleichmäßiges Senkung
Einsenkungen in Bergwerksgebieten
die Senkung eines Bauwerks
Senkung durch Ablösung
Einsenkung des Hangenden min.
Fahrbahnsenkung f (Straßenbau)
Pfastereinsenkung f (Straßenbau)
regular subsidence
mining subsidence
the subsidence of a structure
solution subsidence
roof subsidence
carriageway subsidence Br.; roadway subsidence Am. (road building)
subsidence of pavement (road building)
Fahrbahnstabilität f
path firmness
Verkehrsinsel f; Fahrbahnteiler m auto
Verkehrsinseln pl; Fahrbahnteiler pl
Verkehrsinsel für Fußgänger; Fußgängerinsel f; Fußgängerschutzinsel f Ös. Schw.; Schutzinsel f Ös. Schw.
traffic island
traffic islands
pedestrian island; pedestrian refuge; street refuge Br.; safety island Am.
Fahrbahnträger m (Brücke) constr.
bridge beam; girder of a bridge (bridge)
Fahrbahnträgerbrücke f constr.
Fahrbahnträgerbrücken pl
platform girder bridge
platform girder bridges
Fahrbahnübergang m (Brücke) constr.
Fahrbahnübergänge pl
road joint (bridge)
road joints
Bodenwelle f; Fahrbahnunebenheit f auto
Bodenwellen pl; Fahrbahnunebenheiten pl
auf eine Bodenwelle auffahren
to hit a bump
Fahrbahnverengung f auto
Fahrbahnverengungen pl
Fahrbahnverengung! (Warnschild)
narrow section of road
narrow sections of road
Road narrows! (warning sign)
Spurwechsel m, Fahrbahnwechsel m
einfacher Fahrbahnwechsel
zweifacher Spurwechsel
change of lane, evasive lane change
evasive lane change
double lane change
Spurwechsel m; Fahrstreifenwechsel m; Fahrbahnwechsel m auto
Spurwechsel pl; Fahrstreifenwechsel pl; Fahrbahnwechsel pl
einfacher Spurwechsel
zweifacher Spurwechsel
plötzlicher Spurwechsel
Fahrstreifenwechsel ohne Blinkzeichen
change of lane; lane change manoeuvre; lane change
changes of lane; lane change manoeuvres; lane changes
single lane change
double lane change
abrupt lane change
unsignalled lane change

Deutsche Fahrbahnbegrenzungslinie Synonyme

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Englische roadside border line Synonyme

Fahrbahnbegrenzungslinie Definition

Bee line
() The shortest line from one place to another, like that of a bee to its hive when loaded with honey
(n.) The outer part or edge of anything, as of a garment, a garden, etc.
(n.) A boundary
(n.) A strip or stripe arranged along or near the edge of something, as an ornament or finish.
(n.) A narrow flower bed.
(v. i.) To touch at the edge or boundary
(v. i.) To approach
(v. t.) To make a border for
(v. t.) To be, or to have, contiguous to
(v. t.) To confine within bounds
Fraunhofer lines
() The lines of the spectrun
Gunter's line
() A logarithmic line on Gunter's scale, used for performing the multiplication and division of numbers mechanically by the dividers
(n.) Flax
(n.) The longer and finer fiber of flax.
(v. t.) To cover the inner surface of
(v. t.) To put something in the inside of
(v. t.) To place persons or things along the side of for security or defense
(v. t.) To impregnate
(n.) A linen thread or string
(n.) A more or less threadlike mark of pen, pencil, or graver
(n.) The course followed by anything in motion
(n.) Direction
(n.) A row of letters, words, etc., written or printed
(n.) A short letter
(n.) A verse, or the words which form a certain number of feet, according to the measure.
(n.) Course of conduct, thought, occupation, or policy
(n.) That which has length, but not breadth or thickness.
(n.) The exterior limit of a figure, plat, or territory
(n.) A threadlike crease marking the face or the hand
(n.) Lineament
(n.) A straight row
(n.) A series or succession of ancestors or descendants of a given person
(n.) A connected series of public conveyances, and hence, an established arrangement for forwarding merchandise, etc.
(n.) A circle of latitude or of longitude, as represented on a map.
(n.) The equator
(n.) A long tape, or a narrow ribbon of steel, etc., marked with subdivisions, as feet and inches, for measuring
(n.) A measuring line or cord.
(n.) That which was measured by a line, as a field or any piece of land set apart
(n.) Instruction
(n.) The proper relative position or adjustment of parts, not as to design or proportion, but with reference to smooth working
(n.) The track and roadbed of a railway
(n.) A row of men who are abreast of one another, whether side by side or some distance apart
(n.) The regular infantry of an army, as distinguished from militia, guards, volunteer corps, cavalry, artillery, etc.
(n.) A trench or rampart.
(n.) Dispositions made to cover extended positions, and presenting a front in but one direction to an enemy.
(n.) Form of a vessel as shown by the outlines of vertical, horizontal, and oblique sections.
(n.) One of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed.
(n.) A number of shares taken by a jobber.
(n.) A series of various qualities and values of the same general class of articles
(n.) The wire connecting one telegraphic station with another, or the whole of a system of telegraph wires under one management and name.

roadside border line / roadside border lines Bedeutung

line drive
(baseball) a hit that flies straight out from the batter, the batter hit a liner to the shortstop
line-drive single
line single
a single resulting from a line drive
line-drive double
line double
a double resulting from a line drive
line-drive triple
line triple
a triple resulting from a line drive
line of least resistance
path of least resistance
the easiest way, In marrying him she simply took the path of least resistance
pursuit sideline
spare-time activity
an auxiliary activity
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
line backer
(American football) the position of a defensive football player who plays close behind the line of scrimmage
field of operation
line of business
a particular kind of commercial enterprise, they are outstanding in their field
line of duty all that is normally required in some area of responsibility
line management administration of the activities contributing directly to an organization's output
line acting in conformity, in line with, he got out of line, toe the line
Border terrier small roughoated terrier of British origin
Border collie developed in the area between Scotland and England usually having a black coat with white on the head and tip of tail used for herding both sheep and cattle
lateral line
lateral line organ
sense organs of fish and amphibians, believed to detect pressure changes in the water
acoustic delay line
sonic delay line
a delay line based on the time of propagation of sound waves
A-line women's clothing that has a fitted top and a flared skirt that is widest at the hemline, it is called the A-line because the effect resembles the capital letter A
border a strip forming the outer edge of something, the rug had a wide blue border
branch line
spur track
a railway line connected to a trunk line
bus line an organization responsible for operating a bus transportation system
cable line transmission line a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
chalk line
snap line
a chalked string used in the building trades to make a straight line on a vertical surface
delay line a circuit designed to introduce a calculated delay into the transmission of a signal
line drawing
a drawing of the outlines of forms or objects
digital subscriber line
a generic name for digital lines that are provided by telephone companies to their local subscribers and that carry data at high speeds
drive line
drive line system
mechanism that transmits power from the engine to the driving wheels of a motor vehicle
electromagnetic delay line a delay line based on the time of propagation of electromagnetic waves
feeder line a branching path off of a main transportation line (especially an airline)
fishing line a length of cord to which the leader and float and sinker and hook are attached
fuel line
gas line petrol line
a pipe that carries gasoline from a tank to a gasoline engine, the car wouldn't start because dirt clogged the gas line
gas line a pipeline used to transport natural gas, the workmen broke through the gas line
hand line
a fishing line managed principally by hand
harpoon line a strong rope for making the catch fast to the harpooner's boat
hot line a direct telephone line between two officials
land line
a telephone line that travels over terrestrial circuits, a land line can be wire or fiber optics or microwave
lead line
sounding line
(nautical) plumb line for determining depth
line something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible, a washing line
line railway line
rail line
the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed
line a commercial organization serving as a common carrier
line product line
line of products
line of merchandise
business line
line of business
a particular kind of product or merchandise, a nice line of shoes
line block
line engraving
engraving consisting of a block that has been etched or engraved
linecut line engraving a print obtained from a line drawing
line of defense
line of defence
defensive structure consisting of a barrier that can be employed for defense against attack
line printer
line-at-a-time printer
printer that serves as an output device on a computer, prints a whole line of characters at a time
log line a knotted cord that runs out from a reel to a piece of wood that is attached to it
loop-line a railway branch line that branches from the trunk line and then rejoins it later on
Maginot Line a fortification built before World War II to protect France's eastern border, initially considered to be impregnable, it was easily overrun by the German army in
main line the principal route of a transportation system
ship of the line
a warship intended for combat
a decorative recessed or relieved surface on an edge
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