
Deutsche Farbenzusammenstellung {f} Synonyme

Englische combination of colours Synonyme

combination  Bund  Rochdale cooperative  accompaniment  accord  accordance  addition  adjunct  admixture  affairs  affiliation  affinity  agglomeration  agglutination  aggregate  aggregation  agreement  alignment  alliance  alloy  alloyage  amalgam  amalgamation  approximation  array  articulation  assemblage  assembly  association  axis  band  blend  blending  bloc  body  bond  bracketing  brew  building  buildup  cabal  cahoots  call-up  canvass  cartel  census  circle  clique  closeness  clustering  co-working  coaction  coadunation  coalescence  coalition  coincidence  collaboration  colleagueship  collection  collectivity  college  collegialism  collegiality  colligation  collocation  colloid  collusion  combine  combined effort  combo  comminglement  commingling  commixture  common market  communication  comparison  composite  composition  compound  comradeship  concatenation  concert  concerted action  concoction  concomitance  concordance  concourse  concurrence  confection  confederacy  confederation  confluence  conflux  confraternity  congeries  conglomerate  conglomeration  congregation  conjugation  conjunction  connectedness  connection  consilience  consolidation  consortium  conspiracy  constitution  construction  consumer cooperative  contiguity  contrariety  convergence  cooperation  cooperative  cooperative society  copartnership  copartnery  copulation  corps  corralling  correspondence  coterie  council  coupling  credit union  customs union  data-gathering  dealings  decoction  decoctum  deduction  disjunction  eclecticism  economic community  embodiment  emulsion  ensemble  fabrication  faction  fashioning  federation  fellowship  filiation  formation  fraternalism  fraternity  fraternization  free trade area  freemasonry  fusion  gang  gathering  getup  group  grouping  homology  hookup  identification  identity  immixture  inclusion  incorporation  individuality  indivisibility  ingathering  intactness  integrality  integration  integrity  i  

Farbenzusammenstellung {f} Definition

(n.) The act or process of combining or uniting persons and things.
(n.) The result of combining or uniting
(n.) The act or process of uniting by chemical affinity, by which substances unite with each other in definite proportions by weight to form distinct compounds.
(n.) The different arrangements of a number of objects, as letters, into groups.

combination of colours Bedeutung

flying colors
flying colours
complete success, they passed inspection with flying colors
compounding a
the act of combining things to form a new whole
combination the act of arranging elements into specified groups without regard to order
vertical integration
vertical combination
absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in all aspects of a product's manufacture from raw materials to distribution
horizontal integration
horizontal combination
absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in the same level of production and sharing resources at that level
a flag that shows its nationality
colors colours a distinguishing emblem, his tie proclaimed his school colors
combination lock lock that can be opened only by turning dials in a special sequence
combination plane a woodworking plane that has interchangeable cutters of various shapes
combination salad containing meat or chicken or cheese in addition to greens and vegetables
combination an alliance of people or corporations or countries for a special purpose (formerly to achieve some antisocial end but now for general political or economic purposes)
combination in restraint of trade (law) any monopoly or contract or combination or conspiracy intended to restrain commerce (which are illegal according to antitrust laws of the United States)
combination a group of people (often temporary) having a common purpose, they were a winning combination
combination a sequence of numbers or letters that opens a combination lock, he forgot the combination to the safe
combination a coordinated sequence of chess moves
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