
Deutsche Ferienunterkunft Synonyme

Englische holiday accommodation Synonyme

holiday  AWOL  Admission Day  Arbor Day  Armed Forces Day  Armistice Day  Army Day  Bastille Day  Christmas  Colorado Day  Constitution Day  Decoration Day  Dewali  Discovery Day  Double Ten  Easter Monday  Election Day  Empire Day  Evacuation Day  Flag Day  Foundation Day  Fourth of July  French leave  Groundhog Day  Halifax Day  Halloween  High Holiday  High Holy Day  Holi  Ides of March  Kuhio Day  Labor Day  Lenin Memorial Day  Loyalty Day  Maryland Day  May Day  Mecklenburg Day  Memorial Day  Midsummer Day  National Aviation Day  Navy Day  Nevada Day  Pan American Day  Pascua Florida Day  Pioneer Day  Remembrance Day  Roosevelt Day  State Day  Sunday  Texas Independence Day  United Nations Day  V-E Day  Victory Day  West Virginia Day  Wyoming Day  abeyance  abscondence  absence  absence without leave  absentation  absenteeism  absenting  anniversaries  bank holiday  break  caesura  cease-fire  celebrating  celebration  ceremony  church feast  coffee break  comfortable  commemoration  cut  day of festivities  day off  default  departure  disappearance  downtime  dressing ship  drop  escape  event  excused absence  fair  fanfare  fanfaronade  feast  feast day  festal  festival  festival day  festivity  fete  fete day  fixed feast  fleeing  flourish of trumpets  furlough  gala  gala day  go on furlough  go on leave  half time  half-time intermission  hesitation  high day  holy day  hooky  interim  interlude  intermezzo  intermission  intermittence  interregnum  interruption  interval  jubilee  lapse  layoff  leave  leave of absence  leaving  legal holiday  letup  liberty  lull  make holiday  marking the occasion  memorialization  memory  nonappearance  nonattendance  observance  off-time  ovation  paid holiday  paid vacation  pause  plateau  point of repose  quiet  quiet spell  recess  red-letter day  rejoicing  relief  religious rites  remembrance  remission  respite  rest  restful  resting point  revel  rite  ritual observance  running away  sabbatical  sabbatic  

Ferienunterkunft Definition

(n.) The act of fitting or adapting, or the state of being fitted or adapted
(n.) Willingness to accommodate
(n.) Whatever supplies a want or affords ease, refreshment, or convenience
(n.) An adjustment of differences
(n.) The application of a writer's language, on the ground of analogy, to something not originally referred to or intended.
(n.) A loan of money.
(n.) An accommodation bill or note.
Blindman's holiday
() The time between daylight and candle light.
(n.) A consecrated day
(n.) A day of exemption from labor
(n.) A day fixed by law for suspension of business
(a.) Of or pertaining to a festival
(a.) Occurring rarely

holiday accommodation Bedeutung

accommodation reflex reflex changes in the eyes that enable an object to be focused on the retina
accommodation (physiology) the automatic adjustment in focal length of the natural lens of the eye
package tour
package holiday
a tour arranged by a travel agent, transportation and food and lodging are all provided at an inclusive price
busman's holiday a holiday where you do the same things you do at work
accommodation the act of providing something (lodging or seat or food) to meet a need
accommodation living quarters provided for public convenience, overnight accommodations are available
accommodation ladder (nautical) a portable ladder hung over the side of a vessel to give access to small boats alongside
sleeping room
sleeping accommodation
chamber bedchamber
a room used primarily for sleeping
accommodation in the theories of Jean Piaget: the modification of internal representations in order to accommodate a changing knowledge of reality
accommodation a settlement of differences, they reached an accommodation with Japan
making or becoming suitable, adjusting to circumstances
resort hotel
holiday resort
a hotel located in a resort area
accommodation endorser a person who endorses a promissory note without compensation or benefit but simply as a favor to the borrower
leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure, we get two weeks of vacation every summer, we took a short holiday in Puerto Rico
half-holiday a day on which half is free from work or duty
holiday a day on which work is suspended by law or custom, no mail is delivered on federal holidays, it's a good thing that New Year's was a holiday because everyone had a hangover
religious holiday
holy day
a day specified for religious observance
High Holy Day
High Holiday
Jewish holy days observed with particular solemnity
legal holiday
national holiday
public holiday
authorized by law and limiting work or official business
bank holiday any of several weekdays when banks are closed, a legal holiday in Britain
holiday season a time when many people take holidays
spend or take a vacation
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