
Deutsche Filmtitel Synonyme

Englische for the most greater better part; mostly Synonyme

for  against  all for  as  as long as  as proxy for  as representing  as things go  because  being  being as how  cause  considering  forasmuch as  from  in aid of  in behalf of  in consideration of  in contemplation of  in favor of  in furtherance of  in lieu of  in order to  in place of  in preference to  in preparation for  in that  inasmuch as  insofar as  insomuch as  now  on account of  on behalf of  parce que  pro  remedial of  replacing  seeing as how  seeing that  since  so  so as to  so that  to  vice  whereas  with  
for all practical purposes  all in all  almost entirely  approximately  approximatively  by and large  chiefly  effectually  essentially  for practical purposes  generally  generally speaking  in round numbers  in the main  mainly  more or less  mostly  on balance  on the whole  practically  roughly  roughly speaking  roundly  say  substantially  virtually  
for example  a propos  apropos  apropos of  as  as an example  as an instance  by the by  by the way  en passant  exempli gratia  for instance  in passing  incidentally  par exemple  parenthetically  speaking of  thus  to illustrate  
for good  aye  ever  ever and again  ever and anon  evermore  for all time  for aye  for keeps  forever  forever and aye  forevermore  in all ages  now and forever  throughout the ages  till doomsday  till time stops  to keep  
for keeps  aye  ever  ever and again  ever and anon  evermore  for all time  for aye  for good  forever  forever and aye  forevermore  in all ages  now and forever  throughout the ages  till doomsday  till time stops  to keep  
for love  charitable  complimentary  costless  eleemosynary  expenseless  for free  for nothing  free  free as air  free for nothing  free gratis  free of charge  free of cost  freebie  giftlike  given  gratis  gratuitous  on the house  unbought  unpaid-for  untaxed  without charge  
for nothing  charitable  complimentary  costless  eleemosynary  expenseless  for free  for love  free  free as air  free for nothing  free gratis  free of charge  free of cost  freebie  giftlike  given  gratis  gratuitous  on the house  unbought  unpaid-for  untaxed  without charge  
for real  absolute  actively  actual  actually  assuredly  authentic  certainly  clearly  de facto  decidedly  demonstrably  down  earnestly  factual  for a certainty  genuine  historical  honest-to-God  in all conscience  indeed  indubitably  manifestly  noticeably  observably  obviously  patently  positive  positively  quite  real  really  sensibly  seriously  substantial  true  truly  unambiguously  undeniable  undeniably  unmistakably  verily  veritable  visibly  without doubt  
for the most part  a fortiori  above all  all in all  all the more  all things considered  almost entirely  altogether  approximately  as a rule  as a whole  as an approximation  as per usual  as things go  as usual  at large  broadly  broadly speaking  by and large  chiefly  commonly  customarily  dominantly  effectually  especially  essentially  even  ever so  first of all  generally  generally speaking  habitually  in chief  in general  in the main  indeed  mainly  more than ever  most often  mostly  naturally  never so  no end  normally  normatively  on balance  on the whole  ordinarily  overall  particularly  peculiarly  predominantly  prescriptively  prevailingly  primarily  principally  regularly  roughly  roughly speaking  routinely  speaking generally  still more  substantially  to be expected  usually  virtually  yea  
for the time being  ad interim  as of now  as things are  at present  at this juncture  at this moment  at this point  at this time  awhile  between acts  betweentimes  betweenwhiles  but now  during the interval  en attendant  even now  for a time  for the meantime  for the moment  for the nonce  for the time  for this occasion  here  here and now  hereat  hic et nunc  in our time  in the interim  in the meanwhile  in these days  just now  meantime  meanwhile  now  nowadays  on the spot  pendente lite  pro tem  pro tempore  temporarily  this day  this night  today  tonight  until then  
forage  barley  beat  beat the bushes  bird seed  board  bran  bread  bunker  burrow  cat food  cater  chicken feed  chop  coal  comb  corn  delve  depredate  despoil  dig  dine  dog food  domiciliary visit  dragnet  eatage  ensilage  exploration  explore  feed  fill up  fleece  fodder  foray  freeboot  frisk  fuel  gas  gas up  go through  grain  grass  gratify  graze  gut  hay  house-search  hunt  hunting  look around  look round  look through  loot  maraud  mash  meal  meat  mess  nose around  oats  oil  pasturage  pasture  perquisition  pet food  pillage  plunder  poke  poke around  posse  prey on  probe  provender  provision  pry  purvey  quest  raid  ransack  ransacking  ravage  raven  ravish  regale  reive  research  rifle  root  rummage  sack  satisfy  scratch  scratch feed  search  search party  search through  search warrant  search-and-destroy operation  searching  sell  silage  slops  smell around  spoil  spoliate  stalk  stalking  still hunt  straw  sustain  sweep  swill  top off  turning over  victual  wheat  wine and dine  
foray  air attack  air raid  air strike  banditry  board  boarding  brigandage  brigandism  depredate  depredation  despoil  despoiling  despoilment  despoliation  direption  escalade  fire raid  fleece  forage  foraging  freeboot  freebooting  gut  harass  harry  incursion  inroad  inundate  invade  invasion  irruption  loot  looting  make a raid  make an inroad  maraud  marauding  overrun  overswarm  overwhelm  pillage  pillaging  plunder  plundering  prey on  raid  raiding  ransack  ransacking  rape  rapine  ravage  ravagement  ravaging  raven  ravish  ravishment  razzia  reive  reiving  rifle  rifling  sack  sacking  saturation raid  scale  scale the walls  scaling  shuttle raid  spoil  spoiling  spoliate  spoliation  storm  sweep  take by storm  
forbear  abstain  abstain from  avoid  be patient  bear  bear with composure  bridle  carry on  carry through  cease  curb  desist  dispense with  do without  endure  escape  eschew  evade  forgive  forgo  give quarter  have mercy upon  have pity  hold  hold aloof from  hold back  hold off  inhibit  keep  keep back  keep from  keep in hand  let alone  let go by  let up on  melt  never touch  not touch  not use  pardon  pass up  refrain  refrain from  relax  relent  reprieve  reserve  restrain  sacrifice  save  shun  spare  stand aloof from  suffer  take pity on  thaw  tolerate  wait  wait it out  waive  withhold  
forbearance  abandonment  abeyance  abjuration  abjurement  abnegation  acceptance  avoidance  avoiding reaction  benevolence  cessation  charitableness  charity  circumvention  clemency  clementness  cold storage  commiseration  compassion  condolence  condonation  constraint  defense mechanism  denial  desistance  discontinuance  disregard  dodge  duck  easiness  easygoingness  elusion  elusiveness  endurance  equivocation  escape  evasion  evasive action  evasiveness  favor  feeling  forbearing  forbearingness  forestalling  forestallment  forgiveness  forgivingness  fortitude  frugality  generousness  gentleness  getting around  golden mean  grace  humaneness  humanity  indulgence  jink  kindness  laxness  lenience  leniency  lenientness  lenity  long-sufferance  long-suffering  longanimity  magnanimity  mercifulness  mercy  mildness  mitigation  moderateness  moderation  neutrality  nonexercise  nonintervention  noninvolvement  nothing in excess  overlooking  pardon  pathos  patience  patience of Job  patientness  permissiveness  perseverance  pity  prevention  quarter  refraining  relief  relinquishment  renouncement  renunciation  reprieve  resignation  restraint  ruth  self-control  self-denial  self-discipline  self-mastery  self-pity  self-restraint  shunning  shunting off  shy  sidestep  sidetracking  slip  soberness  sobriety  softness  sophrosyne  stoicism  sufferance  suspension  sweet reasonableness  sympathy  temperance  temperateness  tenderness  the runaround  thoughtful  tolerance  toleration  uncomplainingness  unrevengefulness  waiting game  waiting it out  waiver  zigzag  
forbearing  Spartan  accepting  armed with patience  benevolent  charitable  clement  compassionate  conciliatory  disciplined  easy  easygoing  endurant  enduring  forbearant  forgiving  generous  gentle  humane  indulgent  kind  lax  lenient  long-suffering  longanimous  magnanimous  merciful  mild  moderate  patient  patient as Job  persevering  philosophical  placable  self-controlled  soft  sparing  stoic  tender  tolerant  tolerating  tolerative  understanding  unresentful  unrevengeful  
forbid  anticipate  avert  ban  bar  block  check  curb  debar  deflect  deny  deter  disallow  discourage  dishearten  embargo  enjoin  estop  exclude  exclude from  fend  fend off  foreclose  forestall  halt  help  hinder  impede  inhibit  interdict  keep from  keep off  obstruct  obviate  outlaw  preclude  prevent  prohibit  proscribe  refuse  reject  repel  repress  restrain  rule out  save  say no to  shut out  stave off  stop  suppress  taboo  turn aside  veto  ward off  
forbidden  banned  barred  contraband  forbade  forbid  illegal  illicit  nonpermissible  not permitted  off limits  out of bounds  outlawed  prohibited  ruled out  taboo  tabooed  unallowed  unauthorized  under the ban  unlawful  unlicensed  unpermissible  unsanctioned  untouchable  verboten  vetoed  
forbidden fruit  Eighteenth Amendment  Prohibition Party  Volstead Act  agacerie  allure  allurement  ambition  appeal  attraction  attractiveness  ban  beguilement  beguiling  bewitchery  bewitchment  blandishment  cajolery  captivation  catch  charisma  charm  charmingness  come-hither  contraband  dearest wish  denial  desideration  desideratum  desire  disallowance  embargo  enchantment  enthrallment  enticement  entrapment  exclusion  fascination  flirtation  forbiddance  forbidding  glamour  glimmering goal  golden vision  hope  index  index expurgatorius  index librorum prohibitorum  inducement  inhibition  injunction  interdict  interdiction  interdictum  interest  inveiglement  invitation  law  lodestone  magnet  magnetism  no-no  plum  preclusion  prevention  prize  prohibition  prohibitory injunction  proscription  refusal  rejection  repression  restrictive covenants  ruling out  seducement  seduction  seductiveness  sex appeal  snaring  statute  sumptuary laws  suppression  taboo  tantalization  temptation  tree of knowledge  trophy  winning ways  winsomeness  wish  witchery  wooing  zoning  zoning laws  
forbidding  Olympian  abhorrent  abominable  aloof  awful  backward  bad  base  bashful  beastly  below contempt  beneath contempt  blank  chilled  chilly  cold  constrained  contemptible  cool  crude  dangerous  despicable  detached  deterrent  deterring  detestable  discouraging  discreet  disgusting  distant  dreadful  exclusive  execrable  expressionless  fetid  forestalling  foul  frightful  frigid  frosty  fulsome  ghastly  grisly  gross  gruesome  guarded  harsh  hateful  heinous  hideous  horrible  horrid  hostile  icy  ignoble  impassive  impersonal  inaccessible  inhibitive  inhibitory  interdictive  interdictory  introverted  loathsome  malodorous  menacing  mephitic  miasmal  miasmic  modest  nasty  nauseating  noisome  noxious  objectionable  obnoxious  obscene  odious  offensive  offish  ominous  preclusive  preventative  preventive  prohibiting  prohibitive  prohibitory  prophylactic  proscriptive  rebarbative  remote  removed  repellent  repelling  repressed  repressive  repugnant  repulsive  reserved  restrained  reticent  retiring  revolting  shrinking  sickening  standoff  standoffish  stern  stinking  subdued  suppressed  suppressive  terrible  threatening  ugly  unaffable  unapproachable  uncongenial  undemonstrative  unexpansive  unfriendly  ungenial  unpleasant  vile  withdrawn  
force  Niagara  abuse  actuate  acuteness  administer  adventuresomeness  adventurousness  affective meaning  aggression  aggressiveness  ambitiousness  amount  amperage  amplitude  animality  animate  apply  arm  armed forces  armipotence  army  ascendancy  assault  atrocity  authoritativeness  authority  backlash  backset  backwash  barbarity  bear  bear upon  bearing  beef  bestow  betray  big battalions  bind  binding  bite  bitingness  black power  bloodlust  boost  break  brutality  brute force  buck  bulk  bull  bulldoze  bump  bump against  bunt  butt  butt against  carat  cascade  cataract  cause  cause to  centigram  charge  charisma  charm  chute  clout  coerce  coercion  cogence  cogency  coloring  command  compel  compulsion  concuss  connotation  consequence  constrain  constraint  control  crack  cram  cram in  credit  crew  crowd  crowd in  cultivate  culture  current  cut  cuttingness  debauch  decagram  deceive  decigram  decisiveness  defile  deflorate  deflower  delve  demand  demonic energy  denotation  despoil  destructiveness  dig  dint  dominance  domination  dose  dose with  drag  dragoon  dram  dram avoirdupois  dress  drift  drive  drive in  duress  dynamism  dyne  effect  effective  effectiveness  effectuality  efficacy  effort  elbow  eminence  employees  enchantment  endurance  energize  energy  enforce  enforce upon  enjoin  enterprise  enterprisingness  ergal  essence  esteem  exact  extension  extent  extort  extract  extremity  fall  fallow  falls  favor  ferociousness  fertilize  fierceness  flower power  force in  force majeure  force upon  forcefulness  fortitude  foster  full blast  full force  furiousness  galvanize  gang  get-up-and-get  get-up-and-go  getup  gist  give  go  go-ahead  go-getting  go-to-itiveness  goad  good feeling  grain  gram  grammatical meaning  gumption  guts  gutsiness  hardiness  harrow  harshness  have  headway  heartiness  help  hired help  hoe  hold  hundredweight  hurtle  hustle  idea  impact  impel  

Filmtitel Definition

(n.) The act of expressing
(n.) The act of declaring or signifying
(n.) Lively or vivid representation of meaning, sentiment, or feeling, etc.
(n.) That which is expressed by a countenance, a posture, a work of art, etc.
(n.) A form of words in which an idea or sentiment is conveyed
(n.) The representation of any quantity by its appropriate characters or signs.
(n.) A thin skin
(n.) A slender thread, as that of a cobweb.
(v. t.) To cover with a thin skin or pellicle.
Fore part
(n.) Alt. of Forepart
(n.) One of the portions, equal or unequal, into which anything is divided, or regarded as divided
(n.) An equal constituent portion
(n.) A constituent portion of a living or spiritual whole
(n.) A constituent of character or capacity
(n.) Quarter
(n.) Such portion of any quantity, as when taken a certain number of times, will exactly make that quantity
(n.) That which belongs to one, or which is assumed by one, or which falls to one, in a division or apportionment
(n.) One of the opposing parties or sides in a conflict or a controversy
(n.) A particular character in a drama or a play
(n.) One of the different melodies of a concerted composition, which heard in union compose its harmony
(n.) To divide
(n.) To divide into shares
(n.) To separate or disunite
(n.) Hence: To hold apart
(n.) To separate by a process of extraction, elimination, or secretion
(n.) To leave
(v. i.) To be broken or divided into parts or pieces
(v. i.) To go away
(v. i.) To perform an act of parting
(v. i.) To have a part or share
(adv.) Partly
(v. t.) To modify or qualify with respect to quantity
(n.) The attribute of being so much, and not more or less
(n.) The extent or extension of a general conception, that is, the number of species or individuals to which it may be applied
(n.) The measure of a syllable
(n.) The relative duration of a tone.
(n.) That which can be increased, diminished, or measured
(n.) A determinate or estimated amount
(a.) Not known

for the most greater better part; mostly (expression of quantity) / These film titles are unknown to me for the most part. Bedeutung

how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify
expression the act of forcing something out by squeezing or pressing, the expression of milk from her breast
film festival a cinematic festival that features films (usually films produced during the past year)
office part role
the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group, the function of a teacher, the government must do its part, play its role
contribution part share the part played by a person in bringing about a result, I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project, they all did their share of the work
movie making
film making
the production of movies
film editing
the activity of selecting the scenes to be shown and putting them together to create a film
part-singing singing with three or more voice parts
greater whitethroat
whitethroat Sylvia communis
greyish-brown Old World warbler with a white throat and underparts
greater prairie chicken
Tympanuchus cupido
the most common variety of prairie chicken
greater scaup
Aythya marila
large scaup of North America having a greenish iridescence on the head of the male
greater yellowlegs
Tringa melanoleuca
a variety of yellowlegs
Greater Swiss Mountain dog the largest of the four Swiss breeds
greater kudu
Tragelaphus strepsiceros
a variety of kudu
greater pichiciego
Burmeisteria retusa
of southern South America
auto part
car part
a component of an automobile, his business is auto parts
film a thin coating or layer, the table was covered with a film of dust
film photographic film photographic material consisting of a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion, used to make negatives or transparencies
film plastic film a thin sheet of (usually plastic and usually transparent) material used to wrap or cover things
film advance a mechanism for advancing film in a camera or projector
Greater New Orleans Bridge twin cantilever bridges across the Mississippi at New Orleans
motion-picture film
movie film
photographic film several hundred feet long and wound on a spool, to be used in a movie camera
movie projector
cine projector
film projector
projects successive frames from a reel of film to create moving pictures
orthochromatic film a photographic film sensitive to green and blue and violet light
panchromatic film photographic film sensitive to light of all colors (including red)
something less than the whole of a human artifact, the rear part of the house, glue the two parts together
roll film photographic film wound on a spool
cling film
Saran Wrap
a thin plastic film made of saran (trade name Saran Wrap) that sticks to itself, used for wrapping food
soap film a film left on objects after they have been washed in soap
sound film motion-picture film with sound effects and dialogue recorded on it
spare part
an extra component of a machine or other apparatus
after part
the rear part of a ship
Xay film photographic film used to make Xay pictures
look aspect facial expression
the feelings expressed on a person's face, a sad expression, a look of triumph, an angry face
good part a place of especial strength
weak part
weak spot
soft spot
a place of especial vulnerability
quantity an adequate or large amount, he had a quantity of ammunition
body part any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity
external body part any body part visible externally
anatomical structure
complex body part
bodily structure
body structure
a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing, he has good bone structure
part parting a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions, his part was right in the middle
peritoneal cavity
greater peritoneal sac
the interior of the peritoneum, a potential space between layers of the peritoneum
greater omentum
gastrocolic omentum
part of the peritoneum attached to the stomach and to the colon and covering the intestines
pectoralis major
musculus pectoralis major
greater pectoral muscle
a skeletal muscle that adducts and rotates the arm
rhomboideus major muscle
greater rhomboid muscle
musculus rhomboideus major
rhomboid muscle that draws the scapula toward the spinal column
part that which concerns a person with regard to a particular role or situation, it requires vigilance on our part, they resisted every effort on his part
quantity the concept that something has a magnitude and can be represented in mathematical expressions by a constant or a variable
numerical quantity a quantity expressed as a number
variable quantity
a quantity that can assume any of a set of values
constant quantity
a quantity that does not vary
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Der Filmtitel ist neben dem Filmplakat einer der wichtigsten Vermarktungsfaktoren in der Filmverwertung. Dabei ist zu unterscheiden zwischen dem Originaltitel eines Films in seiner Originalsprache und dem landesspezifischen bzw. internationalen Verleihtitel eines Films, der vom Originaltitel erheblich abweichen kann. Zudem kann es vorkommen, dass ein Film unter mehreren alternativen Verweistiteln geführt wird, zum Beispiel wenn ein Film aufgrund von Zensurauflagen oder für eine Umarbeitung vom Markt genommen wurde und später mit einem anderen Titel neu herausgebracht wird. Auch für die TV-Ausstrahlung und den Videovertrieb werden bereits veröffentlichte Filme gelegentlich unter einem neuen Titel herausgebracht. Während der Produktionsphase existiert häufig auch ein vorläufiger Titel, der sogenannte Arbeitstitel.[1]

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