
Deutsche Gemahl Synonyme

Ehegatte  Ehemann  Gatte  Gemahl  Mann  
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Englische husband Synonyme

husband  benedict  boss  bridegroom  budget  bwana  chef  chief  church dignitary  conserve  consort  ecclesiarch  economize  elder  employer  enforce economies  goodman  groom  guru  helpmate  helpmeet  hoard  hold back  hubby  keep  keep back  keep by one  keep in reserve  keep in store  keep on hand  keep within compass  lay by  liege  liege lord  lord  lord paramount  make ends meet  man  manage  married man  master  mate  mister  old man  other half  overlord  padrone  paramount  partner  paterfamilias  patriarch  patron  preserve  put apart  put aside  put by  put something aside  rabbi  reserve  retain  sahib  save  save up  scrape  scrape and save  scrimp  seigneur  seignior  set apart  set aside  set by  skimp  spouse  starets  store  teacher  withhold  
husbandly  adoring  affectionate  bridal  cannily  carefully  charily  conjugal  connubial  demonstrative  devoted  economically  epithalamic  faithful  filial  fond  frugally  hymeneal  languishing  lovelorn  lovesick  lovesome  loving  marital  married  maternal  matrimonial  melting  nuptial  parental  paternal  providently  prudently  romantic  sentimental  soft  sparingly  spousal  tender  thriftily  uxorious  wedded  wifely  
husbandry  agrarianism  agricultural geology  agriculture  agrology  agronomics  agronomy  austerity  austerity program  authority  canniness  care  carefulness  chariness  command  conduct  contour farming  control  cultivation  culture  direction  dirt farming  domestic economy  domestic management  dry farming  dryland farming  economic planning  economicalness  economy  economy of means  false economy  farm economy  farming  forehandedness  frugality  frugalness  fruit farming  geoponics  good management  governance  government  grain farming  guidance  handling  home economics  homemaking  housekeeping  housewifery  hydroponics  intensive farming  lead  leading  management  managery  managing  manipulation  menage  mixed farming  ordering  parsimoniousness  parsimony  pilotage  providence  prudence  prudential administration  regulation  running  rural economy  sharecropping  sparingness  steerage  steering  strip farming  subsistence farming  tank farming  the conn  the helm  the wheel  thremmatology  thrift  thriftiness  tight purse strings  tillage  tilth  truck farming  unwastefulness  


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