
Deutsche Geschlechtsumwandlung {f} Synonyme


Englische sex change; gender reassignment Synonyme

sex  Amor  Christian love  Eros  Platonic love  act of love  admiration  adoration  adultery  affection  agape  amorous  aphrodisia  ardency  ardor  ass  attachment  balling  bodily love  brotherly love  caritas  carnal  carnal knowledge  charity  climax  cohabitation  coition  coitus  coitus interruptus  commerce  congress  conjugal love  connection  copula  copulation  coupling  desire  devotion  diddling  erogenic  erogenous  erotic  erotogenic  faithful love  fancy  fervor  flame  fleshly  fondness  fornication  free love  free-lovism  gamic  heart  hero worship  heterosexual  idolatry  idolism  idolization  intercourse  intimacy  lasciviousness  libidinal  libido  like  liking  love  lovemaking  making it with  marital relations  marriage act  married love  mating  meat  nuptial  onanism  orgasm  oversexed  ovum  pareunia  passion  physical love  popular regard  popularity  potent  procreation  procreative  regard  relations  screwing  sensual  sentiment  sex act  sexed  sexlike  sexual  sexual climax  sexual commerce  sexual congress  sexual intercourse  sexual love  sexual relations  sexual union  sexualize  sexy  shine  sleeping with  sperm  spiritual love  straight  tender feeling  tender passion  truelove  undersexed  uxoriousness  venereal  venery  voluptuous  weakness  worship  yearning  
sex act  act of love  adultery  aphrodisia  ass  balling  carnal knowledge  climax  cohabitation  coition  coitus  coitus interruptus  commerce  congress  connection  copula  copulation  coupling  diddling  fornication  intercourse  intimacy  lovemaking  making it with  marital relations  marriage act  mating  meat  onanism  orgasm  ovum  pareunia  procreation  relations  screwing  sex  sexual climax  sexual commerce  sexual congress  sexual intercourse  sexual relations  sexual union  sleeping with  sperm  venery  
sex appeal  agacerie  allure  allurement  appeal  attraction  attractiveness  beguilement  beguiling  bewitchery  bewitchment  blandishment  cajolery  captivation  charisma  charm  charmingness  come-hither  enchantment  enthrallment  enticement  entrapment  fascination  flirtation  forbidden fruit  glamour  inducement  interest  inveiglement  invitation  magnetism  seducement  seduction  seductiveness  sexual attraction  snaring  tantalization  temptation  winning ways  winsomeness  witchery  wooing  
sex drive  carnality  coldness  flesh  fleshliness  frigidity  impotence  libido  love  lovemaking  marriage  potency  sensuality  sexiness  sexual instinct  sexual urge  sexualism  sexuality  voluptuousness  
sex organs  bag  ballocks  balls  basket  beard  breasts  cervix  clitoris  cod  cods  cullions  family jewels  female organs  genitalia  genitals  gonads  labia  labia majora  labia minora  lingam  lips  male organs  meat  nuts  nymphae  ovary  penis  phallus  private parts  privates  privy parts  pubic hair  pudenda  reproductive organs  rocks  scrotum  secondary sex characteristic  spermary  testes  testicles  uterus  vagina  vulva  womb  yoni  
sex starved  concupiscent  ejaculatory  goatish  horny  hot  hot-blooded  itching  lascivious  libidinous  lickerish  lustful  orgasmic  orgastic  passionate  prurient  randy  salacious  sexy  steamy  unsatisfied  
sexagenarian  Father Time  L  Methuselah  Nestor  Old Paar  Sexagesima  boxcar  boxcars  centenarian  dotard  dozen  duodecimo  eighty  elder  eleven  fifteen  fifty  five and twenty  fortnight  forty  four and twenty  fourscore  fourscore and ten  fourteen  gaffer  geezer  golden-ager  gramps  grandfather  grandsire  graybeard  half a hundred  long dozen  ninety  nonagenarian  octogenarian  old chap  old codger  old dog  old duffer  old geezer  old gent  old gentleman  old man  old party  old-timer  older  oldster  pantaloon  patriarch  presbyter  quindecennial  quindecim  quindecima  quindene  score  senior citizen  septuagenarian  seventy  sexagenary  sexagesimo-quarto  sixteen  sixteenmo  sixty  sixty-four  sixty-fourmo  teens  the quiet-voiced elders  thirteen  thirty-two  thirty-twomo  threescore  threescore and ten  twelve  twelvemo  twenty  twenty-five  twenty-four  twenty-fourmo  two dozen  two weeks  twoscore  venerable sir  veteran  
sexed  amorous  carnal  erogenic  erogenous  erotic  erotogenic  fleshly  gamic  heterosexual  libidinal  nuptial  oversexed  potent  procreative  sensual  sex  sexlike  sexual  sexy  straight  undersexed  venereal  voluptuous  
sexism  Jim Crow  Jim Crow law  anti-Semitism  apartheid  black power  black supremacy  chauvinism  class consciousness  class distinction  class hatred  class prejudice  class war  color bar  color line  discrimination  fascism  know-nothingism  male chauvinist  minority prejudice  race hatred  race prejudice  race snobbery  racial discrimination  racialism  racism  red-baiting  segregation  sex discrimination  social barrier  social discrimination  superpatriotism  ultranationalism  white power  white supremacy  xenophobia  
sexist  Timonistic  antiblack  antisocial  biased  bigot  chauvinist  chauvinistic  colored  cynic  cynical  doctrinaire  dogmatic  dogmatist  fanatic  illiberal  influenced  interested  intolerant  jaundiced  jingo  know-nothing  male chauvinist  man-hater  man-hating  misanthrope  misanthropist  misogynist  misogynous  nonobjective  one-sided  opinionated  partial  partisan  pig  prejudiced  prepossessed  racist  superpatriot  superpatriotic  swayed  twisted  ultranationalist  undetached  undispassionate  unsociable  warped  woman-hater  woman-hating  xenophobic  
sexploitation  Rabelaisianism  X-rated movie  bawdiness  bawdry  blue movie  dirt  dirtiness  dirty movie  erotic art  erotic literature  erotographomania  fescenninity  filth  filthiness  foulness  iconolagny  lewdness  nastiness  obscenity  offensiveness  pornographic art  pornographic literature  pornographomania  pornography  ribaldry  salaciousness  salacity  scurrility  skin flick  smut  smuttiness  soft-core pornography  stag film  vileness  
sextant  astrolabe  astronavigation  azimuth circle  azimuth compass  bevel  bevel protractor  bevel square  celestial navigation  chronometer  clinometer  coastwise navigation  consolan  crescent  dead reckoning  fix  goniometer  graphometer  half circle  hemicycle  line of position  loran  pantometer  pilotage  plane sailing  point-to-point navigation  protractor  quadrant  radar  radio beacon  radio navigation  radiogoniometer  sector  semicircle  shoran  sofar  sonar  tables  theodolite  transit  transit circle  transit instrument  transit theodolite  
sextet  German band  Hexateuch  Jewish star  Magen David  Philharmonic  Spenserian stanza  antistrophe  band  big band  bipartisanship  book  brass  brass band  brass choir  brass quintet  brass section  brasses  burden  callithumpian band  canto  chamber orchestra  chorus  coaction  coadjuvancy  coadministration  coagency  cochairmanship  codirectorship  collaboration  collaborativeness  collectivism  collusion  combo  commensalism  common effort  common enterprise  communalism  communism  communitarianism  community  complicity  concert  concert band  concord  concordance  concurrence  cooperation  cooperativeness  couplet  desks  distich  dixieland band  duet  duettino  duo  duumvirate  ecumenicalism  ecumenicism  ecumenism  ensemble  ensemble music  ensemble singing  envoi  epode  esprit  esprit de corps  estoile  fellow feeling  fellowship  gamelan orchestra  group  half a dozen  harmony  heptastich  hexachord  hexad  hexagon  hexagram  hexahedron  hexameter  hexapod  hexapody  hexarchy  hexastich  hexastyle  jazz band  joining of forces  joint effort  joint operation  jug band  line  mass action  measure  military band  monostich  morale  mutual assistance  mutualism  mutuality  octastich  octave  octet  orchestra  ottava rima  part music  part singing  part song  pentastich  polyphonic music  pooling  pooling of resources  pulling together  quartet  quatrain  quintet  ragtime band  reciprocity  refrain  rhyme royal  rock-and-roll group  septet  septuor  sestet  sextuplet  sise  six  six-pointed star  sixer  skiffle band  solidarity  stanza  star of David  stave  steel band  strain  street band  string band  string choir  string orchestra  string quartet  strings  strophe  swing band  syllable  symbiosis  symphony  symphony orchestra  synergism  synergy  team spirit  teamwork  tercet  terza rima  terzet  terzetto  tetrastich  trio  triplet  tristich  triumvirate  troika  united action  verse  waits  woodwind  woodwind choir  woodwind quartet  woodwinds  
sexton  Bible clerk  Bible reader  acolyte  almoner  anagnost  beadle  bedral  capitular  capitulary  choir chaplain  churchwarden  clerk  deacon  deaconess  elder  elderman  embalmer  funeral director  gravedigger  lay elder  lay reader  lector  lecturer  mortician  parish clerk  precentor  reader  ruling elder  sacrist  sacristan  shames  sidesman  succentor  suisse  teaching elder  thurifer  undertaker  verger  vergeress  
sexual  amative  amatory  amorous  animal  aphrodisiomaniacal  ardent  bawdy  bodily  caressive  carnal  clitoromaniacal  concupiscent  coquettish  coy  desirous  dirty  earthy  erogenic  erogenous  erotic  eroticomaniacal  erotogenic  erotomaniacal  fleshly  flirtatious  flirty  gametic  gamic  genital  goatish  gynecomaniacal  heterosexual  horny  hot  hysteromaniacal  impassioned  ithyphallic  lascivious  lecherous  lewd  libidinal  libidinous  lickerish  loverlike  loverly  lubricious  lustful  nuptial  nymphomaniacal  obscene  oversexed  passionate  physical  potent  priapic  procreant  procreative  propagative  prurient  randy  reproductive  salacious  satyric  seminal  sensual  sensuous  sex  sexed  sexlike  sexy  spermatic  spermatozoal  spermatozoan  spermatozoic  spermic  sporal  sporogenous  sporoid  sporous  straight  undersexed  venereal  voluptuous  
sexual assault  abuse  betrayal  criminal assault  debauchment  defilement  defloration  deflowering  deflowerment  despoilment  devirgination  priapism  rape  ravage  ravishment  seducement  seduction  sexual possession  taking  violation  
sexual climax  access  act of love  adultery  aphrodisia  apoplexy  ass  attack  balling  carnal knowledge  climax  cohabitation  coition  coitus  coitus interruptus  commerce  congress  connection  convulsion  copula  copulation  coupling  cramp  diddling  eclampsia  epilepsy  epitasis  falling sickness  fit  fornication  grip  ictus  intercourse  intimacy  lovemaking  making it with  marital relations  marriage act  mating  meat  onanism  orgasm  ovum  pareunia  paroxysm  procreation  relations  screwing  seizure  sex  sex act  sexual commerce  sexual congress  sexual intercourse  sexual relations  sexual union  sleeping with  spasm  sperm  stroke  throes  venery  
sexual desire  an universal wolf  andromania  anger  animus  aphrodisia  appetence  appetency  appetite  appetition  ardency  ardor  biological urge  bodily appetite  carnal desire  choice  command  conation  conatus  concupiscence  coveting  craving  curiosity  decision  desideration  desire  determination  discretion  disposition  drive  eagerness  eromania  eroticism  eroticomaniac  erotism  erotomania  excitement  fancy  fantasy  fervency  fervidity  fervidness  fervor  fleshly lust  free choice  free will  furor uterinus  goatishness  gynecomania  hope  horme  horniness  hot blood  hot pants  hunger  inclination  indecency  infantile sexuality  intellectual curiosity  intention  itch  itching  lasciviousness  libidinousness  libido  liking  love  lust  lust for learning  lustfulness  mania  mind  need  nymphomania  objective  passion  pleasure  pleasure principle  polymorphous perversity  prurience  pruriency  resolution  satyriasis  satyrism  sexual longing  sexual passion  thirst  thirst for knowledge  urge  velleity  venereal appetite  volition  want  wanting  will  will and pleasure  will power  wish  wish fulfillment  
sexual intercourse  act of love  adultery  amorous dalliance  aphrodisia  ass  balling  billing and cooing  bundling  caressing  carnal knowledge  climax  cohabitation  coition  coitus  coitus interruptus  commerce  congress  connection  copula  copulation  coupling  cuddling  dalliance  diddling  fondling  fornication  hugging  intercourse  intimacy  kissing  lollygagging  lovemaking  making it with  marital relations  marriage act  mating  meat  necking  nestling  nuzzling  onanism  orgasm  ovum  pareunia  petting  procreation  relations  screwing  sex  sex act  sexual climax  sexual commerce  sexual congress  sexual relations  sexual union  sleeping with  snuggling  sperm  spooning  venery  
sexual preference  active algolagnia  algolagnia  algolagny  amphierotism  autoeroticism  bisexuality  coprophilia  exhibitionism  fetishism  heterosexuality  homoeroticism  homosexualism  homosexuality  incest  incestuousness  lesbianism  masochism  narcissism  necrophilia  paraphilia  passive algolagnia  pedophilia  sadism  sadomasochism  sapphism  scotophilia  sexual inversion  sexual normality  swinging both ways  transvestitism  tribadism  tribady  voyeurism  zooerastia  zoophilia  

Geschlechtsumwandlung {f} Definition

(v. t.) To alter
(v. t.) To alter by substituting something else for, or by giving up for something else
(v. t.) To give and take reciprocally
(v. t.) Specifically: To give, or receive, smaller denominations of money (technically called change) for
(v. i.) To be altered
(v. i.) To pass from one phase to another
(v. t.) Any variation or alteration
(v. t.) A succesion or substitution of one thing in the place of another
(v. t.) A passing from one phase to another
(v. t.) Alteration in the order of a series
(v. t.) That which makes a variety, or may be substituted for another.
(v. t.) Small money
(v. t.) A place where merchants and others meet to transact business
(v. t.) A public house
(v. t.) Any order in which a number of bells are struck, other than that of the diatonic scale.
(n.) Kind
(n.) Sex, male or female.
(n.) A classification of nouns, primarily according to sex
(n.) To beget
(v. i.) To copulate
(n.) The act of reassigning.

sex change; gender reassignment [Am.] Bedeutung

change-of-pace ball
off-speed pitch
a baseball thrown with little velocity when the batter is expecting a fastball
about-face volte-face
reversal policy change
a major change in attitude or principle or point of view, an about-face on foreign policy
change the action of changing something, the change of government had no impact on the economy, his change on abortion cost him the election
pitching change replacing a pitcher in baseball
change of state the act of changing something into something different in essential characteristics
oil change replacing dirty oil with clean
change of color an act that changes the light that something reflects
change of direction
the act of changing the direction in which something is oriented
change of course a change in the direction that you are moving
change of magnitude the act of changing the amount or size of something
change of integrity the act of changing the unity or wholeness of something
change of shape an action that changes the shape of something
change ringing ringing tuned bells in a fixed order that is continually changing
gender role the overt expression of attitudes that indicate to others the degree of your maleness or femaleness, your gender role is the public expression of your gender identity
reassignment assignment to a different duty
change a different or fresh set of clothes, she brought a change in her overnight bag
change a thing that is different, he inspected several changes before selecting one
gender identity your identity as it is experienced with regard to your individuality as male or female, awareness normally begin in infancy and is reinforced during adolescence
variety change a difference that is usually pleasant, he goes to France for variety, it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic
the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles, she didn't want to know the sex of the foetus
change of mind
a decision to reverse an earlier decision
grammatical gender
a grammatical category in inflected languages governing the agreement between nouns and pronouns and adjectives, in some languages it is quite arbitrary but in Indo-European languages it is usually based on sex or animateness
an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another, the change was intended to increase sales, this storm is certainly a change for the worse, the neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago
change of location
a movement through space that changes the location of something
sea change a profound transformation
sex change a change in a person's physical sexual characteristics (as by surgery and hormone treatments)
bureau de change (French) an establishment where you can exchange foreign money
change the result of alteration or modification, there were marked changes in the lining of the lungs, there had been no change in the mountains
change money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency, he got change for a twenty and used it to pay the taxi driver
change the balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due, I paid with a twenty and pocketed the change
small change
chump change
a trifling sum of money
change coins of small denomination regarded collectively, he had a pocketful of change
chemical process
chemical change
chemical action
(chemistry) any process determined by the atomic and molecular composition and structure of the substances involved
climate change
global climate change
a change in the world's climate
phase change
phase transition
state change
physical change
a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition
temperature change a process whereby the degree of hotness of a body (or medium) changes
gender agreement agreement in grammatical gender between words in the same construction
change a relational difference between states, especially between states before and after some event, he attributed the change to their marriage
climacteric change of life
the time in a woman's life in which the menstrual cycle ends
undergo a change, become different in essence, losing one's or its original nature, She changed completely as she grew older, The weather changed last night
change alter
become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence, her mood changes in accordance with the weather, The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season
change alter modify a cause to change, make different, cause a transformation, The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city, The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue
change by reversal
change to the contrary, The trend was reversed, the tides turned against him, public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a White House intern
change integrity change in physical make-up
change shape
change form
assume a different shape or form
change state
undergo a transformation or a change of position or action, We turned from Socialism to Capitalism, The people turned against the President when he stole the election
change exchange
commute convert
exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category, Could you convert my dollars into pounds?, He changed his name, convert centimeters into inches, convert holdings into shares
change remove or replace the coverings of, Father had to learn how to change the baby, After each guest we changed the bed linens
change change clothes, put on different clothes, Change before you go to the opera
change magnitude change in size or magnitude
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