
Deutsche Glanznummer Synonyme

Englische star turn Synonyme

star  A per se  Aldebaran  Canicula  Dog Star  Hershey bar  Hesper  Hesperus  Lucifer  North Star  Phosphor  Phosphorus  Polaris  Sirius  VIP  Venus  Vesper  accent  accentuate  ace  act  act as foil  amount to something  appear  arch  aviation badge  badge  banner  bar  barnstorm  be a gas  be a hit  be featured  be prominent  be somebody  be something  belabor  big name  big shot  bill  blue ribbon  bomb  boss  brilliant  candle  capital  cardinal  carry weight  celeb  celebrated  celebrity  celestial body  central  champion  chevron  chicken  chief  cock  come first  come out  comer  comet  commander  constellation  cordon  cordon bleu  count  crackerjack  crowning  cut ice  cut some ice  cynosure  danseur noble  daystar  dean  decoration  decoration of honor  dignitary  distinguished  diva  dominant  dramatize  dwell on  eagle  electric light bulb  electronics king  eminent  emote  emotionalize  emphasize  epaulet  evening star  fail  famed  famous  feature  feature attraction  figure  fire  first  first tragedian  first-rater  fixed stars  flame  flop  focal  folk hero  foremost  fugleman  galaxy  garter  genius  get top billing  give emphasis to  glim  gold star  good hand  grand cordon  great  great man  harp on  hash mark  head  headline  headliner  headmost  heavenly body  heavy lead  hegemonic  hero  heroine  higher-up  highlight  honcho  idol  illuminant  illuminator  illustrious  immortal  import  important  important person  incandescent body  incomparable  inimitable  insignia of branch  italicize  jeune premier  king  lamp  lantern  laureate  lead  leader  leading  leading lady  leading light  leading man  light  light bulb  light source  lion  living sapphires  lodestar  luminant  luminaries  luminary  magician  magisterial  mahatma  main  major  make a hit  man of genius  man of mark  master  master hand  master spirit  mastermind  match  matchless  matter  melodramatize  mime  moon  morning star  mount  name  nonpareil  notability  notable  nova  o  
star crossed  badly off  depressed  dire  donsie  doomful  evil-starred  fatal  fortuneless  funest  hapless  ill off  ill-starred  in adverse circumstances  inauspicious  luckless  ominous  out of luck  planet-struck  sad  short of luck  unblessed  underprivileged  unfortunate  unhappy  unlucky  unprosperous  unprovidential  
star spangled  Cynthian  ablaze  aglow  alight  anagalactic  asteroidal  astral  astrologic  astrologistic  astrologous  astronomic  astrophysical  bathed with light  bespangled  brightened  candlelit  celestial  circumplanetary  cislunar  empyreal  empyrean  enlightened  equinoctial  extragalactic  firelit  galactic  gaslit  heavenly  heliacal  illuminated  in a blaze  intercosmic  interplanetary  intersidereal  interstellar  irradiate  irradiated  lamplit  lanternlit  lighted  lightened  lit  lit up  luminous  lunar  lunary  lunate  lunular  lunulate  meteoric  meteoritic  moonlit  nebular  nebulose  nebulous  planetal  planetarian  planetary  planetesimal  semilunar  sidereal  solar  spangled  sphery  star-studded  starlit  starry  stellar  stellary  studded  sunlit  terrestrial  tinseled  uranic  zodiacal  
starboard  Epistle side  astarboard  clockwise  conservative  decanal side  dexter  dextrad  dextral  dextrally  dextrocardial  dextrocerebral  dextrocular  dextrogyrate  dextrogyratory  dextropedal  dextrorotary  dextrorse  ease the helm  ease the rudder  larboard  off  on the right  port  reactionary  recto  right  right field  right hand  right side  right wing  right-hand  right-wing  right-winger  right-wingish  rightward  rightwardly  rightwards  starboard tack  to the right  
starch  aggressiveness  albumen  bang  batter  bonnyclabber  butter  carbohydrate  clabber  cornstarch  cream  curd  dash  dough  drive  egg white  enterprise  fire  gaum  gel  gelatin  get-up-and-go  getup  ginger  glair  glop  glue  gluten  go  goo  gook  goop  gruel  gumbo  gunk  hydroxy aldehyde  hydroxy ketone  initiative  jam  jell  jelly  kick  loblolly  molasses  monosaccharide  mucilage  mucus  pap  paste  pep  pepper  piss and vinegar  pizzazz  polysaccharide  polysaccharose  poop  porridge  pudding  pulp  punch  puree  push  putty  rob  saccharide  semifluid  semiliquid  size  snap  soup  spunk  sticky mess  sugar  syrup  thrust  treacle  trisaccharide  verve  vim  vitality  zing  zip  
starched  buckram  firm  in buckram  pokerlike  prim  ramrodlike  renitent  rigid  rodlike  starch  starchy  stiff  stiff as buckram  stilted  taut  tense  tight  unrelaxed  virgate  
starchy  adhesive  amylaceous  clabbered  clammy  clotted  coagulated  curdled  doughy  firm  gaumy  gelatinous  glairy  gluelike  gluey  glutenous  glutinose  glutinous  gooey  grumous  gumbo  gumbolike  gumlike  gummous  gummy  heavy  inspissated  jelled  jellied  jellylike  mucilaginous  pasty  pokerlike  ramrodlike  renitent  rigid  rodlike  ropy  slabby  slimy  slithery  starched  sticky  stiff  stiff as buckram  stodgy  stringy  syrupy  tacky  taut  tenacious  tense  thick  thickened  tight  tough  tremelloid  tremellose  unrelaxed  virgate  viscid  viscose  viscous  
stare  be amazed  be astonished  be curious  bedroom eyes  bore  burn with curiosity  come-hither look  crane  crane the neck  dig around for  dig up  evil eye  eye  gape  gaup  gawk  gaze  gaze open-mouthed  glad eye  glare  gloat  glower  glowering look  goggle  inquire  interrogate  look  malocchio  marvel  nose around for  nose out  ogle  peer  penetrating look  query  question  quiz  rubber  rubberneck  seek  stand aghast  stand on tiptoe  stare at  stare down  stare hard  stare openmouthed  want to know  watch  whammy  wonder  
stare down  affront  beard  bid defiance  brave  brazen out  call out  challenge  confront  crane  crane the neck  dare  defy  double-dare  eye  face  face down  face out  front  gape  gaup  gawk  gaze  gaze open-mouthed  glare  gloat  goggle  look  master  ogle  outbrave  outbrazen  outdare  outface  outlook  outstare  overcome  overwhelm  quell  scream defiance  show fight  stand on tiptoe  stare  stare at  stare hard  subdue  suppress  
starets  Methuselah  abecedarian  angel  antediluvian  antique  authority  back number  boss  bwana  certified teacher  chef  chief  church dignitary  conservative  dad  docent  doctor  dodo  dominie  don  ecclesiarch  educationist  educator  elder  elder statesman  employer  fellow  fogy  fossil  fud  fuddy-duddy  goodman  granny  great soul  guide  guru  has-been  holy man  husband  illuminate  instructor  intellect  intellectual  liege  liege lord  longhair  lord  lord paramount  lover of wisdom  maestro  mahatma  man of intellect  man of wisdom  mandarin  master  mastermind  matriarch  melamed  mentor  mid-Victorian  mossback  mullah  old believer  old crock  old dodo  old fogy  old liner  old man  old poop  old woman  old-timer  oracle  overlord  padrone  pandit  paramount  paterfamilias  patriarch  patron  pedagogist  pedagogue  philosopher  pop  pops  preceptor  professor  pundit  rabbi  reactionary  regular old fogy  relic  rishi  sage  sahib  saint  sapient  savant  scholar  schoolkeeper  schoolmaster  schoolteacher  seer  seigneur  seignior  square  teacher  thinker  traditionalist  wise man  wise old man  
stargazer  Chaldean  astroalchemist  astrogeologist  astrographer  astrologer  astrologian  astromancer  astronomer  astrophysicist  genethliac  horoscoper  horoscopist  radar astronomer  radio astronomer  solar physicist  uranographer  uranographist  uranologist  uranometrist  
stargazing  Walter Mitty  absence of mind  absent  absentminded  absentmindedness  absorbed  absorption  abstracted  abstractedness  abstraction  aspect  astrodiagnosis  astrogeology  astrognosy  astrography  astrolithology  astrology  astromancy  astronomy  astrophotography  astrophysics  bemused  bemusement  brown study  castle-building  celestial mechanics  daydream  daydreamer  daydreaming  daydreamy  depth of thought  dream  dreaming  dreamy  drowsing  ecstatic  elsewhere  engrossed  engrossment  fantasy  fantasying  faraway  fit of abstraction  genethliac astrology  genethliacism  genethliacs  genethlialogy  gravitational astronomy  half-awake  horoscope  horoscopy  house  in a reverie  in the clouds  lost  lost in thought  mansion  meditative  meteoritics  mooning  moonraking  mundane astrology  mundane house  muse  museful  musefulness  musing  muted ecstasy  napping  nativity  natural astrology  nodding  oblivious  pensive  pipe dream  pipe-dreaming  planetary house  preoccupation  preoccupied  radar astronomy  radio astronomy  rapt  reverie  solar physics  somewhere else  spectrography  spectroscopy  stellar photometry  study  taken up  trance  transported  unconscious  uranography  uranology  uranometry  woolgathering  wrapped in thought  zodiac  
staring  agape  aghast  agog  all agog  amazed  arrant  astonished  astounded  at gaze  awed  awestruck  beguiled  bewildered  bewitched  blatant  bold  breathless  captivated  clean-cut  clear  clear as crystal  clear-cut  confounded  conspicuous  crystal-clear  defined  definite  distinct  dumbfounded  dumbstruck  enchanted  enraptured  enravished  enthralled  entranced  evident  fascinated  flabbergasted  flagrant  gaping  gauping  gazing  glaring  hanging out  hypnotized  in awe  in awe of  in focus  in relief  in the foreground  lost in wonder  marveling  mesmerized  notable  noticeable  notorious  obtrusive  obvious  open-eyed  openmouthed  ostensible  outstanding  overwhelmed  patent  plain  popeyed  prominent  pronounced  puzzled  rapt in wonder  salient  spellbound  staggered  stark-staring  sticking out  striking  stupefied  surprised  thunderstruck  under a charm  unmistakable  well-defined  well-marked  well-pronounced  well-resolved  wide-eyed  wonder-struck  wondering  
stark  Spartan  absolute  absolutely  altogether  arrant  ascetic  austere  bald  bare  barren  basic  blasted  bleak  blessed  blunt  candid  chaste  classical  clean  clear  clearly  cold  common  commonplace  complete  completely  confounded  consummate  crass  decided  definitive  depressing  desolate  direct  downright  drear  dreary  dry  dull  egregious  elementary  empty  entirely  essential  evident  flagrant  frank  fully  fundamental  glaring  grey  grim  gross  hard  harsh  homely  homespun  homogeneous  indivisible  infernal  inornate  intolerable  irreducible  irretrievably  irrevocably  lean  matter-of-fact  mere  monolithic  naked  natural  neat  nude  obvious  obviously  of a piece  open  out-and-out  outright  patent  perfect  perfectly  plain  plain-speaking  plain-spoken  plainly  plumb  positive  primary  profound  pronounced  proper  prosaic  prosing  prosy  pure  pure and simple  quite  rank  ravaged  raw  regular  right  rustic  severe  shattering  sheer  shocking  simon-pure  simple  simple-speaking  single  sober  spare  spooky  stark-naked  stark-staring  straightforward  stripped  superlative  surpassing  the veriest  thorough  thoroughgoing  total  totally  unadorned  unaffected  unbearable  unclad  unclothed  uncluttered  unconditional  unconscionable  undeniable  undifferenced  undifferentiated  unelaborate  unembellished  unenhanced  unequivocal  unfancy  unfussy  uniform  unimaginative  unmitigated  unornate  unpoetical  unqualified  unrelieved  unrelievedly  unspoiled  unvarnished  utter  utterly  vacant  vacuous  void  wholly  
stark naked  bald  bare  bare-ass  gymnosophical  in native buff  in puris naturalibus  in the altogether  in the buff  in the raw  naked  naturistic  nude  nudist  peeled  raw  stripped  unclad  unclothed  undressed  with nothing on  without a stitch  
stark raving mad  Dionysiac  amok  bacchic  berserk  corybantic  desperate  frantic  frenetic  frenzied  furious  like one possessed  mad  madding  maenadic  maniac  maniacal  rabid  raging  ranting  raving  raving mad  running wild  uncontrollable  violent  wild  
starless  beamless  black  black as night  caliginous  dark  dark as night  dark as pitch  darkling  darksome  ebon  ebony  eclipsed  night-black  night-clad  night-cloaked  night-dark  night-enshrouded  night-filled  night-mantled  night-veiled  obfuscated  obscure  obscured  occulted  pitch-black  pitch-dark  pitchy  rayless  sunless  tenebrious  tenebrose  tenebrous  unilluminated  unlighted  unlit  
starlike  aglow  beaming  beamy  blushing  bright and sunny  burning  candescent  flushing  gleaming  gleamy  glinting  glowing  illuminant  incandescent  irradiative  lamping  light as day  luciferous  lucific  luciform  luminant  luminative  luminiferous  luminificent  luminous  lustrous  orient  radiant  rutilant  rutilous  shining  shiny  star-pointed  star-shaped  starbright  starry  streaming  suffused  sunny  sunshiny  
starlit  ablaze  aglow  alight  bathed with light  bespangled  brightened  candlelit  enlightened  firelit  gaslit  illuminated  in a blaze  irradiate  irradiated  lamplit  lanternlit  lighted  lightened  lit  lit up  luminous  moonlit  spangled  star-spangled  star-studded  studded  sunlit  tinseled  
starry  Cynthian  aglow  anagalactic  asteroidal  astral  astrologic  astrologistic  astrologous  astronomic  astrophysical  beaming  beamy  blushing  bright and sunny  burning  candescent  celestial  circumplanetary  cislunar  empyreal  empyrean  equinoctial  extragalactic  flushing  galactic  gleaming  gleamy  glinting  glowing  heavenly  heliacal  illuminant  incandescent  intercosmic  interplanetary  intersidereal  interstellar  irradiative  lamping  light as day  luciferous  lucific  luciform  luminant  luminative  luminiferous  luminificent  luminous  lunar  lunary  lunate  lunular  lunulate  lustrous  meteoric  meteoritic  nebular  nebulose  nebulous  orient  planetal  planetarian  planetary  planetesimal  radiant  rutilant  rutilous  semilunar  shining  shiny  sidereal  solar  sphery  star-spangled  star-studded  starbright  starlike  stellar  stellary  streaming  suffused  sunny  sunshiny  terrestrial  uranic  zodiacal  

Glanznummer Definition

Brittle star
() Any species of ophiuran starfishes. See Ophiuroidea.
(n.) The morning star
(n.) The sun, as the orb of day.
Dog Star
() Sirius, a star of the constellation Canis Major, or the Greater Dog, and the brightest star in the heavens
(v. t. & i.) To turn again.
Sea star
() A starfish, or brittle star.
Sea turn
() A breeze, gale, or mist from the sea.
(n.) One of the innumerable luminous bodies seen in the heavens
(n.) The polestar
(n.) A planet supposed to influence one's destiny
(n.) That which resembles the figure of a star, as an ornament worn on the breast to indicate rank or honor.
(n.) Specifically, a radiated mark in writing or printing
(n.) A composition of combustible matter used in the heading of rockets, in mines, etc., which, exploding in the air, presents a starlike appearance.
(n.) A person of brilliant and attractive qualities, especially on public occasions, as a distinguished orator, a leading theatrical performer, etc.
(v. t.) To set or adorn with stars, or bright, radiating bodies
(v. i.) To be bright, or attract attention, as a star
(a.) Half blind.
(n.) An ancient high court exercising jurisdiction in certain cases, mainly criminal, which sat without the intervention of a jury. It consisted of the king's council, or of the privy council only with the addition of certain judges. It could proceed on mere rumor or examine witnesses
(a.) Not favored by the stars
(n.) Doctrine or knowledge of the stars
(a.) Spangled or studded with stars.
Sun star
() See Sun star, under Sun.
(v. t.) To cause to move upon a center, or as if upon a center
(v. t.) To cause to present a different side uppermost or outmost
(v. t.) To give another direction, tendency, or inclination to
(v. t.) To change from a given use or office
(v. t.) To change the form, quality, aspect, or effect of
(v. t.) To form in a lathe
(v. t.) Hence, to give form to
(v. t.) To translate
(v. t.) To make acid or sour
(v. t.) To sicken
(v. i.) To move round
(v. i.) Hence, to revolve as if upon a point of support
(v. i.) To result or terminate
(v. i.) To be deflected
(v. i.) To be changed, altered, or transformed
(v. i.) To undergo the process of turning on a lathe
(v. i.) To become acid
(v. i.) To become giddy
(v. i.) To be nauseated
(v. i.) To become inclined in the other direction
(v. i.) To change from ebb to flow, or from flow to ebb
(v. i.) To bring down the feet of a child in the womb, in order to facilitate delivery.
(v. i.) To invert a type of the same thickness, as temporary substitute for any sort which is exhausted.
(n.) The act of turning
(n.) Change of direction, course, or tendency
(n.) One of the successive portions of a course, or of a series of occurrences, reckoning from change to change
(n.) A circuitous walk, or a walk to and fro, ending where it began
(n.) Successive course

star turn Bedeutung

turn taking a short walk out and back, we took a turn in the park
twist turn turning or twisting around (in place), with a quick twist of his head he surveyed the room
turn the act of turning away or in the opposite direction, he made an abrupt turn away from her
about-face about turn act of pivotingdegrees, especially in a military formation
u-turn complete reversal of direction of travel
turn turning the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course, he took a turn to the right
kick turn a standing turn made in skiing, one ski is raised to the vertical and pivoted backward to become parallel with the other ski but headed in the opposite direction and then the other ski is aligned with the first
stem turn
a turn made in skiing, the back of one ski is forced outward and the other ski is brought parallel to it
turn play (game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession, it is my turn, it is still my play
ill service
ill turn
an act intended to help that turns out badly, he did them a disservice
turn good turn a favor for someone, he did me a good turn
three-point turn the act of turning a vehicle around in a limited space by moving in a series of back and forward arcs
starnose mole
star-nosed mole
Condylura cristata
amphibious mole of eastern North America having pink fleshy tentacles around the nose
sea star
echinoderms characterized by five arms extending from a central disk
brittle star
serpent star
an animal resembling a starfish with fragile whiplike arms radiating from a small central disc
basket star
basket fish
any starfish-like animal of the genera Euryale or Astrophyton or Gorgonocephalus having slender complexly branched interlacing arms radiating from a central disc
feather star
free-swimming stalkless crinoid with ten feathery arms, found on muddy sea bottoms
American flag
Stars and Stripes
Star-Spangled Banner
Old Glory
the national flag of the United States of America
star drill a steel rock drill with a star-shaped point that is used for making holes in stones or masonry, it is operated by hitting the end with a hammer while rotating it between blows
star topology
the topology of a network whose components are connected to a hub
star divination
a pseudoscience claiming divination by the positions of the planets and sun and moon
turn-on something causing excitement or stimulating interest
Silver Star Medal
Silver Star
a United States military decoration for gallantry in action
Bronze Star Medal
Bronze Star
a United States military decoration awarded for meritorious service (except in aerial flight)
a star-shaped character * used in printing
Star of David
Shield of David
Magen David
Mogen David
Solomon's seal
a six-pointed star formed from two equilateral triangles, an emblem symbolizing Judaism
act routine number turn
a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program, he did his act three times every evening, she had a catchy little routine, it was one of the best numbers he ever did
star chart a chart showing the relative positions of the stars in a particular part of the sky
The Star-Spangled Banner a poem written by Francis Scott Key during the War of was set to music and adopted by Congress in as the national anthem of the United States
turn of phrase
turn of expression
a distinctive spoken or written expression, John's succinct turn of phrase persuaded her that it would not be a good idea
turn signal
turn indicator
a blinking light on a motor vehicle that indicates the direction in which the vehicle is about to turn
star shell an artillery shell containing an illuminant
a movement in a new direction, the turning of the wind
turn around
turning in an opposite direction or position, the reversal of the image in the lens
turn turn of events
an unforeseen development, events suddenly took an awkward turn
star fruit
deeply ridged yellow-brown tropical fruit, used raw as a vegetable or in salad or when fully ripe as a dessert
Chinese anise
star anise
star aniseed
anise-scented star-shaped fruit or seed used in Asian cooking and medicine
Star Chamber a former English court that became notorious for its arbitrary methods and severe punishments
sign of the zodiac
star sign
planetary house
(astrology) one of equal areas into which the zodiac is divided
Gopher State
North Star State
a midwestern state
Lone-Star State
the second largest state, located in southwestern United States on the Gulf of Mexico
binary star
double star
a system of two stars that revolve around each other under their mutual gravitation
evening star
a planet (usually Venus) seen at sunset in the western sky
fixed star any star in the Ptolemaic theory of planetary motion
flare star a red dwarf star in which luminosity can change several magnitudes in a few minutes
giant star
a very bright star of large diameter and low density (relative to the Sun)
morning star
a planet (usually Venus) seen just before sunrise in the eastern sky
multiple star a system of three or more stars associated by gravity
neutron star a star that has collapsed under its own gravity, it is composed of neutrons
North Star
pole star
polar star
the brightest star in Ursa Minor, at the end of the handle of the Little Dipper, the northern axis of the earth points toward it
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