
Deutsche Goldnackenara {m} Synonyme

Englische yellow-collared macaw; golden-collared macaw Synonyme

Goldnackenara {m} Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Collar
(a.) Wearing a collar.
(a.) Wearing a collar
(a.) Rolled up and bound close with a string
(a.) Made of gold
(a.) Having the color of gold
(a.) Very precious
(n.) A duck (Glaucionetta clangula), found in Northern Europe, Asia, and America. The American variety (var. Americana) is larger. Called whistler, garrot, gowdy, pied widgeon, whiteside, curre, and doucker. Barrow's golden-eye of America (G. Islandica) is less common.
(n.) A tall herb (Solidago Virga-aurea), bearing yellow flowers in a graceful elongated cluster. The name is common to all the species of the genus Solidago.
(n.) Any parrot of the genus Sittace, or Macrocercus. About eighteen species are known, all of them American. They are large and have a very long tail, a strong hooked bill, and a naked space around the eyes. The voice is harsh, and the colors are brilliant and strongly contrasted.
Naples yellow
() See under Yellow.
(superl.) Being of a bright saffronlike color
(n.) A bright golden color, reflecting more light than any other except white
(n.) A yellow pigment.
(v. t.) To make yellow
(v. i.) To become yellow or yellower.
(a.) Covered or bound in yellow paper.
(a.) Having yellow eyes.
(n.) A certain plant, probably the yellow oxeye.

yellow-collared macaw; golden-collared macaw Bedeutung

golden parachute giving top executives lucrative benefits that must be paid by the acquirer if they are discharged after a takeover
onion yellow-dwarf virus the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of onion plants
potato yellow-dwarf virus the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of potato plants
golden algae algae having the pigments chlorophyll and carotene and xanthophyll
yellow-green algae any alga of the division Chrysophyta with its chlorophyll masked by yellow pigment
golden shiner
Notemigonus crysoleucas
shiner of eastern North America having golden glints, sometimes also called `bream'
yellowhammer yellow bunting
Emberiza citrinella
European bunting the male being bright yellow
yellow-breasted bunting
Emberiza aureola
common in Russia and Siberia
yellow warbler
golden warbler
yellowbird Dendroica petechia
yellow-throated American wood warbler
yellow-breasted chat
Icteria virens
American warbler noted for imitating songs of other birds
golden oriole
Oriolus oriolus
bright yellow songbird with black wings
golden eagle
Aquila chrysaetos
large eagle of mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere having a golden-brown head and neck
yellow-bellied terrapin
Pseudemys scripta
freshwater turtle of United States and South America, frequently raised commercially, some young sold as pets
collared lizard any of several robust long-tailed lizards with collars of two dark bands, of central and western United States and northern Mexico
golden pheasant
Chrysolophus pictus
brightly colored crested pheasant of mountains of western and central Asia
macaw long-tailed brilliantly colored parrot of Central America and South America, among the largest and showiest of parrots
yellow-shafted flicker
Colaptes auratus
large flicker of eastern North America with a red neck and yellow undersurface to wings and tail
yellow-bellied sapsucker
Sphyrapicus varius
eastern North American sapsucker having a pale yellow abdomen
golden mole mole of southern Africa having iridescent guard hairs mixed with the underfur
golden plover plovers of Europe and America having the backs marked with golden-yellow spots
golden retriever an English breed having a long silky golden coat
yellow-fever mosquito
Aedes aegypti
mosquito that transmits yellow fever and dengue
yellow jacket
yellow hornet
Vespula maculifrons
small yellow-marked social wasp commonly nesting in the ground
goldeneye golden-eyed fly a variety of green lacewing
collared pika
Ochotona collaris
similar to little chief hare and may be same species
golden hamster
Syrian hamster
Mesocricetus auratus
small lightolored hamster often kept as a pet
Hudson bay collared lemming
Dicrostonyx hudsonius
of northern Canada
collared peccary
Tayassu angulatus
Tayassu tajacu
Peccari angulatus
dark grey peccary with an indistinct white collar, of semi desert areas of Mexico and southwestern United States
yellow-throated marten
Charronia flavigula
large yellow and black marten of southern China and Burma
golden potto
Arctocebus calabarensis
a kind of lemur
yellow perch
Perca flavescens
North American perch
yellow bass
Morone interrupta
North American freshwater bass resembling the larger marine striped bass
yellow jack
Caranx bartholomaei
fish of western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
yellow goatfish
Mulloidichthys martinicus
schooling goatfish, greyish with yellow stripe
tub gurnard
yellow gurnard
Trigla lucerna
a kind of gurnard
golden calf (Old Testament) an idol made by Aaron for the Israelites to worship, destroyed by Moses, it is now used to refer to anything worshipped undeservedly
Golden Gate Bridge a suspension bridge across the Golden Gate
pentobarbital sodium
yellow jacket
a barbiturate (trade name Nembutal) used as a sedative and hypnotic and antispasmodic
yellow jack yellow flag hoist on a ship in quarantine
yellow color or pigment, the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons
canary yellow
a moderate yellow with a greenish tinge
brownish yellow a yellow color of low lightness with a brownish tinge
lemon yellow
a strong yellow color
orange yellow
a shade of yellow tinged with orange
pale yellow
a variable yellow tint, dull yellow, often diluted with white
greenish yellow a shade of yellow tinged with green
yellow green
yellowish green
Paris green
pea green
a shade of green tinged with yellow
golden mean the middle between extremes
yellow marrow
yellow bone marrow
bone marrow that is yellow with fat, found at the ends of long bones in adults
yellow bile
a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the liver and to cause irritability and anger
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