
Deutsche Hausfreund Synonyme

Englische man friend Synonyme

man  Achilles  Adam  Adamite  Australanthropus  Australopithecus  Barbary ape  Casanova  Chiroptera  Cro-Magnon man  David  Don Juan  Galley Hill man  Gigantopithecus  Grimaldi man  Hector  Heidelberg man  Hominidae  Homo sapiens  John Law  Lagomorpha  Lothario  Neanderthal man  Oreopithecus  Paranthropus  Peking man  Pithecanthropus  Plesianthropus  Primates  Rhodesian man  Rodentia  Roland  Romeo  Samson  Sinanthropus  Stone Age man  Swanscombe man  Zinjanthropus  a man  accouter  adherent  adult  amoroso  angwantibo  anthropoid ape  ape  appendage  appoint  arm  armor  armor-plate  aye-aye  baboon  bank  barricade  battle  beau  being  benedict  bishop  blockade  bloke  bluecoat  body  boy  boyfriend  brave  buck  bull  bulldog  bulwark  butler  caballero  capuchin  castellate  castle  cat  cavalier  cavaliere servente  caveman  chacma  chap  character  chauffeur  chessman  chimpanzee  chutzpanik  clay  coachman  cop  cover  creature  crenellate  crew  cuss  customer  dangler  decorated hero  demigod  demigoddess  dependent  dig in  disciple  dress  drill  driver  duck  dummy  earthling  embattle  entellus  entrench  eolithic man  equerry  equip  esquire  fallen humanity  fancy man  fellow  fence  fighting cock  figurehead  fit  fit out  fit up  flame  flatfoot  flesh  flunky  follower  fortify  furnish  fuzz  gallant  galoot  gamecock  gardener  garrison  gear  gee  geezer  generation of man  gent  gentleman  genus Homo  gibbon  gigolo  gillie  good soldier  goodman  goody  goon  gorilla  groundling  grown man  grownup  guenon  guereza  guy  hand  hanger-on  hanuman  he  head  heat  heel  heeler  henchman  hero  heroine  him  his  hombre  hominid  homme  homo  houseboy  houseman  hubby  human  human being  human family  human nature  human race  human species  humanity  humankind  husband  inamorato  individual  jackal  joker  king  knight  lackey  lady-killer  langur  le genre humain  legalis homo  lemur  life  lion  living soul  lord  lord-in-waiting  love-mak  
Man  American Indian  Amerind  Australian aborigine  Bushman  Caucasian  Indian  Malayan  Mister Charley  Mongolian  Negrillo  Negrito  Negro  Oriental  Red Indian  WASP  black  black man  blackfellow  boy  brown man  burrhead  colored person  coon  darky  gook  honky  jigaboo  jungle bunny  nigger  niggra  ofay  paleface  pygmy  red man  redskin  slant-eye  spade  the Man  white  white man  whitey  yellow man  
man eater  Brillat-Savarin  Cain  Loch Ness monster  Lucullus  alevin  animal  anthropophagite  apache  assassin  assassinator  barbarian  beast  benthon  benthos  bloodletter  bloodshedder  board-and-roomer  boarder  bon vivant  bravo  brute  burker  butcher  button man  cannibal  carnivore  cetacean  connoisseur of food  consumer  cutthroat  desperado  destroyer  diner  diner-out  dolphin  eater  eater-out  epicure  eradicator  executioner  exterminator  feeder  fingerling  fish  flesh-eater  fruitarian  fry  game fish  garroter  gastronome  glutton  gorilla  gourmand  gourmet  grain-eater  graminivore  granivore  grilse  gun  gunman  gunsel  hatchet man  head-hunter  herbivore  high liver  hit man  homicidal maniac  homicide  hungry mouth  hyena  killer  kipper  lactovegetarian  luncher  man-eating shark  man-killer  manslayer  marine animal  massacrer  matador  meat-eater  minnow  minny  mouth  murderer  nekton  nihilist  omnivore  omophagist  panfish  pantophagist  pesticide  phytophage  picnicker  plankton  plant-eater  poison  poisoner  porpoise  predacean  salmon  savage  sea monster  sea pig  sea serpent  sea snake  shark  slaughterer  slayer  smolt  sponge  strangler  thug  tiger  torpedo  trencherman  trigger man  tropical fish  vandal  vegetarian  whale  wild man  wrecker  
man eating  cannibal  cannibalistic  carnivorous  commensal  dietetic  dining  eating  feeding  flesh-eating  fruitarian  gastronomic  gluttonous  grain-eating  graminivorous  granivorous  grass-eating  herbivorous  insect-eating  insectivorous  lactovegetarian  meat-eating  mensal  nourishing  nutritious  omnivorous  omophagous  pantophagous  phytivorous  phytophagous  plant-eating  postprandial  prandial  predacious  preprandial  vegetable-eating  vegetarian  
man hour  abundant year  academic year  annum  bissextile year  calendar month  calendar year  century  common year  day  decade  decennary  decennium  defective year  fiscal year  fortnight  hour  leap year  lunar month  lunar year  lunation  luster  lustrum  microsecond  millennium  millisecond  minute  moment  month  moon  quarter  quinquennium  regular year  second  semester  session  sidereal year  solar year  sun  term  trimester  twelvemonth  week  weekday  year  
man in the street  Cockney  Everyman  John Doe  John Smith  Public  a nobody  a nothing  average  average man  body politic  bourgeois  cipher  citizenry  common man  common run  commoner  commonwealth  community  community at large  dummy  estate  everybody  everyman  everyone  everywoman  figurehead  folk  folks  general public  generality  gentry  girl next door  homme moyen sensuel  insignificancy  jackstraw  lightweight  little fellow  little guy  little man  man of straw  mediocrity  men  nation  nationality  nebbish  nobody one knows  nonentity  obscurity  ordinary Joe  ordinary run  people  people in general  persons  pip-squeak  pleb  plebeian  polity  populace  population  proletarian  public  punk  roturier  ruck  run  runt  scrub  shrimp  small fry  small potato  small potatoes  society  squirt  squit  state  whiffet  whippersnapper  world  you and me  
man made  affected  apocryphal  artificial  assembled  assumed  bastard  bogus  brummagem  built  cast  colorable  colored  constructed  counterfeit  counterfeited  crafted  created  custom  custom-built  custom-made  distorted  dressed up  dummy  embellished  embroidered  ersatz  extracted  fabricated  factitious  fake  faked  falsified  fashioned  feigned  fictitious  fictive  forged  formed  garbled  gathered  grown  handcrafted  handmade  harvested  homemade  homespun  illegitimate  imitation  junky  machine-made  machined  made  made to order  make-believe  manufactured  milled  mined  mock  molded  perverted  phony  pinchbeck  prefab  prefabricated  pretended  processed  pseudo  put together  put-on  quasi  queer  raised  ready-for-wear  ready-formed  ready-made  ready-prepared  ready-to-wear  refined  self-styled  sham  shaped  shoddy  simulated  smelted  so-called  soi-disant  spurious  supposititious  synthetic  tin  tinsel  titivated  twisted  unauthentic  ungenuine  unnatural  unreal  warped  well-built  well-constructed  well-made  
man of action  activist  ball of fire  beaver  big-time operator  bustler  busy bee  doer  eager beaver  enthusiast  go-getter  human dynamo  hustler  live wire  man of deeds  militant  new broom  operator  political activist  powerhouse  take-charge guy  wheeler-dealer  winner  
man of the world  Beau Brummel  arbiter of fashion  city slicker  clotheshorse  clubman  clubwoman  cosmopolitan  cosmopolite  dandy  deb  debutante  fashion plate  fashionable  fop  man of experience  man-about-town  mondain  mondaine  slicker  socialite  sophisticate  subdeb  subdebutante  swinger  taste-maker  tone-setter  trend-setter  
man-about-town  Beau Brummel  arbiter of fashion  beau  blade  blood  bon vivant  boulevardier  city slicker  clotheshorse  clubman  clubwoman  cosmopolitan  cosmopolite  coxcomb  dandy  deb  debutante  dude  excellent companion  exquisite  fashion plate  fashionable  fine gentleman  fop  fribble  gallant  good company  good mixer  jack-a-dandy  jackanapes  joiner  lady-killer  macaroni  man of experience  masher  mixer  mondain  mondaine  nightclub habitue  playboy  pleasant company  puppy  slicker  social lion  socialite  sophisticate  spark  sport  subdeb  subdebutante  swell  swinger  taste-maker  tone-setter  trend-setter  
mana  amperage  armipotence  authority  beef  black power  brute force  charge  charisma  clout  cogence  cogency  compulsion  dint  drive  duress  effect  effectiveness  effectuality  energy  flower power  force  force majeure  forcefulness  full blast  full force  huaca  main strength  manitou  might  might and main  mightiness  moxie  muscle power  nagual  pizzazz  poop  potence  potency  potentiality  power  power pack  power structure  power struggle  powerfulness  prepotency  productiveness  productivity  puissance  pull  punch  push  sinew  steam  strength  strong arm  superiority  superpower  tamanoas  validity  vehemence  vigor  vim  virility  virtue  virulence  vitality  wakan  wattage  weight  zemi  
manacle  Oregon boat  anchor  bilbo  bind  bond  bonds  bracelets  bridle  camisole  chain  chains  check  collar  confine  control  cuff  cuffs  curb  deflate  disarm  enchain  entrammel  fasten  fetter  fetters  gag  gyve  gyves  halter  hamper  hamstring  handcuff  handcuffs  hobble  hobbles  hog-tie  hopple  hopples  inhibit  irons  knock out  lash  leading strings  leash  make fast  moor  muzzle  paralyze  peg down  picket  pillory  pin down  pinion  prostrate  put in irons  reins  restrain  restraint  restraints  rope  secure  shackle  shackles  silence  stocks  straightjacket  strait-waistcoat  straitjacket  strangle  stranglehold  strap  tether  throttle  tie  tie down  tie up  trammel  trammels  truss up  yoke  
manage  accomplish  achieve  administer  administrate  animal husbandry  animal rearing  attain  automobiling  be master  be responsible for  be so  be such  bed  bed down  bee culture  beekeeping  bicycling  biking  break  breeding  bridle  bring about  bring off  brush  busing  call the signals  captain  care for  carry on  carry out  carry through  cattle-ranching  chair  chart a course  chicken-farming  clear  clear the hurdle  come along  come on  come out  come through  command  compass  complete  cond  conduct  conn  consummate  contend with  contrive  control  cope  cope with  coxswain  curry  currycomb  cut the mustard  cycling  dairy-farming  deal with  direct  discharge  discipline  dispatch  dispose of  do  do the job  do the trick  do with  dominate  drench  dressage  drive  driving  economize  effect  effectuate  eke out  employ  enact  enforce economies  engineer  equitation  execute  exercise  exert  fare  feed  fetch  fodder  fulfill  function  gentle  get along  get along on  get by  get by on  get on  gnotobiotics  go along  go on  go on with  govern  grazing  groom  guide  hack it  handle  hang in  hang tough  harness  have the conn  head  head up  helm  herding  hitch  horse training  horseback riding  horsemanship  husband  keep  keep afloat  keep at it  keep within compass  knock off  lead  lead on  litter  look after  make  make do  make ends meet  make go  make it  make out  make the grade  make the rules  make use of  makeshift  manage somehow  manage with  maneuver  manipulate  mastermind  milk  mink-ranching  motorcycling  motoring  muddle through  navigate  negotiate  never say die  officer  operate  ordain  order  oversee  pedaling  perform  perform on  persevere  persist  pig-keeping  pilot  play  ply  polish off  practice  prescribe  preside over  produce  pull the strings  put away  put over  put something aside  put through  quarterback  realize  regulate  riding  riding school  rub down  rule over  run  saddle  save  scrape  scrape  
manageability  adaptability  compassability  controllability  convenience  corrigibility  domesticability  ductility  feasibility  flexibility  governability  handiness  housebrokenness  malleability  manageableness  maneuverability  manipulability  manipulatability  negotiability  operability  performability  pliability  pliancy  practicability  practicality  tamableness  tameness  untroublesomeness  viability  wieldableness  wieldiness  workability  
manageable  actable  adaptable  amenable  budget  cheap  compassable  compliant  controllable  convenient  corrigible  doable  docile  domesticable  domitable  ductile  easy  economic  economy  feasible  flexible  foolproof  frugal  governable  handleable  handy  inexpensive  low  low-priced  malleable  maneuverable  manipulable  manipulatable  moderate  modest  negotiable  nominal  operable  operatable  performable  pliable  pliant  practicable  practical  reasonable  restrainable  sensible  shabby  shoddy  submissive  tamable  tame  teachable  token  tractable  trainable  unexpensive  untroublesome  viable  wieldable  wieldy  within means  workable  worth the money  yielding  
management  accomplishment  achievement  acme  action  administration  agency  archon  auspices  austerity  austerity program  authority  authorization  be-all and end-all  blue ribbon  board  board of directors  board of regents  board of trustees  bosses  bureaucracy  cabinet  cadre  canniness  care  carefulness  championship  chancellor  charge  chariness  chief executive  chief executive officer  civil government  command  commission  completion  conduct  control  council  cure  custodianship  custody  dean  directing  direction  directorate  directors  directorship  directory  discharge  discipline  dispatch  dispensation  disposition  dominion  driving  economic planning  economicalness  economy  economy of means  effectiveness  effectuation  empery  empire  employment  enactment  execution  executive  executive arm  executive committee  executive director  executive hierarchy  executive officer  executive secretary  executives  exercise  exploitation  false economy  first place  first prize  forehandedness  form of government  frugality  frugalness  functioning  good management  governance  governing board  governing body  government  guardianship  guidance  handling  hands  headship  hegemony  height  hierarchy  higher echelons  higher-ups  highest  husbandry  imperium  implementation  influence  infrastructure  intendance  interlocking directorate  jurisdiction  keeping  kingship  lead  leadership  leading  lordship  magistrate  managery  managing  managing director  manipulation  mastership  mastery  maximum  means of dealing  ministry  most  ne plus ultra  new high  occupation  officer  official  officialdom  operancy  operation  ordering  oversight  palms  paramountcy  parsimoniousness  parsimony  pastorage  pastorate  pastorship  patronage  performance  performing  perpetration  pilotage  political organization  polity  power  practice  prefect  prelacy  presidency  president  prexy  primacy  protectorship  providence  provost  prudence  prudential admi  
manager  administrator  agent  banker  baron  big boss  big businessman  boss  business leader  businessman  captain  captain of industry  castellan  chatelain  chatelaine  chief  commandant  commander  conductor  deputy  directeur  director  enterpriser  entrepreneur  exec  executive  financier  foreman  governor  handler  head  impresario  industrialist  intendant  king  little businessman  magnate  man of commerce  master  officer  official  overseer  producer  proprietor  rector  responsible person  ruler  straw boss  supercargo  superintendent  supervisor  top executive  tycoon  
managerial  agential  agentival  agentive  chief  commanding  controlling  directing  directive  directorial  directory  functional  governing  guiding  head  leading  managing  manipulational  operational  regulating  regulative  regulatory  
managership  captainship  chairmanship  convenership  custody  dictatorship  directorate  directorship  foremanship  generalship  governorship  guardianship  headship  intendancy  leadership  mastership  overseership  presidency  proctorship  sovereignty  stewardship  superintendence  superintendency  supervisorship  
managing  administrative  bureaucratic  chief  commanding  controlling  directing  directive  directorial  directory  executive  governing  guiding  head  leading  managerial  ministerial  official  regulating  regulative  regulatory  supervisory  

Hausfreund Definition

(n.) One who entertains for another such sentiments of esteem, respect, and affection that he seeks his society aud welfare
(n.) One not inimical or hostile
(n.) One who looks propitiously on a cause, an institution, a project, and the like
(n.) One of a religious sect characterized by disuse of outward rites and an ordained ministry, by simplicity of dress and speech, and esp. by opposition to war and a desire to live at peace with all men. They are popularly called Quakers.
(n.) A paramour of either sex.
(v. t.) To act as the friend of

man friend Bedeutung

Friend Quaker a member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers)
a person with whom you are acquainted, I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances, we are friends of the family
an associate who provides cooperation or assistance, he's a good ally in fight
amicus curiae
friend of the court
an adviser to the court on some matter of law who is not a party to the case, usually someone who wants to influence the outcome of a lawsuit involving matters of wide public interest
best friend the one friend who is closest to you
friend a person you know well and regard with affection and trust, he was my best friend at the university
girl lady friend
a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved, his girlfriend kicked him out
next friend (law) a person who acts on behalf of an infant or disabled person
pen pal
a person you come to know by frequent friendly correspondence
champion admirer booster friend
a person who backs a politician or a team etc., all their supporters came out for the game, they are friends of the library
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