
Deutsche Hofporzellan Synonyme

Englische Court Porcelain Synonyme

court  Autobahn  British Cabinet  Rasputin  Sanhedrin  Svengali  US Cabinet  US highway  VIP  access  act up to  address  addresses  advisory body  agree to anything  alley  alleyway  allure  amorous pursuit  angle for  approach  archery ground  arena  arterial  arterial highway  arterial street  artery  assembly  association  athletic field  attendance  attendant  attract  autoroute  autostrada  avenue  bad influence  badminton court  bar  baseball field  basketball court  beak  beau  belt highway  bench  bicameral legislature  bid for  big wheel  billiard parlor  blind alley  board  board of aldermen  body of advisers  body of retainers  borough council  boulevard  bowling alley  bowling green  brain trust  break the ice  brown-nose  bypass  byway  cabinet  camarilla  camino real  canvass  captivate  carriageway  castle  causeway  causey  chamber  chamber of deputies  charm  chase  chaussee  cincture  circumferential  city board  city council  close  cohort  commission  common council  conference  confine  congress  consultative assembly  container  coop  corduroy road  cortege  council  council fire  council of ministers  council of state  council of war  county council  county road  course  court of arbitration  court of justice  court of law  courthouse  courting  courtroom  courtyard  crescent  cricket ground  croquet ground  croquet lawn  cul-de-sac  cultivate  curry favor  curtilage  dance attendance on  dead-end street  deliberative assembly  delimited field  diamond  diet  dike  directory  dirt road  divan  dock  drive  driveway  eminence grise  enclave  enclosure  entourage  esquire  expressway  fairway  fall over  fawn upon  federal assembly  field  fish for  five-percenter  fold  follow  follower  following  football field  freeway  friend at court  gallantry  general assembly  glaciarium  golf course  golf links  good influence  gravel road  gray eminence  gridiron  ground  gym  gymnasium  heavyweight  hidden hand  highroad  highway  highways and byway  
courteous  accommodating  affable  agreeable  amiable  attentive  cap in hand  ceremonious  civil  civilized  clubbable  clubbish  clubby  communicative  companionable  companionate  compatible  complaisant  congenial  considerate  courtly  decorous  deferential  diplomatic  dutiful  fair  fit for society  fond of society  friendly  genial  genteel  gentlemanly  graceful  gracious  gregarious  honorific  hospitable  ladylike  mannerly  obliging  polished  polite  proper  regardful  respectful  sociable  social  social-minded  solicitous  tactful  thoughtful  urbane  well-behaved  well-bred  well-mannered  
courtesan  Aspasia  Delilah  Jezebel  Messalina  Phryne  Thais  adventuress  demimondaine  demimonde  demirep  fancy woman  femme fatale  harem girl  hetaera  houri  kept woman  odalisque  paphian  seductress  temptress  vamp  vampire  whore  
courtesy  act of courtesy  act of grace  act of kindness  admiration  adoration  affability  amenity  amiability  apotheosis  appreciation  approbation  approval  attention  attentiveness  awe  benefaction  benefit  benevolence  benignity  blessing  breathless adoration  ceremony  chivalry  civility  clubbability  clubbishness  clubbism  comity  communicativeness  companionability  compatibility  complaisance  congeniality  considerateness  consideration  cordiality  correct deportment  courteousness  courtliness  deference  deification  discourtesy  dispensation  duty  elegance  esteem  estimation  etiquette  exaggerated respect  familiarity  favor  fondness for society  formality  friendliness  gallantry  geniality  good behavior  good citizenship  good deed  good manners  good offices  good turn  grace  graceful gesture  graciousness  great respect  gregariousness  hero worship  high regard  homage  honor  hospitality  idolatry  idolization  indulgence  intimacy  kind deed  kind offices  kindly act  kindness  labor of love  mercy  misbehavior  mitzvah  obligation  office  polite act  politeness  politesse  poor behavior  prestige  regard  respect  respectfulness  reverence  reverential regard  sanctioned behavior  service  sociability  sociableness  social grace  sociality  thoughtfulness  turn  urbanity  veneration  worship  
courthouse  capitol  city hall  community center  county building  county courthouse  court  courtroom  dock  fire station  firehouse  jury box  municipal building  police headquarters  police station  precinct house  statehouse  town hall  town house  witness box  witness stand  
courtier  adherent  adulator  appendage  apple-polisher  ass-licker  attendant  backscratcher  backslapper  blarneyer  bootlick  bootlicker  brown-nose  brownie  buff  cajoler  cavaliere servente  clawback  creature  cringer  dangler  dependent  disciple  dupe  fan  fawner  flatterer  flunky  follower  following  footlicker  groveler  handshaker  hanger-on  helot  henchman  homme de cour  instrument  jackal  kowtower  lackey  led captain  lickspit  lickspittle  mealymouth  minion  parasite  partisan  peon  public  puppet  pursuer  pursuivant  satellite  sectary  serf  shadow  slave  spaniel  stooge  successor  suck  supporter  sycophant  tagtail  tail  timeserver  toad  toady  tool  trainbearer  truckler  tufthunter  votary  ward heeler  wheedler  yes-man  
courtliness  amenities  augustness  chivalrousness  chivalry  civilities  civility  comity  convention  courtly politeness  decencies  decorum  dignifiedness  dignity  diplomatic code  elegance  elegancies  etiquette  exquisite manners  formalities  gallantness  gallantry  good form  good manners  grandeur  gravity  kingliness  knightliness  loftiness  lordliness  majesty  manners  mores  natural politeness  nobility  noblesse oblige  point of etiquette  politeness  politesse  pride of bearing  pride of place  princeliness  proprieties  protocol  proud bearing  punctilio  quiet good manners  regality  rules of conduct  sedateness  sobriety  social code  social conduct  social graces  social procedures  social usage  solemnity  stateliness  venerability  worthiness  
courtly  adulatory  aristocratic  august  bland  blandishing  blarneying  buttery  cajoling  ceremonious  chivalric  chivalrous  civilized  complimentary  conventional  courtierly  dignified  fair-spoken  fawning  fine-spoken  flattering  formal  fulsome  gallant  gracious  grand  grave  gushing  honey-mouthed  honey-tongued  honeyed  imposing  insincere  insinuating  kingly  knightly  lofty  lordly  magisterial  majestic  mealymouthed  noble  obsequious  oily  oily-tongued  old-fashioned  old-world  prim  princely  queenly  regal  royal  sedate  slimy  slobbery  smarmy  smooth  smooth-spoken  smooth-tongued  soapy  sober  soft-soaping  solemn  starchy  stately  statuesque  stiff  stilted  studied  sycophantic  unctuous  venerable  wheedling  worthy  
courtyard  arena  cincture  close  confine  container  coop  court  curtilage  delimited field  enclave  enclosure  field  fold  ground  list  pale  paling  park  pen  quad  quadrangle  square  theater  toft  yard  

Hofporzellan Definition

(n.) The secondary, inferior, or rear courtyard of a large house
(n.) An inferior court of law, not of record.
(n.) An inclosed space
(n.) The residence of a sovereign, prince, nobleman, or ether dignitary
(n.) The collective body of persons composing the retinue of a sovereign or person high in authority
(n.) Any formal assembling of the retinue of a sovereign
(n.) Attention directed to a person in power
(n.) The hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered.
(n.) The persons officially assembled under authority of law, at the appropriate time and place, for the administration of justice
(n.) A tribunal established for the administration of justice.
(n.) The judge or judges
(n.) The session of a judicial assembly.
(n.) Any jurisdiction, civil, military, or ecclesiastical.
(n.) A place arranged for playing the game of tennis
(v. t.) To endeavor to gain the favor of by attention or flattery
(v. t.) To endeavor to gain the affections of
(v. t.) To attempt to gain
(v. t.) To invite by attractions
(v. i.) To play the lover
(n.) An inferior court of civil jurisdiction, attached to a manor, and held by the steward
(n.) The artifices, intrigues, and plottings, at courts.
(n.) A movable sideboard or buffet, on which plate and other articles of luxury were displayed on special ocasions.
(n.) A court of record held once a year, in a particular hundred, lordship, or manor, before the steward of the leet.
(n.) A court consisting of military or naval officers, for the trial of one belonging to the army or navy, or of offenses against military or naval law.
(imp. & p. p.) of Court-martial
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Court-martial
(v. t.) To subject to trial by a court-martial.
(n.) Sticking plaster made by coating taffeta or silk on one side with some adhesive substance, commonly a mixture of isinglass and glycerin.
Court tennis
() See under Tennis.
(n.) Purslain.
(n.) A fine translucent or semitransculent kind of earthenware, made first in China and Japan, but now also in Europe and America

Court Porcelain Bedeutung

court game an athletic game played on a court
royal tennis
real tennis
court tennis
an ancient form of tennis played in a four-walled court
contempt of court disrespect for the rules of a court of law
court-martial a trial that is conducted by a military court
respectful deference, pay court to the emperor
appearance appearing
coming into court
formal attendance (in court or at a hearing) of a party in an action
Monmouth Court House
Battle of Monmouth Court House
Battle of Monmouth
a pitched battle in New Jersey during the American Revolution () that ended with the withdrawal of British forces
badminton court the court on which badminton is played
basketball court the court on which basketball is played
an area wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings, the house was built around an inner court
court a specially marked horizontal area within which a game is played, players had to reserve a court in advance
court courtroom a room in which a lawcourt sits, television cameras were admitted in the courtroom
court the residence of a sovereign or nobleman, the king will visit the duke's court
court plaster a plaster composed of isinglass on silk, formerly used to dress superficial wounds
face card
picture card
court card
one of the twelve cards in a deck bearing a picture of a face
food court an area (as in a shopping mall) where fast food is sold (usually around a common eating area)
handball court the court on which handball is played
home court (basketball) the court where the host team plays its home games
court lawcourt
court of law
court of justice
a tribunal that is presided over by a magistrate or by one or more judges who administer justice according to the laws
motor hotel
motor inn
motor lodge
tourist court
a hotel for motorists, provides direct access from rooms to parking area
porcelain ceramic ware made of a more or less translucent ceramic
squash court the indoor court in which squash is played
tennis court the court on which tennis is played
volleyball court the court on which volleyball is played
court order a writ issued by a court of law requiring a person to do something or to refrain from doing something
court royal court the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state
Court of Saint James's the British royal court
International Court of Justice
World Court
a court established to settle disputes between members of the United Nations
court royal court the family and retinue of a sovereign or prince
an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
appellate court
appeals court
court of appeals
a court whose jurisdiction is to review decisions of lower courts or agencies
circuit court of appeals one of the twelve federal United States courts of appeals that cover a group of states known as a `circuit'
court of assize
court of assize and nisi prius
the county courts of England (replaced in by Crown courts)
court of chancery
a court with jurisdiction in equity
criminal court a court having jurisdiction over criminal cases
drumhead court-martial a military court convened to hear urgent charges of offenses committed in action
court-martial a military court to try members of the armed services who are accused of serious breaches of martial law
special court-martial a court-martial to try soldiers for offenses less serious that than those committed in action, consists of at least three officers
divorce court a court having jurisdiction over the termination of marriage contracts
family court
domestic relations court
court of domestic relations
a court in some states in the United States that has jurisdiction over family disputes (especially those involving children)
federal court a court establish by the authority of a federal government
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
a secret federal court created in by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, responsible for authorizing wiretaps and other forms of electronic surveillance and for authorizing searches of suspected spies and terrorists by the Department of Justice or United States intelligence agencies
inferior court
lower court
any court whose decisions can be appealed to a higher court
juvenile court a court having jurisdiction over dependent and delinquent children
kangaroo court an irregular unauthorized court
military court a judicial court of commissioned officers for the discipline and punishment of military personnel
moot court a mock court where law students argue hypothetical cases
night court a criminal court (in large cities) that sits at night
provost court a military court for trying people charged with minor offenses in an occupied area
police court a court that has power to prosecute for minor offenses and to bind over for trial in a superior court anyone accused of serious offenses
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