
Deutsche Honorarnote Synonyme

Englische fee note; note of fee Synonyme

fee  Trinkgeld  account  admission  admission fee  allowance  anchorage  assessment  bill  blackmail  blood money  bonus  bounty  bribe  brokerage  carfare  cellarage  charge  charges  compensate  consideration  copyhold  cost  cover charge  demand  dockage  donative  double time  dues  emolument  entrance fee  equitable estate  estate at sufferance  estate for life  estate for years  estate in expectancy  estate in fee  estate in possession  estate tail  exaction  exactment  expense  fare  fee simple  fee tail  feod  feodum  feud  feudal estate  fief  footing  gratuity  gravy  grease  guerdon  hire  honorarium  hush money  incentive pay  indemnify  inducement  initiation fee  lagniappe  largess  lease  leasehold  legal estate  liberality  license fee  mileage  palm oil  paramount estate  particular estate  pay  pay by installments  pay on  perks  perquisite  pilotage  portage  pourboire  premium  prepay  price  reckoning  recompense  remainder  remit  remunerate  render  retainer  retaining fee  reversion  reward  salary  salvage  salve  satisfy  scot  scot and lot  shot  something extra  sportula  stipend  storage  sweetener  tender  tip  toll  towage  tribute  vested estate  wharfage  
fee position  adverse possession  alodium  burgage  claim  colony  de facto  de jure  dependency  derivative title  fee fief  fee simple  fee simple absolute  fee simple conditional  fee simple defeasible  fee simple determinable  fee tail  feodum  feud  fiefdom  frankalmoign  free socage  freehold  gavelkind  having title to  hold  holding  knight service  lay fee  lease  leasehold  legal claim  legal possession  mandate  occupancy  occupation  original title  owning  possessing  possession  preoccupancy  preoccupation  prepossession  prescription  property  property rights  proprietary rights  seisin  socage  squatting  sublease  tenancy  tenantry  tenure  tenure in chivalry  title  underlease  undertenancy  usucapion  villein socage  villeinhold  villenage  
fee simple  adverse possession  alodium  burgage  claim  colony  copyhold  de facto  de jure  dependency  derivative title  equitable estate  estate at sufferance  estate for life  estate for years  estate in expectancy  estate in fee  estate in possession  estate tail  fee  fee fief  fee position  fee simple absolute  fee simple conditional  fee simple defeasible  fee simple determinable  fee tail  feod  feodum  feud  feudal estate  fief  fiefdom  frankalmoign  free socage  freehold  gavelkind  having title to  hold  holding  knight service  lay fee  lease  leasehold  legal claim  legal estate  legal possession  mandate  occupancy  occupation  original title  owning  paramount estate  particular estate  possessing  possession  preoccupancy  preoccupation  prepossession  prescription  property  property rights  proprietary rights  remainder  reversion  seisin  socage  squatting  sublease  tenancy  tenantry  tenure  tenure in chivalry  title  underlease  undertenancy  usucapion  vested estate  villein socage  villeinhold  villenage  
feeble  abulic  afraid  aged  ailing  anemic  anile  asthenic  backward  barely audible  blear  bleared  bleary  bloodless  blurred  blurry  cachectic  chicken  confused  cowardly  crabbed  dark  debilitated  decrepit  decrescendo  delicate  dim  dim-witted  distant  dizzy  doddered  doddering  doddery  drained  drooping  droopy  dull  effete  emasculated  enervated  enfeebled  etiolated  exhausted  failing  faint  faint-voiced  fainthearted  faintish  feckless  feebleminded  filmy  flabby  flaccid  flimsy  floppy  foggy  forceless  fossilized  fragile  frail  fuzzy  gentle  gerontal  gerontic  gone  gutless  half-baked  half-heard  half-seen  half-visible  half-witted  hazy  healthless  helpless  ill-defined  imbecile  imperceptible  impotent  impuissant  in poor health  inadequate  inconclusive  inconspicuous  indefinite  indistinct  indistinguishable  ineffective  ineffectual  infirm  insignificant  insubstantial  insufficient  invalid  invertebrate  lame  languid  languishing  languorous  limber  limp  listless  low  low-profile  lustless  marrowless  merely glimpsed  misty  moribund  moronic  mossbacked  moth-eaten  mummylike  murmured  namby-pamby  nerveless  obscure  out of focus  pale  palsied  paltry  papery-skinned  peaked  peaky  pianissimo  piano  pithless  pliable  pooped  poor  powerless  puny  ravaged with age  reduced  reduced in health  rickety  rubbery  run to seed  run-down  rusty  sapless  scarcely heard  semivisible  senile  shadowy  shaky  shoddy  shriveled  sickly  simpleminded  sinewless  slack  slight  slow  slow-witted  soft  soft-sounding  soft-voiced  spineless  spiritless  strengthless  stricken in years  subaudible  subdued  thin  timeworn  tottering  tottery  unavailing  uncertain  unclear  unconvincing  undefined  unhardened  unhealthy  unmanned  unnerved  unplain  unproved  unrecognizable  unrigorous  unsatisfactory  unsound  unstrung  unsubstantial  unsustained  vague  valetudinarian  valetudinary  weak  weak-kneed  weak-minded  wea  
feeble-minded  boneheaded  deficient  dim-witted  dull-witted  dumb  empty-headed  exceptional  idiotic  imbecilic  mentally defective  moronic  retarded  simple  slow-witted  stupid  subnormal  thick  vacant  weak-minded  witless  
feed  abet  aid and abet  allay  appease  ask for  assuage  bank  banquet  barley  bed  bed down  bird seed  board  bran  bread  break  break bread  breed  bridle  brush  bunker  burn  care for  cat food  cater  cherish  chicken feed  chop  chow  coal  coddle  conflagrate  corn  cosset  count calories  countenance  cradle  cultivate  culture  curry  currycomb  deliver  depend on  detonate  devour  diet  dine  dish out  dispense  dog food  drench  dry-nurse  eat  eatage  eats  edibles  encourage  enkindle  ensilage  entertainment  explode  fall to  fan the flame  fare  farm  fatten  feast  feed the fire  fill up  find  fire  fodder  fondle  food  forage  foster  fuel  fuel up  fulminate  furnish  gas  gas up  gentle  give encouragement  grain  grass  gratify  graze  groom  grow  grub  hand  hand over  handle  harness  hatch  hay  hitch  hunger  ignite  inflame  invite  keep  keep in countenance  kindle  lavish care on  light  light up  litter  maintain  manage  mash  meal  meat  mess  milk  mother  nourish  nurse  nurture  oats  oil  pamper  partake  partake of  pasturage  pasture  pet food  pitch in  provender  provide  provide for  provision  provisions  purvey  quench  raise  ranch  rear  refection  refreshment  refuel  regale  regalement  rekindle  relight  relish  relume  repas  repast  rub down  run  saddle  sate  satiate  satisfy  savor  scratch  scratch feed  sell  set fire to  set on fire  silage  slake  slops  spoon-feed  spread  stir the fire  stoke  stoke the fire  straw  strike a light  suckle  supply  support  sustain  swill  table  take  tame  taste  tend  top off  torch  touch off  train  treat  viands  victual  victuals  water  wet-nurse  wheat  wine and dine  yoke  
feed on  batten on  batten upon  browse  consume  crop  devour  eat  fatten on  fatten upon  feast on  feast upon  graze  ingest  live off of  live on  meal  partake of  pasture on  prey on  sponge  sponge on  take  
feedback  birdies  blooping  blurping  closed loop  closed sequence  current-control circuit  degeneration  distortion  flip-flop circuit  flutter  fluttering  hissing  howling  hum  motorboating  positive feedback  process loop  quality loop  reversed feedback  rumble  scratching  shredding  squeals  static  whistles  woomping  wow  wowwows  
feeder  Brillat-Savarin  L  Lucullus  Roscius  actor  actress  affluent  antagonist  antihero  bad guy  barnstormer  bayou  billabong  bit  bit part  board-and-roomer  boarder  bon vivant  branch  cable railway  cannibal  carnivore  cast  character  character actor  character man  character woman  child actor  cog railway  confluent  confluent stream  connoisseur of food  consumer  cue  dendritic drainage pattern  diner  diner-out  diseur  diseuse  dramatizer  eater  eater-out  effluent  el  electric railway  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  epicure  fat part  feeder line  flesh-eater  foil  fork  fruitarian  gastronome  glutton  gourmand  gourmet  grain-eater  graminivore  granivore  gravity-operated railway  heavy  herbivore  hero  heroine  high liver  histrio  histrion  horse railway  hungry mouth  ingenue  junction  juvenile  lactovegetarian  lead  lead role  leading lady  leading man  leading woman  light railroad  line  lines  luncher  main line  man-eater  matinee idol  meat-eater  metro  mime  mimer  mimic  monologist  monorail  mouth  mummer  omnivore  omophagist  pantomime  pantomimist  pantophagist  part  person  personage  phytophage  picnicker  piece  plant-eater  playactor  player  predacean  prong  protagonist  protean actor  rack railway  rack-and-pinion railway  rail  rail line  railroad  railway  reciter  roadbed  roadway  role  side  sidetrack  siding  soubrette  stage performer  stage player  stooge  straight man  straight part  street railway  streetcar line  stroller  strolling player  subway  supporting character  supporting role  switchback  terminal  terminus  theatrical  thespian  title role  track  tram  tramline  trencherman  trestle  tributary  trolley line  trouper  trunk  trunk line  tube  turnout  underground  utility man  vegetarian  villain  walk-on  walking part  
feel  abide  air  ambience  appear  appear like  appreciation  appreciation of differences  appreciativeness  apprehend  art  artistic judgment  assume  atmosphere  aura  be  be afraid  be aware of  be conscious of  be exposed to  be sensible of  be sorry for  be subjected to  bear  believe  bleed for  breath  brook  brush  caress  climate  come in contact  conceive  conclude  conjecture  connoisseurship  consider  contact  crave  credit  critical niceness  criticalness  cutaneous sense  daresay  deduce  deem  delicacy  desire  determine  discern  discriminating taste  discriminatingness  discrimination  discriminativeness  divine  dream  empathize with  encounter  endure  esteem  expect  experience  explore  fancy  fastidiousness  feel deeply  feel for  feel intuitively  feel of  feeling  fine palate  finesse  finger  fingertip caress  finish  flick  fondle  fumble  gather  glance  go through  grabble  grain  grant  granular texture  graze  grope  guess  hand-mindedness  handle  hang  have  have a feeling  have a hunch  have a sensation  have the impression  hear  hold  imagine  indentation  infer  intuit  judge  judiciousness  just know  kiss  knack  know  knub  labor under  lambency  lap  let  let be  lick  light touch  look  look like  making distinctions  manipulate  meet  meet up with  meet with  milieu  mood  nap  niceness of distinction  nicety  note  notice  nub  observe  opine  overtone  palate  palm  palpate  pass through  paw  pay  perceive  pet  pile  pit  pity  ply  pock  poke at  prefer  prefigure  presume  presuppose  presurmise  prod  protuberance  provisionally accept  quality  quick look  receive an impression  reckon  refined discrimination  refined palate  refinement  repute  respond  respond to stimuli  rub  run up against  savor  say  see  seem  seem like  seem to be  selectiveness  semblance  sensation  sense  sense of touch  sensibility  sensitivity  shag  smell  sound  sound like  spend  spirit  stand  stand under  stroke  structure  subtle  
feel for  ache  be sorry for  beat about  bleed  bleed for  commiserate  compassionate  condole with  feel around  feel sorrow for  feel sorry for  fumble  grabble  grope  grope for  lament for  pity  poke around  pry around  scrabble  sympathize  sympathize with  weep for  
feeler  advance  antenna  approach  asking price  barb  barbel  barbule  barometer  bid  bone of contention  cat whisker  catechism  cross-interrogatory  cross-question  debating point  demand  foretaste  hint  inquiry  interrogation  interrogative  interrogatory  invitation  issue  kiteflying  leader  leading  leading question  moot point  offer  offering  overture  palp  palpus  pilot balloon  point at issue  point in question  preliminary approach  presentation  probe  problem  proffer  query  question  question at issue  question mark  quodlibet  random sample  sample  sensor  sound  sounder  straw vote  submission  suggestion  tactile cell  tactile corpuscle  tactile hair  tactile organ  tactile process  tactor  tentative approach  test  tester  topic  trial balloon  vexed question  vibrissa  weather vane  weathercock  
feeling  action  affect  affection  affectional  affective  affectivity  air  ambiance  ambience  analog process  analytic  appreciation  appreciation of differences  appreciativeness  ardency  ardor  artistic judgment  assumption  atmosphere  attitude  aura  awareness  behavior  behavior pattern  belief  benevolence  breath  brush  caress  caressing  clairvoyant  clemency  climate  climate of opinion  commiseration  common belief  community sentiment  compassion  compassionate  conceit  concept  conception  concern  conclusion  condolence  connoisseurship  consciousness  consensus gentium  consideration  contact  conviction  critical niceness  criticalness  cutaneous sense  delicacy  demonstrative  digital process  discriminating taste  discriminatingness  discrimination  discriminativeness  emotiometabolic  emotiomotor  emotion  emotional  emotional charge  emotional shade  emotions  emotiovascular  emotive  emotivity  empathy  estimate  estimation  ethos  examinational  examinatorial  examining  experience  explorational  explorative  exploratory  eye  fact-finding  fastidiousness  favor  feel  feeling tone  feelings  fervency  fervor  fine palate  finesse  fingering  fingertip caress  flick  forbearance  foreboding  forefeeling  forgiveness  friction  frottage  funny feeling  general belief  glance  glandular  grace  graze  groping  gut  gut reaction  hand-mindedness  handling  heartthrob  heat  heuristic  hint  humanity  humor  hunch  hunting  idea  identification  impression  imprint  indagative  inkling  input oscillation  inspectional  inspectorial  instinct  intensity  intimation  intuition  intuitional  intuitive  intuitive impression  investigational  investigative  investigatory  judgment  judiciousness  kindness  kiss  lambency  lap  leniency  lick  light touch  lights  making distinctions  manipulation  mental attitude  mercy  milieu  mind  mitigation  mood  mystique  niceness of distinction  nicety  note  notion  observation  of soul  offset  opinion  
feeling for  a thing for  affinity  aptitude  aptness  bent  bias  cast  conatus  conduciveness  delight  diathesis  disposition  eagerness  inclination  leaning  liability  liking  penchant  predilection  predisposition  prejudice  probability  proclivity  proneness  propensity  readiness  sensitivity to  soft spot  susceptibility  tendency  tropism  turn  twist  warp  weakness  willingness  
feeling out  acid test  assay  blank determination  brouillon  criterion  crucial test  crucible  determination  docimasy  essay  first draft  kiteflying  ordeal  probation  proof  rough draft  rough sketch  sounding out  standard  test  test case  touchstone  trial  try  verification  

Honorarnote Definition

(n.) One of the small notes occur on the unaccented parts of the measure, taking their time from the preceding note.
Bank note
() A promissory note issued by a bank or banking company, payable to bearer on demand.
Bank note
() Formerly, a promissory note made by a banker, or banking company, payable to a specified person at a fixed date
Bank note
() A promissory note payable at a bank.
(v. t.) To butt
() Know not
(n.) Nut.
(n.) Need
(n.) A mark or token by which a thing may be known
(n.) A mark, or sign, made to call attention, to point out something to notice, or the like
(n.) A brief remark
(n.) A brief writing intended to assist the memory
(n.) Hence, a writing intended to be used in speaking
(n.) A short informal letter
(n.) A diplomatic missive or written communication.
(n.) A written or printed paper acknowledging a debt, and promising payment
(n.) A list of items or of charges
(n.) A character, variously formed, to indicate the length of a tone, and variously placed upon the staff to indicate its pitch. Hence:
(n.) A musical sound
(n.) A key of the piano or organ.
(n.) Observation
(n.) Notification
(n.) State of being under observation.
(n.) Reputation
(n.) Stigma
(n.) To notice with care
(n.) To record in writing
(n.) To charge, as with crime (with of or for before the thing charged)
(n.) To denote
(n.) To annotate.
(n.) To set down in musical characters.
Note paper
() Writing paper, not exceeding in size, when folded once, five by eight inches.
Post note
() A note issued by a bank, payable at some future specified time, as distinguished from a note payable on demand.
(n.) A memorandum of a sale, and time when payment is due, given to the purchaser at a sale of goods.
(n.) A wild or natural note, as of a forest bird.

fee note; note of fee Bedeutung

note a characteristic emotional quality, it ended on a sour note, there was a note of gaiety in her manner, he detected a note of sarcasm
mental note special attention with intent to remember, he made a mental note to send her flowers
note a brief written record, he made a note of the appointment
note short letter
line billet
a short personal letter, drop me a line when you get there
note annotation
a comment or instruction (usually added), his notes were appended at the end of the article, he added a short notation to the address on the envelope
two-note call a birdcall having two notes, the two-note call of the cuckoo
note musical note
a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound, the singer held the note too long
passing note
passing tone
a nonharmonic note inserted for transition between harmonic notes
whole note
a musical note having the longest time value (equal to four beats in common time)
half note
a musical note having the time value of half a whole note
quarter note
a musical note having the time value of a quarter of a whole note
eighth note
a musical note having the time value of an eighth of a whole note
sixteenth note
a musical note having the time value of a sixteenth of a whole note
thirty-second note
a musical note having the time value of a thirty-second of a whole note
sixty-fourth note
a musical note having the time value of a sixty-fourth of a whole note
grace note
an embellishing note usually written in smaller size
blue note a flattened third or seventh
note a tone of voice that shows what the speaker is feeling, there was a note of uncertainty in his voice
note government note
bank bill
banker's bill
bank note
Federal Reserve note
a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank), he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes
Treasury note securities with maturities of toyears, sold for cash or in exchange for maturing issues or at auction
hundred dollar bill
a United States bill worth dollars
nickel nickel note five dollars worth of a drug, a nickel bag of drugs, a nickel deck of heroin
promissory note
note of hand
a promise to pay a specified amount on demand or at a certain time, I had to co-sign his note at the bank
demand note a note payable on demand
note receivable your right in a promissory note in which the maker promises to pay a certain amount of money at a certain time
note payable a note promising to pay a certain amount of money at a certain time
municipal note a municipal debt instrument with a maturity of less than years
time note a note that specifies the time (or times) of repayment
high status importance owing to marked superiority, a scholar of great eminence
time value
note value
(music) the relative duration of a musical note
keep note maintain in the forefront of one's awareness, He kept note of the location of the soldiers
make mention of, She observed that his presentation took up too much time, They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing
note take down make a written note of, she noted everything the teacher said that morning
hit home
strike home
strike a chord
strike a note
refer to or be relevant or familiar to, I hope this message hits home!
notice or perceive, She noted that someone was following her, mark my words
note take note
observe with care or pay close attention to, Take note of this chemical reaction
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