
Deutsche Hundezwinger Synonyme

Hundezwinger  Zwinger  
Hundezwinger  Zwinger  

Englische dog run Synonyme

dog  Afghan hound  Alaskan malamute  Bedlington terrier  Border terrier  Boston bull  Cairn terrier  Chihuahua  Dalmatian  Doberman pinscher  English toy spaniel  Eskimo dog  Gordon setter  Great Dane  Great Pyrenees  Kerry blue terrier  Labrador retriever  Maltese  Newfoundland  Norwegian elkhound  Norwich terrier  Pekingese  Rhodesian ridgeback  Rottweiler  Saluki  Samoyed  Scottish deerhound  Seeing Eye dog  Siberian husky  Welsh corgi  Welsh terrier  Yorkshire terrier  affenpinscher  aggravate  animal  annoy  arch  baboon  badger  badger dog  bag  bait  balker  balky horse  bandog  bar  barbet  barricade  basset  basset hound  be at  beagle  beast  beat  bedevil  bedog  beset  billy  billy goat  bitch  blemish  block  block up  blockade  bloodhound  blot  boar  boarhound  bolt  borzoi  bother  bowwow  boxer  bristle  brown off  bubbly-jock  buck  bug  bull  bull terrier  bulldog  bullock  bullyrag  burn up  canine  chanticleer  chase  chivy  chock  choke  choke off  chow  close  close off  close tight  close up  clubfoot  coach dog  cock  cockerel  collie  come after  come behind  constrict  coonhound  course  crate  crock  crowbait  crowd  cur  dachshund  debar  deerhound  devil  digit  discompose  distemper  disturb  drake  drive  entire  entire horse  exasperate  exercise  extremity  eyesore  falcon  fancy dog  fash  feist  fetlock  flat-coated retriever  flush  follow  follow the hounds  follow up  foot  forefoot  forepaw  fowl  fox terrier  foxhound  frank  fret  fright  gander  gargoyle  garron  get  giant schnauzer  give chase  go after  go behind  go hunting  goat  gobbler  golden retriever  greyhound  griffon  gripe  guide dog  gun  gyp  hack  hag  harass  harefoot  harridan  harrier  harry  hart  haunt  hawk  he-goat  heap  heckle  hector  heel  hollo after  hoof  hot dog  hound  hunt  hunt down  husky  hyena  insect  instep  irk  jack  jacklight  jade  jam  jughead  kennel  lakeland terrier  lap dog  lock  make after  malamute  mastiff  mess  miff  mo  
dog days  broiling sun  canicular days  fair weather  good old summertime  growing season  heat wave  high summer  hot wave  hot weather  humid weather  midday sun  midsummer  muggy weather  stuffy weather  sultry weather  summer  summertide  summertime  sunshiny weather  vertical rays  warm weather  
dog eared  auriculate  bare  big-eared  creased  crimped  crop-eared  deep-worn  doubled  ear-minded  eared  flexible  flop-eared  flounced  fluted  foldable  folded  folding  gathered  long-eared  lop-eared  mouse-eared  plaited  pleated  pliable  plicate  plicated  plicatile  prick-eared  quilled  ruffled  sere  sharp-eared  shelfworn  shopworn  threadbare  timeworn  tin-eared  tucked  twilled  well-worn  worn  worn ragged  worn to rags  worn to threads  worn-down  
dog in the manger  careerist  egotist  fortune hunter  grouch  hog  individualist  killjoy  lone wolf  loner  malcontent  monopolist  narcissist  road hog  self-advancer  self-pleaser  self-seeker  self-server  sourpuss  spoilsport  temporizer  timepleaser  timeserver  tufthunter  wet blanket  
dog tag  ID card  badge  calligram  calling card  card  countermark  countersign  credentials  identification  identification badge  identification tag  initials  letter of introduction  monogram  press card  serial number  signature  tessera  visiting card  
dog tired  all in  beat  beat up  beaten  bone-weary  bushed  dead  dead-and-alive  dead-tired  deadbeat  dog-weary  done  done in  done up  drained  exhausted  fagged out  gone  knocked out  played out  pooped  pooped out  prostrate  ready to drop  spent  tired out  tired to death  tuckered out  used up  washed-up  weary unto death  whacked  wiped out  worn-out  
dog-eat-dog  bowelless  cruel  flinty  hard  harsh  heartless  inclement  inexorable  merciless  pitiless  relentless  remorseless  ruthless  uncompassionate  uncompassioned  unfeeling  unforgiving  unmerciful  unpitiful  unpitying  unremorseful  unsympathetic  unsympathizing  unyielding  without mercy  
dogface  Zouave  bersagliere  carabineer  chasseur  doughfoot  expert rifleman  foot soldier  footslogger  fusileer  grenadier  grunt  infantryman  light infantryman  marksman  musketeer  paddlefoot  rifle  rifleman  sharpshooter  sniper  
dogged  adamant  assiduous  badgered  baited  balking  balky  bedeviled  beset  bigoted  bugged  bulldogged  bulletheaded  bullheaded  bullyragged  case-hardened  chivied  constant  continuing  deviled  diligent  dogmatic  enduring  faithful  fanatic  fretted  harassed  hardheaded  harried  haunted  headstrong  heckled  hectored  hounded  immutable  inalterable  indefatigable  indomitable  industrious  inexorable  insistent  intolerant  invincible  lasting  loyal  mulish  needled  never-tiring  nipped at  obdurate  obstinate  opinionated  overzealous  patient  patient as Job  permanent  persecuted  perseverant  persevering  persistent  persisting  pertinacious  pestered  picked on  pigheaded  plagued  plodding  plugging  preoccupied  ragged  rapt  relentless  resolute  restive  rigid  sedulous  self-willed  set  single-minded  sleepless  slogging  stable  steadfast  steady  stiff-necked  strong-willed  strongheaded  stubborn  sulky  sullen  teased  tenacious  tireless  tormented  unabating  unbending  unconquerable  uncooperative  undaunted  undiscouraged  undrooping  unfailing  unfaltering  unflagging  unflinching  unintermitting  uninterrupted  unnodding  unregenerate  unrelaxing  unrelenting  unremitting  unsleeping  unswerving  untiring  unwavering  unwearied  unwearying  unwinking  utterly attentive  vexed  weariless  willful  worried  worried sick  worried stiff  
doggedly  assiduously  bullheadedly  devotedly  diligently  faithfully  headstrongly  indefatigably  industriously  insistently  loyally  obstinately  patiently  perseveringly  persistently  persistingly  pertinaciously  ploddingly  relentlessly  resolutely  sedulously  sloggingly  stubbornly  tenaciously  tirelessly  unabatingly  uncooperatively  unfalteringly  unflaggingly  unflinchingly  unintermittingly  uninterruptedly  unregenerately  unrelentingly  unremittingly  unrestingly  unsleepingly  unswervingly  untiringly  unwaveringly  unwearyingly  wearilessly  willfully  with set jaw  
doggerel  Doric  Hudibrastic verse  amphigory  barbaric  barbarous  burlesque  cacophonous  caricatural  clumsy  coarse  crambo  crambo clink  crude  dysphemistic  farcical  graceless  gross  halting meters  harsh  improper  impure  in bad taste  inconcinnate  inconcinnous  incorrect  indecorous  inelegant  infelicitous  lame verses  limping meters  low  macaronic  macaronic verse  macaronics  nonsense verse  outlandish  parodic  rude  satiric  tasteless  uncourtly  uncouth  undignified  uneuphonious  unfelicitous  ungraceful  unpolished  unrefined  unseemly  vulgar  
dogging  aggravation  annoyance  bad news  bedevilment  bore  bother  botheration  bothersomeness  chase  chasing  crashing bore  devilment  difficulty  downer  drag  exasperation  follow  follow-up  following  harassment  harrying  headache  heeling  hounding  hue and cry  hunting  molestation  nuisance  persecution  pest  problem  prosecution  pursual  pursuance  pursuing  pursuit  quest  searching  seeking  sequel  sequence  series  shadowing  stalking  tailing  tracking  tracking down  trailing  trial  trouble  vexation  vexatiousness  worriment  worry  
dogie  Arab  Brahman  Indian buffalo  aurochs  beach bum  beachcomber  beef  beef cattle  beeves  beggar  birdling  bison  bo  bossy  bovine  bovine animal  buffalo  bull  bullock  bum  bummer  calf  carabao  castaway  castoff  catling  cattle  chick  chickling  chicky  colt  cow  critter  cub  dairy cattle  dairy cow  derelict  discard  duckling  fawn  fledgling  flotsam  flotsam and jetsam  foal  foundling  fryer  gamin  gamine  gosling  guttersnipe  heifer  hobo  homeless waif  hornless cow  idler  jetsam  junk  kid  kine  kit  kitten  lagan  lamb  lambkin  landloper  lazzarone  leppy  litter  loafer  losel  maverick  milch cow  milcher  milk cow  milker  mudlark  muley cow  muley head  musk-ox  neat  nest  nestling  orphan  ox  oxen  piglet  pigling  piker  polliwog  pullet  pup  puppy  ragamuffin  ragman  ragpicker  refuse  reject  rounder  rubbish  shoat  ski bum  steer  stiff  stirk  stot  stray  street Arab  street urchin  sundowner  surf bum  swagman  swagsman  tadpole  tatterdemalion  tennis bum  tramp  trash  turnpiker  urchin  vag  vagabond  vagrant  waif  waifs and strays  wastrel  weaner  whelp  wisent  yak  yeanling  yearling  zebu  
dogleg  L  aberrancy  aberration  angle  apex  bend  bias  bifurcation  bight  branching off  cant  chevron  circuitousness  coin  corner  crank  crankiness  crook  crookedness  crotchet  curve  declination  deflection  departure  detour  deviance  deviancy  deviation  deviousness  digression  discursion  divagation  divarication  divergence  diversion  double  drift  drifting  elbow  ell  errantry  excursion  excursus  exorbitation  flexuosity  fork  furcation  hairpin  hook  indirection  inflection  knee  nook  obliquity  pererration  point  quoin  rambling  sheer  shift  shifting  shifting course  shifting path  skew  slant  straying  sweep  swerve  swerving  swinging  switchback  tack  turn  turning  twist  variation  veer  vertex  wandering  warp  yaw  zag  zig  zigzag  zigzaggery  
dogma  Athanasian Creed  Catechism  Nicene Creed  a belief  article of faith  articles of faith  articles of religion  axiom  belief  canon  conviction  credenda  credo  creed  doctrine  maxim  persuasion  precept  principle  teaching  tenet  view  
dogmatic  Sabbatarian  a priori  antiblack  arbitrary  arrogant  assertive  assured  authoritarian  authoritative  balking  balky  believing  biased  bigoted  blind  bulldogged  bulletheaded  bullheaded  canonical  case-hardened  categorical  certain  chauvinistic  colored  conceited  confessional  confident  convinced  creedal  creedbound  deaf  deducible  derivable  devout  dictatorial  doctrinaire  doctrinal  doctrinarian  dogged  dogmatizing  domineering  doubtless  emphatic  evangelical  faithful  fanatic  fideistic  fundamentalist  hardheaded  headstrong  hidebound  hyperorthodox  imperious  impressed with  influenced  insistent  interested  intolerant  jaundiced  know-nothing  literalist  literalistic  magisterial  mulish  nonobjective  obdurate  obstinate  one-sided  opinionated  opinionative  opinioned  oracular  overbearing  overzealous  partial  partisan  peremptory  persevering  persuaded  pertinacious  pietistic  pigheaded  pious  pistic  pontifical  positive  positivistic  precisianist  precisianistic  prejudiced  prepossessed  pronunciative  purist  puristic  puritanical  pushy  racist  reasoned  restive  satisfied  secure  self-opinionated  self-opinioned  self-willed  set  sexist  sold on  staunch  stiff-necked  straitlaced  strict  strong-willed  strongheaded  stubborn  sulky  sullen  superpatriotic  sure  swayed  tenacious  twisted  ultranationalist  uncooperative  under the impression  undetached  undispassionate  undoubtful  undoubting  unpersuadable  unregenerate  warped  willful  xenophobic  
dogmatics  Buddhology  Mariolatry  Mariology  Mercersburg theology  apologetics  canonics  crisis theology  dialogical theology  divinity  doctrinalism  doctrinism  eschatology  existential theology  hagiography  hagiology  hierology  logos Christology  logos theology  natural theology  neoorthodox theology  neoorthodoxy  patristic theology  phenomenological theology  physicotheology  rationalism  religion  scholastic theology  secularism  soteriology  systematics  theology  
dogmatism  Sabbatarianism  balkiness  bibliolatry  bigotry  blindness  bullheadedness  deafness  determination  doggedness  dogmaticalness  evangelicalism  fanaticism  fixed mind  fundamentalism  hardheadedness  headstrongness  hideboundness  hyperorthodoxy  infallibilism  inflexible will  intolerance  literalism  mulishness  obduracy  obstinacy  obstinateness  opinionatedness  overzealousness  peremptoriness  perseverance  pertinacity  pigheadedness  positiveness  positivism  precisianism  purism  puritanicalness  puritanism  restiveness  sabbatism  scripturalism  self-opinionatedness  self-will  staunchness  stiff neck  stiff-neckedness  straitlacedness  strict interpretation  strictness  strongheadness  stubbornness  sulkiness  sullenness  tenaciousness  tenacity  uncooperativeness  unpersuadableness  unregenerateness  willfulness  
dogmatist  ass  bigot  bitter-ender  bullethead  chauvinist  diehard  doctrinaire  dogmatizer  donkey  fanatic  hardnose  illiberal  infallibilist  intolerant  intransigeant  intransigent  jingo  last-ditcher  male chauvinist  maverick  mule  opinionist  perverse fool  pig  pighead  positivist  purist  racist  sexist  standpat  standpatter  stickler  superpatriot  ultranationalist  
dogtrot  amble  andante  burst  burst of speed  canter  claudicate  claudication  crawl  creep  dash  dead march  dead run  drag  drag along  drag out  flank speed  flat-out speed  footpace  forced draft  full gallop  funeral march  gallop  go dead slow  go slow  hand gallop  headlong rush  heavy right foot  high lope  hobble  idle  inch  inch along  jog  jog trot  jog-trot  laze  leisurely gait  limp  lope  lumbering pace  maximum speed  mincing steps  mosey  open throttle  plod  plunge  poke  poke along  race  rack  run  rush  saunter  scamper  scud  scurry  scuttle  shamble  shuffle  shuffle along  slouch  slow march  slow motion  sprint  spurt  stagger along  stroll  toddle  toddle along  totter along  traipse  trot  trudge  waddle  walk  wide-open speed  worm  worm along  

Hundezwinger Definition

dog run Bedeutung

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