
Investitionsplan {m} Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Investitionsplan m
Investitionspläne pl
capital spending plan
capital spending plans
Investitionsplan m
Investitionspläne pl
capital spending plan
capital spending plans
Investition, Kapitalanlage
Ausreifungszeit f (einer Investition) econ.
gestation period
Investition f, Anlage f, Kapitalanlage f
Investitionen pl, Anlagen pl, Kapitalanlagen pl
die Investition hereinwirtschaften
kurzfristige Anlage
langfristige Anlage
mittelfristige Anlage
investment, capital investment
to recoup one's initial outlay, to recoup one's investment
short-term investment
long-term investment
medium-term investment
Investition f, Kapitalaufwand m
capital expenditure
Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung f, Szenario n zur betriebswirtschaftlichen Beurteilung einer Investition econ.
business case
elterlich adj, Eltern...
elterliche Investition biol.
parental investment
Investition f; Anlage f; Kapitalanlage f
Investitionen pl; Anlagen pl; Kapitalanlagen pl
die Investition hereinwirtschaften
erstklassige Kapitalanlage
kurzfristige Anlage
langfristige Anlage
mittelfristige Anlage
investment; capital investment
to recoup one's initial outlay; to recoup one's investment
choice investment
short-term investment
long-term investment
medium-term investment
Investition f; Kapitalaufwand m
capital expenditure
Investition f econ.
Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung f; Szenario n zur betriebswirtschaftlichen Beurteilung einer Investition econ.
business case
befriedigend; lohnend adj
eine lohnende Erfahrung
eine lohnende Investition
eine dankbare Aufgabe
a rewarding experience
a rewarding investment
a rewarding work
elterlich adj; Eltern...
elterliche Investition biol.
parental investment
direkte Investition f; Direktinvestition f (zwecks Einflussnahme) econ.
direkte Investitionen pl; Direktinvestitionen pl
aktive Direktinvestitionen; direkte Investitionen Direktinvestionen im Ausland; inländische Direktinvestitionen im Ausland; Direktinvestitionsexporte; Direktinvestitionsabflüsse; Abflüsse von direkten Auslandsinvestitionen
passive Direktinvestitionen; direkte Investitionen Direktinvestionen aus dem Ausland; ausländische Direktinvestitionen im Inland; Direktinvestitionsimporte; Direktinvestitionszuflüsse; Zuflüsse von direkten Auslandsinvestitionen (oft ungenau: Auslandsdirektinvestitionen; Direktauslandsinvestitionen)
direct investment
direct investments
direct outward investments; foreign direct investment outflows
inward direct investments; direct inward investments; foreign direct investment inflows; foreign direct investments FDI
Vermögensanlage f; Kapitalanlage f; Anlage f; Investition f; Anlageinvestition f; Kapitalinvestition f fin.
Vermögensanlagen pl; Kapitalanlagen pl; Anlagen pl; Investitionen pl; Anlageinvestitionen pl; Kapitalinvestitionen pl
Investitionen aus dem Ausland; ausländische Investitionen im Inland; Investitionsimporte; Kapitalimporte; Kapitaleinfuhren; Investitionszuflüsse
inländische Investitionen im Ausland; Investitionsexporte; Kapitalexporte; Kapitalausfuhren; Investitionsabflüsse
die Investition hereinwirtschaften
eine Investition tätigen
Gesamtinvestition f
erstklassige Kapitalanlage
ertragreiche Vermögensanlage; einträgliche Kapitalanlage
kurzfristige Anlage
langfristige Anlage
mittelfristige Anlage
capital investment; investment
capital investments; investments
inward investments
outward investments
to recoup one's initial outlay; to recoup one's investment
to make an investment
total investment
choice investment
productive investment
short-term investment
long-term investment
medium-term investment
steuerlich wirksam; steuerwirksam adj fin.
eine steuerwirksame Investition
having a tax effect; tax-effective; tax-efficient
a tax-effective investment
Makler für Investitionen
investment broker
Schub m; Impuls m (für etw.) übtr.
Schübe pl; Impulse pl
Impulse für Investitionen
die Wirtschaft beleben
den Verkauf ankurbeln
fillip (to sth.)
a fillip to investment
to give a fillip to the economy
to provide a fillip to sales
abhängig sein (vom Eintreten eines Ereignisses)
Weitere Investitionen sind abhängig vom Gewinn der Firma.
to be contingent on upon (the occurrence of an event)
Further investment is contingent upon the company's profits.
etw. ernten v übtr.
den Lohn dafür erhalten
die Früchte einer Sache ernten übtr.
reichen Lohn ernten poet.
Jetzt fährt sie den Lohn der harten Arbeit ein.
Er strich hohe Gewinne aus seinen Investitionen ein.
to reap sth. fig.
to reap a the harvest Br.
to reap the benefits of sth.
to reap a rich reward
She is now reaping the benefits rewards of her hard work.
He reaped large profits from his investments.
Infrastruktur f
Eisenbahninfrastruktur f
Elektrizitätsinfrastruktur f
Flughafeninfrastruktur f
Gebäudeinfrastruktur f
Kommunikationsinfrastruktur f
Investitionen in die mobile Netzinfrastruktur f
railway infrastructure Br.; railroad infrastructure Am.; rail infrastructure
electricity infrastructure
airport infrastructure
building infrastructure
communication infrastructure; communications infrastructure
investment in mobile network infrastructure
den Ton angeben; tonangebend sein; die erste Geige spielen; das Steuer die Zügel in der Hand haben, das Heft in der Hand haben, das Regiment führen, eine Führungsrolle haben; bestimmen, wo es lang geht ugs. v
Die Heimmannschaft gab in der Anfangsphase den Ton an.
Wenn es um meine Investitionen geht, habe ich gerne das Heft in der Hand.
Die Eltern sollten bestimmen, welche Filme ihre Kinder sehen.
Hier bestimme ich, was getan wird!
to call the tune; to call the shots; to rule the roost
The home team called the tune in the early stages.
I like to call the shots when it comes to my investments.
Parents should call the tune on what films their children see.
I call the shots!
das Zurückstellen; das Auf-Eis-Legen von etw.
das Zurückstellen von Investitionen
the shelving of sth. fig.
the shelving of investment
abhängig sein v (vom Eintreten eines Ereignisses)
Weitere Investitionen sind abhängig vom Gewinn der Firma.
to be contingent on upon (the occurrence of an event)
Further investment is contingent upon the company's profits.
Investitions..., Anlagen...
Investitions- und Kostenrechnung f
investment and costing
Investitions...; Anlagen...
Investitions…; Anlagen…
Investitionsabbau m
Investitionsabbau m; Desinvestment n econ.
Investitionsabschreibung f fin. adm.
investment allowance Br.; investment credit Am.; capital expenditure write-off Am.
(steuerliche) Abschreibung f; (jährliche) Steuerabschreibung f (der Wertminderung von Anlagevermögen); Anlageabschreibung f; Absetzung f Dt. econ. fin.
Abschreibungen pl; Steuerabschreibungen pl; Anlageabschreibungen pl; Absetzungen pl
Abschreibung von Anlagewerten; Investitionsabschreibung f
Abschreibung auf Gebäude
Abschreibung wegen Abnutzung; Absetzung für Abnutzungen AfA Dt.
außerplanmäßige Vollabschreibung
Sonderabschreibung f
Teilabschreibung f
Teilwertabschreibung f
degressive Abschreibung; Abschreibung mit fallenden Jahresraten; Absetzung für Abnutzung in fallenden Jahresraten Dt.
lineare Abschreibung; Absetzung für Abnutzung in gleichen Jahresraten Dt.
progressive Abschreibung; Absetzung für Abnutzung in steigenden Jahresraten Dt.
vorgezogene Abschreibung
vorzeitige Abschreibung
Absetzung für Substanzverringerung AfS Dt.
Absetzung vom Wiederbeschaffungswert Dt.
(außerplanmäßige) Abschreibung gegen vorhandene Rücklagen
(außerplanmäßige) Abschreibung über die Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung
(außerplanmäßige) Abschreibung von Kreditforderungen
allowance for depreciation; depreciation allowance; depreciation deduction; depreciation (tangible fixed assets); amortization; amortisation Br. (intangible fixed assets)
allowances for depreciation; depreciation allowances; depreciation deductions; depreciations; amortizations; amortisations
capital allowance; investment allowance
depreciation on buildings
depreciation for wear and tear
non-scheduled depreciation; write-off; writeoff
additional capital allowance (tangible assets); special amortization; special amortisation Br. (intangible assets)
write-down; writedown
write-down to the going-concern value; write-down to the going concern going; partial write-down
degressive depreciation; declining-balance depreciation; depreciation on the basis of decreasing annual rates
straight-line depreciation; depreciation on basis of equal annual rates
progressive depreciation; rising-balance depreciation; depreciation on a rising scale; depreciation on basis of rising annual rates
anticipated depreciation
accelerated depreciation
allowance for depletion; depletion allowance; deduction for depletion; depletion deduction; depreciation on wasting assets
depreciation on replacement value
write-off against available reserves
write-off through profit and loss
write-off (charge-off) of loan assets
pauschaler Steuerabzugsbetrag m Dt.; pauschaler Abzugsposten m Dt.; Steuerabsetzbetrag m Ös.
Arbeitnehmerpauschbetrag Dt.; allgemeiner Arbeitnehmerabsetzbetrag Ös.
einschleifender Wegfall des Abzugsbetrags Absetzbetrags
Absetzbetrag für Investititonen; Investitionsabsetzbetrag m
non-refundable tax credit
in-work tax credit Br.
phase-out of tax credit
investment credit
Investitionsanleihe f fin.
Investitionsanleihen pl
investment loan
investment loans
Investitionsanreiz, Investitionsförderung
investment incentive
Investitionsanreiz m
investment incentive
Investitionsanreiz m econ.
Investitionsanreize pl
investment incentive; incentive to invest
investment incentives; incentives to invest
Rückkauf m von Investitionsanteilen fin.
capital expenditure
Investitionsaufwand m
CAPEX : capital expenditure
Investitionsaufwand m
capital expenditure CAPEX
Aufwand m; Aufwendungen pl; Kostenaufwand m; Kosten pl
Investitionsaufwand m; Investitionsausgaben pl
anfängliche Aufwendungen
die Auslagen hereinwirtschaften
capital outlay
initial outlay
to recoup one's outlay
Investitionsausgaben pl; Investitionsaufwendungen pl; Investitionsaufwand m econ.
investment expenditure; investment spending
Investitionsausgaben pl; Investitionsaufwendungen pl econ.
investment expenditure; capital expenditure; capital spending
investment spending
Europäische Investitionsbank f
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Europäische Investitionsbank f
European Investment Bank EIB
Europäische Investitionsbank f
European Investment Bank EIB
Investitionsbedarf m
investment needs
Investitionszuschuss, Investitionsbeihilfe
investment grant
Investitionsbeihilfe f fin.
investment aid; investment subsidy
amount of investment
Investitionsdarlehen n fin.
investment loan
Anlageentscheidung f; Investitionsentscheidung f
Anlageentscheidungen pl; Investitionsentscheidungen pl
endgültige Investitionsentscheidung
investment decision; decision to invest
investment decisions; decision to invests
final investment decision
mutual fund
Europäischer Investitionsfonds (EIF)
European Investment Fund (EIF)
Europäischer Investitionsfonds EIF
European Investment Fund EIF
Europäischer Investitionsfonds m EIF
European Investment Fund EIF
Steuerfreibetrag m; Freibetrag m fin.
Steuerfreibeträge pl; Freibeträge pl
Altersfreibetrag m
Arbeitnehmerfreibetrag m
Ausbildungsfreibetrag m (für unterhaltsberechtigte Minderjährige)
Dividendenfreibetrag m
Investitionsfreibetrag m
Jahresfreibetrag m
Kinderfreibetrag m
Umsatzfreibetrag m
Versorgungsfreibetrag m (für den verwitweten Ehegatten bei der Erbschaftssteuer)
Versorgungsfreibetrag m (für den verwitweten Ehegatten bei Versorgungsleistungen aus früheren Dienstverhältnissen)
Weihnachtsgeldfreibetrag m
einschleifender Freibetrag; verschleifender Freibetrag Ös.
persönlicher Steuerfreibetrag
die Höhe des Freibetrags
tax allowance; tax deduction; tax relief; tax-exempt amount
tax allowances; tax deductions; tax reliefs; tax-exempt amounts
age allowance; age relief; old age exemption Am.
employee allowance; employee exemption Am.; earned income relief for employees Br.
education allowance; education exemption Am. (for dependent minors)
dividend exclusion
investment allowance
annual allowance; annual exemption Am.
allowance for dependent children
tax-exempt amount of turnover
marital deduction; marital exemption Am.; spouses' exemption Am.
retirement allowance; disability allowance; retirement exemption Am.; disability exemption Am.; allowance exemption for retirement
Christmas allowance; Christmas exemption Am.
marginal relief
personal allowance Br.; personal relief Br.; personal exemption Am.
the amount of deduction; the amount of relief
Investitionsfreiheit f
freedom of investment
Investitionsgelder pl
smart money
Investitionsgüter, Anlagegüter, Kapitalgüter
capital goods
Investitionsgüter, Anlagegüter, Kapitalgüter
producer goods
Investitionsgüter, Kapitalgüter, Anlagegüter
investment goods
Investitionsgüter pl, Kapitalgüter pl, Anlagegüter pl
capital goods, investment goods
Investitionsgut n; Kapitalgut n econ.
Investitionsgüter pl; Kapitalgüter pl; Anlagegüter pl
capital good; investment good
capital goods; investment goods
Investitionsgüterindustrie f
capital goods industry
langlebiges Investitionsgut
producer durable good
investment assistance

Deutsche Investitionsplan {m} Synonyme

Englische capital spending plan Synonyme

capital  Grade A  abecedarian  ability  acmatic  advantageous  all-absorbing  allographic  alphabetic  apical  arch  art center  ascender  assets  auspicious  available means  back  balance  banner  basic  bastard type  beard  belly  beneficial  benevolent  bevel  black letter  body  bon  bonny  bracket capital  braw  bueno  cap  capacity  capital city  capital gains distribution  capital goods  capital structure  capitalization  cardinal  case  cash  central  champion  chief  choice  circulating capital  cock  cogent  commendable  consummate  controlling  cornice  corpus  counter  county seat  county site  county town  crown  crowning  dandy  descender  devices  disposable resources  dominant  elegant  em  en  equity capital  essential  estimable  excellent  expedient  extraordinary  face  fair  famous  fat-faced type  favorable  feet  finances  financial  fine  first  first-class  first-rate  first-string  fiscal  fixed capital  flagrant  floating capital  focal  font  foremost  fund  fundamental  funds  garment center  glaring  good  goodly  grand  graphemic  great  grist  groove  gross  head  headmost  healthy  hegemonic  helpful  highest  holdings  ideographic  important  initial  italic  kind  laudable  leading  letter  lettered  lexigraphic  ligature  liquid assets  literal  logogrammatic  logographic  logotype  lower case  lower-case  magisterial  main  major  majuscule  manufacturing center  master  matchless  maximal  maximum  mean  means  medical center  meridian  meridional  method  metropolis  minuscular  minuscule  monetary  money  moneyed capital  nice  nick  noble  number one  numismatic  nummary  outstanding  overmost  overriding  overruling  paramount  pecuniary  peerless  pi  pica  pictographic  pleasant  point  power  predominant  preeminent  premier  preponderant  prevailing  primal  primary  prime  principal  print  profitable  property  railroad center  rank  ranking  recourses  regal  resorts  resource  resources  ripping  roman  royal  rulin  
capital punishment  beheading  burning  crucifixion  decapitation  decollation  defenestration  electrocution  execution  fusillade  garrote  gassing  hanging  hemlock  judicial murder  lapidation  necktie party  poisoning  shooting  stoning  strangling  strangulation  the ax  the block  the chair  the gallows  the gas chamber  the guillotine  the hot seat  the rope  
capitalism  capitalistic system  finance capitalism  free competition  free economy  free enterprise  free trade  free-enterprise economy  free-enterprise system  individualism  isolationism  laissez-aller  laissez-faire  laissez-faireism  let-alone policy  let-alone principle  liberalism  noninterference  nonintervention  private enterprise  private ownership  private sector  rugged individualism  self-regulating market  state capitalism  
capitalist  Daddy Warbucks  Wall Streeter  billionaire  bloated plutocrat  bourgeois  economist  fat cat  finance capitalist  financial expert  financier  free-enterprise  individualist  individualistic  investor  man of means  man of substance  man of wealth  millionaire  moneybags  moneyed man  moneyman  multimillionaire  nabob  nonsocialistic  parvenu  plutocrat  private-enterprise  rich man  richling  rugged individualist  warm man  wealthy man  
capitalization  assets  available means  backing  balance  capital  capital gains distribution  capital goods  capital structure  circulating capital  corpus  deficit financing  equity capital  financial backing  financial support  financing  fixed capital  floating capital  fund  funding  grist  grubstake  holdings  liquid assets  means  moneyed capital  patronization  principal  property  provision of capital  resource  resources  sponsorship  stake  subsidy  supply  support  venture capital  working capital  
capitalize  aid  alphabet  alphabetize  angel  assist  back  balance  balance the books  bankroll  book  carry  carry over  cast up accounts  character  charge off  close out  close the books  credit  debit  docket  enter  finance  fund  grubstake  help  initial  inscribe  journalize  keep books  letter  log  make an entry  mark  minute  note  patronize  pay for  post  post up  promote  provide for  refinance  set up  sign  sponsor  stake  strike a balance  subsidize  support  transcribe  transliterate  
capitalize on  benefit from  carpe diem  cash in  cash in on  clean up  clear  coin money  commercialize  exploit  gain by  gross  improve  improve the occasion  make a killing  make capital of  make hay  make money  make money by  net  not be behindhand  profit  profit by  put to advantage  realize  realize on  seize the day  take advantage of  trade on  turn a penny  turn to account  turn to profit  turn to use  use to advantage  

Investitionsplan {m} Definition

(n.) Of or pertaining to the head.
(n.) Having reference to, or involving, the forfeiture of the head or life
(n.) First in importance
(n.) Chief, in a political sense, as being the seat of the general government of a state or nation
(n.) Of first rate quality
(n.) The head or uppermost member of a column, pilaster, etc. It consists generally of three parts, abacus, bell (or vase), and necking. See these terms, and Column.
(n.) The seat of government
(n.) Money, property, or stock employed in trade, manufactures, etc.
(a.) That portion of the produce of industry, which may be directly employed either to support human beings or to assist in production.
(a.) Anything which can be used to increase one's power or influence.
(a.) An imaginary line dividing a bastion, ravelin, or other work, into two equal parts.
(a.) A chapter, or section, of a book.
(a.) See Capital letter, under Capital, a.
(a.) A draught or form
(a.) A scheme devised
(a.) A method
(v. t.) To form a delineation of
(v. t.) To scheme
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Spend
(n.) The act of expending

capital spending plan / capital spending plans Bedeutung

spending cut the act of reducing spending
spending spree a brief period of extravagant spending
capital offense a crime so serious that capital punishment is considered appropriate
approach attack plan of attack ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation, his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons, an attack on inflation, his plan of attack was misguided
the act of spending or disbursing money
deficit spending
compensatory spending
pump priming
spending money raised by borrowing, used by governments to stimulate their economy
capital punishment
death penalty
putting a condemned person to death
the upper part of a column that supports the entablature
capital ship a warship of the first rank in size and armament
floor plan scale drawing of a horizontal section through a building at a given level, contrasts with elevation
ground plan a floor plan for the ground level of a building
architectural plan
scale drawing of a structure, the plans for City Hall were on file
design plan an arrangement scheme, the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult, it was an excellent design for living, a plan for seating guests
a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished, they drew up a six-step plan, they discussed plans for a new bond issue
master plan a long-term outline of a project or government function, the zoning board adopted a master plan for the new development
plan of action a plan for actively doing something
battle plan plan for conducting a battle
travel plan
a proposed route of travel
game plan (sports) a plan for achieving an objective in some sport
game plan (figurative) a carefully thought out strategy for achieving an objective in war or politics or business or personal affairs, newscasters speculated about the President's game plan for an invasion
secret plan
a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal), they concocted a plot to discredit the governor, I saw through his little game from the start
pension plan
pension account
retirement plan
retirement savings plan
retirement savings account
retirement account
retirement program
a plan for setting aside money to be spent after retirement
Keogh plan a tax-deferred pension plan for employees of unincorporated businesses or for self-employed persons
employee savings plan a plan that allows employees to contribute to an investment pool managed the employer
stock purchase plan an organized plan for employees of a company to buy shares of its stock
employee stock ownership plan
a program under which employees regularly accumulate shares and may ultimately assume control of the company
capital letter
upperase letter
one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis, printers once kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases, capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case and so became known as upperase letters
small capital
small cap
a character having the form of an upperase letter but the same height as lowerase letters
block letter
block capital
a plain hand-drawn letter
Das Kapital
a book written by Karl Marx () describing his economic theories
commission plan a municipal government that combines legislative and executive authority in the members of a commission
the federal government of the United States
capital a seat of government
capital a center that is associated more than any other with some activity or product, the crime capital of Italy, the drug capital of Columbia
national capital the capital city of a nation
provincial capital the capital city of a province
state capital the capital city of a political subdivision of a country
capital of Afghanistan
the capital and largest city of Afghanistan, located in eastern Afghanistan
Albanian capital
the capital and largest city of Albania in the center of the country
Algerian capital
an ancient port on the Mediterranean, the capital and largest city of Algeria
Angolan capital
port city on Atlantic coast, the capital and largest city of Angola
St. John's Saint John's capital of Antigua and Barbuda the capital and largest city of Antigua and Barbuda, located on the island of Antigua
Buenos Aires
capital of Argentina
capital and largest city of Argentina, located in eastern Argentina near Uruguay, Argentina's chief port and industrial and cultural center
Bulgarian capital
capital and largest city of Bulgaria located in western Bulgaria
capital of Burundi
the capital and largest city of Burundi, Usumbura was renamed Bujumbura when Burundi became independent in
Phnom Penh
Pnom Penh
Cambodian capital
the capital and largest city of Kampuchea
capital of Cameroon
the capital of Cameroon
Cidade de Praia
capital of Cape Verde
the capital of Cape Verde on Sao Tiago Island
capital of Central Africa
the capital and largest city of the Central African Republic
capital of Sri Lanka
the capital and largest city of Sri Lanka, has one of the largest harbors in the world, is located on the western coast of the island of Ceylon
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