
Karottenkuchen {n} Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Karottenkuchen n; Möhrenkuchen n Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübenkuchen n BW; Rüeblikuchen m Schw. cook.
carrot cake
Karottenkuchen n; Möhrenkuchen n Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübenkuchen n BW; Rüeblikuchen m Schw. cook.
carrot cake
Möhre f, Karotte f, Wurzel f bot.
Möhren pl, Karotten pl, Wurzeln pl
Karotte f; Gartenmöhre f; Wurzel f Norddt.; Möhre f Mitteldt.; Mohrrübe f Ostdt.; gelbe Rübe f Süddt.; Gelbrübe f BW; Rüebli n Schw. (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) agr. cook.
Karotten pl; Gartenmöhren pl; Wurzeln pl; Möhren pl; Mohrrüben pl; gelbe Rüben pl; Gelbrüben pl; Rüebli pl
garden carrot
garden carrots
Gemüse stifteln; Gemüse in Stifte Streifen schneiden v cook.
Julienne-Karotten pl
to julienne vegetables
julienned carrots
Karotte f; Gartenmöhre f; Möhre f Dt.; Mohrrübe f Nordostdt.; Wurzel f Norddt. ugs.; gelbe Rübe f Süddt. ugs.; Gelbrübe f BW ugs.; Rüebli n Schw. (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) agr. cook.
Karotten pl; Gartenmöhren pl; Möhren pl; Mohrrüben pl; Wurzeln pl; gelbe Rüben pl; Gelbrüben pl; Rüebli pl
Jungkarrotte f; Babykarrotte f; Möhrchen n Dt.; Babyrüebli n Schw.
garden carrot
garden carrots
baby carrot
Brot n
Brote pl
Bauernbrot n
Karottenbrot n
Kürbiskernbrot n
Leinsamenbrot n
Mischbrot n
Nussbrot n
Zwiebelbrot n
abgepacktes Brot
dunkles Brot
frisches Brot
rundes Brot
selbstgebackenes Brot
farmer's bread
carrot bread
pumpkin seed bread
linseed bread
(mixed) wheat-and-rye bread
nut bread
onion bread
wrapped bread
dark bread
new bread
home-baked bread
Brot n
Brote pl
Bauernbrot n
Karottenbrot n
Kürbiskernbrot n
Leinsamenbrot n
Mischbrot n
Nussbrot n
Zwiebelbrot n
abgepacktes Brot
dunkles Brot
frisches Brot
selbstgebackenes Brot
Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein. (Bibel) Sprw.
farmer's bread
carrot bread
pumpkin seed bread
linseed bread
(mixed) wheat-and-rye bread
nut bread
onion bread
wrapped bread
dark bread
new bread
home-baked bread
Man does not live by bread alone. (Bible) prov.
Karottengemüse n; Möhrengemüse n Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübengemüse n BW; Rüebligemüse n Schw. cook.
carrot vegetables
Karottenkuchen n; Möhrenkuchen n Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübenkuchen n BW; Rüeblikuchen m Schw. cook.
carrot cake
Karottenpüree n; Möhrenpüree n Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübenpüree n BW; Rüeblipüree n Schw. cook.
carrot puree; carrot purée
Karottenpüree n; Möhrenpüree n Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübenpüree n BW; Rüeblipüree n Schw. cook.
carrot puree; carrot purée
Karottensaft m; Möhrensaft m Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübensaft m BW; Rüeblisaft m Schw. cook.
carrot juice
Saft m cook.
Säfte pl
Apfelsaft m
Gemüsesaft m
Grapefruitsaft m; Pampelmusensaft m Norddt. Westdt. Mitteldt. selten
Heidelbeersaft m; Blaubeerensaft m Nordwestdt. Mitteldt.; Bickbeerensaft m Norddt.; Waldbeerensaft m Mittelwestdt.; Taubeerensaft m Bayr.; Schwarzbeerensaft m Mittelös. Westös.; Moosbeerensaft m Westös.; Heubeerensaft m Schw.
Himbeersaft m
Karottensaft m; Möhrensaft m Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübensaft m BW; Rüeblisaft m Schw.
Kirschsaft m
Maracujasaft m
Orangensaft m; Apfelsinensaft m selten
Pflaumensaft m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Zwetschgensaft m Dt. Schw.; Zwetschensaft m Norddt.; Quetschensaft m Süddt.; Zwetschkensaft m Ös.
Tomatensaft m
Traubensaft m
Zitronensaft m
den Saft auspressen
apple juice
vegetable juice
grapefruit juice
blueberry juice; bilberry juice; whortleberry juice
raspberry juice
carrot juice
cherry juice
passion fruit nectar
orange juice
plum juice
tomato juice
grape juice
lemon juice; lemon-juice
to press out the juice
Karottensalat m; Möhrensalat m Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübensalat m BW; Rüeblisalat m Schw. cook.
carrot salad
Salat m cook.
Salate pl
Beilagensalat m
Bohnensalat m; Fisolensalat m Ös.
Cäsarsalat m
Eiersalat m
Fleischsalat m
Gurkensalat m
Karottensalat m; Möhrensalat m Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübensalat m BW; Rüeblisalat m Schw.
Kartoffelsalat m; Erdäpfelsalat m Bayr. Ös.; Härdäpfelsalat m Schw.
Kohlsalat m; Krautsalat m
Menüsalat m Schw.
Nudelsalat m
Obstsalat m; Fruchtsalat m
Rucolasalat m; Rukolasalat m
Vorspeisensalat m
Waldorfsalat m
warmer Salat
Wurstsalat m
Wurzelsalat m
Salat mit Schinken
Salat mit Parmesansplittern
side salad
green bean salad
Caesar salad
egg salad
meat salad
cucumber salad
carrot salad
potato salad
coleslaw; slaw Am. coll.
salad of the day as a set menu starter
pasta salad
fruit salad
rocket salad Br., arugula salad Am.
starter salad
Waldorf salad
warm salad
sausage salad
salad of root vegetables
ham salad
salad with Parmesan shavings
Karottenschäler m; Möhrenschäler m Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Rüeblischäler m Schw. cook.
Karottenschäler pl; Möhrenschäler pl; Rüeblischäler pl
carrot peeler
carrot peelers

Deutsche Karottenkuchen {n} Synonyme

Englische carrot cake Synonyme

Karottenkuchen {n} Definition

(n.) A small mass of dough baked
(n.) A sweetened composition of flour and other ingredients, leavened or unleavened, baked in a loaf or mass of any size or shape.
(n.) A thin wafer-shaped mass of fried batter
(n.) A mass of matter concreted, congealed, or molded into a solid mass of any form, esp. into a form rather flat than high
(v. i.) To form into a cake, or mass.
(v. i.) To concrete or consolidate into a hard mass, as dough in an oven
(v. i.) To cackle as a goose.
(n.) An umbelliferous biennial plant (Daucus Carota), of many varieties.
(n.) The esculent root of cultivated varieties of the plant, usually spindle-shaped, and of a reddish yellow color.
(n.) The incorporated materials for gunpowder, in the form of a dense mass or cake, ready to be subjected to the process of granulation.
(n.) See Tough-pitch (b).
(n.) An ornamented cake distributed among friends or visitors on the festival of Twelfth-night.

carrot cake Bedeutung

cinch breeze
snap duck soup
child's play
piece of cake
any undertaking that is easy to do, marketing this product will be no picnic
carrot promise of reward as in carrot and stick, used the carrot of subsidized housing for the workers to get their vote,
a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax), a bar of chocolate
cake mix a commercial mix for making a cake
tipsy cake a trifle soaked in wine and decorated with almonds and candied fruit
carrot pudding pudding made with grated carrots
cake baked goods made from or based on a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and fat
applesauce cake moist spicy cake containing applesauce
birthday cake decorated cake served at a birthday party
chiffon cake very light cake
chocolate cake cake containing chocolate
coconut cake cake containing shredded coconut in batter and frosting
coffee cake
a cake or sweet bread usually served with coffee
crumb cake cake or coffeecake topped with a mixture of sugar and butter and flour
devil's food
devil's food cake
very dark chocolate cake
Eccles cake a flat round cake of sweetened pastry filled with dried fruit
Christmas cake a rich fruitcake (usually covered with icing and marzipan) and eaten at Christmas
iceream cake
icebox cake
ice cream molded to look like a cake
sponge cake a light porous cake made with eggs and flour and sugar without shortening
angel cake
angel food cake
a light sponge cake made without egg yolks
Madeira cake
Madeira sponge
a rich sponge cake with close texture, intended to be eaten with a glass of Madeira wine
wedding cake
a rich cake with two or more tiers and covered with frosting and decorations, served at a wedding reception
white cake cake made without egg yolks
spice cake cake flavored with spices
pound cake rich loaf cake made of a pound each of butter and sugar and flour
layer cake cake having layers held together by a sweet filling and usually covered with frosting
prune cake moist cake containing prunes that have been made into a puree
upside-down cake
skillet cake
batter baked atop a layer of sweetened fruit then turned upside down so fruit is on top
honey cake a spicy cake partially sweetened with honey
marble cake made of light and dark batter very lightly blended
seed cake
a sweet cake flavored with sesame or caraway seeds and lemon
flannel cake
griddlecake hotcake
hot cake
a flat cake of thin batter fried on both sides on a griddle
yeast cake small cake of compressed moist yeast
buckwheat cake a pancake made with buckwheat flour
fish cake
fish ball
a fried ball or patty of flaked fish and mashed potatoes
rock cake a small cake with a hard surface said to resemble a rock
patty cake small flat mass of chopped food
corn cake baked in a pan or on a griddle (southern and midland)
ash cake
corn tash
corn bread wrapped in cabbage leaves and baked in hot ashes (southern)
johnny cake
journey cake
cornbread usually cooked pancake-style on a griddle (chiefly New England)
Shawnee cake form of johnnycake
carrot orange root, important source of carotene
carrot stick a stick of carrot eaten raw
cattle cake a concentrated feed for cattle, processed in the form of blocks or cakes
oil cake mass of e.g. linseed or cottonseed or soybean from which the oil has been pressed, used as food for livestock
codfish ball
codfish cake
usually made of flaked salt cod and mashed potatoes
carrot juice usually freshly squeezed juice of carrots
family Umbelliferae
family Apiaceae
carrot family
plants having flowers in umbels: parsley, carrot, anise, caraway, celery, dill
wild carrot
Queen Anne's lace
Daucus carota
a widely naturalized Eurasian herb with finely cut foliage and white compound umbels of small white or yellowish flowers and thin yellowish roots
cultivated carrot
Daucus carota sativa
perennial plant widely cultivated as an annual in many varieties for its long conical orange edible roots, temperate and tropical regions
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