
Deutsche Kleingeist Synonyme

Englische little mind Synonyme

little  Lilliputian  a bit  a breath  a little  abject  abominable  ace  arrant  atom  atrocious  authoritarian  baby  back-burner  bantam  barely  base  beggarly  bigot  bigoted  bit  borne  bowshot  brief  brief span  by a hair  by an ace  casual  cheap  cheesy  close quarters  close range  closed  collateral  compact  compendious  concise  constricted  contemptible  crack  cramped  creedbound  crumb  crummy  cursory  curt  curtal  curtate  dab  deaf  deaf to reason  debased  decurtate  deficient  degraded  depraved  depthless  despicable  diminutive  dinky  dirty  disgusting  dispensable  dole  dollop  dot  dram  dribble  driblet  dwarf  earreach  earshot  elfin  ever so little  execrable  exiguous  exiguously  faintly  fanatical  farthing  feebly  few  flagrant  fleck  flyspeck  footling  fortuitous  foul  fragment  fulsome  gobbet  grain  granule  grave  groat  gross  gunshot  hair  hair space  hairbreadth  hairsbreadth  half-pint  handful  hardly  hardly any  hardly ever  heinous  hidebound  illiberal  immaterial  imperfect  imperfectly  in a nutshell  in miniature  in the small  inadequate  inappreciable  inappreciably  inch  incidental  incompetent  inconsequential  inconsequentially  inconsiderable  ineffectual  inessential  inferior  infinitesimal  infrequently  insignificant  insignificantly  instant  instantaneous  insufficient  insular  iota  irrelevant  itsy-bitsy  itty-bitty  jot  just a bit  knee-high  light  lightly  limited  little bit  little ways  little while  little-minded  low  low-down  lumpen  maladroit  mangy  meager  meagerly  mean  mean-minded  mean-spirited  measly  mediocre  microscopic  midget  mingy  mini  miniature  minim  minimally  minimum  minor  minuscule  minute  minutely  minutiae  miserable  mite  modicum  molecule  moment  monkey  monstrous  mote  narrow  narrow-hearted  narrow-minded  narrow-souled  narrow-spirited  nearsighted  nefarious  negligible  negligibly  niggard  niggardly  no  no great shakes  no time  nonessential  
little by little  bit by bit  by degrees  by inches  by inchmeal  by slow degrees  by snatches  degreewise  drop by drop  foot by foot  gradatim  grade by grade  gradually  in detail  in driblets  in installments  in lots  in small doses  in snatches  inch by inch  inchmeal  part by part  piece by piece  piecemeal  slowly  step by step  
little fellow  Cockney  Everyman  John Smith  a nobody  a nothing  average man  bairn  bourgeois  cherub  child  chit  cipher  common man  commoner  darling  dummy  figurehead  innocent  insignificancy  jackstraw  kid  kitten  lamb  lambkin  lightweight  little bugger  little guy  little innocent  little man  little one  little tad  little tot  man of straw  mediocrity  mite  nebbish  nipper  nobody one knows  nonentity  obscurity  offspring  peewee  pip-squeak  pleb  plebeian  proletarian  punk  roturier  runt  scrub  shaver  shrimp  small fry  small potato  small potatoes  squirt  squit  tad  tot  wee tot  whiffet  whippersnapper  
little known  ignotus  inglorious  nameless  no credit to  obscure  renownless  uncelebrated  undistinguished  unfamed  unglorified  unheard-of  unhonored  unknown  unnotable  unnoted  unnoticed  unpopular  unremarked  unrenowned  unsung  
little minded  authoritarian  bigot  bigoted  borne  closed  constricted  cramped  creedbound  deaf  deaf to reason  fanatical  hidebound  illiberal  insular  little  mean  mean-minded  mean-spirited  narrow  narrow-hearted  narrow-minded  narrow-souled  narrow-spirited  nearsighted  parochial  petty  provincial  purblind  shortsighted  small  small-minded  straitlaced  stuffy  uncatholic  uncharitable  ungenerous  unliberal  
littleness  abjectness  abominableness  atrociousness  authoritarianism  baseness  beggarliness  bigotry  blind side  blind spot  blinders  brevity  briefness  closed mind  compactness  compendiousness  conciseness  contemptibility  contemptibleness  cramped ideas  crumminess  curtness  daintiness  debasement  deficiency  degradation  delicacy  depravity  despicableness  diminutiveness  enormity  execrableness  exiguity  exiguousness  failure  fanaticism  fewness  foulness  fulsomeness  grossness  heinousness  hideboundness  illiberality  immateriality  imperfection  inadequacy  incompetence  inconsequence  inconsequentiality  inconsiderableness  indifference  ineffectuality  inferiority  insignificance  instantaneousness  insufficiency  insularism  insularity  irrelevance  little-mindedness  low priority  lowness  maladroitness  marginality  meagerness  mean mind  meanness  mediocrity  minginess  minuteness  miserableness  moderateness  monstrousness  narrow sympathies  narrow views  narrow-mindedness  narrowness  nearsightedness  nefariousness  negligibility  niggardliness  obnoxiousness  odiousness  odium theologicum  paltriness  parochialism  pettiness  petty mind  picayune  picayunishness  pokiness  poorness  provincialism  puniness  purblindness  rankness  scabbiness  scantiness  scrubbiness  scruffiness  scumminess  scurviness  secondariness  shabbiness  shoddiness  short time  shortness  shortsightedness  shut mind  slightness  smallness  squalor  stinginess  straitlacedness  stuffiness  subnormality  succinctness  summariness  tininess  transience  triviality  uncatholicity  ungenerousness  unimportance  unimpressiveness  unmagnanimousness  unnoteworthiness  unskillfulness  vileness  vulgarity  wretchedness  

Kleingeist Definition

(v.) The intellectual or rational faculty in man
(v.) The state, at any given time, of the faculties of thinking, willing, choosing, and the like
(v.) Choice
(v.) Courage
(v.) Memory
(n.) To fix the mind or thoughts on
(n.) To occupy one's self with
(n.) To obey
(n.) To have in mind
(n.) To put in mind
(v. i.) To give attention or heed

little mind / little minds Bedeutung

mind game deliberate actions of calculated psychological manipulation intended to intimidate or confuse (usually for competitive advantage), football players try to play mind games with the opposition, the jeweler's mind game is to convince lovers that the size of a gemstone reflects the depth of their feelings
mind game any game designed to exercise the intellect
psychoactive drug
mind-altering drug
consciousness-altering drug
psychoactive substance
a drug that can produce mood changes and distorted perceptions
presence of mind selfontrol in a crisis, ability to say or do the right thing in an emergency
brain psyche
that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings, the seat of the faculty of reason, his mind wandered, I couldn't get his words out of my head
unconscious mind
that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware
subconscious mind
psychic activity just below the level of awareness
mind intellect knowledge and intellectual ability, he reads to improve his mind, he has a keen intellect
cognitive state
state of mind
the state of a person's cognitive processes
mind attention, don't pay him any mind
mind recall or remembrance, it came to mind
mind's eye the imaging of remembered or invented scenes, I could see her clearly in my mind's eye
change of mind
a decision to reverse an earlier decision
judgment judgement mind an opinion formed by judging something, he was reluctant to make his judgment known, she changed her mind
mind idea your intention, what you intend to do, he had in mind to see his old teacher, the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces
mentality outlook mindset
a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations
peace of mind
the absence of mental stress or anxiety
mind reader telepathist thoughteader a magician who seems to discern the thoughts of another person (usually by clever signals from an accomplice)
mental telepathist
mind reader
someone with the power of communicating thoughts directly
creative thinker
an important intellectual, the great minds of the th century
meeting of minds
a state of cooperation
state of mind frame of mind a temporary psychological state
time immemorial
time out of mind
the distant past beyond memory
slip slip one's mind pass out of one's memory
come to mind
spring to mind
be remembered, His name comes to mind when you mention the strike
bear in mind
keep in mind
make up one's mind
reach, make, or come to a decision about something, We finally decided after lengthy deliberations
mind be concerned with or about something or somebody
be on one's guard, be cautious or wary about, be alert to, Beware of telephone salesmen
think of have in mind mean intend to refer to, I'm thinking of good food when I talk about France, Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip!
mind be offended or bothered by, take offense with, be bothered by, I don't mind your behavior
take care mind be in charge of or deal with, She takes care of all the necessary arrangements
listen b
pay close attention to, give heed to, Heed the advice of the old men
mind-blowing intensely affecting the mind or emotions, spending a week in the jungle was a mind-blowing experience, a mind-blowing horror story
mind-boggling intellectually or emotionally overwhelming, a mind-boggling display, a mind-boggling puzzle
mind-altering producing mood changes or distorted perception, hallucinogenic drugs are mind-altering substances
mind-expanding (of hallucinogenic drugs) giving a sense of heightened or broader awareness
intensely affecting the mind especially in producing hallucinations
compos mentis(p)
of sound mind(p)
of sound mind, memory, and understanding, in law, competent to go to trial
in his right mind(p)
in her right mind(p)
in their right minds(p)
behaving responsibly
non compos mentis(p)
of unsound mind(p)
not of sound mind, memory, or understanding, in law, not competent to go to trial
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Ein Kleingeist ist eine Person mit eingeschränkter Geisteskraft beziehungsweise mit reduzierten kognitiven Fähigkeiten.

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