
Knochenmarkkrebs {m} [med] Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Knochenmarkkrebs m med.
bone-marrow cancer
Knochenmarkkrebs m med.
bone-marrow cancer
Knochenmark n, Mark n anat.
bone marrow, marrow
Myelom n, vom Knochenmark ausgehende Geschwulst med.
Knochenmark n; Mark n anat.
bone marrow; marrow
Myelom n; vom Knochenmark ausgehende Geschwulst med.
Knochenmarkaspiration f med.
bone marrow aspiration
Knochenmarkbiopsie f med.
bone marrow biopsy; trephine biopsy
Knochenmarkeinlagerung f biol.
bone-marrow storage
Knochenmarkempfänger m med.
Knochenmarkempfänger pl
bone marrow recipient
bone marrow recipients
Knochenmarkerschöpfung f med.
bone-marrow depletion
knochenmarkfrei adj med.
Knochenmarkkeimzelle f biol.
Knochenmarkkeimzellen pl
free rounded cell; granuloblast
free rounded cells; granuloblasts
knochenmarkkrank adj med.
Knochenmarkkrankheit f med.
Knochenmarkkrebs m med.
bone-marrow cancer
Knochenmarkleukämie f med.
myeloid leukaemia
generalisierte Knochenmarkmyelome pl med.
general lymphadenomatosis of bones
Knochenmarknagel m med.
Knochenmarknägel pl
bone-marrow nail; medullary nail
bone-marrow nails; medullary nails
Knochenmarkpunktion f med.
Knochenmarkpunktionen pl
bone marrow puncture
bone marrow punctures
Osteomyelitis f, Entzündung des Knochenmarks med.
Spondylitis f, Entzündung des Knochenmarks der Wirbel med.
Osteomyelitis f; Entzündung des Knochenmarks med.
Spondylitis f; Entzündung des Knochenmarks der Wirbel med.
Knochenmarksarkom n med.
myelogenic sarcoma; myelosarcoma
knochenmarkschädigend adj med.
knochenmarkschädigend; myelotoxisch adj med.
destructive to bone marrow; myelotoxic
toxische Knochenmarkschädigung f med.
panmyelotoxicosis; myelotoxicosis
Myelosuppression f, Knochenmarkshemmung f med.
Myelosuppression f; Knochenmarkshemmung f med.
Knochenmarkspender m; Knochenmarkspenderin f med.
Knochenmarkspender pl; Knochenmarkspenderinnen pl
bone marrow donor
bone marrow donors
sich für etw. eignen; für etw. geeignet sein
sich für etw. eignend; für etw. geeignet seiend
sich für etw. geeignet; für etw. geeignet gewesen
Das Land ist für die Landwirtschaft gut geeignet.
Der angebotene Aktivurlaub eignet sich am besten für Gruppen.
Er eignet sich nicht zum Arzt.
Sie ist als Knochenmarkspender nicht geeignet.
to be suited for to sth.; to be suitable for sth.
being suited for to sth.
been suited for to sth.
The land is well suited for agriculture.
The activity holidays on offer are best suited to groups.
He's not suited for a doctor.
She is not suitable as a bone marrow donor.
sich für etw. eignen v; für etw. geeignet sein v
sich für etw. eignend; für etw. geeignet seiend
sich für etw. geeignet; für etw. geeignet gewesen
Das Land ist für die Landwirtschaft gut geeignet.
Der angebotene Aktivurlaub eignet sich am besten für Gruppen.
Er eignet sich nicht zum Arzt.
Sie ist als Knochenmarkspender nicht geeignet.
to be suited for to sth.; to be suitable for sth.
being suited for to sth.
been suited for to sth.
The land is well suited for agriculture.
The activity holidays on offer are best suited to groups.
He's not suited for a doctor.
She is not suitable as a bone marrow donor.
myelotoxisch, knochenmarksschädigend adj med.
myelotoxic, destructive to bone marrow
myelotoxisch; knochenmarksschädigend adj med.
myelotoxic; destructive to bone marrow
Knochenmarkuntersuchung f med
Knochenmarkuntersuchungen pl med
bone marrow examination
bone marrow examinations
Zelle f biol.
Zellen pl
Adventitialzelle f; Rouget'sche Zelle; Perizyt m
Alphazelle f
Alzheimer'sche Zelle
amöboide Zelle
Anitschkow'sche Zelle
argentaffine Zelle
Assoziationszelle f; Amakrinzelle f; amakrine Zelle f
Balgzelle f; tormogene Zelle
begeißelte Zelle
Belegzelle f; Parietalzelle f; salzsäureproduzierende Zelle; säureproduzierende Zelle
Cajal'sche Zelle
enterochromaffine Zelle
fettig degenerierte Zelle
fettverzehrende Zelle
gelb pigmentierte Zelle
Geleitzelle f
Hansen'sche Zelle
Hortega'sche Zelle
hyperchromatische Zelle
immunokompetente Zelle
jugendliche Zelle
keratinproduzierende Zelle
kernlose Zelle; Zelle ohne Kern
kleine Zelle
Knochenbildungszelle f; osteogene Zelle
Knochenmarkzelle f; myeloische Zelle
Körperzelle f; somatische Zelle
Mott'sche Zelle
pigmentierte Zelle
pigmenttragende Zelle
Pigmentzelle f; pigmentbildende Zelle; melaninbildende Zelle; Melanozyt m
Pflanzenzelle f
Produzentenzelle f
Purkinje'sche Zelle
Reed-Sternberg'sche Zelle
Retikulumzelle f; Retikuloendothelzelle f; retikuloendotheliale Zelle
schleimig-seröse Zelle; mukoseröse Zelle; seromuköse Zelle
Sertoli'sche Zelle
tierische Zelle
Verbraucherzelle f
wasserhelle Zelle
Zelle mit vielgestaltigem Kern; polymorphkernige Zelle; Polymorphozyt m
adventitial cell; Rouget's cell; pericyte
alpha cell
Alzheimer cell
amaeboid cell
caterpillar cell; Anichkov cell
argentaffine cell
association cell; amacrine cell; brachine cell; shortine cell
socket-forming cell; tormogen cell
flagellate cell
acid cell; parietal cell; oxyphilic cell; oxyntic cell
Cajal's cell
enterochromaffin cell
bloated cell
companion cell; satellite cell
cell of Hansen
Hortega cell
hyperchromatic cell
immunocompetent cell
juvenile cell
cells without a nucleus; non-nucleated cell; akaryote cell; akaryote; akaryocyte
small cell
osteogenic cell
myeloid cell
body cell; somatic cell
morular cell of Mott
pigmented cell
pigment cell; chromatophore; naevus cell; melanocyte; melanoblast
plant cell
producer cell
Purkinje cell
Reed-Sternberg cell
reticuloendothelial cell
mucoserous cell
Sertoli cell
animal cell
consumer cell
water-clear cell
polymophonuclear cell; polymorphocyte
Knochenmehl n
bone meal, bonemeal
bone meal
Knochenmehl n
bone meal; bonemeal
Osteodystrophia f Knochenmissbildung f med.
osteodystrophy, defective bone formation
Osteodystrophia f; Knochenmissbildung f med.
osteodystrophy; defective bone formation

Deutsche Knochenmarkkrebs {m} [med] Synonyme

Englische bone-marrow cancer Synonyme

Knochenmarkkrebs {m} [med] Definition

(n.) The hard, calcified tissue of the skeleton of vertebrate animals, consisting very largely of calcic carbonate, calcic phosphate, and gelatine
(n.) One of the pieces or parts of an animal skeleton
(n.) Anything made of bone, as a bobbin for weaving bone lace.
(n.) Two or four pieces of bone held between the fingers and struck together to make a kind of music.
(n.) Dice.
(n.) Whalebone
(n.) Fig.: The framework of anything.
(v. t.) To withdraw bones from the flesh of, as in cookery.
(v. t.) To put whalebone into
(v. t.) To fertilize with bone.
(v. t.) To steal
(v. t.) To sight along an object or set of objects, to see if it or they be level or in line, as in carpentry, masonry, and surveying.
(n.) A genus of decapod Crustacea, including some of the most common shore crabs of Europe and North America, as the rock crab, Jonah crab, etc. See Crab.
(n.) The fourth of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The first point is the northern limit of the sun's course in summer
(n.) A northern constellation between Gemini and Leo.
(n.) Formerly, any malignant growth, esp. one attended with great pain and ulceration, with cachexia and progressive emaciation. It was so called, perhaps, from the great veins which surround it, compared by the ancients to the claws of a crab. The term is now restricted to such a growth made up of aggregations of epithelial cells, either without support or embedded in the meshes of a trabecular framework.
Cannon bone
() See Canon Bone.
Canon bone
() The shank bone, or great bone above the fetlock, in the fore and hind legs of the horse and allied animals, corresponding to the middle metacarpal or metatarsal bone of most mammals. See Horse.
Collar bone
() The clavicle.
Cuttle bone
() The shell or bone of cuttlefishes, used for various purposes, as for making polishing powder, etc.
(n.) The tissue which fills the cavities of most bones
(n.) The essence
(n.) One of a pair
(v. t.) To fill with, or as with, marrow of fat
Rewel bone
() An obsolete phrase of disputed meaning, -- perhaps, smooth or polished bone.
Rowel bone
() See rewel bone.
Ruell bone
() See rewel bone.

bone-marrow cancer Bedeutung

bone-headed dinosaur bipedal herbivorous dinosaurs with bony crowns
wishing bone
the furcula of a domestic fowl
genus Cancer
type genus of the family Cancridae
Dungeness crab
Cancer magister
small edible crab of Pacific coast of North America
rock crab
Cancer irroratus
crab of eastern coast of North America
Jonah crab
Cancer borealis
large red deep-water crab of the eastern coast of North America
splint bone a rudimentary metacarpal or metatarsal bone on either side of the cannon bone in the leg of a horse or related animal
fetter bone
the part between the fetlock and the hoof
cannon bone greatly developed metatarsal or metacarpal bone in the shank or cannon part of the leg in hoofed mammals
antineoplastic drug
cancer drug
any of several drugs that control or kill neoplastic cells, used in chemotherapy to kill cancer cells, all have unpleasant side effects that may include nausea and vomiting and hair loss and suppression of bone marrow function
bone-ash cup
refractory pot
a small porous bowl made of bone ash used in assaying to separate precious metals from e.g. lead
bone china fine porcelain that contains bone ash
bone age a person's age measured by matching their bone development (as shown by X rays) with bone development of an average person of known chronological age
a shade of white the color of bleached bones
rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates
bare bone bone stripped of flesh
cuboid bone the cube shaped bone on the outer side of the tarsus
carpal bone
wrist bone
any of the eight small bones of the wrist of primates
scaphoid bone
os scaphoideum
the largest wrist bone on the thumb side
lunate bone
semilunar bone
os lunatum
one of the eight small wrist bones
triquetral bone
os triquetrum
cuneiform bone
pyramidal bone
a wrist bone that articulates with the pisiform and hamate and lunate bones
pisiform bone
os pisiforme
a small wrist bone that articulates only with the triquetral
trapezium bone
os trapezium
the wrist bone on the thumb side of the hand that articulates with the st and nd metacarpals
trapezoid bone
os trapezoideum
the wrist bone between the trapezium and the capitate bones
capitate bone
os capitatum
the wrist bone with a rounded head shape that articulates with the rd metacarpus
hamate bone
unciform bone
os hamatum
the wrist bone in line with the th and th fingers
cartilage bone any bone that develops within cartilage rather than a fibrous tissue
zygomatic bone
malar bone
jugal bone
os zygomaticum
the arch of bone beneath the eye that forms the prominence of the cheek
tail bone
the end of the vertebral column in humans and tailless apes
ethmoid bone
one of the eight bones of the cranium, a small bone filled with air spaces that forms part of the eye sockets and the nasal cavity
innominate bone
large flaring bone forming one half of the pelvis, made up of the ilium and ischium and pubis
hyoid bone
os hyoideum
a U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue muscles
ischial bone
os ischii
one of the three sections of the hipbone, situated below the ilium
long bone
os longum
in limbs of vertebrate animals: a long cylindrical bone that contains marrow
lower jaw
mandibular bone
lower jawbone
the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth
membrane bone any bone that develops within membranous tissue without previous cartilage formation, e.g. the clavicle and bones of the skull
metacarpal bone
any bone of the hand between the wrist and fingers
nasal bone
os nasale
an elongated rectangular bone that forms the bridge of the nose
palatine bone
os palatinum
either of two irregularly shaped bones that form the back of the hard palate and helps to form the nasal cavity and the floor of the orbits
pubic bone
os pubis
one of the three sections of the hipbone, together these two bones form the front of the pelvis
round bone bones that are round in shape
shoulder blade
shoulder bone
either of two flat triangular bones one on each side of the shoulder in human beings
sesamoid bone
os sesamoideum
any of several small round bones formed in a tendon where it passes over a joint
short bone
os breve
a bone that is of approximately equal dimension in all directions
sphenoid bone
os sphenoidale
butterfly-shaped bone at the base of the skull
tarsal bone
any bone of the tarsus
temporal bone
os temporale
a thick bone forming the side of the human cranium and encasing the inner ear
turbinate bone
any of the scrolled spongy bones of the nasal passages in man and other vertebrates
tympanic bone the bone enclosing the middle ear
bone marrow
the fatty network of connective tissue that fills the cavities of bones
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