
Deutsche Kolchose Synonyme

Kolchose  ÂLandwirtschaftliche  Produktionsgenossenschaft  ÂLPG  
Kolchose  Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaft  LPG  
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Englische kolkhoz Synonyme

Kolchose Definition

Baby farm
() A place where the nourishment and care of babies are offered for hire.
(a.) Formed by gathering or collecting
(a.) Deducing consequences
(a.) Expressing a collection or aggregate of individuals, by a singular form
(a.) Tending to collect
(a.) Having plurality of origin or authority
(n.) A collective noun or name.
(a. & n.) The rent of land, -- originally paid by reservation of part of its products.
(a. & n.) The term or tenure of a lease of land for cultivation
(a. & n.) The land held under lease and by payment of rent for the purpose of cultivation.
(a. & n.) Any tract of land devoted to agricultural purposes, under the management of a tenant or the owner.
(a. & n.) A district of country leased (or farmed) out for the collection of the revenues of government.
(a. & n.) A lease of the imposts on particular goods
(v. t.) To lease or let for an equivalent, as land for a rent
(v. t.) To give up to another, as an estate, a business, the revenue, etc., on condition of receiving in return a percentage of what it yields
(v. t.) To take at a certain rent or rate.
(v. t.) To devote (land) to agriculture
(v. i.) To engage in the business of tilling the soil

kolkhoz (collective farm) Bedeutung

agriculture factory farm
a large-scale farming enterprise
farm animal
any animals kept for use or profit
farm horse
a quiet plodding workhorse
c Bedlam
booby hatch
crazy house
cuckoo's nest
funny farm
funny house
loony bin
nut house
sanatorium snake pit
pejorative terms for an insane asylum
chicken farm farm where chickens are raised for sale
dairy farm
a farm where dairy products are produced
farm workplace consisting of farm buildings and cultivated land as a unit, it takes several people to work the farm
farm building a building on a farm
farm machine a machine used in farming
a farm together with its buildings
fat farm a health spa that specializes in helping people lose weight
fish farm a workplace (usually a pond) where fish are raised for food
home-farm a farm that supplies the needs of a large estate of establishment
pig farm
a farm where pigs are raised or kept
pot farm a plot of ground where marijuana is grown and harvested (often hidden in a national forest)
spread cattle ranch
cattle farm
farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)
sewage farm a farm that is irrigated and fertilized with raw sewage
stud farm a farm where horses are bred
truck farm
truck garden
a farm where vegetables are grown for market
wind farm
wind park
wind energy facility
a power plant that uses wind turbines to generate electricity
work camp
prison camp
prison farm
a camp for trustworthy prisoners employed in government projects
collective noun a noun that is singular in form but refers to a group of people or things
labor contract
labor agreement
collective agreement
contract between labor and management governing wages and benefits and working conditions
farm bill a statute that would regulate farm production and prices
collective bargaining negotiation between an employer and trade union
cottage cheese
pot cheese
farm cheese
farmer's cheese
mild white cheese made from curds of soured skim milk
collective members of a cooperative enterprise
collective farm a farm operated collectively
kolkhoz a collective farm owned by the communist state
farm team
farm club
a minor-league team that is owned by a major-league team (especially in baseball)
Farm Credit System
a cooperative nationwide system of banks and associations providing credit to farmers and related businesses, originally capitalized by the federal government but now owned by its members and borrowers
tank farm an area used exclusively for storing petroleum in large tanks
tree farm a forest (or part of a forest) where trees are grown for commercial use
farm boy a boy who has grown up on a farm
farm girl a girl who has grown up on a farm
field hand
farm worker
a hired hand on a farm
collective security a system for international peace
pass away
pass b kick the bucket
cash in one's chips
buy the farm
give-up the ghost
drop dead
pop off
choke croak
snuff it
pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life, She died from cancer, The children perished in the fire, The patient went peacefully, The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of
raise farm
cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques, The Bordeaux region produces great red wines, They produce good ham in Parma, We grow wheat here, We raise hogs here
hire out
rent out
farm out
grant the services of or the temporary use of, for a fee, We rent out our apartment to tourists every year, He hired himself out as a cook
farm collect fees or profits
farm be a farmer, work as a farmer, My son is farming in California
subcontract farm out
arranged for contracted work to be done by others
collective set up on the principle of collectivism or ownership and production by the workers involved usually under the supervision of a government, collective farms
collective forming a whole or aggregate
done by or characteristic of individuals acting together, a joint identity, the collective mind, the corporate good
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