
Deutsche Konservendose {f} Synonyme

Büchse  ÂBlechbüchse  ÂDose  ÂKonserve  ÂKonservenbüchse  ÂKonservendose  
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Englische can Synonyme

can  Casanova  WC  arse  ass  ax  backhouse  backside  bag  barrel  basement  basket  bathroom  battleship  battlewagon  be able  be permitted  be up to  bedpan  behind  boot  boot out  bottle  bounce  box  box up  break  bum  bump  burden  bust  butt  calaboose  can do  capital ship  capsule  carton  case  cashier  cask  chamber  chamber pot  chaser  cheeks  chemical closet  chemical toilet  chokey  clink  closet  comfort station  commode  convenience  cooler  coop  crapper  crate  cut it  cut the mustard  defrock  degrade  demote  deplume  depose  deprive  derriere  destroyer  disbar  discharge  disemploy  dismiss  displace  displume  do up  drum out  earth closet  encase  encyst  expel  fanny  fill  fire  freight  fundament  furlough  give the ax  give the gate  hack it  hamper  have permission  head  heap  heap up  hind end  hoosegow  jar  jerry  john  johnny  johnny house  jordan  jug  keister  kick  kick out  kick upstairs  lade  lady-killer  latrine  lavatory  lay off  let go  let out  load  lockup  loo  make it  make redundant  make the grade  masher  mass  may  necessary  outhouse  pack  pack away  package  parcel  pen  pension off  philander  philanderer  pile  piss pot  pocket  pokey  possess authority  pot  potty  potty-chair  powder room  prat  prison  privy  put up  quod  read out of  release  remove  replace  rest room  retire  rusty-dusty  sack  separate forcibly  ship  slammer  stack  stern  stir  stool  store  stow  strip  superannuate  surplus  suspend  tail  take charge  tank  terminate  throne  thunder mug  tin  toilet  toilet room  tuchis  turn off  turn out  tush  tushy  unfrock  urinal  washroom  water closet  womanizer  
canal  Eustachian tube  Fallopian tube  aqueduct  arroyo  bed  bottleneck  canalization  canalize  carve  chamfer  channel  chisel  conduit  corrugate  course  crack  creek bed  crimp  culvert  cut  dado  defile  dike  ditch  donga  dry bed  duct  emunctory  engrave  entrenchment  fistula  flume  flute  fosse  furrow  gash  goffer  gouge  groove  gulch  gully  gullyhole  gutter  ha-ha  headrace  incise  intestines  irrigation ditch  isthmus  kennel  meatus  moat  narrow  narrows  neck  nullah  ostium  oviduct  pass  pleat  plow  pore  rabbet  race  rifle  river bed  riverway  runnel  rut  salpinx  score  scratch  slit  sluice  spillbox  spillway  strait  streak  stream bed  streamway  striate  sunk fence  swash  swash channel  tailrace  thoracic duct  throat  trench  trough  ureter  urethra  vagina  vas  vessel  wadi  water carrier  water channel  water furrow  water gap  water gate  watercourse  waterway  waterworks  wrinkle  
canape  BLT  Dagwood sandwich  Sloppy Joe  Swiss cheese sandwich  antepast  antipasto  aperitif  appetizer  bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwich  cheeseburger  corned beef sandwich  double-decker sandwich  egg salad sandwich  foretaste  grilled cheese sandwich  grinder  ham sandwich  hamburger  hoagy  hot dog  pastrami sandwich  poor boy  sandwich  smorgasbord  submarine sandwich  tuna salad sandwich  tunaburger  whet  
canard  Cornish hen  artifice  bouncer  broiler  bruit  buzz  caille  caneton  capon  chapon  chicken  common talk  concoction  cry  dindon  dodge  duck  duckling  extravaganza  fable  fabrication  faisan  falsehood  falsity  fib  fiction  figment  flying rumor  forgery  fowl  fryer  goose  grapevine  grouse  guinea hen  hearsay  hoax  humbug  idea afloat  invention  latrine rumor  lie  misrepresentation  myth  news stirring  oie  on-dit  partridge  pheasant  pigeon  pigeonneau  poulet  prevarication  quail  report  roaster  romance  roorback  rumble  rumor  scuttlebutt  sell  spoof  squab  stewing chicken  tale  talk  town talk  trick  turkey  unconfirmed report  untruth  volaille  whisper  wild duck  
canary  Heldentenor  Meistersinger  Philomel  alto  aria singer  aureate  auric  baritenor  baritone  bass  basso  basso buffo  basso cantante  basso profundo  beige  betrayer  blues singer  buff  buff-yellow  bulbul  canary-yellow  cantatrice  cantor  caroler  chanter  chantress  citron  citron-yellow  coloratura soprano  comic bass  contralto  countertenor  cream  creamy  crooner  cuckoo  deep bass  diva  dramatic soprano  ecru  fallow  feathered songster  flaxen  gilded  gilt  gold  gold-colored  golden  heroic tenor  hymner  improvisator  lark  lead singer  lemon  lemon-yellow  lieder singer  luteolous  lutescent  mavis  melodist  mezzo-soprano  mockingbird  nark  nightingale  ocherish  ocherous  ochery  ochreous  ochroid  ochrous  ochry  opera singer  or  oriole  prima donna  primrose  primrose-colored  primrose-yellow  psalm singer  ringdove  rock-and-roll singer  saffron  saffron-colored  saffron-yellow  sallow  sand-colored  sandy  singer  singing bird  singstress  snitch  song sparrow  songbird  songster  songstress  soprano  squealer  stool pigeon  stoolie  straw  straw-colored  tenor  thrush  tipster  torch singer  vocalist  vocalizer  voice  warbler  xanthic  xanthous  yellow  yellowish  yodeler  
cancel  KO  abandon  abbreviate  abolish  abolishment  abolition  abort  abridge  abrogate  abrogation  absolve  accent  accent mark  accommodate  adjust  annihilate  annul  annulment  balance  bar  belay  black out  blot  blot out  blotting  blotting out  blue-pencil  bowdlerize  bring to naught  bring to nothing  buffer  call off  cancel out  canceling  cancellation  cassation  cease  censor  character  come to nothing  compensate  compensate for  complete  coordinate  counteract  counterbalance  countermand  counterorder  counterpoise  countervail  cross out  custos  cut  cut it out  declare a moratorium  defeasance  dele  delete  deletion  deny  deracinate  desist  direct  disannul  discontinue  dispose of  do away with  dot  drop  drop it  drop the curtain  edit  edit out  efface  effacement  eliminate  end  end off  equalize  equate  eradicate  erase  erasure  even  even up  expression mark  expunction  expunge  expurgate  extinguish  fermata  finalize  finish  fit  fold up  frustrate  get it over  get over with  get through with  give over  give the quietus  give up  halt  have done with  hold  integrate  invalidate  invalidation  kayo  key signature  kibosh  kill  knock it off  knock out  lay off  lead  leave off  level  ligature  make up for  make void  mark  measure  metronomic mark  negate  negativate  negative  neutralize  notation  nullification  nullify  obliterate  obliteration  offset  omit  override  overrule  pause  perfect  poise  polish off  presa  proportion  put paid to  quash  quit  raze  recall  recant  recantation  redeem  refrain  relinquish  renege  renounce  repeal  repudiate  rescind  rescinding  rescindment  rescission  retract  retraction  reversal  reverse  revocation  revoke  revokement  rub out  rule out  scrag  scratch  scratch out  scrub  scrubbing  segno  set aside  setting aside  shoot down  sign  signature  slur  sponge  sponge out  square  stay  stop  strike  strike a balance  strike off  strike out  stultify  surrender  suspe  
cancellation  abandonment  abbreviation  abolishment  abolition  abridgment  abrogation  annulment  arabesque  basketry  basketwork  blot  blotting  blotting out  blue-penciling  bowdlerization  cancel  canceling  cancelling  cassation  censoring  censorship  cessation  counterbalancing  countermand  counterorder  cross-hatching  crossing-out  defeasance  deletion  discontinuance  editing  effacement  elimination  erasure  expunction  expurgation  filigree  frank  fret  fretwork  frustration  grace period  grate  grating  grid  gridiron  grille  grillwork  hachure  hatching  interlacement  intertexture  intertwinement  invalidation  lace  lacery  lacework  lacing  lattice  latticework  mesh  meshes  meshwork  moratorium  net  netting  network  neutralization  nullification  obliteration  offsetting  omission  plexure  plexus  postage  postage stamp  postmark  raddle  recall  recantation  renege  repeal  rescinding  rescindment  rescission  reticle  reticulation  reticule  reticulum  retraction  reversal  revocation  revoke  revokement  riddle  screen  screening  scrubbing  setting aside  sieve  stamp  stoppage  striking  suppression  suspension  termination  texture  thwarting  tissue  tracery  trellis  trelliswork  undoing  vacation  vacatur  vitiation  voidance  voiding  waiver  waiving  washing out  wattle  weave  weaving  web  webbing  webwork  weft  wicker  wickerwork  wiping out  withdrawal  write-off  
cancer  benign tumor  blast  blight  callosity  callus  canker  carcinoma  corn  cyst  dry rot  excrescence  fungosity  fungus  growth  intumescence  malignant growth  metastatic tumor  mildew  mold  mole  morbid growth  moth  moth and rust  must  neoplasm  nevus  nonmalignant tumor  outgrowth  pest  proud flesh  rot  rust  sarcoma  smut  tumor  verruca  wart  wen  worm  
candescent  ablaze  afire  aflame  aflicker  aglow  alight  ardent  beaming  beamy  blazing  blushing  bright and sunny  burning  candent  comburent  conflagrant  flagrant  flaming  flaring  flickering  flushing  fuming  gleaming  gleamy  glinting  glowing  guttering  ignescent  ignited  illuminant  in a blaze  in a glow  in flames  incandescent  inflamed  irradiative  kindled  lamping  light as day  live  living  luciferous  lucific  luciform  luminant  luminative  luminiferous  luminificent  luminous  lustrous  on fire  orient  radiant  reeking  rutilant  rutilous  scintillant  scintillating  shining  shiny  smoking  smoldering  sparking  starbright  starlike  starry  streaming  suffused  sunny  sunshiny  unextinguished  unquenched  
candid  Olympian  Spartan  aboveboard  accessible  all jaw  approachable  artless  ascetic  austere  authentic  bald  bare  bluff  blunt  bona fide  born yesterday  broad  brusque  card-carrying  chatty  childlike  common  commonplace  communicative  confiding  conversable  conversational  demonstrative  detached  dinkum  direct  disinterested  dispassionate  downright  dry  dull  effusive  equal  equitable  expansive  explicit  extroverted  fair  flip  fluent  following the letter  forthright  frank  frankhearted  free  free hand  free-acting  free-going  free-moving  free-speaking  free-spoken  free-tongued  freehanded  gabby  garrulous  gassy  genuine  glib  good  gossipy  gregarious  guileless  gushy  heart-to-heart  homely  homespun  honest  honest-to-God  impartial  impersonal  impromptu  inartificial  informal  ingenu  ingenuous  innocent  just  lawful  lean  legitimate  lifelike  literal  lofty  long-winded  loquacious  matter-of-fact  multiloquent  multiloquious  naive  native  natural  naturalistic  neat  neutral  newsy  objective  open  openhearted  original  outgoing  outspoken  overtalkative  plain  plain-speaking  plain-spoken  prolix  prosaic  prosing  prosy  pure  real  realistic  rightful  round  rustic  scrupulous  self-revealing  self-revelatory  selfless  severe  simon-pure  simple  simple-speaking  simplehearted  simpleminded  sincere  single-hearted  single-minded  smooth  sober  sociable  spare  stark  sterling  straight  straight-out  straightforward  sure-enough  talkative  talky  transparent  true to life  true to nature  true to reality  trustful  trusting  truthful  unadorned  unadulterated  unaffected  unartificial  unassumed  unassuming  unbiased  unbigoted  uncalculated  uncalculating  unchecked  uncolored  unconcealed  unconcocted  unconstrained  uncontrived  uncopied  uncounterfeited  undeceitful  undeceiving  undisguised  undisguising  undissembled  undissembling  undistorted  unequivocal  unexaggerated  unfabricated  unfanciful  un  
candidate  addict  agent  also-ran  applicant  appointee  aspirant  aspirer  assignee  baby kisser  bidder  campaigner  claimant  collector  coveter  dark horse  defeated candidate  deputy  desirer  devotee  dud  entrant  fancier  favorite son  freak  hankerer  has-been  hopeful  lame duck  licensee  lover  nominee  office seeker  petitioner  political hopeful  possibility  postulant  presidential timber  prospect  runner  running mate  seeker  selectee  solicitant  solicitor  stalking-horse  stumper  suitor  suppliant  supplicant  votary  wanter  whistle-stopper  wisher  yearner  
candle  ASA scale  Agnus Dei  British candle  Hefner candle  Holy Grail  Host  Pieta  Sanctus bell  Sangraal  Scheiner scale  ark  asperger  asperges  aspergillum  bambino  bayberry candle  beadroll  beads  bougie  bougie decimale  candle lumen  candle power  candle-foot  candle-hour  candle-meter  censer  chaplet  ciborium  corpse candle  cross  crucifix  cruet  decimal candle  dip  electric light bulb  eucharistial  exposure meter  farthing dip  fire  flame  flux  holy cross  holy water  holy-water sprinkler  icon  illuminant  illuminator  incandescent body  incensory  intensity  international candle  lamp  lamp-hour  lantern  light  light bulb  light meter  light quantum  light source  lumen  lumen meter  lumen-hour  lumeter  luminant  luminary  luminous flux  luminous intensity  luminous power  lux  match  matzo  menorah  mezuzah  mikvah  monstrance  moon  osculatory  ostensorium  paschal candle  pax  photon  phylacteries  prayer shawl  prayer wheel  pyx  quantum  relics  rood  rosary  rush candle  rushlight  sacramental  sacred relics  sacring bell  shofar  source of light  stars  sukkah  sun  tabernacle  tallith  tallow candle  tallow dip  taper  thurible  torch  unit of flux  unit of light  urceole  veronica  vigil light  votary candle  votive candle  wax candle  
candor  accessibility  approachability  artlessness  austerity  baldness  bareness  big mouth  bluffness  bluntness  broadness  brusqueness  candidness  childlikeness  common speech  communicativeness  conversableness  cricket  directness  effusion  effusiveness  extroversion  fair play  fair shake  fair-mindedness  fairness  flow of words  flowing tongue  fluency  fluent tongue  flux de bouche  flux de paroles  flux of words  forthrightness  frankness  freedom  freeness  garrulity  garrulousness  gassiness  genuineness  gift of gab  glibness  good sportsmanship  gregariousness  guilelessness  gush  gushiness  homespun  honesty  household words  impartiality  ingenuousness  innocence  justice  leanness  long-windedness  loose tongue  loquaciousness  loquacity  matter-of-factness  naiveness  naivete  naivety  naturalness  objectivity  open-mindedness  openheartedness  openness  outgoingness  outspokenness  plain English  plain dealing  plain speaking  plain speech  plain style  plain words  plainness  plainspokenness  prolixity  prosaicness  prosiness  restrainedness  roundness  rustic style  severity  simpleheartedness  simplemindedness  simpleness  simplicity  sincerity  single-heartedness  single-mindedness  singleness of heart  slush  soberness  sociability  spareness  spate of words  sportsmanlikeness  sportsmanliness  sportsmanship  square deal  starkness  straightforwardness  talkativeness  the fair thing  the handsome thing  the proper thing  trustfulness  unadorned style  unadornedness  unaffectedness  unconstraint  unequivocalness  unguardedness  unimaginativeness  unpoeticalness  unrepression  unreserve  unreservedness  unrestraint  unrestriction  unreticence  unsecretiveness  unsophisticatedness  unsophistication  unsuppression  unsuspiciousness  untaciturnity  unwariness  verbosity  vernacular  volubility  windiness  
candy  Jell-O  addictive drug  blancmange  cake  comfit  compote  concrete  condense  confection  confectionery  confiture  conserve  crystallize  dangerous drug  dope  drug  dulcify  edulcorate  frosting  gelatin  glaze  granulate  hard drug  hard stuff  honey  icing  jam  jelly  junk  marmalade  meringue  mousse  mull  preserve  saccharify  set  solidify  stuff  sugar  sugar off  sugarcoat  sweet  sweet stuff  sweeten  sweetmeat  sweets  take a set  thicken  tutti-frutti  whipped cream  
cane  Boston type  Braille  Malacca cane  New York point  Optacon  Pathsounder  Seeing Eye dog  Visotoner  advocate  aftergrass  alpenstock  anthrophore  arm  athletic supporter  axis  back  backbone  backing  bamboo  bandeau  baste  bastinado  baton  bearer  beat  belabor  belt  birch  bole  bra  brace  bracer  bracket  brassiere  buffet  buttress  carpophore  carrier  caudex  caulicle  caulis  cereal  cereal plant  cervix  club  corn  corset  cowhide  crook  crosier  cross  cross-staff  crutch  crutch-stick  cudgel  culm  cut  drub  embosser  farinaceous plant  ferule  flagellate  flail  flog  fog  footstalk  forage grass  foundation garment  fulcrum  funicule  funiculus  fustigate  girdle  give a whipping  give the stick  grain  graminaceous plant  grass  guide dog  guy  guywire  handstaff  haulm  high-speed embosser  horsewhip  jock  jockstrap  knout  lace  lash  lawn grass  lay on  leafstalk  line letter  lituus  mainstay  maintainer  mast  neck  noctograph  optophone  ornamental grass  paddle  pandybat  pastoral staff  paterissa  pedicel  peduncle  personal sonar  petiole  petiolule  petiolus  pistol-whip  pommel  prop  pummel  quarterstaff  rattan  rawhide  reed  reinforce  reinforcement  reinforcer  rest  resting place  rigging  rod  ruler  scourge  seedstalk  sensory aid  shillelagh  shoulder  shroud  sight-saver type  smite  spank  spear  spine  spire  sprit  staff  stalk  standing rigging  stave  stay  stem  stick  stiffener  stipe  stock  strap  straw  strengthener  string alphabet  stripe  support  supporter  sustainer  swagger stick  swanking stick  swinge  switch  talking book  thrash  thump  tigella  trounce  truncheon  trunk  ultrasonic spectacles  upholder  visagraph  walking stick  wallop  whale  whip  whop  writing frame  writing stamps  
canicular  aestival  arctic  ardent  autumn  autumnal  baking  blistering  boiling  boreal  broiling  brumal  burning  burning hot  ebullient  equinoctial  feverish  flushed  grilling  heated  hibernal  hiemal  hot  hot as fire  hot as hell  like a furnace  like an oven  midsummer  midwinter  out of season  overheated  overwarm  parching  piping hot  red-hot  roasting  scalding  scorching  searing  seasonal  seething  simmering  sizzling hot  smoking hot  solstitial  spring  springlike  sudorific  summer  summerlike  summerly  summery  sweating  sweaty  sweltering  sweltry  toasting  torrid  vernal  white-hot  winter  winterlike  wintery  wintry  
canine  Seeing Eye dog  amphibian  aquatic  baby tooth  bandog  bicuspid  biped  bitch  bowwow  bucktooth  cannibal  carnivore  cosmopolite  crown  cuspid  cutter  deciduous tooth  dent  denticle  denticulation  dentil  dentition  dog  doggy  dogtooth  eyetooth  fancy dog  fang  feline  fore tooth  foxlike  foxy  gagtooth  gang tooth  gnawer  gold tooth  grinder  guide dog  gyp  herbivore  hound  incisor  insectivore  invertebrate  kennel  lap dog  lupine  mammal  mammalian  marsupial  marsupialian  milk tooth  molar  omnivore  pack of dogs  peg  permanent tooth  pivot tooth  pooch  premolar  primate  pup  puppy  quadruped  reptile  rodent  ruminant  scavenger  scrivello  sheep dog  show dog  sled dog  slut  snag  snaggletooth  tooth  toy dog  tush  tusk  tyke  ungulate  varmint  vermin  vertebrate  vulpine  watchdog  whelp  wisdom tooth  wolfish  working dog  
canker  abscess  adulterate  alloy  aposteme  bed sore  blain  blast  bleb  blight  blister  boil  break up  bubo  bulla  bunion  cancer  canker sore  carbuncle  chancre  chancroid  cheapen  chilblain  coarsen  cold sore  confound  contaminate  corrode  corrupt  crumble  crumble into dust  debase  debauch  decay  decompose  defile  deflower  degenerate  degrade  demoralize  denature  deprave  desecrate  despoil  devalue  disintegrate  distort  dry rot  eat  eat away  eat into  erode  eschar  fall into decay  fall to pieces  felon  fester  festering  fever blister  fistula  fungus  furuncle  furunculus  gangrene  gathering  gnaw  go bad  go to pieces  gumboil  hemorrhoids  infect  kibe  lesion  mildew  misuse  mold  molder  mortify  moth  moth and rust  must  necrose  nibble away  oxidize  papula  papule  paronychia  parulis  pervert  pest  petechia  piles  pimple  pock  poison  pollute  polyp  prostitute  pustule  putrefy  putresce  rankle  ravage  ravish  rising  rot  rust  scab  smut  soft chancre  sore  sphacelate  spoil  stain  stigma  sty  suppurate  suppuration  swelling  taint  tubercle  twist  ulcer  ulcerate  ulceration  violate  vitiate  vulgarize  wale  warp  welt  wheal  whelk  whitlow  worm  wound  
cannibal  Brillat-Savarin  Cain  Lucullus  amphibian  animal  anthropophagite  apache  aquatic  assassin  assassinator  barbarian  beast  biped  bloodletter  bloodshedder  board-and-roomer  boarder  bon vivant  bravo  brute  burker  butcher  button man  canine  cannibalistic  carnivore  carnivorous  commensal  connoisseur of food  consumer  cosmopolite  cutthroat  desperado  destroyer  dietetic  diner  diner-out  dining  eater  eater-out  eating  epicure  eradicator  executioner  exterminator  feeder  feeding  feline  flesh-eater  flesh-eating  fruitarian  garroter  gastronome  gastronomic  glutton  gluttonous  gnawer  gorilla  gourmand  gourmet  grain-eater  grain-eating  graminivore  graminivorous  granivore  granivorous  grass-eating  gun  gunman  gunsel  hatchet man  head-hunter  herbivore  herbivorous  high liver  hit man  homicidal maniac  homicide  hungry mouth  hyena  insect-eating  insectivore  insectivorous  invertebrate  killer  lactovegetarian  luncher  mammal  mammalian  man-eater  man-eating  man-killer  manslayer  marsupial  marsupialian  massacrer  matador  meat-eater  meat-eating  mensal  mouth  murderer  nihilist  nourishing  nutritious  omnivore  omnivorous  omophagist  omophagous  pantophagist  pantophagous  pesticide  phytivorous  phytophage  phytophagous  picnicker  plant-eater  plant-eating  poison  poisoner  postprandial  prandial  predacean  predacious  preprandial  primate  quadruped  reptile  rodent  ruminant  savage  scavenger  shark  slaughterer  slayer  strangler  thug  tiger  torpedo  trencherman  trigger man  ungulate  vandal  varmint  vegetable-eating  vegetarian  vermin  vertebrate  wild man  wrecker  
canniness  Italian hand  acuteness  animal cunning  art  artfulness  artifice  astuteness  austerity  austerity program  cageyness  calculation  callidity  care  careful consideration  carefulness  caution  cautiousness  chariness  circumspection  cleverness  craft  craftiness  cunning  cunningness  deliberate stages  deliberateness  deliberation  deviousness  discreetness  discretion  economic planning  economicalness  economy  economy of means  false economy  fine Italian hand  finesse  forehandedness  foresight  forethought  foxiness  frugality  frugalness  gamesmanship  gingerliness  good management  guardedness  guile  guilefulness  hedge  hedging  heed  heedfulness  hesitation  husbandry  ingeniousness  insidiousness  inventiveness  judiciousness  low cunning  management  mindfulness  one-upmanship  parsimoniousness  parsimony  pawkiness  precaution  prior consultation  providence  prudence  prudential administration  prudentialness  readiness  regardfulness  resourcefulness  safeness  safety first  satanic cunning  sharpness  shiftiness  shrewdness  slickness  slipperiness  slowness to act  slyness  sneakiness  solicitude  sophistry  sparingness  stealth  stealthiness  subtility  subtilty  subtleness  subtlety  suppleness  tentativeness  thoroughness  thrift  thriftiness  tight purse strings  trickiness  uncommunicativeness  unprecipitateness  unwastefulness  wariness  wiles  wiliness  wit  

Konservendose {f} Definition

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