
Kopfwenderarterie {f} [anat] Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Kopfwenderarterie f anat.
Kopfwenderarterien pl
sternocleidomastoid artery
sternocleidomastoid arteries
Abdomen m, Bauch m, Unterleib m anat.
Abdominalsegment n anat.
Abdominalsegmente pl
abdominal segment
abdominal segments
Ableitungsbronchus m, Drainagebronchus m anat.
draining bronchus
Achillessehne f anat.
Achilles' tendon
Achillessehne f anat. (bei Tieren)
Achillessehnen pl
Achsel f anat.
Achseln pl
Achselhöhle f anat.
Achselhöhlen pl
armpit, arm pit, underarm
armpits, arm pits, underarms
Achselhöhle f anat.
Adamsapfel m, Kehlkopf m anat.
Adam's apple
Adduktor m, Anziehmuskel m anat.
Ader f, Blutader f anat.
Adern pl
blood vessel, vein
Aderhaut f anat.
After m, Anus m anat.
Agonist m, Muskel, der eine entgegengesetzte Bewegung ausführt anat.
Agonisten pl
Akren pl, äußerste Teile eine Organismus anat.
Aorta f, Hauptschlagader f anat.
aorta, aortae
Aortenbogen m anat.
aortic arch
Aortenklappe f anat.
Aortenklappen pl
aortic valve
aortic valves
Arachnoidea f anat.
arachnoid membrane
Arterie f, Hauptader f, Schlagader f anat.
Arterien pl
eine Hauptader betreffend
Arteriole f anat.
arteriole, arteriola, capillary artery
Atemwege pl anat.
respiratory tract
Atlaswirbel m, erster Halswirbel anat.
first vertebra (of the neck)
Atrium n, Vorhof des Herzens anat.
atrium, auricle
Augapfel m anat.
Augäpfel pl
mein Augapfel, mein Juwel
Auge in Auge (mit)
sich Auge in Auge gegenüberstehen
etw. wie seinen Augapfel hüten
apple of my eye
eyeball to eyeball (with)
to be eyeball to eyeball
to guard sth. like gold, to cherish sth. like life itself
Auge n anat.
Augen pl
ein Auge zudrücken übtr.
mit aufgerissenen Augen
mit bloßem Auge
unter vier Augen
unter vier Augen
jdn. aus dem Auge verlieren übtr.
mit einem blauen Auge davonkommen übtr., glimpflich davonkommen
blaues Auge
wässrige Augen
Augen mit schweren Lidern
mit aufgerissenen Augen
mit zusammengekniffenen Augen
vor meinem geistigen Auge
etw. vor Augen haben
jdm. die Augen öffnen
to turn a blind eye fig.
saucer eyed
with the naked eye
between you and me and the gatepost
in private
to lose sight of sb.
to get off cheaply, to get off lightly
black eye
liquid eyes
hooded eyes
wide-eyed, round-eyed
with narrowed eyes
in my mind's eye
to see sb.
sth. in one's mind's eye, to keep sb.
sth. in mind, to keep sb.
sth. in sight
to give sb. a reality check
Augenbraue f anat.
Augenbrauen pl
Augenhöhle f, Orbita f anat.
eye socket, orbit
Augenlid n anat.
Augenlider pl
Augenmuskel m anat.
Augenmuskeln pl
eye muscle
eye muscles
Augennerv m anat.
Augennerven pl
optic nerve
optic nerves
Augenwasser m anat.
Augenwimper f anat.
Augenwimpern pl
Auskleidungsepithel n anat.
lining epithelium
Außenknöchel m anat.
lateral malleolus
Backenknochen m, Kinnbackenknochen m anat.
maxillary bone
Backenzahn m anat.
Backenzähne pl
vorderer Backenzahn
molar, back tooth, grinder
Ballen m anat.
Band n, Ligament n anat.
Bandscheibe f, Zwischenwirbelscheibe f anat.
Bandscheiben pl, Zwischenwirbelscheiben pl
einen Bandscheibenschaden bekommen
intervertebral disk Br., intervertebral disc Am., spinal disk, spinal disc
intervertebral disks, intervertebral discs
to slip a disc
Basalhirn n anat.
brain basement
Bauch..., ventral adj anat.
Bauchaorta f anat.
abdominal aorta, abdominal part of the aorta
Baucharterie f, Bauchschlagader f anat.
abdominal artery
Bauchdecke f, Bauchwand f anat.
abdominal wall
Bauchfell n anat.
Bauchfelle pl
peritoneum, peritoneal
Bauchhöhle f, Leibeshöhle f, Bauchfellraum m anat.
abdominal cavity, peritoneal cavity
Bauchmuskel m anat.
Bauchmuskeln pl
abdominal muscle
abdominal muscles, abdominals, abs
Bauchmuskulatur f anat.
abdominal muscles
Bauchnabel m anat.
bellybutton, belly button
Bauchspeicheldrüse f anat.
Becken n anat.
Becken pl
Beckenarterie f anat.
pelvic artery
Beckenboden m anat.
pelvic floor
Beckenausgang m anat.
pelvic outlet
Beckenbindegewebe n anat.
pelvic connective tissue
Beckenbodenmuskulatur f anat.
pelvic floor muscles
Beckengürtel m anat.
pelvic girdle
Beckenkamm m anat.
iliac crest
Beckenknochen m anat.
Beckenknochen pl
pelvic bone
pelvic bones
Beckenlymphknoten m anat.
Beckenlymphknoten pl
pelvic lymph node
pelvic lymph nodes
Bein n anat.
Beine pl
O-Beine pl
die Beine in die Hand nehmen übtr.
etw. auf die Beine bringen übtr.
bandy legs
to take to one's heels
to get sth. going
Beinvene pl anat.
Beinvenen pl
leg vein
leg veins
Bindegewebe f anat.
connective tissue
Bindehaut f anat.
Bizeps pl anat.
Blase f anat.
Blasen pl
Blinddarm m, Wurmfortsatz m, Appendix m anat.
appendix, vermiform appendix
Blinddarmklappe f, Bauhinsche Klappe f anat.
Bauhin's valve
Blutgefäß n anat.
Blutgefäße pl
blood vessel
blood vessels
Blutkreislauf m, Blutzirkulation f
großer Blutkreislauf, Körperkreislauf m anat.
blood circulation, circulation
systemic circulation
Blutplättchen n, Thrombozyt m anat.
(blood) platelet
Braue f anat.
Brauen pl
die Brauen zusammenziehen
to knit one's brows
Bronchial..., bronchial adj anat.
Bronchus m anat.
Bronchien pl
Bronchialsystem n anat.
bronchial system
Brust f anat.
Brüste pl
Brust f, Brustkorb m, Brustkasten m anat.
Brustbein n anat.
Brustbeine pl
Brustbeinfortsatz m anat. zool.
Brustbein n, Sternum n anat.
Brustbeine pl
Brustbein... anat.
Brustdrüse f anat.
mammary gland
Brustfell n anat.
Brustkorb m, Thorax m anat.
Brustkörbe pl
thorax, rib cage, ribcage
Damm m anat.
Darm m anat.
Darmrohr m anat.
Dickdarm m anat.
colon, large intestine
Drüse f anat.
Drüsen pl
Dünndarm m anat.
small intestine
Eckzahn m anat.
Eckzähne pl
cuspid, eyetooth
cuspids, eyeteeth
Eckzahn m anat.
Eckzähne pl
canine tooth, canine
canine teeth, canines
Eichel f anat.
Eierstock m anat.
Eierstöcke pl
Eingeweide n anat.
viscera, guts {pl}
Ellbogen m, Ellbogengelenk n anat.
elbow, cubitus, elbow joint, cubital joint
Elle f (Unterarmknochen) anat.
Ellen pl
Embryo n anat.
Embryen pl
Epithel n, Deckgewebe n anat.
Epithele pl
Eustachische Röhre f (im Ohr) anat.
Eustachian tube (in the ear)
Falx f anat.
Fersenbein n anat.
heel bone, calcaneum
Fessel f anat. (bei Huftieren)
Fettgewebe n anat.
adipose tissue
Fettzelle f anat.
Fettzellen pl
fat cell
fat cells
Finger m anat.
Finger pl
kleiner Finger
sich etw. aus den Fingern saugen übtr. ugs.
mein kleiner Finger hat es mir gesagt übtr.
pinkie, pinky
to make sth. up, to dream sth. up
a little bird told me fig.
Finger m, Zehe f anat.
Finger pl, Zehen pl
digit, dactyl
digits, dactyls
Fingerknochen m, Zehenknochen m, Phalanx f anat.
Fingerknochen pl, Zehenknochen pl
Frontallappen m anat.
frontal lobe
Frontzahn m anat.
Frontzähne pl
anterior tooth
anterior teeth
Fruchtblase f anat.
amniotic sac
Fruchtwasser n anat.
amniotic fluid, waters coll.
Fühlhorn n anat.
antenna, feeler
Fußballen m anat.
Fußballen pl
entzündeter Fußballen med.
ball of foot
balls of foot
Fußrücken m anat.
arch, arch of the foot
Fußwurzelknochen m anat.
Fußwurzelknochen pl
footroot bone, tarsal bone
footroot bones, tarsal bones
Gallenblase f, Galle f anat.
gall bladder, gall
Gaumen m anat.
Gaumenmandel f anat.
palatal tonsil
Gaumenplatte f anat.
Gaumenplatten pl
iupper dental plate, upper denture
upper dentures
Gaumenzäpfchen n, Zäpfchen n anat.
Gebärmutter f, Uterus m anat.
womb, uterus
Gebärmutterhals m, Cervix uteri anat.
cervix, uterine cervix
Gebärmutterhals m anat.
womb neck
Gehirn n, Hirn n anat.
Gehirne pl, Hirne pl
Gehörgang m anat.
Gehörgänge pl
auditory canal
auditory canals
Gelenk n anat.
Gelenke pl
joint, articulation
joints, articulations
Gelenkkopf m anat.
Gelenkköpfe pl
Gelenkkopf m anat.
Gelenkköpfe pl
articular head
articular heads
Gelenkprozess m anat.
Gelenkprozesse pl
articular process
articular processes
Gelenkpfanne f anat.
Gelenkpfannen pl
articular cavity
articular cavities
Genitalgrube f, Geschlechtsgrube f anat.
genital fossa
Genitalien pl, Geschlechtsteile pl anat.
genitals, parts
Genitalorgan n anat.
genital organ
Geruchsnerv m, Riechnerv m anat.
olfactory nerve
Gesäßfalte f anat.
Gesäßfalten pl
gluteal fold, gluteal furrow
gluteal folds, gluteal furrows
Gesäßmuskel m anat.
Gesäßmuskeln pl
gluteal muscle
gluteal muscles
Geschlechtsorgan n anat.
sex organ, sexual organ
Geschmacksknospe f anat.
Geschmacksknospen pl
taste bud
taste buds
Glaskörper m (des Auges) anat.
vitreous body
Gliedmaße f, Glied n anat.
Gliedmaßen pl, Glieder pl
die unteren Gliedmaßen
ein Glied ruhigstellen
the lower limbs
to immobilize a limb
Gliedmaßen pl, Extremitäten pl anat.
Glückshaube f, Wehmutterhäublein n, Überzug des Kopfes aus Resten der Eihaut bei der Geburt anat.
mit einer Glückshaube geboren werden
caul, face veil
to be born with a caul
Grimmdarm m anat.
Großhirn n, Zerebrum n anat.
Hals m, Genick n anat.
Hälse pl
steifer Hals
einen steifen Hals bekommen
crick in one's neck, wrick in one's neck Br., rick in one's neck Br.
to crick one's neck
Hals m, Rachen m anat.
im Hals stecken bleiben übtr.
to stick in sb.'s throat Br., to stick in sb.'s craw Am.
Halsschlagader f, Carotis f, Karotisarterie f anat.
Halsschlagadern pl, Karotisarterien pl
carotid artery
carotid arteries
Halsschlagader... anat.

Deutsche Kopfwenderarterie {f} [anat] Synonyme

Englische sternocleidomastoid artery Synonyme

Kopfwenderarterie {f} [anat] Definition

(pl. ) of Artery
(n.) The trachea or windpipe.
(n.) One of the vessels or tubes which carry either venous or arterial blood from the heart. They have tricker and more muscular walls than veins, and are connected with them by capillaries.
(n.) Hence: Any continuous or ramified channel of communication

sternocleidomastoid artery / sternocleidomastoid arteries Bedeutung

coronary bypass
coronary bypass surgery
coronary artery bypass graft
open-heart surgery in which the rib cage is opened and a section of a blood vessel is grafted from the aorta to the coronary artery to bypass the blocked section of the coronary artery and improve the blood supply to the heart
artery a major thoroughfare that bears important traffic
arterial blood vessel
a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body
alveolar artery
arteria alveolaris
a branch of the maxillary artery that supplies the alveolar process
inferior alveolar artery
arteria alveolaris inferior
the alveolar artery that goes through the mandibular canal to supply the lower teeth
superior alveolar artery
arteria alveolaris superior
the alveolar artery that supplies the upper teeth
angular artery
arteria angularis
the terminal branch of the facial artery
appendicular artery
arteria appendicularis
the branch of the ileocolic artery that supplies the vermiform appendix
arcuate artery
arteria arcuata
curved artery in the foot
arcuate artery of the kidney curved arteries of the kidney
capillary artery
one of the small thin-walled arteries that end in capillaries
artery of the penis bulb
arteria bulbi penis
a branch of the internal pudendal artery of males that supplies the bulb of the penis
artery of the vestibule bulb
arteria bulbi vestibuli
a branch of the internal pudendal artery in females that supplies the bulb of the vestibule
ascending artery
arteria ascendens
the branch of the ileocolic artery that supplies the ascending colon
auricular artery
arteria auricularis
artery that supplies blood to the ear
axillary artery
arteria axillaris
the part of the main artery of the arm that lies in the armpit and is continuous with the subclavian artery above and the brachial artery below
basilar artery
arteria basilaris
an unpaired artery, supplies the pons and cerebellum and the back part of the cerebrum and the inner ear
brachial artery
arteria brachialis
the main artery of the upper arm, a continuation of the axillary artery, bifurcates into the radial and ulnar arteries at the elbow
radial artery
arteria radialis
branch of the brachial artery beginning below the elbow and extending down the forearm around the wrist and into the palm
bronchial artery arteries that accompany the bronchioles
buccal artery
arteria buccalis
a branch of the maxillary artery that supplies blood to the buccinator muscle and the cheek
carotid artery
arteria carotis
either of two major arteries of the neck and head, branches from the aorta
common carotid artery
common carotid
runs upward in the neck and divides into the external and internal carotid arteries
external carotid artery
external carotid
the branch of the carotid artery that supplies blood to the face and tongue and external parts of the head
internal carotid artery the branch of the carotid artery that supplies blood to the brain and eyes and internal parts of the head
celiac trunk
celiac artery
truncus celiacus
arteria celiaca
an artery that originates from the abdominal aorta just below the diaphragm and branches into the left gastric artery and the common hepatic artery and the splenic artery
central artery of the retina
arteria centralis retinae
a branch of the ophthalmic artery, enters the eyeball with the optic nerve
cerebellar artery
arteria cerebelli
an artery that supplies the cerebellum
inferior cerebellar artery the inferior branch of the cerebellar artery
superior cerebellar artery the superior branch of the cerebellar artery
cerebral artery
arteria cerebri
any of the arteries supplying blood to the cerebral cortex
anterior cerebral artery one of two branches of the internal carotid artery, divides into two branches that serve () the thalamus and () parts of the frontal and parietal cortex
middle cerebral artery one of two branches of the internal carotid artery, divides into three branches
posterior cerebral artery arises from the basilar artery, divides into three branches
cervical artery
areteria cervicalis
an artery that supplies the muscles of the neck
choroidal artery
arteria choroidea
an artery that supplies the choroid plexus
ciliary artery
arteria ciliaris
one of several arteries supplying the choroid coat of the eye
circumflex artery any of several paired curving arteries
circumflex artery of the thigh
arteria circumflexa femoris
an artery that supplies the hip joint and thigh muscles
circumflex humeral artery
arteria circumflexa humeri
an artery that supplies the shoulder joint and shoulder muscles
circumflex iliac artery
arteria circumflexa ilium
an artery that supplies the lower abdominal walls and skin and the sartorius muscle
circumflex scapular artery
arteria circumflexa scapulae
an artery that serves the muscles of the shoulder and scapular area
colic artery
arteria colica
arteries that supply blood to the colon
communicating artery
arteria communicans
any of three arteries in the brain that make up the circle of Willis
coronary artery
arteria coronaria
the artery that branches from the aorta to supply blood to the heart
atrial artery the branch of the coronary artery that supplies the muscles of the atria
right coronary artery arises from the right aortic sinus, supplies the right side of the heart
left coronary artery arises from the left aortic sinus, supplies the left side of the heart
cystic artery
arteria cystica
a branch of the hepatic artery, supplies the gall bladder and the surface of the liver
digital arteries
arteria digitalis
arteries in the hand and foot that supply the fingers and toes
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