
Deutsche Korpsgeist Synonyme

Englische esprit de corps Synonyme

esprit  Atticism  Vernunft  accord  accordance  acuity  acumen  acuteness  adroitness  affinity  agape  agile wit  agreement  amity  animal spirits  animation  aptitude  aptness  being  bipartisanship  black humor  bonds of harmony  bones  bosom  brain  braininess  brains  breast  brightness  brilliance  brio  brotherly love  burlesque  camaraderie  capersomeness  caricature  caritas  cement of friendship  charity  clear thinking  cleverness  coaction  coadjuvancy  coadministration  coagency  cochairmanship  codirectorship  collaboration  collaborativeness  collectivism  collusion  coltishness  comedy  commensalism  common effort  common enterprise  communalism  communion  communism  communitarianism  community  community of interests  compatibility  complicity  conception  concert  concord  concordance  concurrence  congeniality  cooperation  cooperativeness  correspondence  courage  dash  devotion  dexterity  discourse of reason  discursive reason  dry wit  duet  duumvirate  ecumenicalism  ecumenicism  ecumenism  elan  empathy  enthusiasm  esprit de corps  exuberance  farce  feeling of identity  fellow feeling  fellowship  fervor  flair  frictionlessness  friskiness  frolicsomeness  gaiety  gamesomeness  gayness  genius  giftedness  gifts  good vibes  good vibrations  gray matter  gusto  guts  happy family  harmony  head  headpiece  heart  heart of hearts  heartiness  heartstrings  humor  identity  inmost heart  inmost soul  innermost being  intellect  intellection  intellectual faculty  intelligence  irony  joining of forces  joint effort  joint operation  keen-wittedness  keenness  kinship  lampoon  life  like-mindedness  liveliness  love  loyalty  mass action  mens  mental alertness  mental capacity  mentality  mercurial mind  mettle  mind  morale  mutual assistance  mutualism  mutuality  native cleverness  nimble mind  nimble wit  nimble-wittedness  nimbleness  nous  octet  oneness  oomph  parody  passion  peace  piss and vinegar  playfulness  pleasantry  pool  
esprit de corps  accord  accordance  affinity  agape  agreement  amity  bipartisanship  bonds of harmony  boon companionship  brotherhood  brotherliness  brotherly love  camaraderie  caritas  cement of friendship  charity  chumship  clannishness  clanship  cliqueyness  cliquishness  cliquism  coaction  coadjuvancy  coadministration  coagency  cochairmanship  codirectorship  collaboration  collaborativeness  colleagueship  collectivism  collusion  commensalism  common effort  common enterprise  communalism  communion  communism  communitarianism  community  community of interest  community of interests  companionship  compatibility  complicity  comradeship  concert  concord  concordance  concurrence  confraternity  congeniality  consortship  cooperation  cooperativeness  correspondence  denominationalism  devotion  duet  duumvirate  ecumenicalism  ecumenicism  ecumenism  empathy  enthusiasm  esprit  ethnocentricity  exclusiveness  faction  factionalism  feeling of identity  fellow feeling  fellowship  fraternalism  fraternity  freemasonry  frictionlessness  good vibes  good vibrations  happy family  harmony  identity  joining of forces  joint effort  joint operation  kinship  like-mindedness  love  loyalty  mass action  morale  mutual assistance  mutualism  mutuality  octet  oneness  partiality  partisanism  partisanship  party spirit  peace  pooling  pooling of resources  pulling together  quartet  quintet  rapport  rapprochement  reciprocity  sectarianism  sectionalism  septet  sextet  sharing  sisterhood  sisterliness  sodality  solidarity  sorority  spirit  symbiosis  sympathy  symphony  synergism  synergy  team spirit  teamwork  trio  triumvirate  troika  understanding  union  unison  united action  unity  

Korpsgeist Definition

(n.) A fine genius, or man of wit.
(n. sing. & pl.) The human body, whether living or dead.
(n. sing. & pl.) A body of men
(n. sing. & pl.) A body or code of laws.
(n. sing. & pl.) The land with which a prebend or other ecclesiastical office is endowed.
(n.) Spirit.
Jeu d'esprit
() A witticism.

esprit de corps Bedeutung

esprit de corps
team spirit
the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed
esprit liveliness of mind or spirit
jeu d'esprit a witty comment or writing
esprit de l'escalier a witty remark that occurs to you too late
corps de ballet
the chorus of a ballet company
United States Marine Corps
United States Marines
Marine Corps
US Marine Corps
an amphibious division of the United States Navy
Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
an agency of the United States Marine Corps that provides responsive and broad intelligence support for the worldwide Marine Corps organization
Air Corps formerly the airborne division of the United States Army
Peace Corps a civilian organization sponsored by the United States government, helps people in developing countries
army corps
an army unit usually consisting of two or more divisions and their support
Women's Army Corps
an army corps that was organized in World War II but is no longer a separate branch of the United States Army
Reserve Officers Training Corps
a training program to prepare college students to be commissioned officers
corps a body of people associated together, diplomatic corps
diplomatic service
diplomatic corps
corps diplomatique
the body of diplomatic personnel
press corps a group of journalists representing different publications who all cover the same topics, the White House press corps
bel esprit a witty or clever person with a fine mind
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Korpsgeist oder auch Corpsgeist ?; von lateinisch corpus ?Körper?) ist eine Ausformung des ?Wir-Gefühls? einer Eigengruppe.