
Deutsche Kronenwinkel Synonyme

Englische crown angle Synonyme

crown  Her Highness  Her Majesty  His Majesty  O  Old Mug  achievement  acme  aggrandize  alerion  all  animal charge  anklet  annular muscle  annulet  annulus  anoint  apex  apogee  apotheose  apotheosize  areola  argent  armlet  armorial bearings  armory  arms  aureole  authority  azure  baby tooth  bandeau  bangle  bar  bar sinister  baton  bawbee  bays  beads  bean  bearings  beatify  bend  bend sinister  bicuspid  bijou  billet  blanket  blazon  blazonry  bonnet  bordure  bracelet  bracket capital  breastpin  broad arrow  brooch  brow  bucktooth  button up  cadency mark  canine  canonize  canton  cap  cap of dignity  cap of maintenance  capital  capsheaf  capstone  caput  carry to completion  ceil  ceiling  ceiling fixture  chain  chair  chandelier  chaplet  charge  charm  chatelaine  chevron  chief  circle  circlet  circuit  circumference  circus  cite  civic crown  clean up  climax  close out  close up  closed circle  cloud nine  coat of arms  cockatrice  coif  coin  complete  conclude  consummate  copestone  cork  cornice  corona  corona lucis  coronal  coronet  crescent  crest  cross  cross moline  crown with laurel  culmen  culminate  culmination  cup  cuspid  cutter  cycle  deciduous tooth  decorate  deify  dent  denticle  denticulation  dentil  dentition  develop  device  diadem  difference  differencing  discus  disk  do honor  do to perfection  dogtooth  dollar  dome  dominion  double eagle  doubloon  ducat  duodecimo  eagle  earring  edge  eighteenmo  electrolier  elevate  emperor  empress  end  ennoble  enshrine  enthrone  ermine  ermines  erminites  erminois  escutcheon  eternal return  exalt  extreme  extreme limit  extremity  eyetooth  fairy ring  falcon  fang  farthing  fess  fess point  field  file  fillet  final stroke  final touch  finalize  finish  finish off  finish up  finisher  finishing stroke  five-dollar gold piece  fiver  flanch  fleur-de-lis  florin  fob  folio  fore tooth  fourpence  fourpenny  fret  frost  fur  fusil  gagtooth  gang  
crowned head  anointed king  chief  chieftain  dynast  emperor  grand duke  high chief  imperator  king  king-emperor  kinglet  lord paramount  majesty  monarch  overlord  paramount  petty king  potentate  prince  prince consort  royal  royal personage  royalty  ruler  sovereign  suzerain  tetrarch  
crowning  arch  banner  capital  capping  cardinal  central  champion  chief  closing  completing  completive  completory  concluding  conclusive  consummating  consummative  consummatory  culminating  culminative  dominant  ending  final  finalizing  finishing  first  focal  foremost  fulfilling  great  heading  headmost  hegemonic  last  leading  magisterial  main  master  outtopping  overruling  overtopping  paramount  perfecting  perfective  predominant  preeminent  preponderant  prevailing  primal  primary  prime  principal  ranking  ruling  sovereign  star  stellar  supereminent  terminal  terminating  terminative  topflight  topping  ultimate  

Kronenwinkel Definition

(n.) The inclosed space near the point where two lines meet
(n.) The figure made by. two lines which meet.
(n.) The difference of direction of two lines. In the lines meet, the point of meeting is the vertex of the angle.
(n.) A projecting or sharp corner
(n.) A name given to four of the twelve astrological "houses."
(n.) A fishhook
(v. i.) To fish with an angle (fishhook), or with hook and line.
(v. i.) To use some bait or artifice
(v. t.) To try to gain by some insinuating artifice
(n.) A created or high-topped crown or head.
() of Crow
() p. p. of Crow.
(n.) A wreath or garland, or any ornamental fillet encircling the head, especially as a reward of victory or mark of honorable distinction
(n.) A royal headdress or cap of sovereignty, worn by emperors, kings, princes, etc.
(n.) The person entitled to wear a regal or imperial crown
(n.) Imperial or regal power or dominion
(n.) Anything which imparts beauty, splendor, honor, dignity, or finish.
(n.) Highest state
(n.) The topmost part of anything
(n.) The topmost part of the head (see Illust. of Bird.)
(n.) The part of a hat above the brim.
(n.) The part of a tooth which projects above the gum
(n.) The vertex or top of an arch
(n.) Same as Corona.
(n.) That part of an anchor where the arms are joined to the shank.
(n.) The rounding, or rounded part, of the deck from a level line.
(n.) The bights formed by the several turns of a cable.
(n.) The upper range of facets in a rose diamond.
(n.) The dome of a furnace.
(n.) The area inclosed between two concentric perimeters.
(n.) A round spot shaved clean on the top of the head, as a mark of the clerical state
(n.) A size of writing paper. See under Paper.
(n.) A coin stamped with the image of a crown
(n.) An ornaments or decoration representing a crown
(n.) To cover, decorate, or invest with a crown
(n.) To bestow something upon as a mark of honor, dignity, or recompense
(n.) To form the topmost or finishing part of
(n.) To cause to round upward
(n.) To effect a lodgment upon, as upon the crest of the glacis, or the summit of the breach.
(n.) A spring-blooming plant (Fritillaria imperialis) of the Lily family, having at the top of the stalk a cluster of pendent bell-shaped flowers surmounted with a tuft of green leaves.
Crown office
() The criminal branch of the Court of King's or Queen's Bench, commonly called the crown side of the court, which takes cognizance of all criminal cases.
(n.) Same as King-post.
(n.) A saw in the form of a hollow cylinder, with teeth on the end or edge, and operated by a rotative motion.
Crown side
() See Crown office.
Crown wheel
() A wheel with cogs or teeth set at right angles to its plane

crown angle (tyres) Bedeutung

high-angle fire fire from a cannon that is fired at an elevation greater than that for the maximum range
bonnet macaque
bonnet monkey
capped macaque
crown monkey
Macaca radiata
Indian macaque with a bonnet-like tuft of hair
angle bracket
angle iron
an L-shaped metal bracket
bevel gear
pinion and crown wheel
pinion and ring gear
gears that mesh at an angle
crown the part of a hat (the vertex) that covers the crown of the head
crown diadem an ornamental jeweled headdress signifying sovereignty
crown a wreath or garland worn on the head to signify victory
crown crest the center of a cambered road
crown crownwork
jacket jacket crown
(dentistry) dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth, tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown
crown jewel a precious stone that is a valuable part of a sovereign's regalia
crown jewels regalia (jewelry and other paraphernalia) worn by a sovereign on state occasions
crown lens a lens made of optical crown glass
crown of thorns a mock crown made of thorn branches that Roman soldiers placed on Jesus before the Crucifixion
crown saw a saw having teeth around the edge of a hollow cylinder
high-angle gun a cannon that can be fired at a high elevation for relatively short ranges
wide-angle lens
fisheye lens
a camera lens having a wider than normal angle of view (and usually a short focal length), produces an image that is foreshortened in the center and increasingly distorted in the periphery
camera angle the point of view of a camera
crown the part of a tooth above the gum that is covered with enamel
poll crown
the top of the head
a biased way of looking at or presenting something
pennant crown the award given to the champion
bracket angle bracket either of two punctuation marks (`<' or `>') used in computer programming and sometimes used to enclose textual material
Crown the Crown (or the reigning monarch) as the symbol of the power and authority of a monarchy, the colonies revolted against the Crown
British Crown the symbol of the power of the British monarchy, members of the British Commonwealth owe allegiance to the British Crown
crown fire a forest fire that advances with great speed jumping from crown to crown ahead of the ground fire
rack of lamb
crown roast
a roast of the rib section of lamb
Crown Colony a British colony controlled by the British Crown, represented by a governor
hour angle the angular distance along the celestial equator from the observer's meridian to the hour circle of a given celestial body
crest top tip summit
the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill), the view from the peak was magnificent, they clambered to the tip of Monadnock, the region is a few molecules wide at the summit
Angle a member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Saxons and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons
crown prince a male heir apparent to a throne
crown princess a female heir apparent to a throne
crown princess the wife of a crown prince
Counsel to the Crown a barrister selected to serve as counsel to the British ruler
crape jasmine
crepe jasmine
crepe gardenia
pinwheel flower
East Indian rosebay
Adam's apple
Nero's crown
coffee rose
Tabernaemontana divaricate
tropical shrub having glossy foliage and fragrant nocturnal flowers with crimped or wavy corollas, northern India to Thailand
corn cockle
corn campion
Agrostemma githago
European annual having large trumpet-shaped reddish-purple flowers and poisonous seed, a common weed in grainfields and beside roadways, naturalized in America
crown daisy
Chrysanthemum coronarium
shrubby annual of the Mediterranean region with yellowish-white flowers
crown beard
any plant of the genus Verbesina having clustered white or yellow flower heads
cowpen daisy
golden crownbeard
golden crown beard
butter daisy
Verbesina encelioides
Ximenesia encelioides
coarse greyish-green annual yellow-flowered herb, southwestern United States to Mexico
crown imperial
Fritillaria imperialis
Eurasian herb with a cluster of leaves and orangeed bell-shaped flowers at the top of the stem
crown vetch
Coronilla varia
European herb resembling vetch, naturalized in the eastern United States, having umbels of pink-and-white flowers and sharp-angled pods
crown of thorns
Christ thorn
Christ plant
Euphorbia milii
somewhat climbing bushy spurge of Madagascar having long woody spiny stems with few leaves and flowers with scarlet bracts
the upper branches and leaves of a tree or other plant
Crown land land that belongs to the Crown
crown jewel the most desirable assets of a corporation, their crown jewels figured prominently in the takeover attempt
crown an English coin worth shillings
half crown an English coin worth half a crown
straight angle an angle ofdegrees
helix angle the constant angle at which a helix cuts the elements of a cylinder or cone
angle the space between two lines or planes that intersect, the inclination of one line to another, measured in degrees or radians
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