
Kundendienst Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

after-sales service
after sales service
customer service
repair service
Kundendienst m
repair service
technischer Kundendienst
after installation service
Aussendienst, Kundendienst
field service
Außendienst m; Kundendienst m
field service
Außendienst m, Kundendienst m
field service
Dienst, Dienstleistung, Kundendienst
Dienstleistungsabteilung, Kundendienst
service department
Kundendienst m; Kundenservice m econ.
technischer Kundendienst
customer service; service
after installation service
Kundendienst m, Kundenservice m econ.
technischer Kundendienst
customer service, service, after-sales service
after installation service
Kundendienst m; Kundenservice m,n econ.
technischer Kundendienst
Kundendienst (für Reklamationen und Ersatzteile); Kundennachbetreuung f
customer service; service
after-installation service
after-sales service
alles was; was
alles, was du willst
Mach, was du willst.
Veranlassen Sie alles, was nötig ist!
Sie werden feststellen, was uns vielleicht an Größe fehlt, machen wir mit Freundlichkeit und Kundendienst wett.
whatever; whatsoever archaic
whatever you want
Do whatever you want.
Take whatever action is needed!
Whatever we may lack in size, you will find we make up for in friendliness and customer service.
etw. an jdn. richten v; sich mit etw. an jdn. wenden v
sich an den Vorsitzenden wenden
Diese Bemerkung war nicht an Sie gerichtet, sondern an den Herrn neben Ihnen.
Wenden Sie sich bei Beschwerden bitte an den Kundendienst.
to address sth. to sb.
to address the chair
I haven't addressed the remark to you but to the gentleman beside your.
Address your complaints to the customer service.
mit jdm. über eine Sache sprechen; eine Sache mit jdm. besprechen; sich mit einer Sache an jdn. wenden v (eine Sache weiterverfolgen)
Hast du darüber schon mit deinen Eltern gesprochen?
Wenn Sie ein Problem haben, wenden Sie sich damit bitte an unseren Kundendienst.
to take a matter up with sb. (to pursue a matter further)
Have you taken this up with your parents yet?
If you have a problem, please take it up with our customer service.
Ruf m; Reputation f geh.; Leumund m adm.
einen guten schlechten Ruf haben
ein makelloser Ruf
dafür bekannt sein dass ...
dafür berüchtigt sein dass ...
als gewalttätig verschrien sein
ein Fahrlehrer dem Geduld nachgesagt wird
gut schlecht beleumundet sein
seinem Ruf gerecht werden
sich den Ruf eines vielseitigen Journalisten erworben haben
sich den Ruf einer Firma erhalten die der Gesellschaft etwas zurückgibt
Dieser Lehrer hat den Ruf streng aber gerecht zu sein.
Der schlechte Kundendienst hat den Ruf der Firma beschädigt ruiniert.
Sie soll sehr schwer zufriedenzustellen sein.
Sein Ruf ist angeschlagen.; Sein Renommee ist angekratzt.
reputation; repute
to have a good bad reputation; to have a good bad name; to be held in good bad repute
an impeccable reputation
to have a reputation for ...
to have a bad reputation for ...
to have a bad reputation as a violent man
a driving instructor with a reputation for patience
to be of good ill repute
to live up to your reputation
to have earned established acquired developed a reputation as a versatile journalist
to maintain a reputation as a company that gives back to society
This teacher has a reputation for being strict but fair.
Poor customer service has damaged ruined the company's reputation.
She is by reputation very difficult to please.
His reputation is tarnished.
Ruf m; Reputation f geh.; Leumund m adm.
der schlechte Ruf der des …
einen guten schlechten Ruf haben
ein makelloser Ruf
dafür bekannt sein, dass …
dafür berüchtigt sein, dass …
als gewalttätig verschrien sein
ein Fahrlehrer, dem Geduld nachgesagt wird
gut schlecht beleumundet sein
seinem Ruf gerecht werden
sich den Ruf eines vielseitigen Journalisten erworben haben
sich den Ruf einer Firma erhalten, die der Gesellschaft etwas zurückgibt
Dieser Lehrer hat den Ruf, streng, aber gerecht zu sein.
Der schlechte Kundendienst hat den Ruf der Firma beschädigt ruiniert.
Sie soll sehr schwer zufriedenzustellen sein.
Sein Ruf ist angeschlagen.; Sein Renommee ist angekratzt.
reputation; repute
the poor reputation of …
to have a good bad reputation; to have a good bad name; to be held in good bad repute
an impeccable reputation
to have a reputation for …
to have a bad reputation for …
to have a bad reputation as a violent man
a driving instructor with a reputation for patience
to be of good ill repute
to live up to your reputation
to have earned established acquired developed a reputation as a versatile journalist
to maintain a reputation as a company that gives back to society
This teacher has a reputation for being strict but fair.
Poor customer service has damaged ruined the company's reputation.
She is, by reputation, very difficult to please.
His reputation is tarnished.

Deutsche Kundendienst Synonyme

Außendienst  Kundendienst  
Kundenbetreuung  Kundendienst  Kundenservice  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Kundendienst Synonym nachschlagen

Englische after-sales service Synonyme

Kundendienst Definition

Bond service
() The condition of a bond servant
Bord service
() Service due from a bordar
Knight service
() A tenure of lands held by knights on condition of performing military service. See Chivalry, n., 4.
() Alt. of Service
() A name given to several trees and shrubs of the genus Pyrus, as Pyrus domestica and P. torminalis of Europe, the various species of mountain ash or rowan tree, and the American shad bush (see Shad bush, under Shad). They have clusters of small, edible, applelike berries.
(n.) The act of serving
(n.) The deed of one who serves
(n.) Office of devotion
(n.) Hence, a musical composition for use in churches.
(n.) Duty performed in, or appropriate to, any office or charge
(n.) Useful office
(n.) Profession of respect
(n.) The act and manner of bringing food to the persons who eat it
(n.) The act of bringing to notice, either actually or constructively, in such manner as is prescribed by law
(n.) The materials used for serving a rope, etc., as spun yarn, small lines, etc.
(n.) The act of serving the ball.
(n.) Act of serving or covering. See Serve, v. t., 13.

after-sales service Bedeutung

service the performance of duties by a waiter or servant, that restaurant has excellent service
curb service service provided to customers who remain in their vehicles
self-service the practice of serving yourself (as in a grocery or cafeteria)
inspection and repair
periodic maintenance on a car or machine, it was time for an overhaul on the tractor
service serving
service of process
the act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone, he accepted service of the subpoena
service cutback the act of reducing service
(sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play, his powerful serves won the game
service work done by one person or group that benefits another, budget separately for goods and services
consulting service service provided by a professional advisor (e.g., a lawyer or doctor or CPA etc.)
advisory service a consulting service in which a CPA develops findings and conclusions and recommendations that are presented to the client for consideration and decision making
attestation service
attestation report
a consulting service in which a CPA expresses a conclusion about the reliability of a written statement that is the responsibility of someone else
national service compulsory service in the military during peacetime
service (law) the acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to him
military service land tenure by service in the lord's army
knight's service land tenure by service to the lord as a knight
welfare work
social service
an organized activity to improve the condition of disadvantaged people in society
service employment in or work for another, he retired afteryears of service
public service employment within a government system (especially in the civil service)
service abroad
shipboard duty
naval service aboard a ship at sea
sales campaign an advertising campaign intended to promote sales
the act of mating by male animals, the bull was worth good money in servicing fees
extension service
university extension
an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who are not enrolled as regular students
service religious service
divine service
the act of public worship following prescribed rules, the Sunday service
church service
a service conducted in a house of worship, don't be late for church
prayer meeting
prayer service
a service at which people sing hymns and pray together
chapel service
a service conducted in a place of worship that has its own altar, he was late for chapel
committal service service committing a body to the grave, the committal service will be held next Monday
sale cutate sale
sales event
an occasion (usually brief) for buying at specially reduced prices, they held a sale to reduce their inventory, I got some great bargains at their annual sale
draft selective service
compulsory military service
sales resistance resistance by potential customers to aggressive selling practices
service an act of help or assistance, he did them a service
ill service
ill turn
an act intended to help that turns out badly, he did them a disservice
community service an unpaid service for the benefit of the public that is performed by lawbreakers as part (or all) of their sentence
community service public service a service that is performed for the benefit of the public or its institutions
inter-service support action by one military service to provide logistic (or administrative) support to another military service
service call a trip made by a repairman to visit the location of something in need of service
cable cable television
cable system
cable television service
a television system that transmits over cables
dinner service
dinner set
a table service for serving dinner
freight elevator
service elevator
an elevator designed for carrying freight
frontage road
service road
a local road that runs parallel to an expressway and allows local traffic to gain access to property
garage service department a repair shop where cars and trucks are serviced and repaired
peaked cap
service cap
yachting cap
a cap with a flat circular top and a visor
mercantile establishment
retail store
sales outlet
a place of business for retailing goods
table service
tableware consisting of a complete set of articles (silver or dishware) for use at table
service club a recreational center for servicemen
service door
service entrance
servant's entrance
an entrance intended for the use of servants or for delivery of goods and removal of refuse
service station a station where gasoline and oil are sold and facilities are available for repairing or maintaining automobiles
stall stand sales booth a booth where articles are displayed for sale
tea service
tea set
a set of china or silverware for serving tea
length of service
duration of service, her longevity as a star, had unusual longevity in the company
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104 Bewertungen 4


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Unter Kundendienst oder Kundenservice versteht man zum einen eine organisatorische Einheit in einem Unternehmen, zum anderen die Leistung oder die Dienste dieser Abteilung oder des ganzen Unternehmens für die Kunden. Im Handel werden unter Kundendienst Zusatzleistungen zusammengefasst, die über die ohnehin erbrachten Hauptleistungen eines Handelsbetriebs hinausgehen; sie können entgeltlich oder unentgeltlich erbracht werden. Diese Zusatzleistungen können aus Waren , Dienstleistungen und Rechten bestehen. Aus handelspsychologischer Sicht besonders interessant sind überraschende, vom Kunden nicht erwartete Serviceformen. Kundendienst dient ? wie alle anderen Formen des Service ? vor allem Handelsunternehmen als wichtiges profilbildendes Instrument des Handelsmarketings.