
Landgebiet {n} [geogr] Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Landgebiet n geogr.
Landgebiete pl
land domain
land domains
Ästuar m geogr.
die Alpenrepubliken geogr. pol.
Austria and Switzerland
Antarktis f geogr.
Archipel n geogr.
Becken n geogr.
Becken pl
Breitengrad m geogr.
latitude, degree of latitude
Daghestan n geogr.
Ebene f, flaches Land geogr.
Ebenen pl
Ebene f, flaches Land geogr.
lowlands, champaign
Eismeer n geogr.
Polar Sea
Fjord m geogr.
Fjorde pl
fjord, fiord
fjords, fiords
Getreidegürtel m geogr.
Corn Belt (U.S.)
Golf m geogr.
Golfstaat n geogr.
Golfstaaten pl
Gulf State
Gulf States
Golfstrom m geogr.
Gulf Stream
Halbinsel f geogr.
Halbinseln pl
peninsulas, peninsulae
Halbwüste f geogr.
Halbwüsten pl
Hochland n geogr.
uplands, highland, upland
Höhenlinie f geogr.
mit Höhenlinien versehen
to contour
Längengrad m geogr.
longitude, degree of longitude
Meerenge f, Wasserstraße f, Straße von ... geogr.
strait, straits (of)
Meerenge f, Meeresarm m geogr.
Meerengen pl, Meeresarme pl
Meeresarm m geogr.
Meeresarme pl
arm of the sea
arms of the sea
Meeresspiegel m
Höhe f über dem Meeresspiegel geogr.
sea level, Mean Sea Level (MSL)
Mittelgebirge n geogr.
highlands, low mountain range
Nebensonne f, Parhelion n phys. geogr.
Nebensonnen pl, Parhelia pl
sun dog, parhelion, mock sun
sun dogs, parhelia
Nordpol m geogr.
North Pole
Nullmeridian m geogr.
zero meridian
Pampa f geogr.
Pampas pl
Salztonebene f geogr.
salt flats
Schlucht f, Felsschlucht f, Canyon m geogr.
Schluchten pl, Felsschluchten pl, Canyons pl
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
Siam n hist. geogr. (jetzt Thailand)
Siam (now Thailand)
Sierra f geogr.
Steppe f geogr.
Steppen pl
Steppenland n geogr.
Südpol m geogr.
South Pole
Südsee f geogr.
South Sea
Sund m geogr.
Tiefebene f geogr.
lowlands, lowland plain
Tiefland n, Niederung f geogr.
lowland, flat land
Trockengebiet n geogr.
arid region
Vorgebirge n geogr.
Vorgebirge n, Kap n geogr.
promontory, Mull Sc.
Wendekreis m geogr.
Wendekreis des Krebses, nördlicher Wendekreis
Wendekreis des Steinbocks, südlicher Wendekreis
Tropic of Cancer
Tropic of Capricorn
asiatisch adj geogr.
Asiatic, Asian
atlantisch adj geogr.
nordamerikanisch adj geogr.
North American
pazifisch adj geogr.
pazifischer Raum
Asiatisch-Pazifischer Raum, Asien-Pazifik
Pacific Area
Pacific Asia
Afghanistan geogr.
Afghanistan (af)
Albanien geogr.
Albania (al)
Algerien geogr.
Algeria (dz)
Amerikanisch-Samoa geogr.
American Samoa (as)
Amerikanisch-Ozeanien geogr.
United States Minor Outlying Islands (um)
Andorra geogr.
Andorra (ad)
Angola geogr.
Angola (ao)
Anguilla geogr.
Anguilla (ai)
Antarktis f geogr.
Antarctica (aq)
Antigua und Barbuda geogr.
Antigua and Barbuda (ag)
Argentinien geogr.
Argentina (ar)
Armenien geogr.
Armenia (am)
Aruba geogr.
Aruba (aw)
Australien n geogr.
Australia (au)
Österreich geogr.
Austria (at)
Aserbaidschan geogr.
Azerbaijan (az)
Bahamas pl geogr.
Bahamas (bs)
Bahrain geogr.
Bahrain (bh)
Bangladesh geogr.
Bangladesh (bd)
Barbados geogr.
Barbados (bb)
Belarus, Belorussland, Weißrussland, Belorußland alt, Weißrußland alt geogr.
Belarus (by)
Belgien geogr.
Belgium (be)
Belize geogr.
Belize (bz)
Benin geogr.
Benin (bj)
Bermuda geogr.
Bermuda (bm)
Bhutan geogr.
Bhutan (bt)
Bolivien geogr.
Bolivia (bo)
Bosnien-Herzegowina geogr.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia-Herzegovina (ba)
Botswana geogr.
Botswana (bw)
Bouvet-Insel geogr.
Bouvet Island (bv)
Brasilien geogr.
Brazil (br)
Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean geogr.
British Indian Ocean Territory (io)
Brunei geogr.
Brunei (bn)
Bulgarien geogr.
Bulgaria (bg)
Burkina Faso (Obervolta) geogr.
Burkina Faso (bf)
Burundi geogr.
Burundi (bi)
Kambodscha geogr.
Cambodia (kh)
Kamerun geogr.
Cameroon (cm)
Kanada geogr.
Canada (ca)
Kap Verde geogr.
Cape Verde (cv)
Kaimaninseln geogr.
Cayman Islands (ky)
Zentralafrikanische Republik geogr.
Central African Republic (cf)
Tschad m geogr.
Chad (td)
Chile geogr.
Chile (cl)
China, Volksrepublik China geogr.
China, People's Republic of China (cn)
Weihnachtsinsel geogr.
Christmas island (cx)
Cocosinseln geogr.
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (cc)
Kolumbien geogr.
Colombia (co)
Komoren f geogr.
Comoros (km)
Republik Kongo geogr.
Republic of the Congo (cg)
Demokratische Republik Kongo (Zaire) geogr.
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) (cd)
Cook Inseln geogr.
Cook Islands (ck)
Costa Rica geogr.
Costa Rica (cr)
Cote d'Ivoire, Elfenbeinküste geogr.
Cote d'Ivoire (ci) (former: Ivory Coast)
Kroatien geogr.
Croatia (local name: Hrvatska) (hr)
Kuba geogr.
Cuba (cu)
Zypern geogr.
Cyprus (cy)
Tschechien, Tschechische Republik geogr.
Czechia (cz), Czech Republic
Dänemark geogr.
Denmark (dk)
Dschibuti geogr.
Djibouti (dj)
Dominica geogr.
Dominica (dm)
Dominikanische Republik geogr.
Dominican Republic (do)
Ost-Timur geogr.
East Timor (tp)
Ekuador geogr.
Ecuador (ec)
Ägypten geogr.
Egypt (eg)
El Salvador geogr.
El Salvador (sv)
Äquatorialguinea geogr.
Equatorial Guinea (gq)
Eritrea geogr.
Eritrea (er)
Estland geogr.
Estonia (ee)
Äthiopien geogr.
Ethiopia (et)
Falkland-Inseln geogr.
Falkland islands (malvinas) (fk)
Färöer geogr.
Faroe islands (fo)
Fidschi geogr.
Fiji (fj)
Finnland geogr.
Finland (fi)
Frankreich geogr.
France (fr)
Frankreich, ??? geogr.
France, Metropolitan (fx)
Französisch-Guayana geogr.
French Guiana (gf)
Französisch-Polynesien geogr.
French Polynesia (pf)
Französische Südpolar-Territorien geogr.
French Southern Territories (tf)
Gabun geogr.
Gabon (ga)
Gambia geogr.
Gambia (gm)
Georgien geogr.
Georgia (ge)
Deutschland n geogr.
Germany (de)
Bundesrepublik Deutschland geogr.
Federal Republic of Germany
Ghana geogr.
Ghana (gh)
Gibraltar geogr.
Gibraltar (gi)
Griechenland geogr.
Greece (gr)
Grönland geogr.
Greenland (gl)
Grenada geogr.
Grenada (gd)
Guadeloupe geogr.
Guadeloupe (gp)
Guam geogr.
Guam (gu)
Guatemala geogr.
Guatemala (gt)
Guinea geogr.
Guinea (gn)
Guinea-Bissau geogr.
Guinea-Bissau (gw)
Guyana geogr.
Guyana (gy)
Haiti geogr.
Haiti (ht)
Heard und Mc Donald-Inseln geogr.
Heard and Mc Donald Islands (hm)
Vatikan geogr.
Vatican (va)
Vatikanstadt geogr.
Vatican City
Honduras geogr.
Honduras (hn)
Hong Kong geogr.
Hong Kong (hk)
Ungarn geogr.
Hungary (hu)

Deutsche Landgebiet {n} [geogr] Synonyme


Englische land domain Synonyme

land  acquire  acreage  acres  airspace  alight  ally  archduchy  archdukedom  area  arrive  bag  belt  berth  body politic  buffer state  captive nation  capture  catch  chattels real  chieftaincy  chieftainry  city-state  climb down  colony  come down  come in  come to land  commonweal  commonwealth  confines  continental shelf  corridor  country  county  crash-land  debark  debus  demesne  department  deplane  descend  detrain  dirt  disembark  disemplane  dismount  district  ditch  division  dock  domain  dominion  downwind  drop anchor  dry land  duchy  dukedom  earldom  earth  empery  empire  enmesh  ensnare  entangle  entrap  environs  estate  fatherland  foul  free city  get  get down  get off  go ashore  grand duchy  ground  grounds  harpoon  heartland  hinterland  homeland  honor  hook  kingdom  landed property  lands  lasso  level off  light  loam  lot  lots  make a landfall  make land  make port  mandant  mandate  mandated territory  mandatee  mandatory  manor  mesh  messuage  milieu  moor  motherland  mould  nail  nation  nationality  native land  neighborhood  net  noose  obtain  offshore rights  overshoot  pancake  parcel  part  parts  perch  place  plat  plot  polis  polity  possession  power  praedium  precincts  premises  principality  principate  property  protectorate  province  puppet government  puppet regime  purlieus  put in  put into port  quadrat  quarter  reach land  real estate  real property  realm  realty  region  republic  roost  rope  sack  salient  satellite  section  secure  seneschalty  set down  settle  settle down  settle on  settle upon  settlement  sit  snag  snare  sniggle  sod  soil  solid ground  sovereign nation  space  spear  state  sultanate  superpower  take  take captive  talk down  tangle  tangle up with  tenements  terra  terra firma  terrain  territory  three-mile limit  tie up  toft  toparchia  toparchy  touch down  trap  turf  twelve-mile limit  unboat  unhorse  upwind  vicinage  vicinity  win  zone  
land on  ambush  assail  assault  attack  blitz  bushwhack  come at  come down on  crack down on  descend on  descend upon  fall on  fall upon  gang up on  give a going-over  give what-for  go at  go for  harry  have at  hit  hit like lightning  jump  lay at  lay hands on  lay into  let have it  light into  mug  pitch into  pounce upon  pound  sail into  set on  set upon  strike  surprise  swoop down on  take the offensive  wade into  
landed  blessed with  enfeoffed  having  having and holding  holding  in possession of  landholding  landowning  master of  occupying  owning  possessed of  possessing  propertied  property-owning  proprietary  seized of  tenured  worth  
landholding  acres  alluvion  alluvium  arable land  blessed with  clay  clod  crust  dirt  dominion  dominium  dry land  dust  earth  enfeoffed  freehold  glebe  grassland  ground  having  having and holding  holding  in possession of  land  land tenure  landed  landholdings  landownership  landowning  lithosphere  lordship  marginal land  marl  master of  mold  occupying  overlordship  ownership  owning  possessed of  possessing  possessorship  propertied  property-owning  proprietary  proprietorship  real estate  real property  region  regolith  seigniory  seized of  sod  soil  sovereignty  subaerial deposit  subsoil  tenured  terra  terra firma  terrain  territory  the country  topsoil  woodland  worth  
landing  aerodrome  air base  airdrome  airfield  airport  anchorage  anchorage ground  approach  arrival  back stairs  balcony  basin  berth  blind landing  breakwater  bulkhead  catafalque  coming in  companion  companionway  dais  debarkation  deplaning  disembarkation  disembarkment  dock  dockage  docking  dockyard  dropping anchor  dry dock  embankment  emplacement  escalier  estrade  field  fire escape  flight of steps  floor  gallery  going ashore  groin  harbor  harborage  haven  heliport  hustings  incline  island  jetty  jutty  landfall  landing field  landing pad  landing place  landing stage  launching pad  marina  mole  mooring  moorings  perron  pier  platform  podium  port  protected anchorage  pulpit  quay  ramp  road  roads  roadstead  rostrum  seaport  seawall  shipyard  slip  soapbox  spiral staircase  splashdown  stack up  stage  staircase  stairs  stairway  step terrace  stepping-stones  steps  stile  stump  terrace  touchdown  treads and risers  tribunal  tribune  tying up  wharf  
landlady  beneficiary  cestui  cestui que trust  cestui que use  deedholder  feoffee  feudatory  hostess  householder  laird  landlord  lord  master  mesne  mesne lord  mistress  owner  proprietary  proprietor  proprietress  proprietrix  rentier  squire  titleholder  
landloper  Arab  beach bum  beachcomber  beggar  bo  bum  bummer  dogie  gamin  gamine  guttersnipe  hobo  homeless waif  idler  lazzarone  loafer  losel  mudlark  piker  ragamuffin  ragman  ragpicker  rounder  ski bum  stiff  stray  street Arab  street urchin  sundowner  surf bum  swagman  swagsman  tatterdemalion  tennis bum  tramp  turnpiker  urchin  vag  vagabond  vagrant  waif  waifs and strays  wastrel  
landloping  circumforaneous  discursive  divagatory  drifting  errant  flitting  floating  footloose  footloose and fancy-free  fugitive  gadding  gypsy-like  gypsyish  meandering  migrational  migratory  nomad  nomadic  rambling  ranging  roaming  roving  shifting  straggling  straying  strolling  traipsing  transient  transitory  transmigratory  vagabond  vagrant  wandering  
landlord  beneficiary  cestui  cestui que trust  cestui que use  deedholder  feoffee  feudatory  freeholder  host  hostess  householder  innkeeper  laird  landlady  landowner  lord  manager  master  mesne  mesne lord  mine host  mistress  owner  property owner  proprietary  proprietor  proprietress  proprietrix  publican  receptionist  rentier  squire  titleholder  
landmark  bench mark  bookmark  cairn  cardinal point  catstone  chief thing  climax  core  cornerstone  crisis  critical  critical point  crucial  crux  essence  essential  essential matter  feature  fundamental  gist  gravamen  great point  guide  guidepost  heart  high point  historic  identification  important  important thing  issue  kernel  keystone  lighthouse  lightship  main point  main thing  major  mark  marker  material point  meat  menhir  milepost  milestone  momentous  monument  notable  noteworthy  nub  pharos  pith  pivot  pivotal  platform  real issue  salient point  seamark  significant  sine qua non  substance  substantive point  the bottom line  the point  tower  turning point  watchtower  watershed  
landmass  Africa  America  Antarctica  Antipodes  Asia  Asia Major  Asia Minor  Australasia  Australia  East  Eastern Hemisphere  Eurasia  Eurasian landmass  Europe  Far East  Levant  Middle East  Near East  New World  North America  Occident  Oceania  Old World  Orient  South America  West  Western Hemisphere  continent  down under  eastland  main  mainland  peninsula  subcontinent  the old country  
landscape  airscape  aspect  cityscape  cloudscape  countryside  diorama  exterior  farmscape  interior  lookout  outlook  panorama  pastoral  perspective  prospect  riverscape  scape  scene  scenery  scenic view  seapiece  seascape  sight  skyscape  snowscape  sweep  townscape  view  vista  waterscape  
landslide  Cadmean victory  KO  Pyrrhic victory  abundance  affluence  ample sufficiency  ampleness  amplitude  ascendancy  avalanche  bonanza  bountifulness  bountiousness  bumper crop  championship  coast  conquest  copiousness  count  deluge  easy victory  election returns  embarras de richesses  enough  extravagance  extravagancy  exuberance  fertility  flood  flow  foison  full measure  fullness  generosity  generousness  glide  glissade  glissando  grand slam  great abundance  great plenty  gush  inundation  knockout  landslide victory  landslip  lavishness  liberality  liberalness  lots  luxuriance  mastery  maximum  money to burn  moral victory  more than enough  much  myriad  myriads  numerousness  official count  opulence  opulency  outpouring  overabundance  overaccumulation  overbounteousness  overcopiousness  overdose  overflow  overlavishness  overluxuriance  overmeasure  overmuchness  overnumerousness  overplentifulness  overplenty  overpopulation  overprofusion  oversufficiency  oversupply  picnic  plenitude  plenteousness  plentifulness  plenty  plethora  poll  prevalence  prodigality  productiveness  profuseness  profusion  pushover  quantities  recount  redundancy  repleteness  repletion  returns  rich harvest  rich vein  richness  riot  riotousness  runaway victory  scads  shower  sideslip  skid  slide  slip  slippage  slither  snowslide  snowslip  spate  stream  subdual  subduing  subsidence  substantiality  substantialness  success  superabundance  superflux  teemingness  tidal wave  total victory  triumph  victory  walkaway  walkover  wealth  win  winning  winning streak  

Landgebiet {n} [geogr] Definition

(n.) Dominion
(n.) The territory over which dominion or authority is exerted
(n.) Landed property
(n.) Ownership of land
(n.) Urine. See Lant.
(n.) The solid part of the surface of the earth
(n.) Any portion, large or small, of the surface of the earth, considered by itself, or as belonging to an individual or a people, as a country, estate, farm, or tract.
(n.) Ground, in respect to its nature or quality
(n.) The inhabitants of a nation or people.
(n.) The mainland, in distinction from islands.
(n.) The ground or floor.
(n.) The ground left unplowed between furrows
(n.) Any ground, soil, or earth whatsoever, as meadows, pastures, woods, etc., and everything annexed to it, whether by nature, as trees, water, etc., or by the hand of man, as buildings, fences, etc.
(n.) The lap of the strakes in a clinker-built boat
(n.) In any surface prepared with indentations, perforations, or grooves, that part of the surface which is not so treated, as the level part of a millstone between the furrows, or the surface of the bore of a rifled gun between the grooves.
(v. t.) To set or put on shore from a ship or other water craft
(v. t.) To catch and bring to shore
(v. t.) To set down after conveying
(v. i.) To go on shore from a ship or boat
(a.) Pecuniarily embarrassed through owning much unprofitable land.
No-man's land
() A space amidships used to keep blocks, ropes, etc.
No-man's land
() Fig.: An unclaimed space or time.
(n.) A broad, level, elevated area of land

land domain / land domains Bedeutung

land reform a redistribution of agricultural land (especially by government action)
farming land agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life, farming is a strenuous life, there's no work on the land any more
land development making an area of land more useful
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
land rail
Crex crex
common Eurasian rail that frequents grain fields
land line
a telephone line that travels over terrestrial circuits, a land line can be wire or fiber optics or microwave
land mine
ground-emplaced mine
booby trap
an explosive mine hidden underground, explodes when stepped on or driven over
land office a government office where business relating to public lands is transacted
Polaroid camera
Polaroid Land camera
a camera that develops and produces a positive print within seconds
twilight zone
no man's land
the ambiguous region between two categories or states or conditions (usually containing some features of both), but there is still a twilight zone, the tantalizing occurrences that are probably noise but might possibly be a signal, in the twilight zone between humor and vulgarity, in that no man's land between negotiation and aggression
land area
an area of ground used for some particular purpose (such as building or farming), he wanted some acreage to build on
eminent domain the right of the state to take private property for public use, the Fifth Amendment that was added to the Constitution of the United States requires that just compensation be made
clouduckoo-land an imaginary place where you say people are when they seem optimistically out of touch with reality
Promised Land the goal towards which Christians strive
never-never land
a pleasing country existing only in dreams or imagination
spiritual world
spiritual domain
a belief that there is a realm controlled by a divine spirit
knowledge domain
knowledge base
the content of a particular field of knowledge
domain name strings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that are used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet, domain names are organized hierarchically with the more generic parts to the right
world domain people in general, especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest, the Western world
domain domain of a function (mathematics) the set of values of the independent variable for which a function is defined
nation land country the people who live in a nation or country, a statement that sums up the nation's mood, the news was announced to the nation, the whole country worshipped him
res publica
body politic
a politically organized body of people under a single government, the state has elected a new president, African nations, students who had come to the nation's capitol, the country's largest manufacturer, an industrialized land
law of the land a phrase used in the Magna Carta to refer to the then established law of the kingdom (as distinct from Roman or civil law), today it refers to fundamental principles of justice commensurate with due process, the United States Constitution declares itself to be `the supreme law of the land'
Adelie Land
Terre Adelie
Adelie Coast
a costal region of Antarctica to the south of Australia, noted for its large colonies of penguins
mother country
country of origin
native land
the country where you were born
Coats Land a region of western Antarctica along the southeastern shore of the Weddell Sea
commons common land a pasture subject to common use
the territory occupied by a nation, he returned to the land of his birth, he visited several European countries
territory over which rule or control is exercised, his domain extended into Europe, he made it the law of the land
paradise nirvana
heaven promised land Shangri-la
any place of complete bliss and delight and peace
Enderby Land a region of Antarctica between Queen Maud Land and Wilkes Land, claimed by Australia
no man's land an unoccupied area between the front lines of opposing armies
grazing land
a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock
Queen Maud Land a region of Antarctica between Enderby Land and the Weddell Sea, claimed by Norway
land site
the piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located), a good site for the school
piece of land
piece of ground
parcel of land
an extended area of land
plot of land
plot of ground
a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation, a bean plot, a cabbage patch, a briar patch
Victoria Land a mountainous area of Antarctica bounded by the Ross Sea and Wilkes Land
Wilkes Land a coastal region of Antarctica on the Indian Ocean to the south of Australia, most of the territory is claimed by Australia
Holy Land
Promised Land
an ancient country in southwestern Asia on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea, a place of pilgrimage for Christianity and Islam and Judaism
Land of Opportunity
a state in south central United States, one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War
Prairie State
Land of Lincoln
a midwestern state in northentral United States
New Mexico
Land of Enchantment
a state in southwestern United States on the Mexican border
cultivated land
tilled land
arable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crops
dry land
earth ground
solid ground
terra firma
the solid part of the earth's surface, the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land, the earth shook for several minutes, he dropped the logs on the ground
land ground soil material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use), the land had never been plowed, good agricultural soil
land mass
a large continuous extent of land
land agent a person who administers a landed estate
real estate broker
real estate agent
estate agent
land agent house agent
a person who is authorized to act as an agent for the sale of land, in England they call a real estate agent a land agent
Din Land
Edwin Herbert Land
United States inventor who incorporated Polaroid film into lenses and invented the one step photographic process (-)
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