
Langschwanzammer Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Langschwanzammer f ornith.
Buff-throated Pampa Finch
Langschwanzammer f ornith.
Buff-throated Pampa Finch
Langschwanz-Zwergfalke m ornith.
White-rumped Pygmy Falcon
Langschwanz-Oliventaube f ornith.
Sao Thome Olive Pigeon
Langschwanz-Froschmaul n ornith.
Hodgson's Frogmouth
Langschwanz-Tagschläfer m ornith.
Long-tailed Potoo
Langschwanz-Nachtschwalbe f ornith.
Long-tailed Nightjar
Langschwanz-Degenflügel m ornith.
Long-tailed Sabrewing
Langschwanz-Erdracke f ornith.
Long-tailed Ground Roller
Langschwanz-Baumsteiger m ornith.
Long-tailed Woodcreeper
Langschwanz-Uferwipper m ornith.
Long-tailed Cinclodes
Langschwanz-Ameisenfänger m ornith.
Long-tailed Antbird
Langschwanz-Ameisenwürger m ornith.
Large-tailed Antshrike
Langschwanz-Ameisenschlüpfer m ornith.
Stripe-chested Antwren
Langschwanz-Laubtyrann m ornith.
Long-tailed Tyrannulet
Langschwanz-Raupenfänger m ornith.
Black-hooded Greybird
Langschwanz-Mennigvogel m ornith.
Long-tailed Minivet
Langschwanz-Seidenschnäpper m ornith.
Long-tailed Silky Flycatcher
Langschwanz-Spottdrossel f ornith.
Long-tailed Mockingbird
Langschwanz-Zaunkönigstimalie f ornith.
Godwin-Austin's Wren Babbler
Langschwanz-Buschsänger m ornith.
Long-tailed Ground Warbler
Langschwanz-Cistensänger m ornith.
Lazy Cisticola
Langschwanz-Glanzstar m ornith.
Long-tailed Glossy Starling
Mimus-Spottdrosseln pl (Mimus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Spottdrossel f
Braunrücken-Spottdrossel f
Langschwanz-Spottdrossel f
Weißbinden-Spottdrossel f
typical mockingbirds (zoological genus)
northern mockingbird
brown-backed mockingbird
long-tailed mockingbird
white-banded mockingbird
Tagschläfer pl (Nyctibius) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Anden-Tagschläfer m (Nyctibius maculosus)
Langschwanz-Tagschläfer m (Nyctibius aethereus)
Mexiko-Tagschläfer m (Nyctibius jamaicensis)
Riesentagschläfer m (Nyctibius grandis)
Tropfentagschläfer m (Nyctibius bracteatus)
Urutau-Tagschläfer m (Nyctibius griseus)
Weißflügel-Tagschläfer m (Nyctibius leucopterus)
potoos; poor-me-ones (zoological genus)
Andean potoo
long-tailed potoo
Northern potoo
great potoo
rufous potoo
common potoo; lesser potoo
white-winged potoo
Froschmäuler pl (Batrachostomus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Borneo-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus (poliolophus) mixtus)
Ceylon-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus moniliger)
Graukopf-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus poliolophus)
Hartert-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus harterti)
Langschwanz-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus hodgsoni)
Malaien-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus affinis)
Philippinen-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus septimus)
Riesenfroschmaul n (Batrachostomus auritus)
Schuppenfroschmaul n (Batrachostomus stellatus)
Sunda-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus cornutus)
Tüpfelfroschmaul n; Java-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus javensis)
batrachostomus frogmouths (zoological genus)
Bornean frogmouth; Sharpe's frogmouth
Sri Lanka frogmouth
short-tailed frogmouth
Dulit frogmouth
Hodgson's frogmouth
Blyth's frogmouth
Philippine frogmouth
large frogmouth
Gould's frogmouth
Sunda frogmouth
Javan frogmouth; Horsfield's frogmouth
Langschwanzammer f ornith.
Buff-throated Pampa Finch
Langschwanzdrossling m ornith.
Common Babbler
Langschwanzeremit m ornith.
Long-tailed Hermit
Langschwanzeremomela ornith.
Yellow-rumped Eremomela
Langschwanzeremomela f ornith.
yellow-rumped eremomela
Wasser-Eisvögel pl; Fischer-Eisvögel pl; Langschwanzfischer pl (Cerylidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
water kingfishers (zoological family)
Langschwanzhabicht m ornith.
African Long-tailed Hawk
Langschwanzhäher m ornith.
White-throated Magpie-Jay
Langschwanzkatze f; Bergozelot m; Baumozelot m; Margay; Peludo zool.
Pardelkatzen pl (Leopardus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Bergozelot m; Baumozelot m; Langschwanzkatze f; Margaykatze f; Peludokatze f
Ozelot m (Leopardus pardalis)
Tigerkatze f; Ozelotkatze f (Leopardus tigrinus)
leopardus cats (zoological genus)
tree ocelot; margay cat; margay
northern tiger cat; little spotted cat; oncilla; tigrillo
Langschwanzkoel m ornith.
Long-tailed Koel
Langschwanzlalage f ornith.
Long-tailed Triller
Langschwanzmäuse pl (Muridae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
murids (zoological family)
Langschwanznymphe f ornith.
Long-tailed Woodnymph
Langschwanzparadigalla ornith.
Long-tailed Paradigalla
Langschwanzparadigalla m ornith.
long-tailed paradigalla
Langschwanzpiha ornith.
Dusky Piha
Langschwanzpiha f ornith.
dusky piha
Langschwanzpipra ornith.
Long-tailed Manakin
Langschwanzpipra m ornith.
long-tailed manakin
Langschwanzprinie f ornith.
Green Longtail
Langschwanzsittich m ornith.
Long-tailed Parakeet
Langschwanzstärling m ornith.
Long-tailed Meadowlark
Langschwanzstelze f ornith.
Mountain Wagtail
Stelzen pl (Motacilla) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Bachstelze f (Motacilla alba)
Trauerbachstelze f (Motacilla alba yarrellii)
Japanische Bachstelze f (Motacilla alba lugens)
Bergstelze f; Gebirgsstelze f (Motacilla cinerea)
Japanstelze f (Motacilla grandis)
Kapstelze f (Motacilla capensis)
Madagaskarstelze f (Motacilla flaviventris)
Mamulastelze f (Motacilla maderaspatensis)
Mekongstelze f (Motacilla samveasnae)
Langschwanzstelze f (Motacilla clara)
Schafstelze f (Motacilla flava)
Wiesenschafstelze f (Motacilla flava flava)
Witwenstelze f (Motacilla aguimp)
Zitronenstelze f (Motacilla citreola)
wagtails (zoological genus)
white wagtail
pied wagtail
black-backed wagtail; Japanese pied wagtail
grey wagtail
Japanese wagtail
Cape wagtail
Madagascan wagtail
white-browed wagtail; large-pied wagtail
Mekong wagtail
mountain wagtail; long-tailed wagtail
Western yellow wagtail
blue-headed wagtail
African pied wagtail
citrine wagtail; yellow-headed wagtail
Langschwanztachuri m ornith.
Agile Tit Tyrant
Thunfische pl; Tunfische pl; Thons Thone pl Schw. (Thunnus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
weißer Thun; Langflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus alalunga)
Gelbflossenthun(fisch); Ahi (Thunnus albacares)
Schwarzflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus atlanticus)
roter großer Thun Blauflossenthun(fisch) nordatlantischer Thun(fisch) (Thunnus thynnus)
südlicher Blauflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus maccoyii)
nordpazifischer Blauflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus orientalis)
Großaugenthun(fisch) (Thunnus obesus)
Langschwanzthun(fisch) (Thunnus tonggol)
tunas; tunnies (zoological genus)
albacore (fish tuna); Pacific albacore; albicore; longfin (tuna tunny); pigfish; albies; binnaga
yellowfin tuna
blackfin tuna
giant bluefin tuna; Northern bluefin tuna; Atlantic bluefin tuna
Southern bluefin tuna
Pacific bluefin tuna
bigeye tuna
longtail tuna
Thunfische pl; Tunfische pl; Thons Thone pl Schw. (Thunnus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
weißer Thun; Langflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus alalunga)
Gelbflossenthun(fisch); Ahi (Thunnus albacares)
Schwarzflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus atlanticus)
roter großer Thun, Blauflossenthun(fisch), nordatlantischer Thun(fisch) (Thunnus thynnus)
südlicher Blauflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus maccoyii)
nordpazifischer Blauflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus orientalis)
Großaugenthun(fisch) (Thunnus obesus)
Langschwanzthun(fisch) (Thunnus tonggol)
tunas; tunnies (zoological genus)
albacore (fish tuna); Pacific albacore; albicore; longfin (tuna tunny); pigfish; albies; binnaga
yellowfin tuna
blackfin tuna
giant bluefin tuna; Northern bluefin tuna; Atlantic bluefin tuna
Southern bluefin tuna
Pacific bluefin tuna
bigeye tuna
longtail tuna
Langschwanztriel m ornith.
Australian Stone-Curlew
Langschwanztyrann m ornith.
Long-tailed Tyrant
Langschwanzwachtel f ornith.
Long-tailed Quail
Langschwanzweih m ornith.
Long-tailed Honey Buzzard
Mustela-Marder pl (Mustela) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Europäischer Iltis m; Waldiltis m; Stänker m (Mustela putorius)
Europäischer Nerz m; Sumpfotter m (Mustela lutreola)
Hermelin m; Großes Wiesel m; Kurzschwanzwiesel m (Mustela erminea)
Langschwanzwiesel n (Mustela frenata)
Mauswiesel n; Zwergwiesel n; Hermännchen n (Mustela nivalis)
Sibirisches Wiesel n; Feuerwiesel n; Sibirischer Nerz m (Mustela sibirica)
Steppeniltis m (Mustela eversmanii)
mustela mustelids (zoological genus)
European polecat; forest polecat; black polecat; common ferret; fitch
European mink; Eurasian mink; Russian mink
stoat; short-tailed weasel; weasel Ir.
big stoat; long-tailed weasel; bridled weasel
least weasel; weasel Br.
Siberian weasel
steppe polecat; masked polecat; white polecat
Langschwanzwürger m ornith.
Long-tailed Fiscal
Langschwelle f; Holm m constr.
Langschwellen pl; Holme pl
capping piece; string piece; sleeper
capping pieces; string pieces; sleepers
Eisenbahnschwelle f; Bahnschwelle f; Gleisschwelle f; Schwelle f (Bahn)
Eisenbahnschwellen pl; Bahnschwellen pl; Gleisschwellen pl; Schwellen pl
Betonschwelle f
Betonstützenschwelle f; Stützenschwelle f; Zweiblockschwelle f
Doppelschwelle f; Breitschwelle f; Kuppelstoßschwelle f; Kuppelschwelle f
Einblockbetonschwelle f; Einblockschwelle f; Monoblockbetonschwelle f; Monoblockschwelle f
Einblock-Spannbetonschwelle f
gummiummantelte Schwelle
Holzschwelle f
Langschwelle f
lose Schwelle
Querschwelle f
Rahmenschwelle f
Stahlbetonschwelle f
Weichenholzschwelle f; Weichenschwelle f
railway sleeper Br.; railroad tie Am.; cross-tie Am. (railway)
railway sleepers; railroad ties; cross-ties
concrete sleeper Br.; concrete tie Am.
double-block concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.; twin-block concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.; twin-block sleeper Br. tie Am.; duo-block sleeper Br. tie Am.
twin sleeper Br.; twin tie Am.
monobloc concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.; monobloc sleeper Br. tie Am.
monobloc prestressed-concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.
rubber-coated sleeper Br. tie Am.
wooden sleeper Br.; timber sleeper Br.; wooden tie Am.; timber tie Am. rare
dancing sleeper Br. tie Am.; pumping sleeper Br. tie Am.
cross sleeper Br.; tie-bar Am.
frame sleeper Br.; frame tie Am.
reinforced-concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.
crossing timber; switch timber Am.
Langschwert n mil.
Langschwerter pl

Deutsche Langschwanzammer Synonyme

Englische Buff-throated Pampa Finch Synonyme

Langschwanzammer Definition

Blindman's buff
() A play in which one person is blindfolded, and tries to catch some one of the company and tell who it is.
(n.) A sort of leather, prepared from the skin of the buffalo, dressed with oil, like chamois
(n.) The color of buff
(n.) A military coat, made of buff leather.
(n.) The grayish viscid substance constituting the buffy coat. See Buffy coat, under Buffy, a.
(a.) A wheel covered with buff leather, and used in polishing cutlery, spoons, etc.
(a.) The bare skin
(a.) Made of buff leather.
(a.) Of the color of buff.
(v. t.) To polish with a buff. See Buff, n., 5.
(v. t.) To strike.
(n.) A buffet
(a.) Firm
(n.) A small singing bird of many genera and species, belonging to the family Fringillidae.
Vida finch
() The whidah bird.
Whydah finch
() The whidah bird.

Buff-throated Pampa Finch Bedeutung

blindman's bluff
blindman's buff
a children's game in which a blindfolded player tries to catch and identify other players
finch any of numerous small songbirds with short stout bills adapted for crushing seeds
pine siskin
pine finch
Spinus pinus
small finch of North American coniferous forests
house finch
linnet Carpodacus mexicanus
small finch originally of the western United States and Mexico
purple finch
Carpodacus purpureus
North American finch having a raspberryed head and breast and rump
vesper sparrow
grass finch Pooecetes gramineus
common North American finch noted for its evening song
white-throated sparrow
Zonotrichia albicollis
common North American finch with a white patch on the throat and black-and-white striped crown
indigo bunting
indigo finch
indigo bird
Passerina cyanea
small deep blue North American bunting
weaver finch
finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests
Java sparrow
Java finch
ricebird Padda oryzivora
small finch-like Indonesian weaverbird that frequents rice fields
grassfinch grass finch usually brightlyolored Australian weaverbirds, often kept as cage birds
zebra finch
Poephila castanotis
small Australian weaverbird with markings like a zebra's
yellow-throated marten
Charronia flavigula
large yellow and black marten of southern China and Burma
an implement consisting of soft material mounted on a block, used for polishing (as in manicuring)
yellowish brown
raw sienna
caramel brown
a medium to dark tan color
buff bare skin, naked, swimming in the buff
an ardent follower and admirer
buff a soft thick undyed leather from the skins of e.g. buffalo or oxen
polish and make shiny, buff the wooden floors, buff my shoes
buffet buff strike, beat repeatedly, The wind buffeted him
buff of the yellowish-beige color of buff leather
buff-brown of brown tinged with buff
having a buff color
in the altogether
in the buff
in the raw
naked as a jaybird
stark naked
(used informally) completely unclothed
throated having a throat as specified, deep-throated, white-throated
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