
Deutsche Laubsauger Synonyme

Englische leaf vacuum; garden vacuum Synonyme

leaf  Burley  Cuban  Havana  Havana seed  Latakia  Maryland  Russian  Turkish  Virginia  acknowledgments  back  back matter  bastard title  bibliography  blade  bract  bracteole  bractlet  bright  bud  burgeon  burst forth  canaster  cardboard  catch line  catchword  coat  coating  collop  colophon  contents  contents page  copyright page  cotyledon  covering  cut  deal  dedication  disk  endleaf  endpaper  endsheet  errata  feuille  film  flag  flap  floral leaf  flourish  flue-cured  flyleaf  foil  fold  folio  foliole  fore edge  foreword  frond  front matter  gemmate  germinate  glume  grow  grow rank  half-title page  head  imprint  index  inscription  introduction  involucre  involucrum  lamella  lamina  laminated glass  laminated wood  lap  leaf out  leaflet  leave  lemma  ligule  lugs  luxuriate  makeup  membrane  needle  overgrow  overrun  page  pane  panel  paper  patina  peel  pellicle  petal  pile  pine needle  plait  plank  plate  plating  plug tobacco  ply  plywood  preface  preliminaries  pullulate  put forth  put forth leaves  put out buds  quire  rasher  ream  recto  reverso  riot  root  running title  safety glass  scum  seconds  seed leaf  sepal  shag  sheet  shoot  shoot up  signature  skin  slab  slat  slice  spathe  spear  spire  sprout  sprout up  stationery  stipula  stipule  strike root  subtitle  table  table of contents  tablet  tail  take root  text  title  title page  trim size  type page  upspear  upsprout  vegetate  veneer  verso  wafer  
leaflet  advert  advertisement  bill  blade  booklet  bract  bracteole  bractlet  brochure  chapbook  circular  comic book  cotyledon  flag  flier  floral leaf  flyer  folder  foliole  frond  glume  handbill  involucre  involucrum  lamina  leaf  lemma  ligule  needle  pamphlet  petal  pile  pine needle  seed leaf  sepal  spathe  spear  spire  stipula  stipule  tract  
leafy  aestival  arborescent  beryl-green  berylline  blue-green  bluish-green  bosky  bowery  branched  branching  branchy  chartreuse  chloranemic  chlorine  chlorotic  citrine  citrinous  emerald  filmy  foliaceous  foliaged  foliate  foliated  foliose  glaucescent  glaucous  glaucous-green  grassy  green  green as grass  green-blue  greenish  greenish-blue  greenish-yellow  greensick  holly  in layers  ivy  ivy-green  lamellar  lamellate  lamellated  lamelliform  laminate  laminated  laminous  leaflike  leaved  leavy  membranous  olivaceous  olive  olive-green  porraceous  ramate  ramified  ramose  ramous  scummy  shaded  shady  smaragdine  spathic  spathose  springlike  stratified  stratiform  summerlike  summery  three-ply  twiggy  two-ply  verdant  verdurous  vernal  vernant  vert  virescent  woody  yellowish-green  

Laubsauger Definition

Bay leaf
() See under 3d Bay.
(n.) Cinquefoil
(n.) A piece of ground appropriated to the cultivation of herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables.
(n.) A rich, well-cultivated spot or tract of country.
(v. i.) To lay out or cultivate a garden
(v. t.) To cultivate as a garden.
(n.) A colored, usually green, expansion growing from the side of a stem or rootstock, in which the sap for the use of the plant is elaborated under the influence of light
(n.) A special organ of vegetation in the form of a lateral outgrowth from the stem, whether appearing as a part of the foliage, or as a cotyledon, a scale, a bract, a spine, or a tendril.
(n.) Something which is like a leaf in being wide and thin and having a flat surface, or in being attached to a larger body by one edge or end
(v. i.) To shoot out leaves
(a.) Having leaflike expansions on the legs
(n.) Having a leaflike membrane on the nose
Lion's leaf
() A South European plant of the genus Leontice (L. leontopetalum), the tuberous roots of which contain so much alkali that they are sometimes used as a substitute for soap.
(n.) Tobacco which has been stripped of its stalks before packing.
(n.) A space entirely devoid of matter (called also, by way of distinction, absolute vacuum)
(n.) The condition of rarefaction, or reduction of pressure below that of the atmosphere, in a vessel, as the condenser of a steam engine, which is nearly exhausted of air or steam, etc.

leaf vacuum; garden vacuum Bedeutung

suction curettage
vacuum aspiration
a method of induced abortion, prior to the th week of gestation the embryo and placenta are removed by applying suction to the dilated cervix
leaf-nosed snake any of various pale blotched snakes with a blunt snout of southwestern North America
black and gold garden spider
Argiope aurantia
a widely distributed North American garden spider
garden spider
Aranea diademata
a spider common in European gardens
garden centipede
garden symphilid
Scutigerella immaculata
minute arthropod often infesting the underground parts of truck-garden and greenhouse crops
garden snail any of several inedible snails of the genus Helix, often destructive pests
leafnose bat
leaf-nosed bat
bat having a leaflike flap at the end of the nose, especially of the families Phyllostomatidae and Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae
leaf beetle
brightly colored beetle that feeds on plant leaves, larvae infest roots and stems
leaf miner
any of various small moths or dipterous flies whose larvae burrow into and feed on leaf tissue especially of the family Gracilariidae
birch leaf miner
Fenusa pusilla
small black sawfly native to Europe but established in eastern United States, larvae mine the leaves of birches causing serious defoliation
walking leaf
leaf insect
tropical insect having a flattened leaflike body, common in southern Asia and the East Indies
leaf bug
plant bug
small brightolored insect that feeds on plant juices
four-lined plant bug
four-lined leaf bug
Poecilocapsus lineatus
yellow or orange leaf bug with four black stripes down the back, widespread in central and eastern North America
leaf-footed bug
leaf-foot bug
large sap-sucking bug with leaflike expansions on the legs
pine leaf aphid
Pineus pinifoliae
a variety of adelgid
leaf roller
moth whose larvae form nests by rolling and tying leaves with spun silk
garden webworm
Loxostege similalis
a variety of webworm
air pump
vacuum pump
a pump that moves air in or out of something
botanical garden
a facility where trees and shrubs are cultivated for exhibition
barrow garden cart
lawn cart
a cart for carrying small loads, has handles and one or more wheels
beer garden tavern with an outdoor area (usually resembling a garden) where beer and other alcoholic drinks are served
indoor garden
a greenhouse in which plants are arranged in a pleasing manner
drop-leaf a hinged leaf on a table that can be raised and supported by a bracket
drop-leaf table a table that has a drop-leaf to enlarge its surface
dust bag
vacuum bag
a bag into which dirt is sucked by a vacuum cleaner
fig leaf a covering consisting of anything intended to conceal something regarded as shameful
flower garden a garden featuring flowering plants
formal garden a garden laid out on regular lines with plants arranged in symmetrical locations or in geometrical designs
garden a plot of ground where plants are cultivated
garden a yard or lawn adjoining a house
garden hose a hose used for watering a lawn or garden
garden rake a rake used by gardeners
garden roller heavy cast-iron cylinder used to flatten lawns
garden spade a spade used by gardeners
garden tool
lawn tool
used for working in gardens or yards
garden trowel a trowel used by gardeners
gold leaf a very thin form of gold foil
herb garden a garden for growing herbs
hop garden
hop field
a garden where hops are grown
kitchen garden
vegetable garden
vegetable patch
a small garden where vegetables are grown
lawn chair
garden chair
chair left outside for use on a lawn or in a garden
leaf hinged or detachable flat section (as of a table or door)
leaf spring long narrow spring consisting of several layers of metal springs bracketed together
market garden a garden where fruit and vegetables are grown for marketing
zoological garden
the facility where wild animals are housed for exhibition
rock garden
a garden featuring rocks, usually alpine plants
roof garden a garden on a flat roof of a building
rose garden a garden for growing roses
sunken garden a garden set below the level of the ground surrounding it
tea garden a public garden where tea is served
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Ein Laubsauger ist, analog zum Staubsauger, ein elektrisches, bzw. mit Verbrennungsmotor betriebenes Gartengerät zum Aufsaugen von Laub. Im deutschen Sprachgebiet ist er seit dem Ende der 1990er Jahre verbreitet.

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