
Deutsche Leithammel {m} Synonyme

Englische bell-wether Synonyme

Leithammel {m} Definition

(n.) A hollow metallic vessel, usually shaped somewhat like a cup with a flaring mouth, containing a clapper or tongue, and giving forth a ringing sound on being struck.
(n.) A hollow perforated sphere of metal containing a loose ball which causes it to sound when moved.
(n.) Anything in the form of a bell, as the cup or corol of a flower.
(n.) That part of the capital of a column included between the abacus and neck molding
(n.) The strikes of the bell which mark the time
(v. t.) To put a bell upon
(v. t.) To make bell-mouthed
(v. i.) To develop bells or corollas
(v. t.) To utter by bellowing.
(v. i.) To call or bellow, as the deer in rutting time
Bell animalcule
() An infusorian of the family Vorticellidae, common in fresh-water ponds.
Bell bearer
() A Brazilian leaf hopper (Bocydium tintinnabuliferum), remarkable for the four bell-shaped appendages of its thorax.
Bell crank
() A lever whose two arms form a right angle, or nearly a right angle, having its fulcrum at the apex of the angle. It is used in bell pulls and in changing the direction of bell wires at angles of rooms, etc., and also in machinery.
(a.) Having the striking surface convex
Bell jar
() A glass vessel, varying in size, open at the bottom and closed at the top like a bell, and having a knob or handle at the top for lifting it. It is used for a great variety of purposes
Bell metal
() A hard alloy or bronze, consisting usually of about three parts of copper to one of tin
(a.) Expanding at the mouth
Bell pepper
() A species of Capsicum, or Guinea pepper (C. annuum). It is the red pepper of the gardens.
(a.) Having the shape of a wide-mouthed bell
(n.) A weight, consisting of two spheres or spheroids, connected by a short bar for a handle
(n.) Alt. of Sancte bell
Sancte bell
(n.) See Sanctus bell, under Sanctus.
(n.) A castrated ram.

bell-wether Bedeutung

bell ringer
bull's eye mark home run
something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal, the new advertising campaign was a bell ringer, scored a bull's eye, hit the mark, the president's speech was a home run
bell ringing
carillon playing
playing a set of bells that are (usually) hung in a tower
bell magpie
bluish black fruit-eating bird with a bell-like call
tailed frog
bell toad
ribbed toad
tailed toad
Ascaphus trui
western North American frog with a taillike copulatory organ
wether male sheep especially a castrated one
bell a hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound when struck
bell the flared opening of a tubular device
bell arch a round arch resting on corbels
bellbottom trousers
bellbottom pants
trousers with legs that flare, worn by sailors, absurdly wide hems were fashionable in the s
bell cote
bell cot
a small shelter for bells, has a gable or shed roof
bell deck a floor under the bells of an open belfry
bell foundry a foundry where bells are cast
bell gable an extension of a gable that serves as a bell cote
bell jar
bell glass
a bell-shaped glass cover used to protect and display delicate objects or to cover scientific apparatus or to contain gases
bell push a button that is pushed to ring a bell
bell seat
balloon seat
a seat that has a bell shape (on some th century chairs)
bell tent a bell-shaped tent
bell tower a tower that supports or shelters a bell
bell gong
a percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned bells that are struck with a hammer, used as an orchestral instrument
church bell a bell in a church tower (usually sounded to summon people to church), church bells were ringing all over town
death knell
death bell
a bell rung to announce a death
dinner bell a bell rung to announce that dinner has been served
diving bell diving apparatus for underwater work, has an open bottom and is supplied with compressed air
bell buzzer
a push button at an outer door that gives a ringing or buzzing signal when pushed
electric bell a bell activated by the magnetic effect of an electric current
fire bell a bell rung to give a fire alarm
Liberty Bell the bell of Independence Hall, rung July to announce the signing of the Declaration of Independence
night bell a doorbell to be used at night
school bell a bell rung to announce beginning or ending of class
sheep bell a bell hung round the neck of a sheep so that the sheep can be easily located
shop bell a bell attached to the door of a small shop, warns the proprietor that a customer has entered the shop
sleigh bell
a bell attached to a sleigh, or to the harness of a horse that is pulling a sleigh
telephone bell electric bell that rings to signal a call
warning bell
a bell used to sound an alarm
wind chime
wind bell
a decorative arrangement of pieces of metal or glass or pottery that hang together loosely so the wind can cause them to tinkle
normal curve
bell-shaped curve
Gaussian curve
Gaussian shape
a symmetrical curve representing the normal distribution
bell book a logbook in which all orders concerning the main engines of a ship are recorded
bell-like call a birdcall that resembles the tone of a bell
bell ringing
persuasion of voters in a political campaign
alarm bell
the sound of an alarm (usually a bell)
bell buoy
gong buoy
a buoy with a bell on it
the sound of a bell being struck, saved by the bell, she heard the distant toll of church bells
angelus bell
the sound of a bell rung in Roman Catholic churches to announce the time when the Angelus should be recited
bell ringing the sound of someone playing a set of bells
bell pepper large bell-shaped sweet pepper in green or red or yellow or orange or black varieties
bell apple
sweet cup
water lemon
yellow granadilla
the edible yellow fruit of the Jamaica honeysuckle
bell captain the supervisor of bellboys in a hotel
bell founder a person who casts metal bells
bell ringer someone who plays musical handbells
toller bell ringer ringer a person who rings church bells (as for summoning the congregation)
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