
Linker Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Programmbinder m; Linker m comp.
Programmbinder m, Linker m comp.
Linke m f; Linker pol.
Linken pl; Linke
leftist; left-winger
leftists; left-wingers
Linke m,f; Linker pol.
Linken pl; Linke
leftist; left-winger; lefty coll. (often pej.)
leftists; left-wingers; lefties
Linke m,f; Linker; Rote m,f; Roter; Sozi m pol.
Linke m f; Linker; Rote m f; Roter; Sozi m pol.
linker, linke, linkes adj
die linke Spur
auf der linken Seite
left, left-hand
the left-hand lane
on the left-hand side
Hauptbronchus m anat.
Hauptbronchien pl
linker rechter Hauptbronchus
main bronchus; primary bronchus
main bronchi; primary bronchi
left right main stem bronchus
linker; linke; linkes adj
die linke Spur
auf der linken Seite
zur Linken
left; left-hand
the left-hand lane
on the left-hand side
to the left
Nebenfluss m; Zufluss m geogr.
Nebenflüsse pl
linker Nebenfluss
rechter Nebenfluss
tributary river stream; tributary; affluent; influent; confluent; feeder
tributary rivers streams; tributaries
left-bank tributary
right-bank tributary
Luftröhrenzweig m; Bronchus m anat.
Luftröhrenzweige pl; Bronchien pl
linker rechter Hauptbronchus
left right main bronchus; left right primary bronchus
Backbord n m; Backbordseite f (linker Schiffsteil linke Flugzeugseite) naut. aviat.
backbord; backbords adv
port; port-side (left side of a ship aircraft)
on the port side
Backbord n,m; Backbordseite f (linker Schiffsteil linke Flugzeugseite) naut. aviat.
backbord; backbords adv
port; port-side (left side of a ship aircraft)
on the port side
Zwirn m textil.
einstufiger Zwirn
mehrstufiger Zwirn
dreifädiger Zwirn; dreidrähtiger Zwirn
Zwirn mit linker Schussdrehung; Linkszwirn
folded yarn; plied yarn; ply yarn
folded yarn
cabled yarn
three-cord twist
left-hand thread
Außenverteidiger m; Außenverteidigerin f (Ballsport) sport
Außenverteidiger pl; Außenverteidigerinnen pl
linker rechter Außenverteidiger
full-back; fullback (ball sports)
full-backs; fullbacks
left right back
Luftröhrenzweig m; Bronchus m anat.
Luftröhrenzweige pl; Bronchien pl
linker rechter Hauptbronchus
in einem Bronchus (befindlich) adj
left right main bronchus; left right primary bronchus
intrabronchial; endobronchial
Zwirn m; gefachtes Garn n textil.
einstufiger Zwirn
mehrstufiger Zwirn
dreifädiger Zwirn; dreidrähtiger Zwirn
Zwirn mit linker Schussdrehung; Linkszwirn
folded yarn; plied yarn; ply yarn
folded yarn
cabled yarn
three-cord twist
left-hand thread
Außenstürmer m; Außenstürmerin f (Ballsport) sport
Außenstürmer pl; Außenstürmerinnen pl
rechter Außenstürmer; Rechtsaußen
linker Außenstürmer; Linksaußen
outside right; right-winger
outside left; left-winger
Außenstürmer m; Außenstürmerin f (Ballsport) sport
Außenstürmer pl; Außenstürmerinnen pl
rechter Außenstürmer; Rechtsaußen
linker Außenstürmer; Linksaußen
outside right; right-winger
ouside left; left-winger
Nebenfluss m; Zufluss m; Zubringer m (eines größeren Fließgewässers) geogr.
Nebenflüsse pl; Zuflüsse pl; Zubringer pl
linker Nebenfluss
rechter Nebenfluss
side river; side stream; tributary river; tributary stream; tributary; feeder stream; feeder; affluent; influent (of a larger watercourse)
side rivers; side streams; tributary rivers; tributary streams; tributaries; feeder streams; feeders; affluents; influents
left-bank tributary
right-bank tributary
linker; linke; linkes adj
in meiner linken Tasche
in der linken hinteren Ecke des Raumes
der äußerst linke Stecker; der ganz linke Stecker ugs.; der Stecker ganz links
left; left-hand
in my left-hand pocket
in the far left corner of the room
the leftmost socket; the far left socket
Fahrspur f; Spur f; Fahrstreifen m auto
Fahrspuren pl; Spuren pl; Fahrstreifen pl
durchgehender Fahrstreifen
gesperrte Fahrspur; gesperrter Fahrstreifen
linke Fahrspur; linker Fahrstreifen
mittlere Fahrspur; mittlerer Fahrstreifen
rechte Fahrspur; rechter Fahrstreifen
verengte Fahrspur; verengter Fahrstreifen
auf der linken Spur fahren
auf die rechte Fahrspur fahren
die Spur wechseln
Jeder Albtraum hat einmal ein Ende.; Auch das hat einmal ein Ende.
traffic lane; driving lane; lane
traffic lanes; driving lanes; lanes
through lane
closed driving lane
left lane; outside lane
middle lane; centre lane
right lane; inside lane; slow lane
narrow lane
to drive in the left-hand lane
to pull over into the slow lane
to change lanes
It's a long lane that has no turning.
Fahrspur f; Spur f; Fahrstreifen m auto
Fahrspuren pl; Spuren pl; Fahrstreifen pl
durchgehender Fahrstreifen
gesperrte Fahrspur; gesperrter Fahrstreifen
linke Fahrspur; linker Fahrstreifen
mittlere Fahrspur; mittlerer Fahrstreifen
rechte Fahrspur; rechter Fahrstreifen
verengte Fahrspur; verengter Fahrstreifen
Fahrspur für Kfzs mit mehreren Insassen
auf der linken Spur fahren
auf die rechte Fahrspur fahren
die Spur wechseln
Jeder Albtraum hat einmal ein Ende.; Auch das hat einmal ein Ende.
traffic lane; driving lane; lane
traffic lanes; driving lanes; lanes
through lane
closed driving lane
left lane; outside lane
middle lane; centre lane
right lane; inside lane; slow lane
narrow lane
high-occupancy vehicle lane; HOV lane; carpool lane Am. coll.; diamond lane Am. coll.
to drive in the left-hand lane
to pull over into the slow lane
to change lanes
It's a long lane that has no turning.

Deutsche Linker Synonyme


Englische left Synonyme

left  Gospel side  abandoned  aport  cantorial side  castaway  communistic  counterclockwise  departed  derelict  deserted  discarded  disused  forsaken  gone  gone away  gone off  jettisoned  larboard  left hand  left wing  left-hand  left-hand side  left-wing  left-winger  left-wingish  leftism  leftist  leftover  leftward  leftwardly  leftwards  levorotatory  liberal  liberalism  liberalist  marooned  near  near side  net  nigh  odd  on the left  outstanding  over  pink  port  port tack  portside  progressive  progressivism  progressivist  radical  red  remaining  remanent  sinister  sinistrad  sinistral  sinistrally  sinistrocerebral  sinistrocular  sinistrogyrate  sinistrorse  socialistic  spare  superfluous  surplus  surviving  to spare  to the left  unconsumed  unused  verso  welfare stater  wrong side  
left handed  abusive  all thumbs  atrocious  awkward  backhand  backhanded  blunderheaded  blundering  boorish  bumbling  bungling  butterfingered  calumnious  careless  circuitous  clownish  clumsy  clumsy-fisted  contumelious  cumbersome  deflectional  degrading  deviant  deviative  devious  digressive  divagational  divergent  excursive  fingers all thumbs  fumbling  gauche  gawkish  gawky  graceless  ham-fisted  ham-handed  heavy-handed  hulking  hulky  humiliating  indirect  inelegant  insolent  insulting  left-hand  loutish  lubberly  lumbering  lumpish  maladroit  oafish  oblique  offensive  outrageous  ponderous  scurrile  scurrilous  side  sidelong  sinister  sinistral  sinistromanual  sloppy  southpaw  stiff  uncouth  ungainly  ungraceful  unhandy  unspeakable  unwieldy  
left wing  Gospel side  cantorial side  counterclockwise  larboard  left  left hand  left of center  left-hand  left-hand side  left-winger  left-wingish  leftism  leftist  levorotatory  liberal  liberalism  liberalist  liberalistic  near  near side  nigh  on the left  port  port tack  portside  progressive  progressivism  progressivistic  radical  sinister  sinistral  sinistrocerebral  sinistrocular  sinistrogyrate  sinistrorse  verso  wrong side  
left winger  Gospel side  cantorial side  larboard  left  left hand  left wing  left-hand side  leftist  liberal  liberalist  near side  port  port tack  portside  progressive  progressivist  radical  verso  welfare stater  wrong side  
leftover  afterglow  afterimage  as a bonus  balance  bonus  butt  butt end  candle ends  chaff  debris  detritus  dividend  end  excess  extra  fag end  filings  for lagniappe  fossil  gratuity  holdover  husks  lagniappe  leavings  left  leftovers  margin  net  odd  odds and ends  offscourings  orts  outstanding  over  over and above  overage  overmeasure  overplus  overrun  overset  overstock  oversupply  parings  plus  pourboire  rags  refuse  relics  remainder  remaining  remains  remanent  remnant  residual  residue  residuum  rest  roach  rubbish  rubble  ruins  rump  sawdust  scourings  scraps  shadow  shavings  something extra  spare  straw  stubble  stump  superfluity  superfluous  supernumerary  surplus  surplusage  survival  surviving  sweepings  tip  to spare  trace  unconsumed  uneaten  unused  vestige  waste  
leftward  anticlockwise  aport  clockwise  counterclockwise  earthward  heavenward  homeward  landward  larboard  leeward  left  leftwardly  leftwards  on the left  port  rightward  seaward  sinister  sinistrad  sinistrally  to the left  widdershins  windward  

Linker Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Leave
(imp. & p. p.) of Leave.
(a.) Of or pertaining to that side of the body in man on which the muscular action of the limbs is usually weaker than on the other side
(n.) That part of surrounding space toward which the left side of one's body is turned
(n.) Those members of a legislative assembly (as in France) who are in the opposition
(a.) Situated on the left
(a.) Having the left hand or arm stronger and more dexterous than the right
(a.) Clumsy
(a.) Having a direction contrary to that of the hands of a watch when seen in front
(n.) Alt. of Left-handiness
(n.) The state or quality of being left-handed
(a.) Laid aside

left Bedeutung

left a turn toward the side of the body that is on the north when the person is facing east, take a left at the corner
left field
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the left third of the outfield (looking from home plate)
left-luggage office
a room where baggage or parcels are checked
left field
the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's left, the batter flied out to left
preference for using the left hand
left coronary artery arises from the left aortic sinus, supplies the left side of the heart
left gastric artery
arteria gastrica sinistra
a branch of the celiac artery that supplies the lesser curvature of the stomach and the abdominal part of the esophagus
left gastric vein
vena gastrica sinistra
arises from a union of veins from the gastric cardia, runs in the lesser omentum, empties into the portal vein
oblique vein of the left atrium
vena obliqua atrii sinistri
a tributary of the coronary sinus, on the posterior wall of the left atrium
posterior vein of the left ventricle
vena posterior ventriculi sinistri
arises near the apex of the heart and empties into the coronary sinus
left ventricle the chamber on the left side of the heart that receives arterial blood from the left atrium and pumps it into the aorta
left atrium
left atrium of the heart
atrium sinistrum
the left upper chamber of the heart that receives blood from the pulmonary veins
mitral valve
bicuspid valve
left atrioventricular valve
valve with two cusps, situated between the left atrium and the left ventricle
left hemisphere
left brain
the cerebral hemisphere to the left of the corpus callosum that controls the right half of the body
left hand
the hand that is on the left side of the body, jab with your left
left wing
those who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfare
left location near or direction toward the left side, i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east, she stood on the left
stage left
left stage
the part of the stage on the actor's left as the actor faces the audience
Left Bank
Latin Quarter
the region of Paris on the southern bank of the Seine, a center of artistic and student life
left-handed pitcher
left-hander left hander
lefty southpaw
a baseball pitcher who throws the ball with the left hand
a person who uses the left hand with greater skill than the right, their pitcher was a southpaw
left fielder the person who plays left field
a person who belongs to the political left
left-handedness the status of being born of a morganatic marriage
lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands, a bumbling mechanic, a bungling performance, ham-handed governmental interference, could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes, so handless was the poor creature- Mary H. Vorse
left-handed ironically ambiguous, a left-handed compliment
rotating to the left
left over(p)
not used up, leftover meatloaf, she had a little money left over so she went to a movie, some odd dollars left, saved the remaining sandwiches for supper, unexpended provisions
left-eyed having only the left eye
(of marriages) of a marriage between one of royal or noble birth and one of lower rank, valid but with the understanding that the rank of the inferior remains unchanged and offspring do not succeed to titles or property of the superior
left-handed (of marriages) illicit or informal, in Colonial America left-handed marriages between Frenchmen and Indians were frequent
left-handed using or intended for the left hand, left-handed golfers need left-handed clubs, left-handed scissors
intended for the left hand, I rarely lose a left-hand glove
left of or belonging to the political or intellectual left
far left radical or extremely liberal
believing in or supporting tenets of the political left
left being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north, my left hand, left center field, the left bank of a river is bank on your left side when you are facing downstream
left-hand(a) located on or directed toward the left, a car with left-hand drive
(of handwriting) having the letters slanting backward
left toward or on the left, also used figuratively, he looked right and left, the political party has moved left
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