
Literaturhaus Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Literaturhaus n
house of literature
Literaturhaus n
house of literature
Ausgabe: Bücher, graue Literatur, Liefer.
Edition: Books, pamphlets, fasc.
Belletristik f, schöngeistige Literatur f
(poetry and) fiction, belles lettres
Literatur f
fantastische Literatur
fantasy literature
Sanskrit n (altindische Literatur- und Gelehrtensprache)
Berner Ãœbereinkunft zum Schutz von Werken der Literatur und Kunst
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
Vorlage f (Literatur)
englischsprachig adj
englischsprachige Literatur f
English literature
Bakkalaureus m der Literatur(wissenschaft)
BLit : Bachelor of Literature
beschreibende Literatur über
descriptive literature on
Ausgabe: Bücher graue Literatur Liefer.
Edition: Books pamphlets fasc.
Bakkalaureus m; Bachelor m stud.
niedrigster akademischer Grad
Bakkalaureus der Philosophie
Bakkalaureus m der Theologie
Bakkalaureus m der Ingenieurwissenschaften
Bakkalaureus m des Rechts
Bakkalaureus m der Literatur(wissenschaft)
Bakkalaureus m der Literaturwissenschaft
Bakkalaureus m der Medizin
Bakkalaureus m der Naturwissenschaften
Bakkalaureus m der Chirurgie
Bakkalaureus m der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
bachelor of science B.Sc. ; bachelor of arts B.A.
Bachelor of Arts BA
Bachelor of Divinity BD
Bachelor of Engineering BEng
Bachelor of Law BL
Bachelor of Literature BLit
Bachelor of Letters BLitt
Bachelor of Medicine BM
Bachelor of Science Am. BS BSc
Bachelor of Surgery Br. BS
Bachelor of Economic Science BScEcon
Belletristik f; schöngeistige Literatur f
(poetry and) fiction; belles lettres
Fortsetzung f; Folge f (TV; Literatur)
Fortsetzungen pl; Folgen pl
ein TV-Dreiteiler
Sie schreibt an einer Fortsetzung zu ihrem ersten Roman.
a three-sequel TV program(me)
She's writing a sequel to her first novel.
Sturm und Drang (Literatur)
sturm and drang; storm and stress
Ãœbereinkommen n; Konvention f pol.
Europäisches Übereinkommen über die Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen
Europäischen Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten; Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention EMRK
Berner Ãœbereinkunft zum Schutz von Werken der Literatur und Kunst
European Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ECHR
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
etw. erfordern; brauchen; in Anspruch nehmen v; dazu gehören v
erfordernd; brauchend; in Anspruch nehmend; dazu gehörend
erfordert; gebraucht; in Anspruch genommen; dazu gegehört
Das erfordert Mut.; Dazu gehört Mut.
Ich brauchte zwei Stunden dorthin.
Man braucht viel Zeit um die deutsche Literatur zu studieren.
Die Planung der Expedition nahm drei Jahre in Anspruch.
Es gehört schon einiges dazu etw. zu tun
to take sth.
It takes courage.
It took me two hours to get there.
German literature takes a long time to study.
The expedition took three years to plan.
It takes a lot fair bit to do sth.
ungeeignet; unpassend; nicht der die das richtige adj
ein ungeeigneter Kandidat für die Stelle
Sie haben an den unmöglichsten Orten Hotels gebaut.
Literatur und Technik passen nicht zusammen.
unlikely (only before noun)
an unlikely candidate for the position
They have built hotels in the most unlikely places.
Literature and technology are an unlikely couple.
Science Fiction (Literatur- und Filmgattung)
SF (abbr. of Science Fiction)
Cyberpunk m (Zweig der Science-Fiction-Literatur) lit.
cyberpunk (science fiction subgenre)
Auflage f Aufl. ; Ausgabe f; Edition f Ed. (eines Buches)
Auflagen pl; Ausgaben pl; Editionen pl
aktualisierte Ausgabe f
überarbeitete Auflage
unveränderte Auflage
beschränkte Auflage f
Gesamtausgabe f
Werkausgabe f
Wiederauflage f
broschierte Ausgabe eines Buches
mehrsprachige Ausgabe f
in der Online-Ausgabe von
Ausgabe: Andere Materialien
Ausgabe: Bücher, graue Literatur, Liefer.
Ausgabe: Computerdateien
Ausgabe: Unveröffentlichte Werke
edition ed.
updated edition
revised edition
unrevised edition
limited edition
complete edition
complete edition of an author
paper edition of a book
polyglot edition
in the online edition of
Edition: Other materials
Edition: Books, pamphlets, fasc.
Edition: Computer files
Edition: Unpublished items
Bakkalaureus m; Bachelor m stud.
niedrigster akademischer Grad
Bakkalaureus der Philosophie
Bakkalaureus m der Theologie
Bakkalaureus m der Ingenieurwissenschaften
Bakkalaureus m des Rechts
Bakkalaureus m der Literatur(wissenschaft)
Bakkalaureus m der Literaturwissenschaft
Bakkalaureus m der Medizin
Bakkalaureus m der Naturwissenschaften
Bakkalaureus m der Chirurgie
Bakkalaureus m der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
bachelor of science B.Sc. ; bachelor of arts B.A.
Bachelor of Arts BA
Bachelor of Divinity BD
Bachelor of Engineering BEng
Bachelor of Law BL
Bachelor of Literature BLit
Bachelor of Letters BLitt
Bachelor of Medicine BM
Bachelor of Science Am. BS BSc
Bachelor of Surgery Br. BS
Bachelor of Economic Science BScEcon
Literatur f
Barockliteratur f; Literatur des Barocks
fantastische Literatur
Kriegslilteratur f
Baroque literature
fantasy literature
war literature
die Literatur und Philosophie des klassischen Altertums lit. phil.
alle klassischen römischen Schriftsteller gelesen haben
the classics
to have read all the Latin classics
Nobelpreis m
Friedensnobelpreis m
Nobelpreis für Chemie
Nobelpreis für Literatur; Literaturnobelpreis m
Nobelpreis für Physik
Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin
1979 erhielt Mutter Teresa den Friedensnobelpreis.
Nobel Prize
Nobel Peace Prize
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Nobel Prize in Literature
Nobel Prize in Physics
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
In 1979, Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Quellenangaben pl; Quellennachweis m; Quellenverzeichnis n; Literaturverzeichnis n; Literatur f (in einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit) sci.
list of references; references list; list of sources; bibliography (in a scholarly work)
Themengebiet n; Themenbereich m; Themenkreis m
Themengebiete pl; Themenbereiche pl; Themenkreise pl
Literatur zum Thema Zuwanderung
topical area
topical areas
literature in the topical area of immigration
Ãœbereinkommen n; Konvention f pol.
Europäisches Übereinkommen über die Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen
Europäischen Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten; Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention EMRK
Berner Ãœbereinkunft zum Schutz von Werken der Literatur und Kunst
Chemiewaffenübereinkommen n
Genfer Konvention
European Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ECHR
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
Chemical Weapons Convention
Geneva Convention
jds. (großes) Wissen n; jds. (hohe) Bildung f; jds. Gelehrtheit f geh.; jds. Gelehrsamkeit f altertümlich
Buchwissen n; Bücherweisheit f; Schulweisheit f; Schulgelehrsamkeit f altertümlich
sein Literaturwissen; das Wissen, das er sich über Literatur angeeignet hat
eine hochgebildete Frau; eine Frau mit hoher Bildung
ein Kunsthistoriker mit erstaunlichem Wissen
Mangel an Wissen; Mangel an Bildung
sein Wissen an andere weitergeben
sein Wissen zur Schau tragen; bei jdm. sein Wissen heraushängen lassen ugs.
ein Fachmann, der sein Wissen nicht demonstrativ zur Schau stellt sein Wissen nicht heraushängen lässt ugs.
sb.'s learning; sb.'s scholarship; sb.'s erudition
book learning
his literary scholarship
a woman of great learning
an art historian of astonishing erudition
lack of scholarship
to pass your learning on to others
to parade your learning in front of sb.
an expert who wears his (intellectual) learning lightly
(einer Sache) angemessen; entsprechend adj
einer Sache entsprechen
Das Gehalt richtet sich nach Alter und Erfahrung.
Eine so hohe Verantwortung muss angemessen entlohnt werden.
Der Stichprobenumfang entspricht vergleichbaren Studien aus der Literatur.
commensurate (with sth.) formal
to be commensurate with sth.
Salary will be commensurate with age and experience.
Such heavy responsibility must receive commensurate remuneration.
The sample size is commensurate with related studies reported in the literature.
etw. bestätigen; etw. belegen (Sache); etw. bezeugen geh. v
bestätigend; belegend; bezeugend
bestätigt; belegt; bezeugt
Das kann ich bestätigen.; Das kann ich bezeugen.
Der Erfolg dieser Unternehmung wird durch zahlreiche neolithische Fundstätten bestätigt.
Diese Verwendung ist in der Literatur gut belegt.
to attest to sth.
I can attest to this.
The success of this undertaking is attested by numerous Neolithic sites.
This use is well-attested in the literature.
etw. erfordern; brauchen; in Anspruch nehmen v; dazu gehören v
erfordernd; brauchend; in Anspruch nehmend; dazu gehörend
erfordert; gebraucht; in Anspruch genommen; dazu gegehört
Das erfordert Mut.; Dazu gehört Mut.
Ich brauchte zwei Stunden dorthin.
Man braucht viel Zeit, um die deutsche Literatur zu studieren.
Die Planung der Expedition nahm drei Jahre in Anspruch.
Es gehört schon einiges dazu, etw. zu tun
to take sth.
It takes courage.
It took me two hours to get there.
German literature takes a long time to study.
The expedition took three years to plan.
It takes a lot fair bit to do sth.
postmodern adj
postmoderne Literatur
postmodern; postmodernist
postmodern literature
eine Figur sterben lassen v (Literatur, Film usw.) lit.
in der letzten Folge sterben (müssen)
to kill off () a character (literature, film)
to be killed off in the final episode
überraschende Wendung f; unerwartete Wendung f (Theater, Film, Literatur) art lit.
plot twist; twist (theatre, film, literature)
ungeeignet; unpassend; unmöglich ugs.; nicht der die das richtige adj
ein ungeeigneter Kandidat für die Stelle
Sie haben an den unmöglichsten Orten Hotels gebaut.
Literatur und Technik passen nicht zusammen.
unlikely (only before noun)
an unlikely candidate for the position
They have built hotels in the most unlikely places.
Literature and technology are an unlikely couple.
weiterführende Literatur f; vertiefende Literatur f
further reading
Science Fiction (Literatur- und Filmgattung)
science fiction SF
Agent m econ.
Agenten pl
Künstleragent m
Literaturagent m
Theateragent m
performing arts agent; artist managment agent
literary agent
theatrical agent
Agent m (Vermittler von Künstlerengagements) art
Agenten pl
Künstleragent m
Literaturagent m
Theateragent m
performing arts agent; artist management agent
literary agent
theatrical agent
Literaturangabe f, Literaturliste f
bibliographical reference, bibliography
Literaturangabe f
Literaturangabe f; Literaturliste f
bibliographical reference; bibliography
aus prp; +Dat. (Angabe der Herkunft)
aus Sachsen
aus dem Jahr 2000
aus der Zeit Maria-Theresias
aus ganz Europa
jd. aus unserer Mitte
jd. aus der Nachbarschaft
Kinder aus dieser Ehe
aus einer alten Familie stammen
es aus der Zeitung wissen
Aus: Friedrich Nietzsche Ecce Homo (Literaturangabe)
from (provenance)
from Saxony
from the year 2000
from the time of Maria Theresa
from all over Europe
sb. from amongst us; sb. from our midst
sb. from the neighourhood
children from this marriage
to be from an old family
to know about it from the newspaper
From Friedrich Nietzsche Ecce Homo (bibliographical reference)
mit weiteren Nachweisen m. w. N. (Zusatz bei einer Literaturangabe)
with further references w.f.r. (addition to a bibliographical reference)
aus prp; +Dat. (Angabe der Herkunft)
aus Sachsen
aus dem Jahr 2000
aus der Zeit Maria-Theresias
aus ganz Europa
jd. aus unserer Mitte
jd. aus der Nachbarschaft
Kinder aus dieser Ehe
aus einer alten Familie stammen
es aus der Zeitung wissen
Aus: Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo (Literaturangabe)
from (provenance)
from Saxony
from the year 2000
from the time of Maria Theresa
from all over Europe
sb. from amongst us; sb. from our midst
sb. from the neighourhood
children from this marriage
to be from an old family
to know about it from the newspaper
From Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo (bibliographical reference)
vergleichende Literaturarbeit f sci.
systematic literature review; systematic review
Literaturbeilage, literarische Beilage
literary supplement
Literaturbeilage f
literary supplement
Literaturbeilage f
Literaturbeilagen pl
literary supplement
literary supplements
Literaturszene f; Literaturbetrieb m
literary scene
Literaturbetrieb m
literary industry
Literaturempfehlungen pl
recommended literature
Fachmann m; Fachfrau f; Fachkraft f; Experte m; Expertin f; Fachexperte m; Fachexpertin f
Fachmänner pl; Fachfrauen pl; Fachkräfte pl; Experten pl; Expertinnen pl; Fachexperten pl; Fachexpertinnen pl
Computerfachmann m
Energieexperte m
Literaturfachmann m
Wirtschaftsexperte m
Experte auf dem Gebiet sein
specialist; expert
specialists; experts
computer specialist; computer expert
energy expert
literary expert
economic expert
to be an expert on the subject
Eisteddfod, walisisches Musik- und Literaturfestival
Eisteddfod; walisisches Musik- und Literaturfestival
Literaturgeschichte f
literary history; history of literary
Literarizität f; Literaturhaftigkeit f
Literaturhaus n
house of literature
Quellenangabe f; Quellennachweis m; Literaturhinweis m sci.
Quellenangaben pl; Quellennachweise pl; Literaturhinweise pl
Quellenangaben zu einem Literaturverzeichnis zusammenstellen
reference source; source of reference; reference; literature source
reference sources; sources of reference; references; literature sources
to compile sources of reference into a bibliography
Literaturhinweise pl
literature review, references
Literaturhinweise pl
further reading
Literaturhinweise pl
literature review; references
Literaturhistoriker m, Literaturhistorikerin f
literary historian
Literaturhistoriker m; Literaturhistorikerin f
Literaturhistoriker pl; Literaturhistorikerinnen pl
literary historian
literary historians
Geschichtsforscher m; Geschichtsforscherin f; Historiker m; Historikerin f
Geschichtsforscher pl; Geschichtsforscherinnen pl; Historiker pl; Historikerinnen pl
Kunsthistoriker m; Kunsthistorikerin f
Literaturhistoriker m; Literaturhistorikerin f
Militärhistoriker m
Musikhistoriker m
art historian
literary historian
military historian
environmental historian
music historian; historian of music
das Umfeld einer Person Sache bilden; im Zusammenhang mit einer Person Sache stehen v übtr.
der Literaturkreis um den Verleger John Chapman
kriminelle Machenschaften im Zusammenhang mit seinem Tod
Um seinen Erfolg ranken sich viele Mythen.
to surround a person matter fig.
the literary group surrounding the publisher John Chapman
criminal activity surrounding his death
There are many myths surrounding his success.
Literaturkritik f
literary criticism
Rezension f; (kritische) Besprechung f; Kritik f (eines Buches Produkts einer Aufführung)
Rezensionen pl; Besprechungen pl; Kritiken pl
Buchbesprechung f; Buchrezension f; Literaturkritik f; Buchkritik f
Filmrezension f
Produktrezension f
gute schlechte Rezensionen bekommen
eine schlechte Kritik
Sie liest nie die Kritiken über ihre Filme.
review; write-up (of a book product performance)
reviews; write-ups
book review
film review; movie review
product review; product write-up
to get a good bad press
a bad write-up
She never reads the reviews of her films.
Literaturkritiker m, Literaturkritikerin f
literary critic

Deutsche Literaturhaus Synonyme


Englische house of literature Synonyme

house  Aktiengesellschaft  Dymaxion house  Elizabethan theater  Globe Theatre  Greek theater  White House  abbey  abode  accommodate  adobe house  affiliation  agency  aktiebolag  amphitheater  ancestry  animal kingdom  apparentation  architecture  arena theater  as a gift  aspect  assembly  astrodiagnosis  astrology  astromancy  atelier  audience  auditorium  auditory  bagnio  barbershop  beauty parlor  beauty shop  bed  beleaguer  bench  berth  beset  besiege  bestow  billet  birth  blockade  blood  bloodline  board  body corporate  bordello  bound  boutique  box in  branch  breed  brood  brothel  building  bunk  business  business establishment  butcher shop  cabaret  cabin  cage  cartel  casa  chain store  chamber  chamber of commerce  children  circle theater  clan  class  cliff dwelling  cloister  close in  club  co-op  combine  commercial enterprise  common ancestry  commorancy  compagnie  company  compass  concern  concert hall  concession  conglomerate  conglomerate corporation  congregation  congress  consanguinity  consolidating company  consortium  construct  construction  consulate  contain  convent  coop  coop in  coop up  cooperative  copartnership  cordon  cordon off  corporate body  corporation  corral  council  countinghouse  country house  country seat  country store  crib  cuddy  dacha  deanery  deckhouse  deme  department store  derivation  descendants  descent  desk  diet  dime store  direct line  discount house  discount store  distaff side  diversified corporation  domicile  domiciliate  dwelling  dwelling house  dynasty  edifice  embassy  emporium  encircle  enclose  encompass  enshrine  enterprise  entertain  erection  establishment  extraction  fabric  facility  family  farm  farmhouse  female line  fence in  filiation  firm  five-and-ten  folk  folks  for nothing  forebears  free  friary  gallery  general store  genethliac astrology  genethliacism  genethliacs  genethlialogy  gens  get  gratis  groundling  hall  harbor  haven  hearth  hed  
house of cards  breakers ahead  bubble  cambric tea  cardhouse  cause for alarm  china  cobweb  crisis  danger  dangerous ground  dishwater  eggshell  emergency  endangerment  gaping chasm  gathering clouds  glass  glass house  gossamer  gruel  hair  hazard  ice  imperilment  jeopardy  matchwood  menace  milk and water  old paper  parchment  pass  peril  piecrust  pinch  plight  predicament  quicksand  reed  risk  rocks ahead  rope of sand  sand castle  storm clouds  strait  thin ice  thread  threat  water  
house of God  abbey  basilica  bethel  cathedral  chantry  chapel  church  conventicle  fane  house of prayer  kirk  masjid  meetinghouse  mosque  oratory  pagoda  sanctuary  shine  stupa  synagogue  tabernacle  temple  
house of ill repute  bagnio  bawdyhouse  bordello  brothel  cathouse  crib  den  den of vice  disorderly house  dive  house of assignation  house of joy  house of prostitution  joint  panel den  panel house  red-light district  sink of iniquity  sporting house  stew  stews  tenderloin  whorehouse  
housebreak  acclimate  acclimatize  accommodate  accustom  adapt  adjust  apprentice  break  break in  break to harness  breed  bring up  bust  case harden  condition  confirm  cultivate  develop  discipline  domesticate  domesticize  drill  establish  exercise  familiarize  fetch up  fit  fix  form  foster  gentle  groom  habituate  harden  house-train  improve  inure  knock over  lick into shape  naturalize  nurse  nurture  orient  orientate  practice  prepare  put in tune  put to school  raise  ransack  ready  rear  rehearse  rifle  rob  season  send to school  take in hand  tame  train  wont  
housebroken  broken  brought low  chastened  crushed  domesticated  dovelike  gentle  housebroke  humble  humbled  humiliated  lamblike  made to grovel  meek  mild  pacific  peaceable  quelled  quiet  reduced  subdued  tame  tamed  
housed  armored  billeted  cased  ceiled  cloaked  clouded  coated  coped  covered  covert  cowled  curtained  domiciled  domiciliated  eclipsed  encapsulated  encapsuled  encased  enveloped  enwrapped  filmed  floored  hooded  loricate  loricated  mantled  masked  muffled  obscured  occulted  packaged  paved  quartered  roofed-in  screened  scummed  sheathed  shelled  shielded  shrouded  stabled  swathed  tented  under cover  veiled  walled  walled-in  wrapped  
household  Attic  accustomed  ancestral halls  average  brood  chaste  children  chimney corner  classic  classical  common  commonly known  commonplace  conventional  current  customary  domal  domestic  domiciliary  everyday  familiar  family  family homestead  fireplace  fireside  folks  foyer  garden  garden-variety  get  habitual  hackneyed  hearth  hearth and home  hearthstone  home  home place  home roof  home sweet home  homefolks  homely  homespun  homestead  house  ingle  inglenook  ingleside  issue  manorial  mansional  matter-of-fact  menage  nondescript  normative  notorious  offspring  ordinary  palatial  paternal roof  people  plain  platitudinous  popular  predominating  prescriptive  prevailing  prosaic  prosy  proverbial  public  pure  pure and simple  regular  regulation  residential  residentiary  roof  rooftree  simple  standard  stock  talked-about  talked-of  toft  trite  truistic  universal  universally admitted  universally recognized  usual  vernacular  well-kenned  well-known  well-recognized  well-understood  widely known  wonted  workaday  workday  
household words  austerity  baldness  bareness  candor  common speech  directness  frankness  homespun  leanness  matter-of-factness  naturalness  openness  plain English  plain speaking  plain speech  plain style  plain words  plainness  prosaicness  prosiness  restrainedness  rustic style  severity  simpleness  simplicity  soberness  spareness  starkness  straightforwardness  unadorned style  unadornedness  unaffectedness  unimaginativeness  unpoeticalness  vernacular  
householder  beneficiary  cestui  cestui que trust  cestui que use  cottager  cotter  cottier  crofter  deedholder  feoffee  feudatory  freeholder  head of household  laird  landlady  landlord  lord  master  mesne  mesne lord  mistress  owner  proprietary  proprietor  proprietress  proprietrix  rentier  squire  titleholder  
housekeeper  MC  attorney  bailiff  butler  chamberlain  croupier  curator  custodian  emcee  factor  guardian  house steward  landreeve  librarian  majordomo  master of ceremonies  proctor  procurator  seneschal  steward  
housetop  ceiling  eaves  lantern  overhead  penthouse  plafond  ridgepole  roof  roof garden  roof-deck  roofage  roofing  roofpole  rooftop  rooftree  shingles  skylight  slates  tiles  top  
housewares  appliances  brassware  chinaware  clayware  copperware  dinnerware  durable goods  durables  earthenware  enamelware  fixtures  flatware  glassware  graniteware  hard goods  hardware  hollow ware  housefurnishings  ironmongery  ironware  kitchenware  metalware  ovenware  silverware  sporting goods  stoneware  tableware  tinware  tools and machinery  white goods  woodenware  
housewarming  Kaffeeklatsch  assemblee  assembly  assignation  at home  ball  blowout  brawl  caucus  cocktail party  coffee klatch  colloquium  commission  committee  conclave  concourse  congregation  congress  conventicle  convention  convocation  costume party  council  dance  date  diet  dinner  dinner party  donation party  eisteddfod  entertainment  festivity  fete  forgathering  forum  garden party  gathering  get-together  hen party  house party  house-raising  lawn party  levee  mask  masque  masquerade  masquerade party  meet  meeting  panel  party  plenum  prom  quorum  rally  reception  rendezvous  seance  session  shindig  shindy  shower  sit-in  sitting  smoker  soiree  stag  stag party  surprise party  symposium  synod  turnout  

Literaturhaus Definition

(n.) A structure intended or used as a habitation or shelter for animals of any kind
(n.) Household affairs
(n.) Those who dwell in the same house
(n.) A family of ancestors, descendants, and kindred
(n.) One of the estates of a kingdom or other government assembled in parliament or legislature
(n.) A firm, or commercial establishment.
(n.) A public house
(n.) A twelfth part of the heavens, as divided by six circles intersecting at the north and south points of the horizon, used by astrologers in noting the positions of the heavenly bodies, and casting horoscopes or nativities. The houses were regarded as fixed in respect to the horizon, and numbered from the one at the eastern horizon, called the ascendant, first house, or house of life, downward, or in the direction of the earth's revolution, the stars and planets passing through them in the reverse order every twenty-four hours.
(n.) A square on a chessboard, regarded as the proper place of a piece.
(n.) An audience
(n.) The body, as the habitation of the soul.
(n.) The grave.
(v. t.) To take or put into a house
(v. t.) To drive to a shelter.
(v. t.) To admit to residence
(v. t.) To deposit and cover, as in the grave.
(v. t.) To stow in a safe place
(v. i.) To take shelter or lodging
(v. i.) To have a position in one of the houses. See House, n., 8.
(n.) Learning
(n.) The collective body of literary productions, embracing the entire results of knowledge and fancy preserved in writing
(n.) The class of writings distinguished for beauty of style or expression, as poetry, essays, or history, in distinction from scientific treatises and works which contain positive knowledge
(n.) The occupation, profession, or business of doing literary work.
(n.) Alt. of Lombar-house
(n.) A bank or a pawnbroker's shop.
(n.) A public institution for lending money to the poor at a moderate interest, upon articles deposited and pledged
(n.) A hall for public meetings
(n.) A building in which sugar is made or refined
(n.) A house in which liquors are sold in drams or small quantities, to be drunk on the premises.
(n.) A tiring-room.
(n.) A house or building where treasures and stores are kept.
(n.) A brothel.
(n.) A building at or within which goods, and the like, are weighed.

house of literature Bedeutung

house play in which children take the roles of father or mother or children and pretend to interact like adults, the children were playing house
painting house painting the occupation of a house painter, house painting was the only craft he knew
literature the profession or art of a writer, her place in literature is secure
house arrest confinement to your own home
Monmouth Court House
Battle of Monmouth Court House
Battle of Monmouth
a pitched battle in New Jersey during the American Revolution () that ended with the withdrawal of British forces
house finch
linnet Carpodacus mexicanus
small finch originally of the western United States and Mexico
English sparrow
house sparrow
Passer domesticus
small hardy brown-and-grey bird native to Europe
house wren
Troglodytes aedon
common American wren that nests around houses
house martin
Delichon urbica
common small European martin that builds nests under the eaves of houses
milk snake
house snake
milk adder
checkered adder
Lampropeltis triangulum
nonvenomous tan and brown king snake with an arrow-shaped occipital spot, southeastern ones have red stripes like coral snakes
house centipede
Scutigera coleoptrata
long-legged centipede common in damp places as e.g. cellars
domestic cat
house cat
Felis domesticus
Felis catus
any domesticated member of the genus Felis
house fly
Musca domestica
common fly that frequents human habitations and spreads many diseases
European house cricket
Acheta domestica
lives in human dwellings, naturalized in parts of America
house mouse
Mus musculus
brownish-grey Old World mouse now a common household pest worldwide
apartment building
apartment house
a building that is divided into apartments
bee house
a shed containing a number of beehives
beach house a house built on or near a beach
c Bedlam
booby hatch
crazy house
cuckoo's nest
funny farm
funny house
loony bin
nut house
sanatorium snake pit
pejorative terms for an insane asylum
boarding house
a private house that provides accommodations and meals for paying guests
brokerage house
place where a broker conducts his business
building supply store
building supply house
a store where builders can purchase materials for building houses and related structures
fraternity house
frat house
a house used as a residence by a chapter of a fraternity
charnel house
a vault or building where corpses or bones are deposited
movie theater
movie theatre
movie house
picture palace
a theater where films are shown
coach house
carriage house
a small building for housing coaches and carriages and other vehicles
coal house a shed for storing coal
conference center
conference house
a center where conferences can be conducted
country house a house (usually large and impressive) on an estate in the country
death house
death row
the cellblock in a prison where those condemned to death await execution
deck-house a superstructure on the upper deck of a ship
detached house
single dwelling
a house that stands alone
detention home
detention house
house of detention
detention camp
an institution where juvenile offenders can be held temporarily (usually under the supervision of a juvenile court)
discount house
discount store
wholesale house
a sales outlet offering goods at a discounted price
doll's house
a small model of a house used as a toy by children
dollhouse doll's house a house so small that it is likened to a child's plaything
duplex house
duplex semidetached house
a house with two units sharing a common wall
dwelling house
housing that someone is living in, he built a modest dwelling near the pond, they raise money to provide homes for the homeless
field house an athletic facility where athletes prepare for sport
field house sports arena a building for indoor sports
free house a public house that is not controlled by a brewery and so is free to sell different brands of beer and ale
gambling house
gambling den
gambling hell
gaming house
a public building in which a variety of games of chance can be played (operated as a business)
glebe house a parsonage (especially one provided for the holder of a benefice)
hash house an inexpensive restaurant
house a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families, he has a house on Cape Cod, she felt she had to get out of the house
house a building in which something is sheltered or located, they had a large carriage house
house of cards
an unstable construction with playing cards, he built three levels of his cardcastle before it collapsed
house of correction (formerly) a jail or other place of detention for persons convicted of minor offences
house paint
paint used to cover the exterior woodwork of a house
joss house a Chinese temple or shrine for idol worship
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