
Deutsche Losbrechkraft Synonyme

Englische breakaway torque Synonyme

breakaway  Bohemian  abjuratory  alienated  antagonistic  antiestablishment  antipathetic  apostasy  at odds with  at variance with  backsliding  beat  betrayal  bolt  clashing  conflicting  contradicting  contradictory  counter-culture  counteractant  counteracting  counteractive  countervailing  counterworking  cranky  crotchety  defection  dereliction  deserter  desertion  differing  disagreeing  disloyalty  dissentient  dissenting  dissident  extreme  extremistic  factious  faithlessness  far out  free and easy  fringy  going over  heretical  heterodox  hippie  hostile  in opposition  informal  inimical  insurgent  insurrectionary  kinky  maverick  mugwumpian  mugwumpish  mutineering  mutinous  nonconforming  nonconformist  not cricket  not done  not kosher  offbeat  opposing  oppositional  oppugnant  original  perverse  rare  ratting  reactionary  rebel  rebellious  recalcitrant  recherche  recidivation  recidivism  recreancy  recusant  renitent  renunciative  renunciatory  repudiative  repudiatory  repugnant  resistant  revocatory  revolutional  revolutionary  riotous  schism  schismatic  secession  secessionist  sectarian  sectary  seditionary  seditious  separatist  subversive  sui generis  traitorous  treason  treasonable  turbulent  turning traitor  uncommon  unconventional  uncustomary  underground  undreamed-of  unexpected  unfamiliar  unfashionable  unheard-of  unique  unordinary  unorthodox  unthought-of  unusual  unwonted  walkout  way out  


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Die Losbrechkraft beschreibt nach der Norm ISO 6015:2006 die Kraft, die eine Erdbaumaschine aufbringen kann, um das zu bewegende Gut, meist Erde, zu bewegen.