
Magenvolvulus Definition

(a.) Of, pertaining to, or situated near, the stomach
(n.) The spasmodic contraction of the intestines which causes colic.
(n.) Any twisting or displacement of the intestines causing obstruction

gastric volvulus Bedeutung

gastric lavage washing out the stomach with sterile water or a saltwater solution, removes blood or poisons, when the doctor ordered a gastric lavage the hospital pumped out my stomach
gastric mill
thick-walled muscular pouch below the crop in many birds and reptiles for grinding food
gastric smear alimentary tract smear of material obtained from the stomach
gastric artery
arteria gastrica
the arteries that supply the walls of the stomach
right gastric artery
ateria gastrica dextra
a branch of the hepatic artery that supplies the pyloric portion of the stomach on the lesser curvature
left gastric artery
arteria gastrica sinistra
a branch of the celiac artery that supplies the lesser curvature of the stomach and the abdominal part of the esophagus
short gastric artery
arteria gastrica breves
vasa brevis
several small arteries branching off of the splenic artery and going to the greater curvature of the stomach
gastric vein
vena gastrica
one of several veins draining the stomach walls
left gastric vein
vena gastrica sinistra
arises from a union of veins from the gastric cardia, runs in the lesser omentum, empties into the portal vein
pyloric vein
right gastric vein
vena gastrica-dextra
receives veins from the upper surfaces of the stomach and empties into the portal vein
gastric juice
gastric acid
digestive secretions of the stomach glands consisting chiefly of hydrochloric acid and mucin and the enzymes pepsin and rennin and lipase
gastric digestion the process of breaking down proteins by the action of the gastric juice in the stomach
gastric ulcer a peptic ulcer of the stomach
volvulus abnormal twisting of the intestines (usually in the area of the ileum or sigmoid colon) resulting in intestinal obstruction
gastric antacid
an agent that counteracts or neutralizes acidity (especially in the stomach)
relating to or involving the stomach, gastric ulcer
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Ein Magenvolvulus, lat.: Volvulus ventriculi ist eine abnorme Verdrehung des Magens mit Abschnürung des Magenein- und -ausganges.