
Deutsche Marineministerium Synonyme

Englische Lords Commissioners of Admiralty ; Board of Admiralty Synonyme

lordship  acme  aedileship  archbishopric  archiepiscopacy  archiepiscopate  aristocracy  authority  authorization  baronetcy  barony  be-all and end-all  bishopric  blue ribbon  chairmanship  championship  chancellery  chancellorate  chancellorship  chiefery  chiefry  chieftaincy  chieftainry  chieftainship  command  consulate  consulship  control  deanery  dictatorship  dictature  directorship  dominion  dominium  dukedom  earldom  effectiveness  emirate  episcopacy  first place  first prize  governorship  headship  hegemony  height  hierarchy  highest  imperium  influence  jurisdiction  kingship  knight-errantship  knighthood  ladyship  land tenure  landholding  landownership  landowning  leadership  magistracy  magistrateship  magistrature  management  marquisate  masterdom  mastership  mastery  maximum  mayoralty  mayorship  metropolitanate  metropolitanship  most  ne plus ultra  new high  nobility  overlordship  ownership  palms  papacy  paramountcy  pashadom  pashalic  patriarchate  patriarchy  pontificality  pontificate  popedom  popehood  popeship  possessorship  power  prefectship  prefecture  premiership  presidency  presidentship  primacy  prime-ministership  prime-ministry  princedom  princeship  principality  proconsulate  proconsulship  proprietary  proprietorship  protectorate  protectorship  provostry  provostship  queenship  record  rectorate  rectorship  regency  regentship  rule  ruling class  say  seignioralty  seigniory  seneschalship  seneschalsy  sheikhdom  sheriffalty  sheriffcy  sheriffdom  shrievalty  sovereignty  supervisorship  supremacy  suzerainship  suzerainty  sway  top spot  tribunate  viscountcy  viscountship  viscounty  vizierate  viziership  zenith  
Lordship  Eminence  Grace  Her Excellency  Her Highness  Her Ladyship  Her Majesty  Highness  His Lordship  His Majesty  Honor  Imperial Highness  Imperial Majesty  Lady  Ladyship  Lord  Majesty  My Lady  My Lord  Reverence  Royal Highness  Royal Majesty  Serene Highness  Worship  Your Lordship  milady  milord  

Marineministerium Definition

(n.) The office or jurisdiction of an admiral.
(n.) The department or officers having authority over naval affairs generally.
(n.) The court which has jurisdiction of maritime questions and offenses.
(n.) The system of jurisprudence of admiralty courts.
(n.) The building in which the lords of the admiralty, in England, transact business.
(n.) A piece of timber sawed thin, and of considerable length and breadth as compared with the thickness, -- used for building, etc.
(n.) A table to put food upon.
(n.) Hence: What is served on a table as food
(n.) A table at which a council or court is held. Hence: A council, convened for business, or any authorized assembly or meeting, public or private
(n.) A square or oblong piece of thin wood or other material used for some special purpose, as, a molding board
(n.) Paper made thick and stiff like a board, for book covers, etc.
(n.) The stage in a theater
(n.) The border or side of anything.
(n.) The side of a ship.
(n.) The stretch which a ship makes in one tack.
(v. t.) To cover with boards or boarding
(n.) To go on board of, or enter, as a ship, whether in a hostile or a friendly way.
(n.) To enter, as a railway car.
(n.) To furnish with regular meals, or with meals and lodgings, for compensation
(n.) To place at board, for compensation
(v. i.) To obtain meals, or meals and lodgings, statedly for compensation
(v. t.) To approach
Lords and Ladies
() The European wake-robin (Arum maculatum), -- those with purplish spadix the lords, and those with pale spadix the ladies.
(n.) A sounding-board.
(n.) A thin board which propagates the sound in a piano, in a violin, and in some other musical instruments.
(n.) A board or structure placed behind or over a pulpit or rostrum to give distinctness to a speaker's voice.
(n.) See Sound boarding, under Sound, a noise.
(v. t.) To nail boards upon so as to lap one over another, in order to exclude rain, snow, etc.

Lords Commissioners of Admiralty [Br.]; Board of Admiralty Bedeutung

board game a game played on a specially designed board
shovel board
a game in which coins or discs are slid by hand across a board toward a mark
admiralty the office of admiral
backgammon board the board on which backgammon is played
baffle board
a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy
skirting board
a molding covering the joint formed by a wall and the floor
beaver board a light wallboard made of compressed wood pulp
big board the large display board at the New York Stock Exchange that reports on stocks traded on the exchange
board a flat piece of material designed for a special purpose, he nailed boards across the windows
board gameboard a flat portable surface (usually rectangular) designed for board games, he got out the board and set up the pieces
board rule a measure used in computing board feet
bread board
a wooden or plastic board on which dough is kneaded or bread is sliced
bulletin board
notice board
a board that hangs on a wall, displays announcements
bulletin board system
bulletin board electronic bulletin board
a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
butcher board
butcher block
a thick wooden slab formed by bonding together thick laminated strips of unpainted hardwood
call-board a bulletin board backstage in a theater
checker board
a board having squares of two alternating colors
chess board
a checkerboard used to play chess
chopping board
cutting board
a wooden board where meats or vegetables can be cut
circuit board
circuit card
board card plug-in
a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities
conference table
council table
council board
the table that conferees sit around as they hold a meeting
control panel
instrument panel
control board
board panel
electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices, he checked the instrument panel, suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree
cornice valance
valance board
a decorative framework to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing
CPU board
mother board
the main circuit board for a computer
cribbage board a board with pegs and regularly spaced holes for holding the pegs, used for keeping the score in a game of cribbage
dart board
a circular board of wood or cork used as the target in the game of darts
dining table
a table at which meals are served, he helped her clear the dining table, a feast was spread upon the board
display panel
display board
a vertical surface on which information can be displayed to public view
diving board a springboard from which swimmers can dive
drafting board
drawing board
a smooth board on which paper is placed for making drawings
draining board
a board beside a kitchen sink and inclined to drain into the sink
the hinged protective covering that protects the keyboard of a piano when it is not being played
particle board
wallboard composed of wood chips or shavings bonded together with resin and compressed into rigid sheets
floor board
a board in the floor
go board a board used for playing go
ironing board narrow padded board on collapsible supports, used for ironing clothes
ledger board top rail of a fence or balustrade
computer memory
storage computer storage
store memory board
an electronic memory device, a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached
monopoly board a board used for playing monopoly
New York Stock Exchange
N. Y. Stock Exchange
big board
a stock exchange in New York
Ouija board
a board with the alphabet on it, used with a planchette to spell out supernatural messages
PC board a removable circuit board for a personal computer, fits into a slot in the mother board
gypsum board
wallboard with a gypsum plaster core bonded to layers of paper or fiberboard, used instead of plaster or wallboard to make interior walls
running board a narrow footboard serving as a step beneath the doors of some old cars
sandwich board signboard consisting of two hinged boards that hang front and back from the shoulders of a walker and are used to display advertisements
tilting board
dandle board
a plaything consisting of a board balanced on a fulcrum, the board is ridden up and down by children at either end
shoulder board
shoulder mark
epaulets that indicate rank
slide playground slide
sliding board
plaything consisting of a sloping chute down which children can slide
sounding board
(music) resonator consisting of a thin board whose vibrations reinforce the sound of the instrument
throwing stick throwing board
spear thrower
dart thrower
a device resembling a sling that is used in various primitive societies to propel a dart or spear
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Marineministerium ist ein besonderes Ministerium für den Verantwortungsbereich in Marinefragen. Der Leiter wird allgemein Marineminister genannt. Die beiden Ausprägungen ? militärisch oder zivil ? werden vereinzelt Kriegsmarineministerium und Handelsmarineministerium genannt.

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