
Deutsche Melkstand Synonyme

Englische milking parlour ; milking parlor Synonyme

milking  aspiration  bleeding  bloodletting  broaching  cupping  drafting  drainage  draining  drawing  emptying  phlebotomy  pipetting  pumping  siphoning  sucking  suction  tapping  venesection  

Melkstand Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Milk
(n.) A room for business or social conversation, for the reception of guests, etc.
(n.) The apartment in a monastery or nunnery where the inmates are permitted to meet and converse with each other, or with visitors and friends from without.
(n.) In large private houses, a sitting room for the family and for familiar guests, -- a room for less formal uses than the drawing-room. Esp., in modern times, the dining room of a house having few apartments, as a London house, where the dining parlor is usually on the ground floor.
(n.) Commonly, in the United States, a drawing-room, or the room where visitors are received and entertained.

milking parlour [Br.]; milking parlor [Am.] / milking parlours; milking parlors Bedeutung

parlor game
parlour game
a game suitable for playing in a parlor
milking shorthorn breed evolved from shorthorn beef cattle
baby grand
baby grand piano
parlor grand
parlor grand piano
parlour grand
parlour grand piano
a small grand piano
billiard room
billiard saloon
billiard parlor
billiard parlour
billiard hall
a room in which billiards is played
funeral home
funeral parlor
funeral parlour
funeral chapel
funeral church
a mortuary where those who knew the deceased can come to pay their last respects
living room
sitting room
front room
parlor parlour
a room in a private house or establishment where people can sit and talk and relax
massage parlor a business establishment that offers therapeutic massage
massage parlor a place where illicit sex is available under the guise of therapeutic massage
milking machine machine consisting of a suction apparatus for milking cows mechanically
milking stool low three-legged stool with a half round seat, used to sit on while milking a cow
reception room in an inn or club where visitors can be received
parlor car
parlour car
drawingoom car
palace car
chair car
a passenger car for day travel, you pay extra fare for individual chairs
pizza shop
pizza parlor
a shop where pizzas are made and sold
salon beauty salon
beauty parlor
beauty parlour
beauty shop
a shop where hairdressers and beauticians work
sun parlor
sun parlour
sun porch
sun lounge
a room enclosed largely with glass and affording exposure to the sun
tea parlor
tea parlour
a restaurant where tea and light meals are available
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Ein Melkstand ist eine Vorrichtung, in der Melkzeuge installiert sind und in der die Tiere gemolken werden.