
Deutsche Metakommunikation Synonyme

Englische meta-communication Synonyme

Metakommunikation Definition

(n.) The act or fact of communicating
(n.) Intercourse by words, letters, or messages
(n.) Association
(n.) Means of communicating
(n.) That which is communicated or imparted
(n.) Participation in the Lord's supper.
(n.) A trope, by which a speaker assumes that his hearer is a partner in his sentiments, and says we, instead of I or you.
() Alt. of Met-

meta-communication Bedeutung

communication something that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
approach trench
communication trench
a trench that provides protected passage between the rear and front lines of a defensive position
communication system
communication equipment
facility consisting of the physical plants and equipment for disseminating information
communication system a system for communicating
communication theory
the discipline that studies the principles of transmiting information and the methods by which it is delivered (as print or radio or television etc.), communications is his major field of study
communication communicating the activity of communicating, the activity of conveying information, they could not act without official communication from Moscow
channel communication channel
(often plural) a means of communication or access, it must go through official channels, lines of communication were set up between the two firms
inter-group communication
a channel for communication between groups, he provided a liaison with the guerrillas
electronic communication communication by computer
digital communication
data communication
electronic transmission of information that has been encoded digitally (as for storage and processing by computers)
linguistic communication
a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols, he taught foreign languages, the language introduced is standard throughout the text, the speed with which a program can be executed depends on the language in which it is written
written communication
written language
black and white
communication by means of written symbols (either printed or handwritten)
animal communication communication between animals (of the same species)
visual communication communication that relies on vision
paralinguistic communication
the use of manner of speaking to communicate particular meanings
auditory communication communication that relies on hearing
speech communication
spoken communication
spoken language
language voice communication
oral communication
(language) communication by word of mouth, his speech was garbled, he uttered harsh language, he recorded the spoken language of the streets
phatic speech
phatic communication
conversational speech used to communicate sociability more than information
psychic communication
psychical communication
anomalous communication
communication by paranormal means
communication a connection allowing access between persons or places, how many lines of communication can there be among four people?, a secret passageway provided communication between the two rooms
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Als Metakommunikation wird ?Kommunikation über Kommunikation? bezeichnet. Der Begriff stammt ursprünglich aus der Gestaltpsychologie nach Wolfgang Metzger und der Kommunikationstheorie der systemischen Therapie. Gregory Bateson verwendete ihn erstmals in seinem Aufsatz "Eine Theorie des Spiels und der Phantasie" von 1954[1], in dem er zwischen meta-sprachlichen und meta-kommunikativen Ebenen unterschied. Der Ausdruck fand schließlich Eingang in den Mainstream der Kommunikationstheorie. Heutzutage findet er auch in der Management- und Ratgeberliteratur Verwendung. Die Kommunikationspartner verlagern ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf eine höhere Ebene und tauschen sich darüber aus, wie sie miteinander umgehen oder was sie im Moment stark beschäftigt. Dabei wird eine Haltung der Distanz, aber auch der Offenheit zum eigenen Kommunikationsverhalten und zu den Motiven für dieses Kommunikationsverhalten eingenommen. Metakommunikation ist aber auch ein sprachliches Instrument zur Auflösung von Missverständnissen, vor allem auch in der interkulturellen Kommunikation.[2][3][4]

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