
Mittelmeerfeldgrille Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Mittelmeerfeldgrille f (Gryllus bimaculatus) zool.
Mittelmeerfeldgrillen pl
Mediterraneanfield cricket; African field cricket; two-spotted cricket
Mediterraneanfield crickets; African field crickets; two-spotted crickets
Mittelmeerfeldgrille f (Gryllus bimaculatus) zool.
Mittelmeerfeldgrillen pl
Mediterraneanfield cricket; African field cricket; two-spotted cricket
Mediterraneanfield crickets; African field crickets; two-spotted crickets
Mittelmeer..., mediterran adj
Walschutzzone f
Antarktische Walschutzzone
Walschutzzone Indischer Ozean
Mittelmeer-Walschutzzone (Italien, Frankreich, Monaco)
Südliche Walschutzzone
Walschutzzone Südpazifik (vorgeschlagen)
Antrag für weltweite Walschutzzone
whale sanctuary
Antarctic whale sanctuary
Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary
Mediterranean Whale Sanctuary (Italy, France, Monaco)
southern oceans whale sanctuary
South Pacific Whale Sanctuary (proposed)
Global Whale Sanctuary Petition
Mittelmeer-Muräne f zool.
Mittelmeer-Muränen pl
Mediterranean moray
Mediterranean morays
Mittelmeer m geogr.
Mediterranean Sea
Mittelmeer-Steinschmätzer m ornith.
Black-eared Wheatear (Oenanthe hispanica)
Mittelmeer-Raubwürger m ornith.
Southern Grey Shrike
Strände am Mittelmeer
beaches on the Mediterranean
Mediterranean Sea
Jakobsmuscheln pl; Pilgermuscheln pl (Pecten) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Mittelmeer-Pilgermuschel f (Pecten jacobaeus)
Große Pilgermuschel f (Pecten maximus)
pecten scallops
pilgrim's scallop
great scallop; king scallop
Walschutzzone f
Walschutzzonen pl
Antarktische Walschutzzone
Walschutzzone Indischer Ozean
Mittelmeer-Walschutzzone (Italien Frankreich Monaco)
Südliche Walschutzzone
Walschutzzone Südpazifik (vorgeschlagen)
Antrag für weltweite Walschutzzone
whale sanctuary
whale sanctuaries
Antarctic whale sanctuary
Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary
Mediterranean Whale Sanctuary (Italy France Monaco)
southern oceans whale sanctuary
South Pacific Whale Sanctuary (proposed)
Global Whale Sanctuary Petition
anderswo; andernorts; anderenorts; anderorts; an anderer Stelle adv
Die Fische im Mittelmeer sind häufig kleiner als anderswo.
Gegen diese Person wurde bereits andernorts Anklage erhoben.
Es wurde im Amtsblatt und an anderer Stelle zur Interessenbekundung aufgefordert.
Auf die geäußerten Bedenken wurde im Bericht bereits an anderer Stelle eingegangen.
Fish are often smaller in the Mediterranean than elsewhere.
The subject has been charged elsewhere.
In the Official Journal and elsewhere a call for expressions of interest was published.
The concerns expressed have already been taken care of in other parts of the report.
mediterran adj; Mittelmeer...
stürzen; abstürzen v
stürzend; abstürzend
gestürzt; abgestürzt
stürzt (ab)
stürzte (ab)
in die Tiefe stürzen
Das Flugzeug stürzte kurz nach dem Start ins Mittelmeer.
Der Ballon fing Feuer und stürzte aus einer Höhe von 150 Metern in die Tiefe.
to crash
to crash to the ground
The aircraft crashed into the Mediterranean shortly after take-off.
The balloon caught fire and crashed to the ground from a height of 150 metres.
Mittelmeer n geogr.
Mediterranean Sea
Steinschmätzer pl (Oenanthe) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Echter Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Fahlbürzel-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe moesta)
Rotbürzel-Steinschmätzer m; Rotschwanz-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe xanthoprymna)
Weissbürzel-Steinschmätzer m; Saharasteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe leucopyga)
Arabischer Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe lugentoides)
Bergsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe monticola)
Braunbrust-Steinschmätzer m; Braunbrustschmätzer m (Oenanthe bottae)
Elster-Steinschmätzer m; Elsterschmätzer m; Schwarz-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe picata)
Erdsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe pileata)
Felsensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe finschii)
Heuglin-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe heuglini)
Isabell-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe isabellina)
Kappensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe monacha)
Kaukasussteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe chrysopygia)
Mittelmeer-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe hispanica)
Nonnensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe pleschanka)
Schwarzkopf-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe alboniger)
Schwarzrücken-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe lugens)
Somali-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe phillipsi)
Trauersteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe leucura)
Wüstensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe deserti)
Zypernsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe cypriaca)
wheatears (zoological genus)
common wheatear; Eurasian wheatear; European wheatear; Northern wheatear
grey-headed wheatear; red-rumped wheatear; buff-rumped wheatear; Tristram's wheatear
Kurdish wheatear; Kurdistan wheatear; chestnut-rumped wheatear; red-tailed wheatear; rufous-tailed wheatear
white-crowned wheatear; white-rumped black wheatear; white-tailed wheatear
Arabian wheatear
mountain wheatear
red-breasted wheatear; buff-breasted wheatear; Botta's wheatear
variable wheatear; Eastern pied wheatear
capped wheatear
Finsch's wheatear
Heuglin's wheatear
isabelline wheatear
hooded wheatear
Afghan wheatear; Eastern red-tailed wheatear; Eastern rufous-tailed wheatear; rusty-tailed sheatear
black-eared wheatear
pied wheatear; Pleschanka's wheatear; Pleschanka's chat
Hume's wheatear
mourning wheatear; white-underwinged wheatear
Somali wheatear; Phillips's wheatear
black wheatear
desert wheatear
Cyprus wheatear
Jakobsmuscheln pl; Pilgermuscheln pl (Pecten) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Mittelmeer-Pilgermuschel f (Pecten jacobaeus)
Große Pilgermuschel f (Pecten maximus)
pecten scallops (zoological genus)
pilgrim's scallop
great scallop; king scallop
Mytilus-Muscheln pl (Mytilus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Mittelmeer-Miesmuschel f (Mytilus galloprovincialis)
mytilus mussels (zoological genus)
Mediterranean mussel
Rittersporne pl (Delphinium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Giftiger Rittersporn m; Mittelmeer-Rittersporn m; Stephanskraut n; Stephanskorn n; Läusepfeffer m; Läusezahn m (Delphinium staphisagria)
larkspurs (botanical genus) (larkspur)
stavesacre; lice-bane
Walschutzzone f
Walschutzzonen pl
Antarktische Walschutzzone
Walschutzzone Indischer Ozean
Mittelmeer-Walschutzzone (Italien, Frankreich, Monaco)
Südliche Walschutzzone
Walschutzzone Südpazifik (vorgeschlagen)
Antrag für weltweite Walschutzzone
whale sanctuary
whale sanctuaries
Antarctic whale sanctuary
Indian Ocean Whale Sanctuary
Mediterranean Whale Sanctuary (Italy, France, Monaco)
southern oceans whale sanctuary
South Pacific Whale Sanctuary (proposed)
Global Whale Sanctuary Petition
mediterran adj; Mittelmeer…
Steinschmätzer pl (Oenanthe) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Echter Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Fahlbürzel-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe moesta)
Rotbürzel-Steinschmätzer m; Rotschwanz-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe xanthoprymna)
Weissbürzel-Steinschmätzer m; Saharasteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe leucopyga)
Arabischer Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe lugentoides)
Bergsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe monticola)
Braunbrust-Steinschmätzer m; Braunbrustschmätzer m (Oenanthe bottae)
Elster-Steinschmätzer m; Elsterschmätzer m; Schwarz-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe picata)
Erdsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe pileata)
Felsensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe finschii)
Heuglin-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe heuglini)
Isabell-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe isabellina)
Kappensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe monacha)
Kaukasussteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe chrysopygia)
Mittelmeer-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe hispanica)
Nonnensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe pleschanka)
Schwarzkopf-Steinschmätzer m; Schwarzkopfschmätzer m; Gelbkopf-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe albonigra Oenanthe alboniger)
Schwarzrücken-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe lugens)
Somali-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe phillipsi)
Trauersteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe leucura)
Wüstensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe deserti)
Zypernsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe cypriaca)
wheatears (zoological genus)
common wheatear; Eurasian wheatear; European wheatear; Northern wheatear
grey-headed wheatear; red-rumped wheatear; buff-rumped wheatear; Tristram's wheatear
Kurdish wheatear; Kurdistan wheatear; chestnut-rumped wheatear; red-tailed wheatear; rufous-tailed wheatear
white-crowned wheatear; white-rumped black wheatear; white-tailed wheatear
Arabian wheatear
mountain wheatear
red-breasted wheatear; buff-breasted wheatear; Botta's wheatear
variable wheatear; Eastern pied wheatear
capped wheatear
Finsch's wheatear
Heuglin's wheatear
isabelline wheatear
hooded wheatear
Afghan wheatear; Eastern red-tailed wheatear; Eastern rufous-tailed wheatear; rusty-tailed sheatear
black-eared wheatear
pied wheatear; Pleschanka's wheatear; Pleschanka's chat
black-headed wheatear; Hume's wheatear
mourning wheatear; white-underwinged wheatear
Somali wheatear; Phillips's wheatear
black wheatear
desert wheatear
Cyprus wheatear
Mittelmeeranrainerstaaten pl geogr. pol.
countries states bordering on the Mediterranean
Anrainerstaat m; Anliegerstaat m Dt. eines Sees Meeres geogr.
Anrainerstaaten pl; Anliegerstaaten pl eines Sees Meeres
die Bodenseeanrainerstaaten
die Anrainerstaaten des Kaspischen Meeres
die Mittelmeeranrainerstaaten
littoral country; littoral state
littoral countries; littoral states
the Lake Constance littoral countries
the Caspian Sea littoral countries
the countries bordering the Mediterranean (Sea); the states with a Mediterranean coastline
Brombeersträucher pl; Brombeerstauden pl; Brombeeren pl (Rubus fruticosus) (botanische Sektion) bot.
Mittelmeerbrombeere f; Ulmenblättrige Brombeere f; Ulmenblattbrombeere f (Rubus ulmifolius)
Samtige Brombeere f; Samtbrombeere f; Weichblattbrombeere f (Rubus vestitus)
blackberry bushes; blackberry shrubs; blackberries; bramble bushes Br.; bramble strubs Br.; brambles (botanical section)
elmleaf blackberry; elm-leaved bramble Br.; thornless blackberry
European blackberry; velvet bramble Br.
Mittelmeerdiät f
mediterranean diet
Levante f (Länder des östlichen Mittelmeeres) geogr.
Levant (countries in the Eastern Mediterranean)
Mittelmeerfeldgrille f (Gryllus bimaculatus) zool.
Mittelmeerfeldgrillen pl
Mediterraneanfield cricket; African field cricket; two-spotted cricket
Mediterraneanfield crickets; African field crickets; two-spotted crickets
Kiefern pl; Forlen pl Süddt.; Föhren pl Süddt. Ös. (Pinus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Einnadelige Kiefer f; Einblättrige Kiefer f; Nusskiefer f (Pinus monophylla)
Gemeine Kiefer f; Waldkiefer f; Weißkiefer f; Rotföhre f; Forche f (Pinus sylvestris)
Italienische Steinkiefer f; Mittelmeerkiefer f; Schirmkiefer f; Pinie f (Pinus pinea)
Bergkiefer f (Pinus mugo)
Latschenkiefer f; Latsche f; Legkiefer f; Legföhre f; Krummholzkiefer f; Krüppelkiefer f (Pinus mugo subsp. mugo)
Aufrechte Bergkiefer f; Hakenkiefer f; Spirke f (Pinus mugo subsp. uncinata)
Moor-Bergkiefer f; Moorspirke f (Pinus mugo subsp. rotundata)
Gelbkiefer f; Goldkiefer f; Ponderosa-Kiefer f (Pinus ponderosa)
Grannenkiefer f (Pinus aristata)
Japanische Zwergkiefer f; Zwergkiefer f (Pinus pumila)
Küstenkiefer f; Murraykiefer f; Drehkiefer f (Pinus contorta)
Pechkiefer f (Pinus rigida)
Weymouth(s)kiefer f; Strobe f (Pinus strobus)
Zirbelkiefer f; Zirbel f; Zirbe f; Zirm f; Arbe f; Arve f (Pinus cembra)
Aleppo-Kiefer f (Pinus halepensis)
Amerikanische Rotkiefer f (Pinus resinosa)
Chinesische Rotkiefer f (Pinus tabuliformis)
Emodi-Kiefer f (Pinus roxburghii)
Huangshan-Kiefer f (Pinus hwangshanensis)
Japanische Rotkiefer f (Pinus densiflora)
Japanische Schwarzkiefer f (Pinus thunbergii)
Kanarische Kiefer f; Kanarenkiefer f (Pinus canariensis)
Masson-Kiefer f (Pinus massoniana)
Merkus-Kiefer f (Pinus merkusii)
Okinawa-Kiefer f (Pinus luchuensis)
Östliche Mittelmeerkiefer f; Kalabrische Kiefer f; Türkische Kiefer f (Pinus brutia)
Philippinenkiefer f (Pinus kesiya)
Sandkiefer f (Pinus clausa)
Schlangenhaut-Kiefer f; Panzerkiefer f; Lorica-Kiefer f (Pinus heldreichii)
Schwarzkiefer f; Schwarzföhre f (Pinus nigra)
Seestrandkiefer f; Strandkiefer f; Seekiefer f; Meerkiefer f; Bordeaux-Kiefer f; Igelkiefer f; Sternkiefer f (Pinus pinaster)
Sikang-Kiefer f (Pinus densata)
Strauchkiefer f; Banks-Kiefer f (Pinus banksiana)
Taiwanesische Rotkiefer f; Taiwankiefer f (Pinus taiwanensis)
Tenasserim-Kiefer f (Pinus latteri)
Tropenkiefer f (Pinus tropicalis)
Virginia-Kiefer f; Jersey-Kiefer f (Pinus virginiana)
Yunnan-Kiefer f (Pinus yunnanensis)
pines (botanical genus)
single-leaf pinyon
Scots pine
stone pine; pine
dwarf mountain pine; scrub mountain pine, Swiss mountain pine; mountain pine
mugo mountain pine
uncinata mountain pine
rotundata mountain pine
Western yellow pine; blackjack pine; bullpine; ponderosa pine
Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine
Japanese stone pine; Siberian dwarf pine; dwarf stone pine; creeping pine
lodgepole pine; lodgepole; shore pine; twisted pine
pitch pine
Eastern Northern white pine; white pine; soft pine; Weymouth pine
Swiss stone pine; Swiss pine; arolla pine
Aleppo pine
red pine
Chinese red pine
chir pine
Huangshan pine
Japanese red pine
Japanese black pine, Japanese pine
Canary Island pine
Masson's pine; horsetail pine
Sumatran pine
Okinawa pine; Luchu pine
East Mediterranean pine; Calabrian pine; Turkish pine
Khasi pine
sandhill pine; sand pine
Bosnian pine
black pine
maritime pine; cluster pine
Sikang Pine
Jack pine; grey pine; scrub pine
Taiwan red pine; Formosan pine
Tenasserim pine
tropical pine
Virginia pine; Jersey pine
Yunnan Pine
Mittelmeerklima n meteo.
Mediterranean climate
Ernährung f; Kost f (das, was man gewohnheitsmäßig isst) cook.
Aufbaukost; Kost zum Aufbau von Körpermasse; anabole Ernährung (Kraftsport)
Beikost f (für Kranke) med.
Breikost f
Fleischkost f
Mittelmeerkost f
Schonkost f med.
Steinzeiternährung f; Paleo-Ernährung f
ungesunde Ernährung
sich ungesund ernähren
sich einseitig unausgewogen ernähren
Du musst mehr auf deine Ernährung achten und dich mehr bewegen.
diet (kind of food you habitually eat)
building diet; anabolic diet (strength sports)
supplementary diet
soft foods diet; soft diet
meat diet
mediterranean diet
bland diet
paleolithic diet; paleo diet; caveman diet; stone-age diet
unhealthy diet
to eat an unhealthy diet
to have an unbalanced diet
You have to watch your diet more (carefully) and get more exercise.
spanische Mittelmeerküste
Spanish Mediterranean coast
Mittelmeerküste f geogr.
die französische Mittelmeerküste
Mediterranean coast; Mediterranean coastline
the French Mediterranean coast
Mittelmeerländer pl; Mittelmeerstaaten pl geogr.
Mediterranean countries
Mittelmeermöwe f ornith.
Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis)
Mittelmeermöwe f (Larus michahellis) ornith.
yellow-legged gull
Mittelmeerpolitik f pol.
Mediterranean policy
Mittelmeerraum m geogr.
im Mittelmeerraum
the Mediterranean region area
around the Mediterranean
Gregale m (Nordostwind im Mittelmeerraum) meteo.
Gragale (northeaster in the Mediterranean)
Libeccio m (Südwestwind im Mittelmeerraum) meteo.
Libeccio (south-westerly wind in the Mediterranean)
Mittelmeerraum m geogr.
im östlichen Mittelmeerraum
the Mediterranean region; the Mediterranean area; the Mediterranean
in the eastern Mediterranean
Ostro m; Austro m (Südwind im Mittelmeerraum) meteo.
Ostro; Austro (southerly wind in the Mediterranean)
Zollhaus n; Zollhäuschen n
Zollhäuser pl; Zollhäuschen pl
Zollhäuschen (im Mittelmeerraum) hist.
customs house
customs houses
douane (customs house in the Mediterranean)
Mittelmeersandschnecke f; Dünenschnecke f (Theba pisana) zool.
Mediterranean coastal snail; Mediterranean snail; white Italian snail; white garden snail; sand hill snail
Tetrapturus-Speerfische pl (Tetrapturus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Kurzschnäuziger Speerfisch m (Tetrapturus angustirostris)
Mittelmeerspeerfisch m (Tetrapturus belone)
Georgi-Speerfisch m (Tetrapturus georgii)
Langschnäuziger Speerfisch m (Tetrapturus pfluegeri)
spearfishes (zoological genus)
shortbill spearfish
Mediterranean spearfish
roundscale spearfish
longbill spearfish
Zypresse f bot.
Zypressen pl (Cupressus) (botanische Gattung)
Arizonazypresse f (Cupressus arizonica)
italienische Zypresse f; Mittelmeerzypresse f; echte Zypresse f (Cupressus sempervirens)
Kaschmirzypresse f (Cupressus cashmeriana)
Modoc-Zypresse f (Cupressus baker)
Monterey-Zypresse f (Cupressus macrocarpa)
Tränenzypresse f; Trauerzypresse f (Cupressus funebris)
Yunnan-Zypresse f (Cupressus duclouxiana)
cypresses (botanical genus)
Arizona cypress
Italian cypress; Mediterranean cypress
Kashmir cypress
Modoc cypress; Baker's cypress
Monterey cypress
Chinese weeping cypress; mourning cypress
Yunnan cypress; Chinese cypress; Ducloux cypress

Deutsche Mittelmeerfeldgrille Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Mittelmeerfeldgrille Synonym nachschlagen

Englische Mediterraneanfield cricket; African field cricket; two-spotted cricket Synonyme

Mittelmeerfeldgrille Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to Africa.
(n.) A native of Africa
(a.) Five-spotted.
(n.) An orthopterous insect of the genus Gryllus, and allied genera. The males make chirping, musical notes by rubbing together the basal parts of the veins of the front wings.
(n.) A low stool.
(n.) A game much played in England, and sometimes in America, with a ball, bats, and wickets, the players being arranged in two contesting parties or sides.
(n.) A small false roof, or the raising of a portion of a roof, so as to throw off water from behind an obstacle, such as a chimney.
(v. i.) To play at cricket.
(a.) Marked with spots like eyes.
Fen cricket
() The mole cricket.
(n.) Cleared land
(n.) A piece of land of considerable size
(n.) A place where a battle is fought
(n.) An open space
(n.) Any blank space or ground on which figures are drawn or projected.
(n.) The space covered by an optical instrument at one view.
(n.) The whole surface of an escutcheon
(n.) An unresticted or favorable opportunity for action, operation, or achievement
(n.) A collective term for all the competitors in any outdoor contest or trial, or for all except the favorites in the betting.
(n.) That part of the grounds reserved for the players which is outside of the diamond
(v. i.) To take the field.
(v. i.) To stand out in the field, ready to catch, stop, or throw the ball.
(v. t.) To catch, stop, throw, etc. (the ball), as a fielder.
(imp. & p. p.) of Spot
(a.) Marked with spots

Mediterraneanfield cricket; African field cricket; two-spotted cricket / Mediterraneanfield crickets; African field crickets; two-spotted crickets Bedeutung

field goal a score in American football, a score made by kicking the ball between the opponents' goal posts
field goal
a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop
field trip a group excursion (to a museum or the woods or some historic place) for firsthand examination
outdoor sport
field sport
a sport that is played outdoors
track and field participating in athletic sports performed on a running track or on the field associated with it
field game an outdoor game played on a field of specified dimensions
field hockey
a game resembling ice hockey that is played on an open field, two opposing teams use curved sticks try to drive a ball into the opponents' net
cricket a game played with a ball and bat by two teams of players, teams take turns trying to score runs
field work an investigation carried out in the field rather than in a laboratory or headquarters
dark ground illumination
dark field illumination
a form of microscopic examination of living material by scattered light, specimens appear luminous against a dark background
left field
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the left third of the outfield (looking from home plate)
center field
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the central third of the outfield
right field
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the right third of the outfield (looking from home plate)
signal caller
field general
(American football) the position of the football player in the backfield who directs the offensive play of his team, quarterback is the most important position on the team
field trial a test of young hunting dogs to determine their skill in pointing and retrieving
field press censorship security review of news (including all information or material intended for dissemination to the public) subject to the jurisdiction of the armed forces
field of operation
line of business
a particular kind of commercial enterprise, they are outstanding in their field
Bosworth Field the battle that ended the Wars of the Roses (), Richard III was killed and Henry Tudor was crowned as Henry VII
Battle of Flodden Field
a battle in , the English defeated the invading Scots and James IV was killed
spotted eagle ray
spotted ray
Aetobatus narinari
ray with back covered with white or yellow spots, widely distributed in warm seas
field sparrow
Spizella pusilla
common North American finch of brushy pasturelands
spotted antbird
Hylophylax naevioides
a kind of antbird
spotted flycatcher
Muscicapa striata
Muscicapa grisola
common European woodland flycatcher with greyish-brown plumage
spotted owl
Strix occidentalis
a large owl of North America found in forests from British Columbia to central Mexico, has dark brown plumage and a heavily spotted chest
spotted salamander fire salamander
Salamandra maculosa
European salamander having dark skin with usually yellow spots
spotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum glossy black North American salamander with yellow spots
cricket frog either of two frogs with a clicking call
northern cricket frog
Acris crepitans
a cricket frog of eastern and central United States
eastern cricket frog
Acris gryllus
a cricket frog of eastern United States
African clawed frog
Xenopus laevis
a tongueless frog native to Africa, established in the United States as result of release of laboratory and aquarium animals
Chihuahuan spotted whiptail
Cnemidophorus exsanguis
having longitudinal stripes overlaid with light spots, upland lizard of United States southwest and Mexico
African chameleon
Chamaeleo chamaeleon
a chameleon found in Africa
African monitor
Varanus niloticus
destroys crocodile eggs
African crocodile
Nile crocodile
Crocodylus niloticus
a dangerous crocodile widely distributed in Africa
African coral snake
Aspidelaps lubricus
small widely distributed arboreal snake of southern Africa banded in black and orange
African grey
African gray
Psittacus erithacus
commonly domesticated grey parrot with red-and-black tail and white face, native to equatorial Africa
spotted crake
Porzana porzana
Eurasian rail of swamps and marshes
spotted sandpiper
Actitis macularia
common North American sandpiper
field spaniel large usually black hunting and retrieving spaniel with a dense flat or slightly wavy coat, cross between cocker and Sussex spaniel
liver-spotted dalmatian a brown-spotted dalmatian
African hunting dog
hyena dog
Cape hunting dog
Lycaon pictus
a powerful doglike mammal of southern and eastern Africa that hunts in large packs, now rare in settled area
spotted hyena
laughing hyena
Crocuta crocuta
African hyena noted for its distinctive howl
spotted lynx
Lynx pardina
of southern Europe
jackass bat
spotted bat
Euderma maculata
a large bat of the southwestern United States having spots and enormous ears
two-spotted ladybug
Adalia bipunctata
red ladybug with a black spot on each wing
mormon cricket
Anabrus simplex
large dark wingless cricket-like katydid of arid parts of western United States
sand cricket
Jerusalem cricket
Stenopelmatus fuscus
large wingless nocturnal grasshopper that burrows in loose soil along the Pacific coast of the United States
cricket leaping insect, male makes chirping noises by rubbing the forewings together
mole cricket digs in moist soil and feeds on plant roots
European house cricket
Acheta domestica
lives in human dwellings, naturalized in parts of America
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